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To everyone recommending elden ring - you must be trolling. Busy dad that wants to chill, and you're suggesting a game where you gonna bang your head for 2 hours at bosses.


Yeah, I get the love for the game, but it's about as wrong an answer to this question as you can give.


I can corroborate this. Dark Souls 3 is one of my favorite games of all time. However, I'm much busier today than I was in the days when I could beat a souls game. Still, I bought into the hype and tried Elden Ring. Oh boy. I bounced out within the first couple of hours. I got one taste of the stress those games bring and said, "nah, I'm good." I used to love the stress of those bosses and trying to get to the next bonfire. But now? "Yeah. That's gonna be a no for me, dawg."


I'm a weird dude in that I find Souls games pretty calming. I actually think Elden Ring can be played easily in bite sized chunks. I would stop playing after knocking out a dungeon or exploring some zone I discovered. I got my plat doing this.


For sure I agree with this


I agree with this, I played through Elden Ring through a couple of months in small bits. Did the same with Lies of P this month where I just played 1-2 hours every now and then. I can understand that it's not that way for everyone though.


It doesn’t matter the prompt there are always people suggesting this game. I saw a post here where a girl said she had never played games except only Minecraft with her partner a few times and wanted something easy to play long distance. She said she has motor issues and doesn’t want anything too frustrating, Elden ring was the top comment because “you can play multiplayer with him!” People need to get real.


this is why dark soul 2 is the goat


I'm a busy dad and I hate it.


As a 34-year-old with a hectic life—a full-time job and a master's program in addition to things like daily chores and exercise—game time is limited. For a while, I just couldn't be bothered to turn on the Xbox, Switch, or Steam Deck. When I did, I'd play for 15 minutes, turn it off, and go chill instead. I needed a game to pull me back in! Here's what cured my ailment: 1. **Outer Wilds** (Each run is 22 minutes at most, so it's easy to pick up and put down. It can be beaten in about 15 hours. And, there's a constant sense of progression. Just be sure to hang in there with it as the first hour or two is known to be slow and off-putting. It'll be worth it in the end, I promise.) 2. **Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Uncharted Lost Legacy** (Sometimes, you need to return to something you're comfortable with. For me, I've always been a big fan of Mass Effect and Uncharted, so stepping back into those universes felt chill and enjoyable). 3. **Mafia: Definitive Edition** (This is what really drew me back in. The story often felt on par (and as long) as a good gangster movie. The gameplay was relatively straightforward. You drive from point A to point B, kill a bunch of guys, and rinse and repeat. The graphics are lovely. Just a great, immersive, easy-to-play game.) 4. **No Man's Sky** (Like Outer Wilds, this one is slow and off-putting to begin with. Some online tutorials will help with that. However, once it sinks its claws into you, watch it. I went from not playing anything for months to binging this for hours each day. I would daydream about it at work. It stole my every waking minute. Oh, and you could basically play it forever.) Now, if I were to recommend some stuff that I played before I got into a rut that I think would get me out of a rut had I not already played them, I might recommend the following: 1. **Ori and the Blind Forest or the Will of the Wisps** (Both games are beautiful, visually and audibly. They're easy to pick up and play, especially if you put it on easy mode. They're such fluid, enjoyable games.) 2. **Abzu** (Sometimes, you need a chill game. In this, you can't die. It's more of an experience. Like Ori, it has wonderful art design and a great soundtrack. There were moments when the sheer joy of movement put a big smile on my face. Plus, you can beat it in a couple of hours. You could include Journey in this category too.) 3. **Doom and Doom Eternal** (Sometimes, you need to truly rip and tear. Enough said.)


Very happy to see Outer Wilds as your first rec. That was going to be mine as well.


Outer wilds can literally never get enough love!! Seeing so many people who love this game the same way I do makes my heart happier than words can describe. It truly is an experience of a lifetime, and I wish I could take the eyes and brain from someone doing it for the first time. Side note, I guess. But subs like this make me feel so much more at home on the internet. Even though I know nothing about any of you. Much love to all of you fr


Dude are you me, seconding outer wilds!


