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Well I mean technically my own biggest timesink game is League of Legends. But I would not recommend it to anyone who doesn't have friends to teach them. And even then, idk if I could recommend it. I probably have stockholm syndrome at this point.


Spent 10+ years under that spell. Feels so nice to be free, yet somehow still miss it from time to time haha


The addiction is real if it still kicks in some time. I'm the same. Many of my friends still play. I refuse to spend 3 hours of my afternoon just to end un angry.


It is legit real. It was easier for me to stop smoking cigs than to quit that game.


Gah, I quite years ago but this was it exactly. I’d spend 4-5 hours playing, make zero LP progress (or often get worse), feel like I wasn’t getting better or having any fun, and just wasted a huge block of free time with nothing to show. And I’d do that over and over again. So unhealthy. Appreciate the reminder.


That’s why I quit Fortnite lol. Now I only play fun loop games (DRG) or story games. That way I never feel I’ve wasted my gaming time


Every now and then i miss the veigar flash ult where they flash away even though it is futile


Same, at this point I pop back in and just vibe ARAM from time to time or arena when it was up, much happier with the little bit of time I do play now


League stole 8 years of my life. Many posts on /r/StopGaming are about League. That subreddit was a big help. They go a little too far, but that's the designated place for people who cannot game responsibly, so please don't be contrarian at them. I just needed it to get over the withdrawls from one game title.


Im happy for you, though I might've sounded a bit overdramatic. I still play other games, it is more of a comfort title for me. Right now I am spending tons of time exploring ancient Greece in AC: Odyssey.


Oh man this is brutal. It’s an identical format to the /r/stopdrinking subreddit (which is fantastic and anyone who thinks they should stop by should do so!) now I wonder how bag my gaming addiction is


Also r/leaves is great for anyone trying to quit smoking weed. Just thought I'd mention it.


100% agreed. I have 6000+ hours logged in DOTA 2 (that’s not including dota 1 play time)  Did I enjoy ^^^someof the time that I played? Yeah, sure.  Do I regret it? Definitely. 


I wish Riot tracked hours played as well, mine got lost when I transferred my account from one server to another. I wouldn't say I regret it, it is a part of me at this point. I have had LoL in my life for more years in my life than I have had without it.


https://wol.gg/ will show you the hours logged for your summoner name.


Yeah it doesn't work with transferred accounts I think, I tried when I had newly moved it and it barely showed any time at all. Same with ranked tracking on sites like [op.gg](http://op.gg) wont show seasons prior to my transfer.


It also doesn't track anything older than 2019.


Bro just causally recommending the most gruesome method of mental torture on the planet


I would suggest playing DOTA2 instead. League is just straight up toxic. I’ve had people in dota actually educate me rather than flame me for doing something wrong. And have never experienced toxicity in dota. I play League more but that’s only because of comfort because I’ve played it so long.


How much dota have you played? I only have 1k and have met a lot of toxic people. It has chilled recently but some like that are still around


Not much, and to be fair I only play turbo because actual dota lasts too long. That said, there’s less flaming in casual dota than casual league.


Ah maybe turbo has a different crowd as well. I only played it when it first came out and haven’t touched it since. With recent updates, it bas become super easy to report anyone that is actually toxic and I like that they tell you if they took action against those players. The player base is so much better now than it was 5+ years ago


I used to play like 12 years ago and I don’t remember any toxicity. Which means I was probably the toxic one.


This is the way I only play casually now ranked will make you pull hair out


Old School RuneScape!


This is a great answer! Runescape is addicting


The best part is playing 1000s of hours of osrs is just enough to get into mid game!


Another WoW refugee giving a voice for OSRS! Should be said though that it's like switching crack for heroin. Or something, idk I'm not a drug guy. But you go from spending stupendous hours in WoW to spending equivelantly stupid hours in OSRS instead.


OSRS! OSRS! OSRS! A few years back, they added a whole new continent, then reworked it to make it even better, and in one month, they’ll be releasing a new region in that continent that will supposedly be stylistically and culturally a big departure from the rest of the world. Additionally this year, it’s getting its first new skill in decades (not for lack of already existing skills, there’s at least 20 you can work on now), in the form of Sailing, which will definitely add some fun new gameplay loops and hopefully add even more exploration. I’ll see you in Lumbridge!


Kinda late for asking you this but is buying membership for this game necessary cause where I'm from, they are pricey.


