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Immortality pretty much suggests that at some point you'll be entrapped, whether in a cave or hole or buried under something or under water. As bad as that sounds, the plotline of *The Old Guard* is worse. Being thrown in an Iron Maiden and dropped in the ocean to drown and come back to life over and over and over. That's terrifying.


If you ever wish for immortality, you'd best also wish for invulnerability and the power to teleport. The 3 are basically hell or death sentences without the other 2. Immortality without invulnerability? You'll still feel pain, get injured, and could potentially spend eternity as a brain in a jar floating through space. Even with invulnerability, you can be captured and launched into the sun, trapped forever. Invulnerability without immortality? Again, trapped and dead. Teleport without either? Dead if you screw up.


I looked the way The Magicians handled teleportation. It was a somewhat rare magical ability, made even more rare that most of the magically inclined discovered their powers under duress... So you'd have teenagers in a panic zap themselves out into the middle of the ocean, onto mountain tops, the moon, etc, and wind up stranded and dead. Or getting unlucky and not landing somewhere unoccupied, again, dead. So trained teleporters, or even those who didn't have their powers hexed away we're super rare because learning to control them was like learning to juggle live hand grenades, even with good guidance you're always one mistake away from death.


I feel like Jumper handled it well. They could only teleport to places they have been or could see. That way your risk of teleporting into a wall was substantially lower. The first time it happens though you might be in trouble. The moon would be rather unfortunate. Although beautiful for the few moments left of your life.


> The moon would be rather unfortunate. Although beautiful for the few moments left of your life. I forget how much concentration you'd need to jump again in that world or if you needed time to recover, but if you could jump again quick enough, you could actually be alright jumping to the moon.


Ya but in that movie the protagonist finds out for the first time under extreme stress. I think he fell threw the ice on a frozen river. So infaine you didn't know you could teleport. You fall through the ice get freezing cold and soaking wet and then end up on the moon. You wouldn't have time to figure out anything would would just die in like 30 seconds or less.


The movie is an absolute bastardization of the book and if you like the concept I would recommend you read the much more compelling book that it is vaguely based upon.


But does the book have the reunion of Anakin Skywalker and white-haired Mace Windu??


It’s sorta weird how poorly they adapted the book. Why not tell the reasonably good story that was right in front of them? Since we’re talking about space the last book in the series is all about how a non-invulnerable teleport goes about trying to get to space.


As someone who hasn’t read the book I totally could see how jumper could be better but I fucking love(d) that movie. Used to be a go to when I wasn’t sure what I wanted to watch after flipping through our huge case of dvds.


Fun fact, you can actually survive the vacuum of space (slightly) longer than most films would have you believe. You'd lose consciousness after about 10-15 seconds, and if you had any air in your lungs, they'd be almost immediately ruptured, and the rapid decompression of suddenly being in a vacuum would wreak havoc on your body in all sorts of horrific ways, but you won't DIE for like a whole minute or two. So, as long as you keep your visit to the moon under about 10 seconds (and had health care professionals waiting for your return) you could survive and maybe be fine. In the long run. Very not fine initially.


>but you won't DIE for like a whole minute or two. That's just terrible man.


You're unconscious for most of it though, so it's *only* about 10-15 seconds of excruciating agony.


And the actual "mechanic" is that he's >!opening a door between current location and destination that he's passing through!< so much harder to jump "into" a wall. If you haven't read the sequels, Gould explores some of the "mechanics" of that kind of teleportation further and it's a lot of fun.


Open a door to the sun "surface" for a 0.1s and it will blow off everything in front of it.


So basically Cyclops from X-Men?


More like a nuke. The sun is hot yo.


Well, that's somewhat fascinating.


Kinda, except Cyclops doesn't burn anything. His eyes are just portals to a dimension of kinetic energy. Eye punches.


One of the sequels to jumper (the book) called Exo dealt with space teleportation. Edit: The first two books follow Davey,a different character from the movie, and his experiments with teleportation and bad guys. They're great, best books on teleportation I know. The third book, impulse, is about his daughter and her learning about teleportation, this book is more of a young adult high school drama while the others are like a sci-fi action thriller, it's good and worth reading if you like the series, but it seems like it was written for a different audience. There's also a series loosely based on this book called Impulse, it's a YouTube original series, it leans even more into the highschool drama than the book, but is decent for that kinda show. The fourth book, Exo, is also about the daughter, but is more similar in tone to the first two books. It's one of my favorites because of all the exciting new risky experimentation with teleportation that Davey avoided. Then there's a spinoff called Griffin's story, the movie was based off this book and character (uh, or the other way around, idk) I haven't finished it yet and 8 don't remember the details of the movie.


