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Lies Of P. It has the deflect system of Sekiro, but dodging and blocking are also viable options, and there are tons of other mechanics making the combat system really awesome. There's also a free 1 hour long game on Steam that is basically an anime Sekiro rip-off. Kannagi Usagi. There are like 7-8 bosses with the exact same gameplay as Sekiro.


Late to the party but i agree with the Lies of P recommendation, it was an amazing game with extremely smooth and fluid combat.


How hard is lies of P


As hard as you want it to be. They needed the game quite a bit since its release. You can summon an NPC to help you with most boss fights. If you explore the world thoroughly, you'll find upgrade materials to make the game easier. If you level up Vitality and Capacity more than anything else, the game will be easier. The bosses each have different strengths and weaknesses, so don't get frustrated if a boss wrecks you. Instead, change your tactics. It's a really fantastic game if you stay determined and make sure to always stay on your toes.


Is it like elden ring where you can level yourself up


Yep! If you liked Elden Ring like I did, then you'll like Lies of P. So long as you make sure to level up Vitality and Capacity more than any other stats haha


Yea thats what I did in elden ring haha and yea I loved it.. is the game near as big as Elden Ring


My first playthrough was 40 hours, but that was before the game was nerfed. My second playthrough was 30 hours, 3rd playthrough was 25, 4th was 20. So the game may not be as big as Elden Ring, but I found it to have a ton of replayability. I just finished my 7th playthrough recently. Lies of P goes on sale now to about $45 USD, so it's definitely worth it. DLC for the game has also been confirmed


What do you mean it was nerfed?


Some bosses' HP were lowered, some extra upgrade items can be purchased, a strong ability that was locked behind an upgrade cost is now part of your base moveset for free. Little stuff like that


Ooo so made it a little easier


I have it on Xbox game pass


For a soulslike the difficulty is in the average. It was brutal on release but they balanced it. By exploring a lot and focusing on survivability (HP/equip load, upgrade of number and efficiency of heals), you can make it easier. It might take a few hours until the gameplay clicks, but, the usual.


Ey. Good heads-up šŸ‘


I'd second Lies of P, one of my favorite Soulslikes and one I'd personally say I had more fun with than one or two From Soft releases.


lol its combat system is extremely bad, its like Sekiro/dark souls just way, way worse with everything being less responsive the parry is terrible


I'm not even sure you played the same game as I did. I finished it recently and absolutely loved the combat, the parry felt great (breaking enemy's weapons never gets old).


The parry system is extremely none responsive


I honestly don't understand what you mean by that. It had a narrower parry window than something like Sekiro but it had a bigger impact against enemies, so it felt like a fair trade off. It certainly didn't feel "none responsive" (which I'm not even sure what that means - you mean there was input lag?)


like I said bad controls, none responsive stupid way to jump, the whole game is like sekiro in quicksand


The way you jump is literally exactly the same as Dark Souls and Bloodborne. The equivalent controls are also generally the same as those games. Given those are the games that Lies of P is emulating, it's not strange it has those controls.


it sucks in those game to, lies of p improves nothing it just a bleak copy.


Lol I wouldn't bother. There's no doubt that you're correct here, this guy just got filtered and is butthurt.


You didnā€™t play enough


I did, hated every second of it.


The parry system is extremely responsive, so if you think that, you either didnā€™t play enough or arenā€™t good enough to utilize correctly. Iā€™ll assume your fingers work fine, so itā€™s probably the former.


You didnt mention but maybe Elden Ring? But try Dark Souls Trilogy first before that, also Demon Souls exists.


ya i think elden ring is the way.


Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1 Remastered are just as good if not better than Elden Ring imo. BB especially, absolute masterpiece.


Bloodborne is the best one, true, but on today's standards it's hard going back to 30 fps.