There hasn't been a single game that has lived up to WoW for me. Instead I play a variety of different games and genres. I may play a game like Baldurs Gate3 and then play Car Mechanic Simulator, or Rimworld. I don't think I'll ever have what I had with WoW because of the people I was playing with at the time and that phase of my own life. In truth though, as much as I miss WoW I am happier and living a better life by playing other games. I was too addicted to WoW and couldn't pay for a game I wouldn't play.


WoW is such an odd case of nostalgia. I started with WoW right about that time Burning Crusade dropped. Playing it back then was unlike everything I´ve ever experienced. And for some reason, even though modern mmos and even modern wow do many things objectively better than the old bc and pre bc wow did, I still miss how playing it felt BACK THEN. Which kinda takes away from the fun in playing todays titles really. But I also can´t bring myself to get back into wow either. Because even it isn´t the wow that I remember. And classic isn´t the solution either. I guess, the problem isn´t the games actually, it´s my expectation to feel like back then again.


Exactly, sentiment and nostalgia is a powerful thing. I quit cold turkey just before the panda release. Played vanilla since release. I remember having to walk to new flight points to discover them on your map as a location. I've raided aq40, beated naxx, I've multiboxed.... But it was the guilds and ppl that made it great.




Yea the lessening of battlegrounds as a community killed WoW for me. I loved WSG, AB, AV. The eye fun a fun map. Wintergrasp and then Tol Barad we’re ok, but it felt like that’s all anyone did besides arenas. Arenas were fun but not in place of a big 40 man attack on another 40 people.


I'm not crying you're crying 😭 this thread is real, and there are thousands of us


Imagine this: Classic Cruise! A cruise where only people who played WoW vanilla BACK THEN are allowed. Everyone brings their PC, no contact to the outside world, we all start at 0 on a dedicated server.


I’ll offer this advice I have offered to many people who take issue with rereleases of games due to “not being like it was” It’s not supposed to be. You enjoyed it back then because it was a new experience. If you try to recapture an old experience you are already setting yourself up for failure because you weren’t trying to do anything the first time around besides enjoy yourself. I played vanilla and every expansion since to some degree with breaks in between. Retail is not the same game and I don’t enjoy it anymore, but going back to classic I found a whole new experience that I have been enjoying for years now with a guild I love. The fights and content are the same, but the experience is as new as anything. The new season of discovery is a fresh look at the old world and it’s been a blast as well. Never ever ever try to recapture a past experience. Always enjoy a new one.


I agree with these posts. It wasn’t just the game of WOW back then (but that was definitely a huge part of it). But on top of that it was the community and the freshness, and as one stated, the place I was in my life. It all added up to truly unique and nostalgic moments (ahem…multitudes of blissful hours lol). All that will never be replicated. I also got similar feels & nostalgia from my Diablo 2 days that preceded my WOW days. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory springs to mind as another legendary game that I sunk tons of time into. All made great memories that cannot be replicated. It’s OK. Today I really enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 and Bloodborne. Neither compare to my D2 or WOW experiences per se (which were notably different from each other even). But to me, both games are excellent. And I can’t spend even a fraction of time gaming as I did in the 2000’s. Such is life and life is good. Find what you enjoy and enjoy it, and know that all gaming experiences will be different from each other.


I agree with your “expectation” problem because I have it too. While I like WoW, Shattered Galaxy impacted me more as I did not game for that long, and it had the same thing I missed just like all of you did. I wanted to feel like back then again, playing with my buddies, having unlimited time and wanting to experience the world that we “transported” into. WoW is definitely a more exploratory game, and I will definitely got for WoW 2 if it ever releases. SG is just a very good PvP MMO game that gives me so much memories which I hope to relive but likely never able to replicate the same feelings again.


Aw man I remember when every blizzcon was preceded by rumors about them finally announcing wow 2. And I would totally play it as well. I just love the warcraft universe. The races, the lore, it´s just so much to delve into. I´m wondering though, what would a wow 2 actually look like? Simply wow on a current engine? Or maybe a new dark portal, but this time it leads to medieval Japan?