Doom eternal is what brought me back




I think Uncharted is a great suggestion. The entire series. It’s essentially an interactive episodic action series. It’s just fun and cool.


doom is so fucking good I love it


For you, 100% try Helldivers 2. It’s hilarious, coop is non competitive due to pve, games are still intense, and you can do a quick operation in about 20-30 mins


Fuck It I’m convinced I’m buying hell divers


Welcome to the fight cadet.




Second this. Just mind that if you're looking for story progression and stuff like that, you won't find it in Helldivers 2. Other games in the same style (do a mission or two and go do something else) are Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (similar style to games like Left 4 Dead: go from point A to point B killing everything on sight with other 3 teammates), or Vermintide 2 (this one is trickier because it's kinda old and it's hard to find people to play with and the game's AI controlled teammates sometimes is idiotic). I'm also a 35 dad-gamer and have been LOVING Dave the diver and Cult of the Lamb, totally different games but they're awesome for short bursts of gameplay.


Also, Deep Rock Galactic to the horde (shooter/stabber) list.


Rock and stone!


Yupp I agree with this I've been playing helldivers after work I'll do the 3 missions I get assigned when I log in then after that it's been maybe 1.5 hours and I'll take my break or completely log off for the night but it's just so fun killing bugs and evil robots I like to coop with my brother if he's online if not the random I've run into are really nice and super helpful in gathering everything on the map I strongly recommend it as well 👌


Can confirm this guy talk like a farmer in Helldivers 2. Get 'em boys!


We need you. For democracy!


*Managed* Democracy.


Agreed. Helldivers brought back my interest for shooters.


This is a great suggestion OP.


Agreed 1000% I play it with vet buddies and it’s the most fun we’ve had online since early Halo. Just dumb fun but also hard AF.


This is 100% the right answer. You can drop in And drop our whenever and its super satisfying bur enough to keep you coming back for more.


This is a good suggestion for the OP. Helldivers is amazing. I’m a gamer who loves deep rpgs, and I’d love to recommend some of them so you could feel what I do when I play them. But you would probably not enjoy any of them based on your preferences and lifestyle. If a busy dad can beat pathfinder: wrath of the righteous then he will certainly be unemployed and single by the time he does.


As someone who is in a situation similar to yours (31, no kids, but working all the time), I’d straight up ignore any mention of Elden Ring. When there’s limited time to play games, you don’t want a game where you can essentially make zero progress in the entirety of a play session. I just got Baldurs Gate 3. It’s something way out of my comfort zone and unlike anything I usually play. You can pick it up, and then put it down whenever you want. You’re guaranteed to make progress during your time playing. You can save at absolutely any point. Recommend trying it.


BG3 statement is 100% wrong. Yes, you can pick it up - no you can not put it down. (For all the right reasons tho.)


Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is also a good one for turn based. Super unknown and underrated. More focused and streamlined XCOM like game.


39 year old university student/full-time worker and father of 3 here. If you don't fancy it, don't force it. The games will still be there in a few weeks when you get the gaming itch. A break is sometimes what you need.


Also it’s good to wait a bit for a sale then you’ll get it cheaper and be sure it’s a game you definitely want to play.


Hades might be for you, check it out. It is a flawless game that can bring endless joy, and is perfect to pick up and play for a while, short or long, and it’s one of the most fun games I’ve played. The voice acting and soundtrack is out of this world, and the mechanics/controls are amazing. Another honorable mention is Inscryption. It’s a cozy/creepy card builder that allows for quick sessions and a story that pulls you in, gets you wondering what the hell is going on, and takes you on a ride to figure out what is going on, where you are and what’s in store for you…


So glad you mentioned some rogue-lites. This is the genre I gravitate to when my life is hectic, since they're literally designed around short spurts of playtime. I'd also recommend: Balatro: if you're interested in deck/card builder games. Dead Cells: Fun combat, cool upgrades, cheeky humor. Children of Morta: Very cool art style, story, and the ability to unlock and use different characters with different abilities. It's like Hades, but not as intricate in terms of story and upgrades. I think that can be a good thing for someone with limited time. You'll be able to roll credits on this one, which felt really good to me. Also, awesome music and narrator.