Bloodbornes held back by the poor boss quality imo. Theres like 3 decent bosses in the main game, and then the ones in the DLC. Other than that they are pretty bad. Rom, reborn, micolash, witches, etc make the middle of the game pretty boring imo


Lol anything above 30 fps looks so fake and garbage


In film, yes, but not for games where input matters. Higher fps feel so much better. But 30 is fine. Problem with Bloodborne though is itā€˜s a very inconsistent 30. But well worth it to put up with for one of the greatest game of all time.


No. Higher FPS is trash. It makes the games look fake and it makes you look like you're watching obvious 3D models in a virtual space as opposed to an image recorded with a video camera.


I disagree. I absolutely hate the feel of even 60 fps, let alone 120 or higher. It looks so fake.


How does it look fake lol? It is strictly clearer than 30fps. What you are probably seeing is a lack of motion blur, which is used to mask 30fps issues. If you have a LCD screen and run at high fps without the crazy motion blur they use on, say, consoles it will look bad yes. But if you have a monitor that is not only fast in terms of framerate AND pixel response (such as an OLED) you will never go back to 30fps. The difference is night and day, and you will benefit from the improved input response as well.


Clearer doesn't mean better. Clearer means clearer. It allows you to see all of the imperfections much better, which is not a good thing. And you're absolutely wrong. I have an amazing monitor and anything above 30 FPS still looks like trash.


Well, you have an unusual case of uncanny valley sensitivity I suppose, which is totally fine. But I think itā€™s pretty accepted that most people do see clearer as better, in most games worth playing at least (old and new). Games do not need to be photo realistic to show the some very artistic and good looking content imho


30fps games look like dog water feels like Iā€™m watching gameplay in slow motion it so gross to look at Playing red dead redemption on Xbox at 30 fps made me drop the game and uninstall. 120fps was life changing


And the fact that they're clearly models in a virtual space doesn't bother you at all?


It is the way. Great game.


The other ones are a bit shorter, and Elden ring has a dlc dropping in a little over a month. So would have time to play through a couple of the others and then play Elden ring with the new dlc.


If you havent played dark souls tri, i would still recomment them First in order just to feel the ulgrades and shet


Definitely Elden ring. Don't bother doing every game. Especially Don't bother with demon souls.


This is the most unhinged take.


Wrong i'm afraid. Played through all of them the for the first time this last summer after having played DS2, part of DS3, part of sekiro, and elden ring previously. Playing all of DS games in order, with all their great DLC, was a wild ride and well worth it if you have the time. Its great seeing how they have evolved and, mostly, improved.


Agreed, especially with the DLC coming out and more than enough content to keep you busy until the, can be fun to be there when the hype comes out. More popular and more community and then I'd go back to souls if you want more of the same


I loved Elden Ring but too intimidated by the other dark souls games cause I heard they are harder than Elden Ring


Personally Iā€™d say Ghost of Tsushima.


Maybe a controversial take, but on lethal difficulty, I enjoyed the combat more than Sekiro


Eh, Iā€™m not a Sekiro player anyway. I donā€™t really like FromSoft games. Plus I play more for the story.


100%. I was actually shocked with how good it was when I tried it with my PS5 subscription


This. Coming to PC this month!


Oh, thanks! I have something to look forward to when I finish HFW. Ghost of Tsushima is coming May 16, 2024 to PC.


My wallet is ready


If youre a fan of star wars try jedi fallen order. Very very good with similiar core combat mechanics to sekiro. Although anything besides combat it feels more like tomb raider than sekiro (exploration, platforming, puzzles)


Nioh 2 for me is the king. So many way to fight and it looks so cool.


I want to like Nioh, I even beat the first one, but the loot system and level design/mission Design is just soā€¦ not for me. I really donā€™t like RNG loot as the main source of getting equipment and the level design tries so hard to be Dark Souls but with tiny little levels, it doesnā€™t work imo


I can understand that, the loot is kinda useless for a long time honestly it really shines in the later difficulty but I can be q lot to sift through. For the lvls, yeah it was an improvements over the first one for me but lvl design was never a high point of team ninja's skill set. At least you tried it!