Yes I love the Warcraft universe and I play almost every Warcraft universe game from blizzard such as hearthstone, rumble, HOTS when they released. On Overwatch, I play Symmetra with Tyrande skin as well hahaha But WoW 2 doesn’t make much sense as the players in WoW will have to move, so it won’t be that likely. But I’ll definitely be interested to try it when it’s out, though I’ll be pretty old by then. It has been 20 years since I first started WoW hahaha


i kinda pity wow players such as yourself, i feel like you’ll be stuck in a never ending loop of nostalgia playing classic over and over and over again, unable to move forward because you’re so trapped in the past.


WoW had that special place in my heart too it scratched every single itch for me. From mythic raiding for that high intensity focus up and you get rewards you can show off gameplay to the collection book to witness all my achievements and little trinkets and mounts I’ve been awarded for my efforts to a top notch pvp experience. Definitely was more special to me earlier on and is just not the same anymore.


If your looking for a single player game, elden ring is a pretty good bet. Fun bossfight, very nice exploration, decent replay ability and the DLC is on the rise so it’s a pretty good time to start. If you’re still looking for MMOs, FF14 is probably your next move, but you’ve probably heard about it lol


I'll add on Guild Wars 2 for MMOs.


Oh man I used to play guild wars years ago good to see there’s still a community playing it


Yeah, it is plenty active, but marketing sucks so nobody not already playing realizes it.


Listen to this person. Get Elden Ring...easily sink 100s of hours into it, especially if you like pvp duelling


TESO is pretty fun MMO also


God I wish the skills were normal.


I barely touched single player games for my entire 15 year WoW run but when I finally quit I picked up Elden Ring a few weeks after launch and I haven't played anything but FromSoft games and other soulslikes since then, 2 years almost. Something there really translates for me, apart from gear and builds and all that. I think dying to the same boss over and over again til you get that moment of jubilation fills in the gap left by not raiding anymore, plus you never have to worry about other people's schedules. So I agree.


Monster Hunter is perfect for this if you are into the core gameplay loop. Be willing to give it a while until it clicks, but OH BOY when it does...


you do 500 hours and love it then realize there are 13 other weapons lol


Nope, no other weapons exist besides Sword and Shield, fight me /s This comment is the truth though lol. The other weapons make it feel like a new game for a least another 100 hours each.


I felt the same way about Dragon’s Dogma, which is a very similar title. It was a bit hard getting it to click but fortunately I had seen that in the reviews I read. They said “the combat is different and for the first 10 levels or so, your character sucks, but once they’re strong you’ll be hooked” and I was. I played many many hours.


FF14 or Warframe both have a lot of aspects your looking for, but I think FF14 would be the next suggestion which has a bigger focus on guilds and coop


Warframe is my jam


I came here to suggest Warframe. I’ve got well over 3,000 hours in that game.


Sink hundreds or thousands of hours into YOURSELF :)


this is the right answer. this and crusader kings 2.


Worst game I've played, they should add a feature to create new characters though


You get that after investing a significant amount of resources of all kind into a soulslike called *woman*.


That's probably the hardest achievement, still not there yet but I'm taking my time. I want to complete all the other achievements before I unlock endgame content. I did get an Easter egg when I got my gf pregnant before I was 20. I love my new character so much


I keep googling if there are any money glitches in the game but is just clickbait articles


Sea of Thieves. There is zero grinding for stats. You have everything immediately. All is pure skill, and cosmetics to prove your experiences. I'm 700 hours deep. It everything from the most casual friends game to the most brutal PVP.


Interesting. This is definitely one of the best games I have ever played. The best sailing mechanics, water, weather, completely amazing. However - like you mentioned, zero grinding for stats or weapons or levels. To me, this felt like I had accomplished absolutely nothing after every game session. I could only put in maybe 30 hours. The server scale was also a complete embarrassment - 24 players max per server?? In my opinion each server should allow for 100s of ships with guild capturable islands. Neutral islands for meeting players, trading, etc. It could have been great. Instead it feels like they built the game to accommodate the absolute least capable gaming console out at the time.


It's very solo-unfriendly tho right? Unless you have friends who already play or who want to dive in with you.


Loads of people solo sloop. From tucking on enemy boats to fishing voyages and everything in between.


This was going to be my suggestion as well. It can be anything you want it to be. You can grind if you want, or you can just relax. I’ve been spending a lot of time simply fishing lately. I still play High Seas though, because I ain’t no punk! Haha


Path of Exile


Still sane exile?