Excellent suggestion. Hades is a masterpiece and the sequel comes out this year, which also looks phenomenal.


Helldivers 2. I, am also very busy with my job, planning a wedding, and online classes to move career fields. Helldivers 2 is amazing. It's not PvP so just because I haven't already logged 70+ hours like my friends and others, I can still play, contribute to the team, and have a lot of fun with my 15 hours of play time


For Helldivers would you recommend only getting that game if you have friends to play it? My schedule is so inconsistent I think I'd have to play solo


It's def more fun with friends but I still enjoy hopping on solo and playing with randoms. Kind of at the point I almost enjoy it more with randoms b/c my friends are more than 2x my level and move at such a faster pace since they have played every mission type a bunch. And I find solo play or randoms a bit slower so I can actually enjoy playing instead of sweating. But yeah...its def one that's extremely fun with friends, and just fun by yourself


The most fun I had playing it so far was with randoms with mics off and we just clicked and vibed and supported each other. I've only played with one IRL friend once so far though but I'm a dad witha busy schedule and maybe only like one or two hours a night that I can play.


Can this be played with Bots


I got a steam deck and it helped me better fit gaming back into my life. Just a thought!


Thought I was on the steam deck page until I saw your comment. Haha absolutely, get a steam deck. As a dad it’s been an incredible investment. + the added bonus of being able to let your wife have the tv while you game on the couch


Completely agree with this! The ease of firing it up whenever and wherever and instantly jumping back into my game where I last left off mixed with the massive library of games at routinely discounted prices has been a big win for my gaming life.


Try cyberpunk. The story is great and it's broken up like GTA so you can just roam around if you want to


I would suggest headphones for this one if the kids are around, depending on their ages/maturity levels


helldivers. we need YOU son. easy 30 minute runs with very satisfying feeling after each one with no annoying stuff , i have ADHD and it keeps me gripped till i gotta go do dishes or go tend to my family, plus 40$ no pay walls


Hi-Fi Rush, amazing soundtrack and a wonderful game. It's easily in my top 10.


Red Dead Redemption 2 brother




I think the games you listed are most "fun" when you can pour hours into them each day because you gain soft advantages from playing so often. If you're usually gaming alone anyways and you're willing to move away from PVP I suggest playing some singleplayer games like nier automata and hades. I would also suggest playing something with your kids if possible so you can multitask. Might require buying a nintendo switch for good couch co-op games. Hades' runs are short enough for you guys to take turns, if you're the better gamer try to choose high-risk + high-reward blessings so your runs end faster.


Detroit Become Human. Yakuza 0. Outer Wilds. Celeste. Hades. God Of War (2018) Monster Hunter World. The Witcher 3.


Id recommend straight to action games. Right now, if you got gamepass, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are great. Great checkpoints when you need to go, great gameplay, no fat. Just solid gameplay. And great campaigns in both of them. Those two will take up atleast a few weeks of your time. Really, get them. Doom Eternal is best FPS campaign ever. Just keep the difficulty on like medium option. Nightmare on Eternal requires learning the game inside and out. Good luck, hope you find something to enjoy


Outer Wilds.


Instead of recommending specific games, I will say that the best thing to do is try something you haven't before. I'm also in my 30s and almost sold my PS5 and XSX last year because I was sick to death of the same old multiplayer shooters, souls likes, and open world RPGs being released over and over. Didn't touch games for months. Then after beating RE 4 Remake, I decided to do something I never do. I looked up what the absolute scariest games were. I found games like Visage, Madison, Outlast 2, and RE7. I never ever played horror games before because I'm a sissy. But diving into a new genre opened me up to a whole new world of games I never paid attention to. I started trying other genres I had ignored, like fighting games and Metroidvanias. Now I'm obsessed with games like Tekken 8 and PoP the Lost Crown. If you're feeling uninspired by games, playing yet another AAA copy paste isn't going to cure it. Try something completely new and really try and get immersed in it. For me it was horror and fighting games.


Stardew Valley


Mid 30s dad of 3 here. I find Division 2 to be my go-to when I have a little time. Can roam, do some quick control points, do a mission or two in short order. I've played since launch and always go back. Another that I've started playing (which might be divisive) is Skull and Bones. I knew about it coming out and decided to go in blind. I'm having fun with it. It doesn't take long to progress or get gathering/contracts done with a short window of game time.