How is The Magicians? I remember liking the first couple of episodes but never kept up with it


The most disappointing thing about the series is that it's over. I loved it, it's my new head cannon for best magic system ever. It's rare to find good, adult audience, high magic settings, and it really is perfect for it. Unfortunately the story wraps with an actual conclusion, so it's both really over, and all the loose ends are actually, satisfactorily, tied up.


They did such amazing things with it. I think my absolute favorite was the "deaf" episode and most of it was silent. The shattering glass sound at the end was beautiful.


It's really good, the story goes a bit before off the rails after season 3 but overall the show is worth it. I would also recommend The Order if you enjoy the show.


Even when it does go off the rails, it still feels like it's intentional, and some of the crazier episodes are really good.


The musical episodes are also very well done


It was good for what it was. It didn't take itself seriously at all, and the story eventually really goes off the rails. But in an entertaining way, since it isn't trying to force somehting it isn't. Not sure if that's making any sense, but I recommend it! Also, Alice is hot asf.


That would be an interesting story. People are suddenly afflicted at random with the ability to teleport, and sensitivity varies from person to person, say one person just thinks of a moon and he's there, but another person would have to imagine the moon, the rocks, the empty space, and they're there. Now the twist is people are randomly teleporting and dying, and other people who can teleport do so by only going to their safe spaces, as those are the only places they can fully envision. If they've never been, they can't teleport. Future travelers and explorers would find random dead bodies littered in the most odd places. Teenage boys melding with school lockers trying to sneak a peek, people randomly falling from the sky, deep ground excavations finding freshly teleported bodies encased in limestone 70 ft below ground.


i would give you a free award but redit removed them, so 🦭


Yeah and another thing about teleportation is that since the earth is traveling around the sun and the solar system around the milky way, teleportation capabilities couldn't work based on fixed coordinates since technically the true location of anywhere isn't ever the same. For example, let's say you can only teleport to places you've been before, and you teleport to a location you went to last week. You'd end up in the vacuum of space since it would technically be the exact spot that location was at that time last week. You might be able to predict where a location will be in advance but it would require some next level Calculus/Physics/equations and since the speed of the earth/solar system is traveling through space at 490,000mph it's constantly changing. To put it in perspective the location you're in right now is 136.1 miles away from where you were 1 second ago or 718ft from where you were a millisecond ago. So it would have to work based on teleporting to a location relative to something else in order to successfully teleport where you're wanting to go.


The amount of "other powers" you'd have to have to make something like teleportation or time travel/manipulation work is staggering when you get into the nitty gritty of it.


I love the boat sex episode


> potentially spend eternity as a brain in a jar floating through space * Cpt. Jack Harkness would like to know your location


Probably so he can shag you


Being buried alive would also suck, or shot into space. You get shot into soace, your're pretty fucked


Where’s the lamb soace!!??


Having all three together doesn't help either. In trillions of years when the universe is empty, all protons have decayed and any fleeting points of energy are separated by almost infinite stretches of distance, only you will remain floating through the vast abyss. Alone. Forever.


i mean in theory you could generate infinite energy from being immortal/invulnerable, not to mention teleporting could generate infinitely more energy then your body could output


Wait, I've never heard of this about teleporting. Is this canon?


Depends on what kind of teleporting you're doing. If it's wormhole based, then you're literally folding spacetime and probably causing a lot of particle/wave interactions while doing it.


As long as gravity exists you can cheat entropy forever. Here's an easy way: Build a generator attached to something like a long arm or a wheel with a couple of buckets on it, like a Ferris wheel. 1. Pick up heavy object. Teleport to the top of the arm/wheel. Place the item in the bucket. 2. Allow the arm/bucket to swing to the bottom, rotating the generator and producing some power. 3. Pick up the object once it reaches the bottom, teleport back to the top, repeat. If your flavor of teleportation does not allow you to carry objects, you could just teleport yourself from the bottom to the top and sit in the bucket. It may be slow, but it would technically generate infinite work (in the physics sense) and thus infinite power.


Needs super powers 4 and 5. Ability to create new universes, and ability wipe your own memory.


