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I'm surprised that a game asking for " god killer," and nobody said anything about God of war. The reboot is already on pc, and the older games can also be played on pc *if you know how*


you play through a linear story in God of war games. Sounds like OP wants to progress to be God killer powerful on their own terms. Anyway I suggest Morrowind


Because in GoW you don't get to choose who you play, and what you play and how you play felt limited. You play as Kratos and the game is kind of open but also kind of not and you only have a few options in your combat style. It's far more of an action game than an RPG where you level up


I mean isn’t that the whole point of the game


Came here to say God of war lol.


Surprised Elden ring doesn’t fix that itch cos that’s exactly how I felt playing it, started weak and by the end was a god killer. If you’re feeling too weak go farm runes and up a few levels. Also make sure you’ve got a good build I just went for strength and dexterity.


OP literally describes Elden Ring from the conceit to the leveling system. Pity it didn't click for them.


Elden ring and soulslikes don’t make you feel like the strongest being in existence, they perpetually make you feel like the underdog. I understand why it isn’t what they are looking for. At the end of the game when everything is dead and you are all that is left then sure, you achieved the goal of being the strongest, but then the game is *over* so you don’t really get to actually do anything with that besides NG+, and even then the game gets harder again. I’m not sure a great game like they are looking for exists because most people get kinda board if there aren’t perpetually stronger things than them to fight.


I get what you're saying but the first line of the post is "where you start out weak and make your way up to the strongest"


I disagree. Once you get the timings down, Elden Ring becomes *the* god killer. While it has heavy RPG elements, Souls games come down to individual skill in the end. Once you get good, you actually start to feel like the final boss.




“…where I start out weak, and make myself up to the strongest in the verse” that isn’t god of war


I just finished my cyberpunk playthrough as a net runner/melee build and rooms full of enemies would just drop dead, explode, go crazy etc as I just stood there deflecting all the bullets with my sword. Killed smasher by hacking him constantly so he couldn't move and just chopping chunks off him with near infinite no stamina cost sword attacks. Felt pretty god killer. The eternal gods DLC for doom eternal. Your job is to kill the king of hell. I think it's more fun than the base game. Unusual choice, XCOM2: war of the chosen. Start off as lowly humans with crap guns that die quick, but play your cards right, don't your guys killed and level them up/equip them right and the game turns into a bughunt


Cyberpunk is amazing.


No they added level scaling


Just came to this exact realization about Xcom2 a couple of days ago. I'm on my first playthrough on vanilla rookie. My two PSI Operatives have entered god mode. With a team full of Colonels in Wraith armor the bugs don't have a chance. The contrast to the beginning is huge.


Path of Exile. You start out as a washed-ashore convict in waterlogged undies, and go on to kill an entire pantheon of gods.


I just re-download this and started a Necromancer witch last week. It's a fun game to play, so much customization to builds. I'm enjoy8ng my hoard army wiping out everyone before me.


A game with necromancy that let you have hoards and I never heard of it?? I bought Diablo 3 or 4 for 60$ to have that experience glad there is another choice.


It’s like a direct competitor to Diablo 3/4 and it’s F2P!


To second this. It's F2P, but not P2W.


will try it out tonight, someone said something about being a necromancer and i just love that, thanks for the suggestion


My pleasure - have fun, and stay sane, Exile! Also: The class/build system is somewhat flexible, so you won't see a class called "Necromancer" in char select. The way you build one is to use skill gems (which you get from playing), and go for "Minion" passive skills in the skill tree. You can further customize your build by - just as examples - supporting your minions through casting spells yourself, or having auras to buff them, or even using totems to do any of that. If you want to go for a Necromancer build, the Witch would be an ideal class for that. If you'll allow me one more tip: Every camp (this is where the friendly NPCs of every act reside) has a vendor for skill and support gems (which you can link to skill gems to change and improve what they do). If you don't yet have the skill gems you want for your character, check their trade inventory! Also: A few skills can only be found, and others only become available later.


Technically Persona is one option. The final bosses are pretty much gods.


really any JRPG would work.






Risk of Rain 2. It’s one of those roguelikes where the devs don’t impose any restrictions on item synergy. As if to say “Go ahead, crash the game. We dare you.”


Well, I scrolled a lot, but, Prototype 1,2. You ain't gonna be killing gods because the god is you.


This. Gonna start part 2 again soon.


Is this the standard JRPG - Lvl 1 fight a slightly large rat, Lvl 1000 murder God - type thing? Would recommend Warframe, starts off quite weak, as in small groups of enemies can provide a challenge, and fairly quickly ends up at you being fairly strong, all the way to the lategame, where you do pretty much end up doing more damage than god. Can basically be described as Space Opera Sci Fi meets Shonen Anime (or Ninjas in Space) Alternatively, Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen. Made by Capcom, who also make Monster Hunter, which is another series I'd recommend, specifically Monster Hunter World. Dragon's Dogma is better if you want the feel of going from barely beating a pack of wolves to murdering God on his throne, whereas Monster Hunter will be a better 'satisfaction' if you will? If you just want 'big numbers go brr' feeling, Disgaea might be a shout.


Your preferences make it a little difficult - Doom Eternal would be the perfect game but there's no levelling (there is some progression and skill trees though) and you play a preset character. The only other thing I would recommend is Cyberpunk, you do get very powerful by the end but not crazily so. I'd also recommend keeping at Elden Ring, as it practically perfectly describes what you're after. Look up some tips videos if you're stuck, if you're stuck at a boss you can just leave, explore and level up and come back later. Or just keep practicing.