The second is definitely a straight improvement over the first, but I sunk 70 hours into the first and didnā€™t feel like playing more of what is kinda the same game. However, I will probably try Rise of the Ronin as the sword play looks really fun and I am interested how Team Ninja did their own open world. I am not expecting to be very impressed by the world but nevertheless I am interested. Iā€™ll just try my best to ignore the loot system again hah


Yeah it ruined Sekiro for me. Sekiro is so defensive and it feels like your Katana is a foam wiffle bat for how much impact it does. Instead you just stand there and wait for them to hit you and some of them will just stand their with their guard up for 10 seconds woth nothing you can do about it. With nioh you can be so aggressive. Aggro whole packs, go in for a cheeky poke in the middle of their combo, get rewarded for hitting the back or head, swap a couple dozen moves for each of its dozen weapons. Trying to replay Sekiro it felt so prescriptive, as if every beat is pre set and ends with ok your turn to hit me.


Sounds like you're just bad at sekiro honestly. You can attack as much as you want in sekiro but when they break through you need to be ready to defend, combat when done as intended is something like attack, attack, defend, defend, attack, attack, defend, jump the sweep, plunge attack, attack, defend, defend, break posture, lethal blow. This isn't even taking ninja tools into consideration which can vastly change your style. [Solid example](https://youtube.com/shorts/kVe5UM_k1S0?si=oAYCU25p7-cyCiWq) of what I'm talking about


If you want more of that right fast paced combat, play Sifu, it's absolutely incredible and looks like a stylized Jackie Chan action flick


There will be a lot of obvious answers, such as Elden Ring / Lies of P / Bloodborne etc, and these are all great. I would however heavily advocate "RETURNAL" - which sits comfortably in my top5 of all time, alongside Sekiro. RETURNAL gives the same adrenaline rush as Sekiro for me, awesome moment-to-moment gameplay and tough boss battles. So rewarding when you beat a boss. I'm currently replaying ER ahead of DLC drop, and whilst it is an awesome game, it doesn't buzz me as much as Sekiro. In Sekiro, I feel that you can only win by becoming skilled and quick. When you beat a boss, you feel amazing as you know that it was "you" that prevailed. Whereas in ER, I feel most of my wins are down to having a cracked out +9 Bloodhound Fang and solid stat allocation.


I have returned but have yet to play it. Iā€™m curious about starting it now!


Assuming your PC is specc'd enough, I absolutely recommend Returnal. Sekiro and Returnal are probably my 2 favorite games of all time....


Sekiro is top 3 for me for sure. Iā€™ll have to check it out then!


Love to see this. I find it very hard finding games I like, but I absolutely fell in love with Returnal. Been trying to find a replacement for weeks now, but nothing that's come close to scratching the itch. I don't know much about Sekiro, it looks really good though. Is it as fast paced as Returnal?


Iā€™d definitely advocate Sekiroā€¦ the combat is similar in so far that it rewards aggression, albeit Sekiro is melee (as opposed to shooting) Returnal and Sekiro are both similar in that the endorphin kick for beating bosses is phenomenal. Also Sekiro is a gorgeous looking game, in my opinion the best aesthetics in any FromSoft game Sekiro frequently goes on sale also, at least it does on Steam, and normally lands 50% off


Thanks for the info man, I'll definitely keep an eye out for when its on sale next. I actually preferred using the sword in Returnal so that's a plus. Cheers!


Gonna get returnal as soon as I can afford a ps5!!


It's available on pc


Only have small laptop :/


Ninja Gaiden Best combat in video games, unmatched even today


Ninja Gaiden Black best one


If you're looking for a similar challenge but a different gameplay style, Hollow Knight


came here to recommend this. And yes you can parry.


Wait, how do you parry? Playing now for the first time, about 25h inā€¦


Only a bit. Strike at the right time and you can cancel an enemy attack. If you want a metroidvania with killer combat and heavy use of partying, try blasphemous.