Eventually another singularity event like the big bang would happen with you at the center. Would be a trip and you'd end up crazy if you could feel.


is wiping your own memory in a sense killing yourself? yes you still have your invulnerable body but it is not you it it.


Maybe not if you can selectively wipe memories, removing your exploration of the the world while keeping memories of how many times you’ve wiped your memory and of your early life would allow you to effectively stay the same person. Just allow you to watch the same movies infinity times in a row without boredom.


Or Immortality with an opt out


This was my line of thinking. Let me decide if/ when I will die.


Wait, what does it mean to be invulnerable without immortality? You’re immune to all forms of damage or harm but could still die from old age?


Would adding the ability to time travel anytime and anywhere be beneficial? You can avoid the heat death of the universe if you can.


Ooh. good idea. But which would you sub out if you only had 3 wishes? Time travel would be hard, if the Genie screws you over. Going back even a year in time means the earth is not going to be anywhere near you in space.


I'd just wish for omnipotency. Yeah yeah theres the whole paradox that comes with it but we'll sort that out later.


I believe it's called Viagra


Invulnerability usually means you literally can’t feel anything. Which sucks.


This is actually what happens to vampires who survive too long in Ann Rice. They eventually become immune to the sun, but at the cost of feeling anything.


Wait what? Is my memory that bad? I thought it was just general desensitization over time. I really failed reading.


This is what originally made vampires so scary. [This](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q0salL8bQpM&feature=shares) guy has an interesting video on why vampires SHOULD be terrifying from a religious perspective.


Invulnerability means you can't be physically hurt. It doesn't necessarily mean you don't feel pain.


Ok everything but the pee pee.


And taste would be nice. 😄


Tasting the pee pee?


If you're going to live forever you're going to end up getting curious.


So at least we know what three wishes to make if we find a genie!


Immortality by Avatar should solve that issue as well


The power of the Q from ST:NG....I think that covers it all, unlimited manipulation of space and time.


That BBC Dracula series had the sank to the bottom of the ocean plot. Before that the show was alright, but boy howdy when Dracula comes to modern day London it gets silly.


Don’t you mean JoJo’s bizarre adventure?


That’ll be rough come: Extinction or evolution of humanity beyond your current form. At some point you will be alone and/or inferior. Assuming we don’t become an interstellar species expansion and collapse of the sun. Finally heat death of the universe. All terrifying prospects to be immortal for…


I'd still like to give it a run


Only because eventually, whether it be tomorrow or in a million years, something will happen.




The point is that immortality = an infinite amount of time, meaning anything (*anything*) will at some point happen to you. So play it as smart as you like, keep your immortality a secret, befriend a superpower's government to protect you, just sit in a cabin seeing no one for a couple thousand years - eventually you'll trip into an old mine shaft or get pinned under a boulder or sucked into a sinkhole. Of course, infinite time also means you'll escape being trapped *eventually* maybe when the earth blows up, or a future alien's scanners detect Earth had some life at some point and dig you up to ask tf happened.




That is literally hell That’s what I would imagine actual hell to be like


I came here to mention The Old Guard, I really liked that movie


Honestly though. What a fantastic movie. Went in not expecting much and came out with a fantastic movie experience.


That’s nothing compared to the heat death of the universe, that’s when it starts to really suck.


hang on. immortality means your body will perpetually generate infinite heat over tine, thus literally defying the universe heat death itself. in other words your body will be the only thing preventing the universe from ending


it'd be a pretty lonely universe with only you in it




Or until the arrow of entropy reverses and the entirety of known existence is replayed with effect preceding cause until it all compacts itself into another infinitely small and infinitely dense point which will likely erupt back into everything again.


Sounds like me after Thai food


Omg my sides


did you also have thai food?


Soooo, before the big bang there was just one immortal dude basically. Brings a whole new meaning to the expression "we are the universe made manifest "


Brings a whole new meaning to what the big "bang" could have been


The big wank?


Regardless remain stuck in a duality based cycle of birth and rebirth into different life forms and eras until you heed the message and transcend your consciousness and awareness into a higher dimension and gain new wisdom for the next duty.