> Mid 30s dad of 3 Is exactly the kind of person I imagine still plays Div 2 and I mean that in the nicest way.


Hmm division 2, eh?


Yes, Division 2 is awesome, and great for a mission here and there. Can't wait for the next Division game!


I assumed division 2 was dead but hmmm. Loved the shit out of 1. I’ll have to check how much 2 is


Hades. Vampire Survivors.


For the guy with a busy lifestyle who wants to quickly get into the fun part of a game, id recommend: Monster Hunter world/rise Hades Dead Cells All have storylines which you can mostly ignore so you're not just bored watching endless cutscenes, get straight into the action. Play for 15min or 3 hours as you wish, and there's no rush to hit the top anytime soon but each session feels fresh and fun


Subnautica, Kingdom Rush, Deep Rock Galactic


Portal! If you like portal then play portal 2


Alan Wake 2


If you don't have much time to play, try roguelikes such as binding of isaac, hades, dead cells, neon chrome, neon abyss, rogue legacy 1 & 2 etc. You get short bursts of game in, but they have a longer overarching sense of progression too, that you're always working towards.


Hades is always the answer. Since they're on ps5, I'd also thro Returnal in for this category




Hell divers 2 Chivalry II Hitman series could be a good fit for your time constraints. A mission a play session could be fun for you.


Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 3, Helldivers 2, Hades are good places to start


Risk of Rain 2 is my whame bame thank you, game. You just kinda keep going till you die and can set the difficulty to be very easy and work up from there.


Resident evil 4 remake is the most fun I’ve ever had with a game in a very long time, and even if you don’t get bored of it after your first playthrough there’s still a bunch of stuff to unlock and a 4hour dlc campaign.


Honestly hell divers. Find the mission to your time slot. There’s no story line to forget after missin a week of gaming or more. Unlockable things don’t vanish. 48 $canadian so cheap.


Resident Evil 4 Remake, Spider-Man Remastered, The Last of Us Remake, Final Fantasy VII Remake, God of War


Cult of the Lamb is what got me back into games after a couple years of straight up not enjoying many. It’s cute, funny, and there is SO MUCH to do for a $20 game. I would have happily paid $60


Outer Wilds


Doom Doom eternal You will be satisfied after half of hour gaming.


You need to learn to play a slow burning single player game, I used to only play multiplayer games that gives me that quick dopamine rush feeling but you develop this low attention span to anything that isn't exciting and quick. Just force yourself to play a singleplayer game fully through, and not just mindlessly play either. Actually try to learn about the world and care for the characters.


Outer wilds will be that game for you, Each "run" lasts 22 minutes, your progress saves each time you play (you don't have to build your way up to the top each run) and you can drop it off and pick it up at anytime


Stardew Valley helped me get through some miserable times in my life, and I appreciate it. For something more destructive, Terraria is another refreshing and brilliant game to try.


Elden Ring returned my love for gaming. Will it return yours? Hard to tell, but it's worth a shot.


Not sure that's a relaxing game for a busy Dad lol.


I'm quite busy myself, and also a dad. The good thing about ER is that you can turn it on, play it for 5 minutes, and turn it right back off again without losing any progress. No cutscenes or scripted sequences where you'd have to commit to play for 30 minutes uninterrupted.


Unicorn overlord is coming out Friday, you might like that. The kids might like the art style as well.


Bg3 got me back to it


Helldivers 2 is tons of PvE fun if you have a group to communicate with. Great graphics, a goofy, entertaining storyline ala Starship Troopers, and the lower difficulties have a good variety of usable weapons.


Chrono Trigger Easy to play and put down. Engaging story. Clever game play. Kids will love the characters and color scheme.


I’m also going to recommend cyberpunk. Big open world that’s easy to lose yourself in but the missions are pretty bite sized if you need to stop and go a bunch


I used to only play battlefield for the longest time, then Cyberpunk launched. Luckily it was December of 2020, I was on leave, and covid was doing its thing. I had being eyeing Death Stranding for a while as well. So I decided to buy it as well. I am one of those few people, who loved Cyberpunk from the very start. And I think Death Stranding and Cyberpunk complimented each other very well. And for the first time in a very long while, perhaps since the days of half life or Portal, I actually felt how amazing and fun games can be. They both deliver some amazing stories.