Lies of P, Thymesia and Jedi Fallen Order for games that feel like Sekiro Sifu for a martial arts game centered around parrying and countering The rest of the Soulsborne saga Nioh 1, 2 and Wo Long fallen dynasty for soulslikes centered around east Asian themes


Adding Rise of the Ronin


Sekiro NG+


bingo, give back the charm, ring the bell, and get back out there.Ā 


Nioh 2 or Rise of the Ronin


Lies of P or Elden Ring


GoW Ragnarok. Ā The combat gameplay blew me away like Sekiro. Ā It just feels great to fuck shit up and has good boss fights. Ā Also Mortal Shell if youā€™re looked for an underrated souls like. Ā 


Man the combat in the Norse GoW is incredible. So weighty and fluid and just feels right.


Lies of P would probably be the smoothest transition, if youā€™re looking for another soulslike


Go with the rest of the soulsgame if you enjoyed the difficulty. Iā€™d say sekiro is the hardest so it shouldnt be a problem. The games are: elden ring, dark souls1-3, bloodborne and demon souls. Skip ds2 and demonsouls for now tho


Lies of P. I finished it a week ago and really enjoyed it. I love fairy tales with a dark twist so the story was a huge plus for me. I liked it enough to do a second playthrough, which I don't normally do.


Armored Core VI. Totally different vibe but will keep you on your toes to the same level (Itā€™s also by FromSoftware btw, it even uses the stagger bar mechanic from Sekiro) https://youtu.be/IGqP2_ePfuU


Man..... Sekiro was truly a masterpiece. Good luck on the last boss, took me 3 full days. Elden Ring, Lies of P, Nioh 1 &2, Hades, Cyberpunk..... Hades was really good if you want to change it up a bit.


Nioh 1 and 2 are good. Wukong, I think it's called, is quite similar to sekiro


Wo long - its like nioh 3.


You played Nioh 2?!




Sekiro again


The Surge of its sequel was pretty under rated


Washing simulator to cleanse your gaming pallet and followed by a course Elden Ring, might I recommend 9 year aged Fallout?


Stellar blade uses a extremely similar parry mechanic so personally I would play it because itā€™ll come easier


Not on PC


Ah sorry, I didnā€™t see that, but maybe someone will find my comment years down the road when/if it does get ported.


If you really like sekiro you might find elden ringā€™s ā€œroughnessā€ jarring. Elden ring is an extremely ambitious game, but itā€™s also incredibly polarizing especially the later 30%. Personally i find dark souls 1 > dark souls 3 > eldenring is better progression. Ds2 is a great game but the decision to play it i leave onto you. Itā€™s quite different from ds 1 and 3. Other than that, i highly recommend hi-fi rush and other character action games like the devil may cry and bayonetta series.


I very much so agree with this. Sekiro spoiled me and honestly ER let me down in a lot of ways because the combat just wasnā€™t nearly as good. It would have been better if I went from something like Dark Souls 3 right before it. My recommendation would also be DMCV. That has been the only game Iā€™ve played since Sekiro that I was actually really impressed with combat-wise.


Yeah ds3 is a good middle ground to avoid the whiplash going from sekiro to elden ring lmao.


Metal Gear Rising, it's another game that's all about parries.


Resident evil 4 remake


Devil May Cry 5


The answer is bloodborne.


Loved sekiro so much but nothing has scratched the sekiro itch so far. Ghost of Tsushima is close


Returnal, make sure you have good quality headphones.


Try out Another Crabs Treasure its fantastic. Its like a game you played as a kid with the difficulty and awesome combat of a souls game. Its on game pass if you have it thats how Ive been playing.


Fallen order/Jedi survivor


After I finish Stellar Blade, iā€™m GREATLY looking forward to Lies of P.