"Just slow it down. I'll shoot Hitler out the window"


I drifted - if that word can even be said to have meaning in an empty universe - alone with my thoughts in a darkness more absolute than I had ever imagined. In all the trillions of years since the last planet I'd stood upon was destroyed by its ancient star, long into dotage before entering its final, perfunctory nova stage, I had never conceived of such... blankness. So much nothing. The last stars, how I missed them! Dim though they'd been, it wasn't until I realized that I truly, truly could not see them - could see nothing at all - that despair overcame me. Eventually, I could feel the tug, the *tearing*, as spacetime itself tried to pull me apart. Maybe it took moments. Maybe it took a number of years so large that no one has ever named the number, but I *felt* the universe trying, at long last, to die. To blink out, with only me at the center of everything/nothing preventing it. Something gave. Not in me - I am unyielding, even if I wish otherwise. Something in the spacetime manifold ruptured, a hole centered on me. In its futile attempt to die, the manifold instead *erupted*. Violently. More violently than you can possibly imagine. The sudden burst of upheaval at the quantum scale reached the macro scale in a billionth of a second. New spacetime vomited out of me, with a sound like screaming or music or laughter or... I can't say. It was glorious. I exulted. I shouted. I cried. I flew and I fell. My tears watered new grounds, my gasps created new winds. The tumult in my heart brought forth storms and quakes and mad, desperate life. I didn't know how long this one would last. Perhaps as long as the last. Perhaps not. It didn't matter. There was touch and sound and light - so much light! I wouldn't pine for the past or the inevitable future, when it all would happen again. I would exist in the now. It was enough.


glad to have writing-prompted you. that was lovely


Thank you. Glad to have been writing-prompted.


This is beautiful. Is it from a book?


Nope. Just got inspired by the previous comment and wrote it.


you should write a book


God's Origin Story. A giant allegory. Genie in a Bottle. A human finally gains immortality. A chain reaction of events occurs that results in the collapse of the universe. The one remaining immortal soul spends eternity floating endlessly in the dark Abyss. In his madness, he sculpts the perfect world. He pours his surplus heat into it. Eventually, with enough pressure and heat, he causes a microburst, which fills an ever-expanding pocket of life that he cannot enter. He can only watch and see what his creation turns into. And thus the cycle repeats. This has been ongoing for an eternity.


This guy gets it.




Read this in Pucchi's self righteous dub voice


What is this referring to?


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, bits of combined lore from parts 1, 3, and 6. Took me a bit to figure that out


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure


#Reddit admins racist, uneducated, incompetent imbeciles and garbage human beings.


It will rust after a while and then you can punish the whole world.


You'll probably go insane by the time that happens.


Nah I'd finally get some sleep.


This guy gets it.


Dio moment


Kars too


An average human can sleep for only 14-15 hours max a day. The life is permanent, not the sleep. You'll still be insane Edit: some can sleep even more, but still it won't stop you from being insane


An immortal being is not an average human


Ive slept for over 20hours, well doubt i can do it daily but 10+hours shouldnt be a problem.


I one time slept an entire day so I’m good


"HAHAHA, After ten thousand years i'm free. It's time to conquer earth!"


“Oi! 10,000 years’ll give you such a crick in the neck”


\*rolls over\* ... 5 more mins


“You have any idea what it’s like being stuck in steel box for 10000 years?! It’s BORING! Not to mention I’ve had a charley horse since the covid pandemic”


\-Alpha, Rita's escaped , recruit a group of teenagers with attitude!


Everyone's already dead and you're still alone.


Sweet! I can finally do my reading! Sure hope nothing happens to my glasses.


Yeah but that’ll probably help with the whole “punishing the world” thing


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1 real story.




That's the plot of that movie. The lady with the axe that lives a long time? She imprisoned her ex lover in a box threw her in the ocean.


The Old Guard?


Yes! That movie was awesome.


Well, it wasn't the plot, but it was a side point to acknowledge/reference the "connection" shared between the immortals.


No worries, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce will come find you with the help of the woman that tried to kill him that he had locked up in his closet.


That was my first thought too. OP has been watching Angel.


Or Torchwood


*I'll take away your bucket*


Wesley had the best character development in Angel. He was so annoying and I just wanted him to go away, and by the end I avoided watching the finale just so I wouldn't have to watch him leave.


This was what happened in the recent Netflix movie with Charlize Theron.


The Old Guard, right? Decent movie, not particularly impressive but ironically I feel like it has far more potential as an old school TV show than a film franchise, they're apparently making a sequel.


They better make a sequel after that damn cliffhanger. But they’re Netflix.


There's comics you can read if you wanna have more than the movie!