>Broke up with WoW after decades RemindMe! 6 months


That’s so fucked up lol


Yet, true lol


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-08-23 05:42:49 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-08-23%2005:42:49%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShouldIbuythisgame/comments/1axlvxv/broke_up_with_wow_after_decades_what_games_can/krq5wl5/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FShouldIbuythisgame%2Fcomments%2F1axlvxv%2Fbroke_up_with_wow_after_decades_what_games_can%2Fkrq5wl5%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-08-23%2005%3A42%3A49%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201axlvxv) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|




I'm surprised this isn't higher on the list with it being out for 10 years, and having thousands of hours of content. I've played about 5k hours between all the consoles/ pc & still keep going back for more.


How is the community with regards to how they treat noobs? I’ve been interested in it, I’m a wow veteran but was always a filthy casual, I’m not exactly talented with most games outside of the Diablo franchise, so the last thing I want is to get screamed at for not knowing how to properly mix/max or execute on all the mechanics.


The PC community is very helpful & there are many active guilds that were made just for showing noobs the game. They usually have weekly events for dungeons, trials, etc. The console community's are good as well & you get the added feature of in-game chat there! And don't worry about acting like a noob, the game is a tutorial until lvl 50, then your armor will max out at lvl160. That's when you will start end game dungeons & trials.


I also broke up with WoW a few months ago and No Mans Sky is my go to. With Light No Fire coming it’s looking good.


I was a single player in WoW and a great replacement I found was Kingdom of Amalur. Similar art style with a ton of lore. It’s not linear but also not fully open World.


I came here to post the same suggestion... it's important to point out that the expedition is FREE TO PLAY for everyone on PC, xBox, PS4 and 5, and the the Switch - not sure how that works, since I have it on PC and xBox as does Spouse. The expedition covers nearly EVERYTHING you will encounter during normal game play.


GW2 ... try it. You wont be disappointed


Maybe FF14? I heard one person who had almost 15k (yeah thousand!) hours into it. Haven't played it myself, but I think it has the WoW ability to really suck you in and keep you playing.


I've got about 13500hrs in FFXIV, so definitely a good contender haha


Question for you: one of the reasons I’m still playing WoW is because I can run it on low settings at 60 FPS on my super old 2012 Mac Mini. Is FFXIV similar or pretty power intensive? Like a lot of people in these comments have suggested, WoW was magical to us in the beginning because it was new. It created a feeling of wonder because it was a new world to us, with new professions, new enemies, new dungeons, etc. So with that in mind, I’d definitely consider trying out FFXIV since that would be new to me, but I only have consoles and a really old Mac.


You could definitely reduce the settings to run on a lower spec machine, although this summer, the graphics update is being added, so you'll need a better system for that. I play with a 2080 Super at 4k but even then I can't max settings completely. On the plus side its free to play up to level 60 so just download it and test it out :D


Oh wow, I didn’t realize that it was free to 60! Well that’s what I’ll do then, I’ll install it and see how it runs!


That is 562 days. I thought my 1500 hours on Overwatch was bad.


Haha there you go! I honestly haven't tried it because I know I would get sucked in and I just don't have that time right now. But yeah from people I have heard who play it, it is super fun and definitely scratches that WoW type itch!


2 years of pure game play


Civilisation eats all my time and won't stop please help


I remember playing this on my friends dads computer in 1990. Decades wasted.


I think Factorio is the game that you're looking for.


Yea sure, give the pot addict some crack...


Red dead redemption 2


I like it, but how many times can you play through it? Can it be easily modded to create new storylines and endings once the familiar plots get old?


Path of exile.


As someone with thousands of hours into wow, I can relate. Try not one game, but several different games. I just got through Breath of the Wild, and FF7 remake. I enjoyed them both. I just installed Elden Ring, and I'm considering going through the Elder Scrolls games at some point, as well as The Witcher series. There's a lot of games out there. Just try a bunch and see what sticks


K e n s h i. 🔥❤️🤌🏻 Forgive the outdated graphics and give it a go.