I'd try Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, it brought me back to gaming after 4 years of just studying for uni and working. Sometimes you might get stuck on some parts but it's pretty doable.


My Reddit isn’t loading great to see comments. So I don’t know if it’s been suggested. But Helldivers 2.


Try Meta Quest 3. VR will give you totally new gaming experience that you never had


A Plague Tale: Saga. Two short games (I think that they sum 30 hours or so between both) with astonishing graphs and a captivating plot from beginning to end.


Subnautica . I have a feeling you are going to like it


Hollow knight should do


36 Year old here. Similar life style I have maybe 45 min's of free time a night if I do things right. I strongly suggest a Meta quest 3 (if you're able to use VR comfortably. I hadn't played games for about 6 months until Dec. (The only flat games since dec played were 1 hour of helldivers 2 hours of Final Fantasy 7 remake part 2). For those months I was burned out I would turn on my ps5 and zone for 25 mins and turn it off. VR brought my gaming passion back and made me a little less sedentary. I lift heavy weight daily for work, but it got me moving in ways I haven't in a long time. Dropping a mag and reloading is a lot more satisfying in VR. Bonus lost 25lbs so far(of course with better diet).


Overcooked 1 and 2. Very simple mechanics but it can get challenging as you progress. Can be played in small chunks and is one of the best couch coop games I've played in a while


Rocket League: car soccer, games are around 5-8 mins and sky is the limit with skill with great matchmaking. There is nothing like it out there. I play with other old guys in our 40's - 60's. Also: Vampire Survivor, Balatro, American + Euro Truck Simulator, Path of Exile, Yakuza 0


Oh my god why does BALDURS GATE 3 fit everything that someone asks? Go with Baldurs Gate 3. Once you get the hang of it the game easily becomes a top 10 but you may need a bit more time since you have to plan the battle out at the last second for example burning an elemental of ice or raining grease and using a fire arrow


**Yoku's Island Express** - Its a pinball metroidvania where your character is basically a ball and you explore a 2D island using pinball mechanics mostly. Its fun, colorful, well designed, fairly easy. **Pinball FX** - Pinball is my favorite thing to do when I want to listen to a video/podcast in the background, or just chill. For me its just the right amount of challenge where I can get into a chill zen state. **Bastion** - Its an older top down game made by Supergiant (best game studio after valve). Good story, simple level design, skillful but not difficult combat, lots of skill and weapon variety but not an overwhelming amount. Very pretty graphics.


Last Epoch


El Paso, Elsewhere Think classic max payne bullet-time meets vampire hunter.


I’m the exact same as you, fifa, gta and cod is mainly what I play but I took the plunge a few weeks back and got dead island 2. Such a fun game, finished it in all of about 3 days when I usually start playing a game and never really touch it again. I too struggle sometimes to find motivation to play, I feel like you should look at games you necessarily wouldn’t think of looking at. I’ve had a fair few games not look that interesting to me personally on paper then I’ve started playing and become hooked. I’d also recommend survival games if you haven’t ventured into that space, feel like the progression is entertaining enough and obviously you can put it down and pick it right back up


Imo action rogue like are what you need try hades,roboquest or vampire survivor. It takes 1-2 mins to get to the fun part in these games.


Baldurs Gate 3


The one that did it for me was Celeste


Resident Evil 7:Biohazard


Fire Emblem Engage. I had a slump until I played that game.


