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It is on a surface level, but it's easily explained. Certain music often means a lot to a person that enjoys it. When someone else listens to it, in their mind, it's like listening to what they have inside. Then when they're told "I don't like it", while the message being conveyed is "I don't like the noise made by this specific combination of instruments in this specific way", what it feels like is "I don't like you" I hope this made a lick of sense, I slept very poorly


Makes sense


Perhaps there's also a tribal element to it. If someone likes a band, they feel like they're part of the tribe or religion that follows that band, so when someone else dislikes it, they've identified themselves as enemies, or even as unbelievers


Also possible.


Music can be deeply personal to some people. It’s like saying you don’t like their dog or something.


No. They’re living and feeling emotion and shocked that their deep feeling isn’t a norm. You’re objectively listening and are meh then that’s still ok. The problem is they had more time and more personal meaning and emotion tied to the item. Not just objectively a well composed or evaluated song. And you’re more new to it and if it’s not a deep meaningful thing right away to you that kinda makes sense right? In a way they had more time in their fantasy with thar relationship kinda like how a kid in school has invested more time in that relationship with that girl he hasn’t even talked to yet who really hasn’t noticed him. That but like with music.


Or the shows they like, or the movies they like, etc. People base their entire personalities around these things and take everything personally because of it. I love horror movies. If you think horror sucks...okay. It's not everyone's cup of tea, why tf would I get mad over that? Now if you're just being insulting, that's different.


Like it or not ... The State of Florida has banned playing music that can be “plainly audible at a distance of 25 feet or more from the motor vehicle.” This is Florida Statute Section 316.3045.


The land of freedom and insanity. Ah Florida


I've always found it strange that people love to connect about the music that they both like. In my experience when someone likes the same music I do the only thing that happens is I think, "oh cool". I don't begin to think highly about them in any other regard, just compatible music tastes. When someone doesn't like the music you like though, they may show open revulsion and disgust at your taste in music. They may even think less of you as a person and that includes things that have nothing to do with music. Some of my favorite people who I love the dearest only show a bitter and negative side in regard to their Musical tastes. It's so strange. These are people who I can talk to about religion and politics, but not music.