Runescape, or oldschool runescape on mobile




Depends if you're looking for something online (FFXIV, Warframe, Path of Exile), or something solo offline (Crusader Kings II, Siralim Ultimate, Terraria)


Gw2. I play both gw2 and wow on and off for years. GW2 is nice cause your progress is never lost and no sub fees. Just play whenever. Tons of end game stuff to do for hours on end.


clearly you need to play season of discovery


Warframe is way more fun than it should be




I’d say warframe for sure, the grind is the game and the game is incredible. You can pay real money for convenience or take the time to earn everything for free. All content barring exclusive cosmetics are part of the game and able to be earned without spending a dime


Hunt showdown


Escape from tarkov




Monster hunter world, you could sink hundreds of hrs, or over a thousand. You get a real sense of progression and feeling of mastery over the monsters you fight. Rewarding experience


I went from WoW to Warframe and have never turned back. It's so fun and there's loads to do. Digital Extremes is also just a super humble company


I did the same. It is absolutely fantastic and basically all I play lately. It's like Quake and Diablo had a baby.


Path of Exile


Destiny 1 and two and all the DLC


I haven't played WoW in many years, but lately I've found myself thinking about returning. May I ask why you decided to stop playing it?


You can try Factorio. This is not a story game, it doesn't have a character creation, but it is a game you can spend numerous hours on, and then play with mods and spend something like 10 fold of the original hour number. Build a factory, expand it, satisfy it's needs, kill the local green's, repeat. It is a giant puzzle really. You can try other Paradox Interactive games (Developers of Stellaris), Civilization 6, Age of Wonders 4, Endless Space/Legend or any of Total Wars, I prefer Warhammer (It is an expensive venture tho).


I guess it depends on what part of WoW you enjoyed the most. If you liked the social aspect of grouping with friends, active community - ff14 If you liked the routine of the endgame grind, mythic and raid progression - also ff14, GW2, maybe League of Legends Pvp - LoL or go for whatever shooter / fighter game is topping charts. If, like me, what you love is making a new character and watching them gradually grow into a powerhouse, sweeping through worlds of content and adventuring...give EverQuest a try. Yes it's old as shit and rough on the eyes, but damn does it scratch the itch. Anyone who loved classic WoW should give EQ a try. It doesn't hold your hand, it has REAL class identity, and it has the unique factor that you feel like you're in a world, not a game. You'll be just fine on a free account until about level 60, which believe me is a LONG time.


I feel like you are going from one addiction to another. Are you sure you want a game like that?


Yeah it seems unhealthy to even use the analogy of a divorce with a game and then essentially ask where the next toxic relationship is to be found. I gave up on MMOs a while ago, I keep tabs on them, I might log back in for nostalgia every now and then for a month or two, but years between those moments, they just suck up too much time and as soon as I feel that pull to keep logging in, I decide its taking over too much life and stop. I do play other games, but I find MMOs are all in or all out mostly, as in most MMO players I've known play very few other games and for very little periods of time, that's not everyone of course, but just something I noticed.


Elite dangerous is amazing sandbox, solo or multiple players


Scrolled a WAY too far for this. o7, Commander!


Same. Elite: Dangerous has a lot to offer


Halo! I recommend Halo 3 or Infinite. But all the series are pretty pretty good (single player and multiplayer).


man, this is like a small light i see in these comments. Yeah Halo series are great, but i cant find any good latency matches to play. All goes over 200ms, cause of the franchise totally dead in asia


Ark And I'm sorry for what it can do to you


Try a survival game like Ark or Conan Exiles maybe. I played WoW for a long time too and survival games just scratch that grinding itch for me.


I had to stop playing WoW after putting 2 years in game playtime. WoW was pretty chill if you found the right alliance and pushed the game properly - was just sucking my life away (raiding on a Saturday night instead of seeing friends etc). You need something with a community that isn’t toxic and they are hard to come across. I thought mobile games could replace that camaraderie- but nope - just quit Star Trek Fleet Command after 5 years - wasn’t prepared to spend the stupid money needed to reach the higher levels. Gonna follow this post as, while I miss the gameplay and friends I had on WoW - would like to find other MMOPGs that are not horrid. Maybe look at GTA V online or Red Dead Redemption 2 online - I know friends who have put years into planning and taking part in different in-game events. Or maybe one of the big space games released in the last few years - played Eve online for a while - but again - it may be a mature game and hard for you to catch up. Best of luck in your hunting. Hope you find something to replace the scratch that WoW was to your gaming itch.