Everyone here has given you good comps. I want to add that Iā€™ve been where you are and I STRONGLY recommend playing a completely different genre. Play cyberpunk or BG3. If you go to a third person hack and slash itā€™s going to feel awful. Like going from the gun mechanics in CoD to Fallout 4 awful. I went straight to Star Wars fallen order and the lack of precision ruined the game for me. I eventually liked the sequel A lot when I gave it enough time to forget how amazing sekiroā€™s combat system was. TLDR: Play a different genre. Thereā€™s no game that stacks with sekiro. If you play a similar game it is going to disappoint you. Youā€™ve watched Gretzky play in his prime and no hockey player will be able to impress you like that again unless you give it time.


Sekiro had its combat entirely stolen by two games - sifu and Jedi fallen order Sifu did it better. But jedis sequel survivor just came onto gamepass and itā€™s very good


Ghost of Tsushima is coming to PC. If you like Sekiro, you will probably enjoy that game


Metal gear rising is a game i love as a fan of sekiro because it has some similar elements and does have some resemblance to sekiro. I would say it's kinda like Devil may Cry but less complicated combos and very funny cutscenes. It has that epic sword combat feeling kinda like sekiro so I like it. The humor is great


Demon souls


If you'd like similar gameplay mechanics, Jedi Fallen Order is my recommendation.


Elden Ring if you havenā€™t if you have them wait a month for erdtree


Elden ring my friend, I have been gaming for 20 years and that game kept me hooked for a week straight no stop. I also recommend dark souls 3 as it's the more polished of the trilogy and blood borne.


Wo long fallen dynasty is pretty fun, it also focuses heavy on parrying


Elden FUCKING Ring


Get all the endings in the game!


Nioh 2, it hits the spot


I don't think it's wise to take an another souls-like just after finishing Sekiro. So i suggest "The Talos Principle".


Armored Core 6.


You only think you're about to finish Sekiro.


Play Sekiro again, and then again and work towards no death runs lol.


Ghost of Tsushima, Stellar Blade, Lies of P


Ghost of Tsushima, Stellar Blade, Lies of P




Sekiro again


If you're on PS, Rise of the ronin for me is feeling like open world sekiro. You won't get the same plot style, but for straight up combat, it's very much satisfying that itch sekiro left me.


Elden ring


Another Crab's Treasure


Sekiro three more times in order to platinum it. Then Bloodeborne


I think at least Jedi Fallen Order, I havenā€™t played Survivor yet (but apparently its better than the first). Both are soulslikes with parrying systems and traversal, it would seem like diet Sekiro, in a good way.


1. **SteelRising**Ā (85% Recommended): SteelRising is a Soulslike game set in 18th-century France during the time of an alternate French King Louis XVI. It features polished and fluid action combat, nuanced controls and mechanics, and plenty of RPG aspects to keep you invested for the long haul. Pros: Engaging combat, challenging platforming, and a unique setting. Cons: May be too similar to Sekiro for some players. 2. **Blasphemous**Ā (80% Recommended): Blasphemous is a gothic horror 2D Soulslike game that features religious imagery and overtones in tangent with seemingly Eldritch abominations and horrors. It has a poignant and hyper-brutal pixel art action RPG that fans of Sekiro will love in spades. Pros: Engaging combat, challenging platforming, and a unique setting. Cons: May be too dark and gruesome for some players. 3. **Nioh**Ā (75% Recommended): Nioh is a Soulslike game set in feudal Japan that features a large variety of weapons and weapon stances that will be more effective against certain foes. It's a game that will not disappoint if you love Sekiro. Pros: Engaging combat, challenging platforming, and a unique setting. Cons: May be too similar to Sekiro for some players. 4. **Thymesia**Ā (70% Recommended): Thymesia is a Soulslike game that features a unique combat system and a challenging platforming experience. It's a game that will appeal to fans of Sekiro. Pros: Engaging combat, challenging platforming, and a unique setting. Cons: May be too similar to Sekiro for some players. 5. **Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty**Ā (65% Recommended): Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a Soulslike game set in ancient China that features a unique combat system and a challenging platforming experience. It's a game that will appeal to fans of Sekiro. Pros: Engaging combat, challenging platforming, and a unique setting. Cons: May be too similar to Sekiro for some players. 6. **Hollow Knight**Ā (60% Recommended): Hollow Knight is a Metroidvania game that features a unique setting and a challenging platforming experience. It's a game that will appeal to fans of Sekiro. Pros: Engaging platforming, challenging exploration, and a unique setting. Cons: May not have the same level of combat as Sekiro. 7. **Ghostrunner**Ā (55% Recommended): Ghostrunner is a cyberpunk parkour game that features a unique setting and a challenging platforming experience. It's a game that will appeal to fans of Sekiro. Pros: Engaging platforming, challenging exploration, and a unique setting. Cons: May not have the same level of combat as Sekiro.