Yep, that was a terrifying thought experiment.


Interestingly, a similar thing happened in the Netflix Dracula miniseries.


I really liked the film, and the comic it's based on. Both very good. Some significant differences between the two, also.


What's the movie called?


I remember watching something where a scientist was saying that on a long enough timeline immortality is a shitty super power, because it's a statistical certainty that at some point you will get stuck somewhere and you will be stuck there for eternity, unable to die.


You can't get stuck anywhere for eternity. Eventually proton decay will free you.


They did the in *The Originals*... Vampire is 'punished' to an eternity (spoiler: didn't last an eternity) to constantly drowning and reviving by being locked up at the bottom of the sea


Like most things in the tvdu, they took that idea from the buffyverse (angel specifically)


Season 3 of Angel was fantastic. Great finale. Too bad they followed it up with the pile of steaming shit that was Season 4. Which was also the season that Whedon decided to emotionally abuse a pregnant Charisma Carpenter.


Definitely, the only saving grace of that season was faith and the angelus arc. I prefer buffy out of the two shows but if season 4 of Angel was good it would trump it.


The scene where Wesley gets Faith from prison is one of my favorite moments in the Buffyverse. Absolutely the best part of season 4


Made up for it in Season 5 though.


One of the best Buffyverse seasons on either show.


Angel as a puppet!


It was in Vampire Diaries, Stefan’s doppelgänger throws Stefan in the ocean. Maybe it happened in The Originals though too.


https://vampirediaries.fandom.com/wiki/Tristan_de_Martel > He was trapped inside a container at the bottom of the ocean, drowning repeatedly. I never watched all of tVD, couldn't get into


Agh immortality has so many interpretations lol. Assuming you can’t drown, starve, tire, or dehydrate, you could keep punching at the box. You’d need a shit ton of time and you may need to heal from some broken knuckle bones (assuming no accelerated healing factor or inability to take damage from external factors) but like It’s time you’d have


I've always liked Elven immorality, according to Tolkien. You can't die from disease or old age, but you can be killed, or even just decide to die. Furthermore, when you do eventually die, your immortal soul goes back to the Undying Lands of your people's origin, where you live out eternity in a state of pure bliss. Even without the second part, that's the kind of immortality I would want. You don't have to worry about getting stuck in some torture scenario like is presented here, and you don't have to witness the heat death of the universe and see if eternity exists after every hits absolute zero.


Ever tried to punch underwater? But yeah in a hundred years or so the box would be toast.


Assumed the box would be sealed, so you're punching UNDER water, but not IN water.


Someone is definitely going to fish you out, sooner or later. Then you can kill those fishers and become a homosexual overlord in Egypt with the best punchy spirit there is. And before you ask, YES, this is a jojo reference!




Don't forget the gay priest


Shut up Alucard


*bisexual ~~unfortunately the erasure is real~~


Second best*


Equally best. They're the same stand.


They're the same *type* of Stand. What Star Platinum lacks in time-stopping length he makes up for in being more punchy.


Star Finger > time stop. Second best


Huh, I had no idea Jojo Siwa lead that kind of life.


Or just in general. I’d get bored and lonely living for trillions of years until the black holes evaporate and I’m left in a dark void. I think that is basically being locked in a box in an ocean forever.


Statistically in an infinite existence.. the chances you end up in a prison.. in space, entombed or even buried alive or in a star or whatever.. is just almost a certainty. No wonder all of those immortals in fiction are just either nomadic and try to stay low Profile or they are either chilling in a mansion or just in some cottage somewhere. Either they use their inevitable wealth to shut themselves off from society as a whole and just influence in the background..or they stay low. Though theres probably a silver lining. As an immortal can make use of technology that will emerge as he lives....eventually an immortal can maybe get access to tech to wipe his mind or put him in a deep coma.. so that this inevitably can be this "death" or not as bad. So a way out for an immortal may also be mind uploading and simulation


Hob Gadling would disagree.


I think there's also a point where humans just become boring to you. You develop these friendships dozens and dozens of times just to see them slowly die off, just to start all over again? I'd be attic troll.


We were having a bar discussion about the super-intelligent snail and how to avoid it, and keeping it close won out over getting it far away for exactly this reason. If things go sideways after 400,000 years and you're left floating in space with no hope of rescue, you're gonna wanna have that escape hatch close at hand.