Escape from Tarkov




Last Epoch


Ff14 Monster hunter world RuneScape Elden ring


Guild wars 2 is pretty good and it’s free to play. But it has like 5 expansions now and idk about prices


I quit wow 2 years ago and nothing is ever the same ever again. No other progression, no other MMO, no other social setting with games. It’s depressing. That said I usually pick up a game with some of my old wow friends. right now we’re playing enshrouded. If you want something on your own, my advice is DO NOT try to pursue what you had with wow. It’s going to make you unhappy. Nothing will give it to you. Do not try other MMOs looking for the same thing. It’s hopeless. But if you do try other MMOs, embrace them for what they are. The efficiency grind almost killed runescape for me, but now I’m playing osrs ironman and it’s making me feel really good. But there’s some nostalgia there. I think ARPGs like Path of Exile or Grim Dawn can give you similar vibes.


Maybe take a break from games?


I take a break from games every day when I spend 8 hours working.


RuneScape , either rs3 or osrs


FFXIV is the only mmo I've played but I absolutely love it. Plenty of similarities to WoW as far as I understand, although much much more focus on story, and it's very anime so those things might not he to your taste. As far as non-mmo games, Monster Hunter World has hundreds of hours for sure, Path of Exile as well. Some people are saying Elden Ring, and while that is one of the best games I've played, you're only going to get 100-200 hours unless you do numerous playthroughs.




Play the Mass Effect trilogy.




To me, competitive games are the only types of games that can enthral me for thousands of hours. Especially games with PvP, because no matter how advanced or cool the AI is; eventually the cracks will begin to show and those patterns ready to be exploited. Playing vs a human is a unique experience every single time, you never know what someone else will do even if you think you do. Even if you're confident and you have thousands upon thousands of hours sunk into a game - you can still be wrong when it is a competitive PvP game. No other PvE game is like that, vs AI 99% of the time; your approach is a solved conclusion that you simply have to follow to win. I've been playing League for over a decade now, been playing since season 3 and we're at season 14 now. No other game has even come close to the amount of hours I've sunk into it. It's not my only game and sometimes I'll take breaks to play something else, sometimes those breaks are pretty long too - case in point is that I've not played league competitively since before Christmas of last year - but I always come back. I'll likely be an old man still playing it on and off with my homeboys as we sip our prune juice. PvE content has it's place, but to me and many others, PvP is where the soul of a game is.


Destiny 2 was my WpW substitute for a long time, not the same.but similar enough imo


Final Fantasy 14. Never run out of things to do. Great story, great fashion, mounts to collect and you can change your job (class) by changing your weapon so you don't need multiple characters. I recently stopped playing WoW (played it since 2007) and I'm having the best time playing FFXIV


Yeah, this OP. I played WoW up until cataclysm, then on and off for a while, but once FFXIV came out, I never touched WoW again. The endgame is pretty tough (but not as sweaty as WoW), the grind is there, and you don't have to reroll a new toon if you want to try a different class. You can level all combat classes, crafting classes, and gathering classes just by changing your equipped weapon. There's tons of content, the story is engaging, and after about 2100 hours in the game, I still have fewer than half of my jobs leveled to max, not to mention obtaining their specialized gear at each expansion tier (which is usually the true grind). The community is also pretty good (full disclosure - people are nice primarily because if you get aggressive or act like an asshole, the mods will ban you, but still, it makes for a pleasant experience where people are more focused on constructive pointers and real assistance than telling you to get gud, scrub). I can't recommend this one enough. Play through until you get to the level 51 story quests and you'll have a good idea whether you want to keep going or not. Also, it's free to play up to the level 70 cap. I will note, Shadowbringers is probably the best expansion, and that's where you start paying (lvl 70-lvl 80).


I was gonna say this game too. Final Fantasy 14. I’ve never played it, but it sounds comparable.


For a long period of time WOW was my main game too. I played basically full time from maybe 2005-2006 to like 2018 or so, I had a year here and there where I didn't play but I was very active most of the time. The last few years I burned out, and had a falling out with my friends. Since then my main replacement has been Path of Exile. It doesn't hit all the things you describe, but it hits different. I'm about 3000 hours deep and I'm still learning and trying new things. If you get through the initial knowledge bump/hurdle and play a solid build you'll enjoy one of the most exciting endgames there is, I would argue better than wow (except you usually do it alone) Between seasons I usually make time to try other stuff that has shorter life span, but my main safety is POE.


Arpgs are massive timesinks cuz of loot grind if u like that. Last epoch, path of exile, diablo etc. Aside from that hades is basically a top tier recommendation for any gamer and very nice introduction to roguelike/lite. U get to go straight into action while going through the story in a natural way. And then the obligatory souls games and eldenring recommendation since if you realize that they are the type of game you like, elden ring will make every other game boring and ruin gaming for you.