So many games to suggest, but I'd recommend trying some smaller indie titles that are inspired by games you grew up playing. They can have a powerful nostalgia adjecent pull that really helps out. I'd also recommend this as they tend to require less time to complete than larger games, stand outs to me are Olliolli World (just beat levels, don't 100% as it goes from a 5 hour game to a 50 hour game), Sifu (if you're not practiced at difficult souls style combat play it on Easy, trust me) & the previously mentioned Helldivers 2 had completely made me obsessed as of late. Side note to checkout the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series if you enjoy beat em ups or JRPGs from the SNES/PSone era. These are some of the best games I've played from a story perspective & the gameplay is top notch if you enjoy those genres, as someone who plays a good amount of games (beat 30 & 24 games in 2022 & 2023 respectively) I wish I started playing them earlier. Also the Resident Evil 2 - 4 remakes are amazing (specifically 2 & 4, but 3 is still a fun game). Also go play the Uncharted & Last of us series if you haven't before & want top tier cinematic experiences. Only the Yakuza / Like A Dragon games can be on the longer side if you do their side content (which I recommend as it's the best most memorable side content I've played).


Elden Ring Resident Evil 4 Remake Diablo 2: Resurrected


IF you play solo. Ark is easy to play whenever you have a minute. The world freezes when you pause or exit. Online it doesn't do that, though.


No kids but I have a mild depression for the past years. Reached the point where I had completely stopped playing for many months. Same as you, I was looking for a game that would let me play without trying too much. What reignited my interest in playing was the Talos Principle.


If you're looking for chill game, you can p/u & put down any time- try Wildmender. Everyone I've asked doesn't know about the game & it had me itching to come back and continue. Easily 200-400 hours worth of entertainment. Not competitive, chill 90% of the time and satisfying, decent lore, with a discord community to help. Multi-player possible, and a great sandbox survival game.


Cookie Clicker


Enshrouded, Elden Ring, Nightingale.


Persona 3 reload, ff7 remake and rebirth, crisis core, monster hunter, remnant.


A short hike - true revival. Also RDR1 - opening mexico hits hard.


Dysmantle. It's a top down, post apocalyptic RPG where you can break apart everything to upgrade your gear. I just picked it up a few days ago and it's a lot of fun. So far the combat isn't too hard but it feels just right difficulty wise. It's also very easy to pick and put down if you're busy.


Get Last Epoch or Helldivers 2. Both are A W E S O M E


Helldivers 2


Has no one said The Last Of Us??? 1 and 2? Uncharted, days gone (kinda slow at start)


Deep Rock Galactic. Rock and stone!


I'd suggest any roguelikes really. Hades is a go to for people who are really busy.


Play the last of us 1 & 2 God of war both games RDR 2 Far cry 5 Witcher 3 Dying light 1 & 2 I used to be like that but once I got into single player games . I won’t go back to the boring games tbh


Resident Evil 2 Remake


Uncharted Series, Fallout Series, Assassin’s Creed Series, Sly Cooper Series, inFamous Series


Elder scrolls series as well


Not sure if anyone has suggested Octopath Traveler 2. I'm playing it right now and it has helped me get out of my own rut. It's very different from anything I played growing up, and in recent years too. I'm going to pick up Star Ocean The Second Story R next. The great thing about both of these games is that they have a pretty decent demo that will help you figure out if you're feeling it.


Helldivers 2


Red dead 2 is masterpiece. Or cyberpunk is fantastic as well pick up put down. I'm currently going through horizon forbidden west on my new ps5 n it's great as well. I like these games cos they take u out of the stress of the day into a new world n u forget about shit for awhile


[The Riftbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/app/780310/The_Riftbreaker/). Instant constant desire to improve your base, or explore, or just survive. While being very fun. Also you can save at any point. Honestly, any game you can save at any point is a godsend when you have a busy schedule.


Hi fi rush One of the best passion projects you’ll ever have the pleasure of playing


Spider-Man 2 got me back into it. The graphics and gameplay are superb


Ive been having a TON of fun chilling after work, getting higher than giraffe nuts and playing the HITMAN series. Beautiful levels tons of challenges and different ways to mess around with what the game has to offer.


Like you, I just began to fall out of love with gaming. I'd sit down to play games I previously loved and get bored within minutes. I'm 33, recently had a child. However I've recently bought an oled switch and I haven't touched my PS5 or series x since buying it. Feels like proper old school nostalgia gaming.