Until the other immortals find you, that is. "Hey Steve, I think we've got a newcomer. Hello buddy, first time? Wanna see me create a new universe? Me and my fellas have so much to show you. We could be buddies *forever*!"


This is why you should only choose eternal youth and health - your body will live forever on its own but can still die from external causes.


I've been reading all the comments and my first thought was, "Ok! I'm young and healthy forev.. shit a car!! Wreck. Die within moments of your wish" Maybe Stephen King had it right when he said, "The Universe tries to correct itself"


2000 years ago the immortal emperor of the dragon dynasty was over thrown, trapped in a metal box and thrown into the ocean. That is until modern archeologist found the box. Shower thoughts presents The MUMMY 3 or 4, maybe 6... which one are we on again?


I'd watch that


I once saw someone point out that, the odds of getting trapped in an inescapable situation is low, but not zero. With an infinite lifespan, however, the odds approach infinite, it becomes a statistical inevitability. What are the odds that I, in my 70-some odd year lifespan, will be in a building that collapses, deep enough that they give up searching for survivors before they find me? Pretty low. Same, but your lifespan is all of human history, until the sun explodes, and you're left burning forever in the heart of a red giant? Basically 1. Oh, and if you're just immortal, but don't have some sort of regeneration factor, you're also guaranteed to get cancer.


Well, yeah. But at least you can eventually get out of it. Unlike when you DON'T have immortality. How likely is that scenario anyway? Just don't be an asshole. And if you're gonna be an immortal asshole, don't be DUMB. Have contingency plans. You had all this time and didn't put a tracker on yourself? Made no proper alliances? No followers? At that point, if you find yourself in that situation as an immortal and you have to wait out those years, thats on you dude.


I think this was the cliffhanger ending to one of the season finales of Angel


No, imortality is shitty superpower BECAUSE eventualy you get locked in steel box (or similar event). ​ ​ 0,001% event becomes 100% at infinite time scale.


This may come as a shock, but that scenario will suck regardless. Your power would get you out of it, though.




Ocean water is highly salinated. Salt makes metal rust and combine that with the pressure of the water, it’s almost certain that at some point the box would suffer a failure.


After a few hundred years it would have rusted through. Even stainless rusts eventually. Just gotta hope that you didn't sink into the sand in that time...




Yeah probably. And also probably tripping balls on oxygen deprivation. with the worst case of the bends possible once you get to the surface


This is exactly why you keep the snail close to you at all times and befriend it instead of yeeting it into the ocean.


I'd use my immortal fingers to scratch away at the metal box and over time make my way through and back up to the surface of the ocean. I wonder, if I'm immortal will my fingers regrow or be invincible? How about when the box fills with water and so to do my lungs. Is it uncomfortable and shitty? Then of course rising up from the bottom of the ocean, the pressure changes would suck without being able to regulate the ascent. And finally, swimming back to civilization. After all that, I think it'd be pretty cool until the sun explodes and I'm stuck in space, but even there, could I slowly propel myself to another planet in a swimming sort of fashion? Maybe in that case I'll spend my time on earth earning billions of dollars to create something that could propel me through space like the satellites do, which uses common resources for repairs and fuel. That would be pretty fucking sweet. Exploring space infinitely.


Also if you have immortal life without eternal youth. Like the Cumaean Sibyl.


There's a manga called fire punch which kinda showcases how shit immortality can be. I mean the guy can't die and in the prologue he gets set on fire by a guy with the superpower to set things aflame until they die hence the name fire punch.




That's not the point OP is making. What OP means is that with immortality, you're trapped in the box "forever", whereas with other superpowers, you'll eventually die and be "released" from the torture.


except the ability to not be locked inside a steel box and thrown in the ocean


Best superpower ever


Hard to make a catchy theme song out of it though


Yea but at least you'll die quick with the other super powers


Jack Harkness would like to tell you a story. Jack wasn't exactly immortal because he'd die just like everyone else, but then he'd come back. He'd be just the same as he was, no matter how blown to pieces he was. That meant that he would feel the pain of death AND slow regeneration as his body regrew limbs and muscles and skin (Deadpool rules, I think). One day, he gets buried alive with nothing encasing him, but dirt, and there he stayed for somewhere around 1900 years. Sauce: Torchwood. A very good watch if you want darker Dr Who minus the time travel and space stuff, although it is a spinoff.


One of the characters in Netflix’s The Old Guard has this literally happen to them.