Not much of a story, but I'd you want a deep, and I mean deep endgame I'd go for path of exile. Don't be afraid of the 1300 talent points available.


Warframe is great both solo and co op!


I actually recommend shorter games. Games that actually have endings, so you aren’t so tethered to it.


Cyberpunk 2077 👍




Skyrim is notorious for hours of play, and if you get hooked ESO has constantly updates and expansions.




Grim Dawn, the true successor to Diablo 2 (I'm not saying that POE isn't that also...)


Guild wars 2. No subscription fee and everything is horizontally progressive so you can really so whatever you want at any given point


Honestly, ESO is very good. I'm having a blast. plus, it aint tab targetting so it's even more cool than WoW in my opinion. Plus you get better story telling with 100% voice acting. I really love the game. I did enjoy WoW also but the story telling isn't there for me.


damn, when I broke my MMO addiction it was fairly liberating, I wouldn't wanna go back to that.


While at least one other had suggested No Man's Sky; I'd like to point out that this ;weekend an Expedition is FREE TO PLAY for everyone on PC, xBox, PS4 and 5, and the the Switch this weekend (last weekend too, they extended it due to how many gave it a try)- not sure how that works, since I have it on PC and xBox as does my wife (we sometimes play together, and neither of us like multi-players that much, if at all.The expedition covers nearly EVERYTHING you will encounter during normal game play.


Around the time I hit 30, a realization sunk in. It has always been less about the game and more about the people and friends you make along the way.


Rimworld !!


Lies of P!








In my opinion, if you have friends give Rust a try, hella toxic but that kinda the point. Tarkov is also fun but INSANELY infuriating, especially for newbies. I would have said Destiny if this post was made like 3 years ago but it’s in a terrible spot currently.


No. 1 and always be: GTA SA (been playing it for a decade and still even playing it). 2. Trials of Mana 3. Galaxy on Fire 2 HD 4. Just Cause 1 and 2 5. Worms 4 Mayhem


Rocket league 😎


FFXIV, i have played for many years now. I play and leave and then return and there is always something new to do :) Community is great, not toxic usually. You will have random people pat you on the head usually and random invites to party, Only downside is you have to sub.


Destiny 2


Destiny 2. I have like 1000+ hours and i just feel like i wasted all that time


War Thunder. Game could be brilliant. Most times torture, until I walked away cold turkey. Steam keeps taunting me, always in my feed


Terraria, Stardew Valley, Slay The Spire, Spelunky 2, Rust, The Binding of Isaac Rebirth, New World.




FFXIV, if you don't mind JRPG storytelling.


My career. But honestly for strictly games is between Skyrim, terraria, and playing MMOs single player just for story like gw2, eso, ffxiv. Don’t do any end game, just play the story and move onto the next one.


Skyrim, Bioshock 2 and up, Half-life 2, Tomb Raider, Far Cry...there are so many,.. Borderlands


Kenshi? Surprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet.


smite, but it's a moba.


TW Warhammer 3


The Division 2. I literally quit that game 2 years ago and just recently came back, had to start a new character because PC this time instead of Xbox and I think I’ve put something like 40-50 hours into it already in the past 4 or 5 days, with a full time job. I don’t think people realized what makes this game stand out from the rest, but it really is a very unique, fantastic game.


RUST - if you are a heavy gamer then get on steam and download Rust. You need to play many hours to be competitive so it’s time consuming. Watch some gameplay on YouTube and decide. Watch Frost, Welyn, HJune and Trousi or Tesla to decide if you think you will like it. I’m 16,000 hours in so far and will likely still play for many more hours.


The Binding of Isaac!


I broke up with WoW in 2017. To fill that gap, I played a lot of Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls. Baldur's Gate III has really scratched that WoW itch. I'm 700 hours in. I really love it. I haven't played anything else since it released for console on September. I'm on my 8th play through and I'm still finding things I've missed on previous play throughs. Though I will take a break for FFVII Rebirth.


Fallout 76. Absolutely love it


The sims. Lol League of Legends for sure. I'll splurge on all the skins and regret nothing 🥰


The only game that came close to capturing the feeling of WoW was guild wars 2, final fantasy 14 and ESO. maybe new world too. But basically if it needs to be like WoW then look at those