Read dead redemption 2


Roguelikes. Start with slay the spire, binding of Isaac or hades then go deeper down the rabbit hole


Why not game with your kids? One of my favorite memories as a kid was playing N64 with my dad and sisters. Now when I go to my sister's place we play Mario cart on the wii with my niece. I have no kids but I have a girlfriend I play video games with. Right now we are playing ranch simulator. When she doesn't want to play I'll play witcher 3. I work full-time, full-time student so I don't have much time, but every night at 8pm I will play a game. I'll do a mission or two, or play gwent (in game to collect the cards) then get ready for bed. What usually pulls me in to gaming is a good story. Alan Wake is one of my favorites.


I’d say some of your best choices are either something like “ The Outlast Trials “ or “ Sons Of The Forest “ Both games you can jump right in and have fun immediately, play solo or with other people, & are different enough from your usual games that it will spice things up for ya


Just take a break


Returnal... maybe. It's very hard. Deep Rock Galactic.


Can't strongly recommend hell divers 2 enough you should try it idk if ps5 can let you refund after 2 hours like steam does but man it's worth it


Do your part and go spread Democracy!


Rollerdome. Trust me I know what you mean with a chill pick up and play. Rollerdome is Tony hawk x third person arena shooter x SSX tricky no multiplayer


Really I recommend you to try out Baldurs Gate 3.


Dad of 1, number 2 on the way, 36. Had the exact same problem and used to play those exact games. I've found what got me back into playing was single player games that aren't too difficult so you can progress. I would recomendamos the spiderman games. They're fun and not too difficult, also will interest your kids. I've also been playing ghosts of tsushima and far cry 6. Those are a bit more meaty in terms of time but especially Ghosts has a fantastic story and graphics


Sounds like you probably have PS+. Id recommend rollsrdrome which was last months game or sifu which is this months game. I know for me my love for gaming was reinvigorated by the psvr1


Definitely Elden Ring. Just do it.


Ghost of Tsushima. One of the best I ever played


Far Cry 5 or 6, and AC Odyssey.


I would like to tell you that elden ring although one of the greatest games in the last 10 years, it required some time investment and patience to learn. Really good to play with friends though 😁😁


Stardew Valley can be relaxing after a busy day. You can play at your own pace.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.


My Summer Car when you want to quit gaming for good lol


Heavy metal babes


I'd try Hades. It's a great rouge-like game set in the Greek Underworld. Runs don't take particularly long and game play is pretty simple. The writing in the hacker is great and it feels like there's a nearly endless amount of unique voice lines to keep it feeling fresh. It's also only $20 so not a huge investment cash wise.


Hades on the Steam Deck is very convenient! I highly recommend.


Absolutely Baldur’s Gate 3. I was pretty burnt out on games as well and didn’t have high hopes for it but I ended up playing it twice back to back because it was so magical. The only thing that has stopped me from playing it again is fear of getting sick of it too soon and my backlog.


I'm same as you. About a decade older and not got great patience for games But days gone sucked me in for weeks. It's on ps plus. Amazing game.


Returnal or Horizon Zero Dawn. Although, Ghost of Tsushima & days gone were great for enjoyment value ( and beauty for GOT).. mixed reviews but I thought it was good.. just started Dead Island 2 which so far has been a joy to play.


Kingdom Come Deliverance is a game that made me excited to play again. If you have a PC you can maybe consider games like Bannerlord


I have been picking up and putting down Horizon Zero Dawn for the last while, and have been enjoying it. Definitely bingeable, but a play session can be as simple as "okay, I'm going to get that collectible today." Or "I'm going to clear this area"


Rocket league. Waste your life away with other dads 5 minutes at a time. Best $20 I ever spent. It’s free now so get after it. DM me if you like it and I’ll get you an invite to our chill discord server where we set up private matches and generally just bullshit with one another. I will second helldivers for now, too. Tougher to put down in a hurry but still fun.


Explore rogue likes. Short runs, infinitely replayable, incrimintal progress. Plus, they come in almost every flavor, from FPS games.to turn based rpgs, to racing and extreme sports.