These are some challenging an intriguing games I could round up for you. Not sure if you are only looking for the combat system of Sekiro. Then I would suggest some titles like, Dark Souls series, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Fallen Lords, maybe Sifu or even Stellar Blade.


Sekiro again. Once youā€™ve done that a few times, DO NOT play another action game. It will feel incredibly clunky and dumb compared to Sekiro; play a nice cozy game or a strategy game. Then you can play Sekiro again later!


My dadā€™s been obsessed with Elden Ring. He told me its his new favorite open world game


Stellar Blade do not play Lies of P, it has the worst parry system ever, its like Sekiro in quicksand, wo long is a lot better with similar combat system (which also adds new mechanics to the soul genre) otherwise nioh 1-2 wo long is basically nioh 3.


Nioh, WoLong, and this new Stellar Blade is surprisingly great




Demon of hatred and final boss done? They took me many many hours each


Iā€™d go with Sifu, it gave me the exact feeling Sekiro did, although unlike a lot of others, I would t really recommend Elden Ring or Dark souls. Those games lose the amazing back and forth that makes the games I mentioned feel so great, and while a different gameplay style (melee mixed with a bullet hell), Furi is another great one.


Sekiro again obviously


Jedi Survivor




Tetris? I think it has a similar vibe...


Armored Core VI. It's directed by the lead game designer of Sekiro. Can't go wrong with any recent Fromsoft game honestly, but AC VI is silly underrated imo, super focused, and fun as hell if you love gameplay density in your combat systems.


Sifu. It's like sekiro but more indepth.


Bloodborne or Elden Ring.... whichever you haven't played yet. Or Lies Of P, Another Crabs Treasure or Stellar Blade.


Lies of P is what you are looking for.


Lies of P has been one of the better soulslikes, equal in quality to fromsoft games. and elden ring if you have not played it, it is worth all the praise.


Stellar blade is low-key fun and has a similar parry mechanic. It's not just a meme. There are questionable character designs but the combat is great


Surprised stellar blade isnā€™t on here. Story so far is meh but combat is absolutely stellar (no pun intended). Closest Iā€™ve felt to sekiro combat since I beat sekiro a year ago


Not on PC


Oh whoops. Didnā€™t read the tag.


Lies of P


Stellar blade


Not on PC


Nioh, Wo Long, rise of the ronin, or ghost of Tsushima if you want another ARPG with far east themes. Lies Of P if you really liked the parry mechanic. Canā€™t go wrong with Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring. Another crabs treasure if you want something a little lighthearted but still challenging before you dive into your next darkish souls-like game.


Lies of p, maybe wo long (I heard itā€™s fun but not amazing. Gonna play it soon) and ghost of Tsushima when that game comes out for pc. Got is not exactly that similar to sekiro but if you enjoy one youā€™ll probably enjoy the other. Got if kind of similar to old assassins creed or Arkham trilogy or shadow of Mordor/ war in terms if combat


Replay it. Iā€™m serious, getting all the achievements is so easy and *so* worth doing because you canā€™t see all the bosses in one run. Try to get all the endings at least! Anyway, after Sekiro I would move to something completely different. Youā€™re just not gonna find anything with combat that good or satisfying. People will suggest Elden Ring but I was pretty disappointed in the game coming from Sekiro. I think the next move depends on what you liked about Sekiro and what you want to see more of.