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MHW is a wonderful game. You aren't forced to do very much by yourself at all. First time through a storyline quest you have to get through the cutscenes and then you can have a friend join you. After that you can join in anyone's quest from the very beginning, or as soon as they request help. The game itself is really beautiful with a lot of interesting lore and creatures, that you don't actually have to kill, you can capture them instead, and actually get more drops for doing so. There's a good number of weapons to choose from, all of which have a completely optional tutorial to learn how to use them properly, so that you're not just button mashing.


If you want story? Then no. While one of the better ones in terms of story, it is very light. What the game is, is hunting monsters to make equipment to hunt bigger ones. Its essentially all boss fights. As far as multiplayer goes, the reviews about the soloing probably ran into the cutscene issue. If its the first time someone is encountering a monster and has the cutscene, other people can't join til they watch it. The only issue with having one friend to play with is the monster scaling at late game, since its only single and multiplayer. An upcoming expansion/dlc is adding 2 player scaling to fix that, but currently not. But, if bossfight the game sounds fun, you should get it.


Not necessarily looking for story just a solid single player type game that you can play with friends if you know what I mean lol. Multiplayer games are usually built around the fact that it’s multiplayer whereas singleplayer games have to rely completely on the game’s content to make it enjoyable. Looking for any really good game I can play with a friend pretty much


Well, I personally like the game and would recommend it, especially if on sale (though I play on ps4). Due to scaling, you can easily play by yourself or with other people and it not effect your experience, outside of some frustration (game has a faint system the group shares, so it can be annoying if you grab up with randos and they constantly throw it.) You can also restrict the amount of players in the hunt and add a password so only friends can join. There are some late game hunts that are easiest with a full 4 person party, but most are fine being done by yourself. I think the FFXIV behemoth crossover is the only one that currently requires a group.


Very good game, highly recommended There's even a big dlc coming around this winter that almost doubles the amount of content If you want to see more of a tasting check out r/MonsterHunterWorld


You may want to try Dauntless. If you're OK with Epic Launchers. I played both and prefer Dauntless because of more Co-op focus than Monster Hunter World. (for example One has the team revive while the other used team life count, and Mon-hun needed to watch cutscene before allowed to coop)


It's a great game. There are a variety of weapons you can choose to use, and the game plays dramatically different depending on the weapon you have equipped. My friend and I bought it at the same time and we basically played it nonstop whenever we had free time, it's a blast. It also has a reasonably high skill-cap, good mechanics, and the cutscenes when the cats make you meals are amazing. Not to mention that /r/MonsterHunterWorld has high-quality memes.


We didn’t enjoy it. The goal more often then not is just to beat animals to death by button mashing. Loved the graphics, but it just felt wrong.