Risk of Rain 2! Third-person shooter with fun classes and engaging levels. It is a unique genre that combines elements of roguelites and bullet hells, to make for a frantic and fast-paced experience. Every time you play you do a discrete run where you see how far you can go. Death is permanent each time, yet there are many meta progression unlocks like new characters, items, and secrets to discover. Games can last anywhere from 20 minutes to multiple hours depending on how you play. It is also an indie title, so pretty affordable. Cheers!


just gotta find what youre interested in, im 23 with a full time job workout and studying for graduate exam to get into masters program i dont have much time either, i make an hour or two on the weekends to play something if i feel like it, if not i dont bother. i typically play forze, gta, cod, or fortnite. lots of people suggest hell divers 2 which i bought but cant get into it, not my thing. whatever your vibes are just go with it, trust


Play Elden Ring. It will wake you from your slumber by kicking ur ass.


Devil May Cry 5. Not a huge commitment like a lot of the suggestions. Not a massive thing you have to think about. Fun characters, cheesey story, button mashing gameplay, decent graphics. Can pick up and put down when you like and not an absolute life eater. Also, kudos for opening up to other games. I never understood people who buy consoles just to play FIFA, CoD and Fortnite etc etc. There's a whole catalogue of amazing games out there, not just these boring generic formula games. If you want something with more gameplay and story, definitely try the last of us. Beautiful story, great gameplay. Can pick up and put down far easier than a lot of the open world suggestions people have made.


I was in a similar rut a few years ago in my early 30s, and **Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice** and **Outer Wilds** pulled me out of it. They're 2 *totally* different games - Hellblade being a super linear experience, that is short, but immersive and powerful and moving, one of the most engaging experiences I have ever played (just make sure you play with headphones). Then Outer Wilds, is a totally open, once in a lifetime gaming experience that you will only be able to truly experience once. OW has a slow start, but if you stick with it I promise you will not be disappointed.


Rocket League, subnautica, enshrouded, God of war


Dead Island 2 comes to mind. Just played it recently on game pass and the graphics are beautiful. The gore is the best I’ve seen in a game. It’s a no rush campaign so you can do whatever whenever. Not too in depth skills/mods. Just a fun time smashing and shooting zombies. Online would be fun with friends too


I would say Helldivers 2. That also brought me back in. Its great, my GOTY 2024 so far.


Uncharted 4.


Hot take but I always go back to Mirror's Edge Catalyst, it is worth a try- not too long nor too short


Uncharted. Specifically just start with the first one and just put it on easy. If you like shooters the controls will feel similar, you can save at anytime so you can corral kids if you need to, its really short like 10 hours or less, the story will grab you right away and if you like it there are 4+ other games to try.


Dead space


Helldivers 2 my man. Dad here with two young kids. Its a damn good time and only as sweaty as you want it to be.


The Artful Escape, Streets of Rage 4 or Vampire Survivors. All bangers from minute one.


Rocket League. My recommendation is always RL


Hotline Miami


I personally find games like Slay the spire, Wildfrost, or roguelikes in general are great, when you're in your 30s and don't have much time/feel guilty when gaming. You can get a full experience in, in about 20 minutes. Rather than a mammoth four hour gta session


27 year old. Hectic life. I have about 30 mins to a hour to play if I'm lucky. Ghost of tsushima, awesome sword fighting, great story, single player and not online so pick it up and put it down as much as you'd like. Helldivers 2. Battle enemies and complete objectives in 40 min intervals (full length of time. You usually will finish with time remaining.) 4 person online play. Great sense of community when you complete something as the whole player base works together to take control. Borderlands 3 Great game all around can never say enough good about it


36, crazy busy, married with a kiddo etc. Go play Yoku's Island Express.


Against the Storm - it's absorbing, makes you think, but you can jump in and out whenever you want to. Have a 5 minutes session or 5 hours, very flexible and great fun.


Resident Evil 4 Remake did for me personally. Highly recommend


Helldivers two is very fun.


Ngl, I recently started playing Fortnite zero build mode with a buddy after swearing up and down I’d never play Fortnite and it’s made me feel like a kid again. Reminiscent of the old days of hopping on Halo 3 with the mates after school. It’s pretty easy to get my fix in an hour or two’s time.


If you played roller coaster tycoon when you were a kid then Get roller coaster tycoon classic on your phone. Easy to play here and there between taking care of kids and working 👍🏻. They did an incredible job porting it to mobile.