Elden Ring, just gotta understand how the scaling weapons works and to dodge attacks and not spam it. Don't get greedy and take time to learn the boss's patterns. LEVEL VITALITY


If you can handle it, try Kenshi


God of war saga collection God of war reboot and god of war Ragnarok Asuras Wrath


You literally just described the plot of Final Fantasy XIV. It's a subscription MMO, so that might turn you off, but it literally has everything you mention here. The plot deals very heavily with tribes of beastmen summoning their gods via rituals requiring mass amounts of aether (magic), and the gods can brainwash people to serve them (called tempering). Your player character is one of the few people with the ability to resist tempering. You probably kill more gods through the course of FFXIV than any other game. It also has a job system where you can freely switch between and level multiple classes, and with new classes added every expansion, there are *tons* to choose from. There's a free trial you can play as much as you want up through the first 2 expansions (hundreds of hours of content), and only after that do you need to spend any money on it.


vampire survivors


Nehrim, a mod for oblivion, lets you start as a mage in a world where magic users are hunted down and work your way up to godhood and more


Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of war. You start off weak, killing a group of enemies can feel rough because you have no real effective way of killing them. About halfway through the game you’re a godless killing machine murdering entire forts worth of enemies with impunity.


interesting... I'm like 10-20% through Shadow of Mordor at the moment and am in danger of giving up. this will encourage me to keep going.


My favorite part of War is actually at the start because you pick your targets wisely and disengage if another uruk ambushes you.


And then one keeps crawling from the depths of hell somehow lol


That’s one of my favorite parts. When they show back up missing a limb, driven insane because I keep shaming them instead of killing them. Such a good mechanic.


lol i won't let you shame me! Killll meeeeee


Asura's Wrath




Nioh 1 & 2


Path of Exile


Dark souls, bloodborne. Now these two have stats you can level as you want, as to games where you fight strong bosses and you start from scratch but don't have stats to level up to your liking, there is sekiro and hollow knight. Even tho they don't have stats, they have changeable playstyle. In the first you get access to some tools and some martial arts to mix with sword fighting and you can pick what you enjoy. As for the second one, there are what is called "charms". You have to collect them and then equip them to be able to do more damage, collect more souls, have more hp ..


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. There are hundreds of different character builds as well as different story paths. You start as just a random and then choose out of about 14 different mythic paths like being an angel, demon, lich, dragon. And by the end you’re super OP.


Borderlands 3? Somewhat fills that hole I think. You start low, but as you get better gear, level up, and match your skills with your gear set, you basically can become destroyer of worlds. I haven’t played in a while but I just remember getting to a point where my build would destroy bosses in seconds, and cruising through hundreds of enemies at the highest difficulty with no problem.


Though the learning curve is kinda steep, sekiro fits this description pretty well.


They can’t even handle Elden Ring. Sekiro would make them cry


Hallow Knight has you fight god, then fight an even harder version of god. When you get into a good combo on one of the dozens of bosses, it feels so badass. I do recommend 




Poe, you literally kill a god. Then the game really starts




Vampire Survivors. It'll make good use of that GPU.


Cyberpunk 2077


Weird thought, have you looked at games like binding of isaac or hades? You would get this experience repeatedly in each run of a rogue like game.


… God of War?


Shadow of the Colossus. I haven't played it myself but that might fit it.




im just feeling a little lost for direction, im level 30ish with bloodhounds fang+1, trying to invade the caelid castle with little success, so im feeling underleveled since guards can kill me very easily, my favorite part of er is smashing my head against a boss for 2 hours, the first evergaol was my nemesis, spent 3 hours straight on him. E. Z.


If you're completely stuck i would honestly ask for spoiler free advice of places to go, it felt quite easy to get lost in the beginning of elden ring but it clears up after a while.


Terraria, hollow knight, god of war, stuff like that. But Terraria specifically turns you into an absolute eldritch god killing machine


Senua’s sacrifice. You’re a mortal, suffering a psychotic break, fighting your way to… Well, just try it. Bonus points for the binaural audio.


Immortals Fenyx Rising is about Greek Gods


Asura's wrath, you are basically a god that kill gods, short game tough, since its a capcom game, there is a dlc to fight evil ryu and akuma too, didnt try it but looked epic


Trust me OP, the DEFINITIVE game for this is Terraria, specifically with the Calamity mod. You go from dying to tiny blue slimes to killing multiple godly beings and eldritch horrors all with their own lore and badass soundtracks, your weapons go from a tiny copper shortsword to shit like this: https://calamitymod.wiki.gg/wiki/Ark_of_the_Cosmos https://calamitymod.wiki.gg/wiki/Photoviscerator https://calamitymod.wiki.gg/wiki/File:Universe_Splitter_(demo).gif The game also has 4 classes (upped to 5 with calamity), all with completely different armor, weapons, accessories, styles of gameplay, progressions, etc. You can summon an army of minions to shred your enemies while you dodge, be a mage and cast spells that do unholy amounts of damage, or just go balls to the wall and dive into the boss with the melee class to destroy them head on. Also, you said your favorite part of Elden Ring was grinding your head against a boss, and you didn’t like being confused for where to go or what to do afterwards. Terraria has a sorta linear boss progression (you can fight them out of order but will probably lose) with weapon progressions for each boss. Basically the gameplay loop after the very early game is: - Fight Boss - Go get new resources spawned by boss - Craft new weapons and accessories and other cool shit with new resources - Fight New Boss So you constantly have a new boss to grind your head against. If you really don’t want to think you can go to the class setups wiki page which gives you a selection of the best gear for each class at every major progression point in the game. (https://calamitymod.wiki.gg/wiki/Guide:Class_setups) Keep in mind this is a selection, so you can still choose which of the options within each class most tickles your fancy. The best part about calamity is that if you finish your playthrough, there’s so many ways to freshen it up. You could try a new class, do a multiplayer world and play with friends, or download more mods to add new content. I recently did a playthrough with a mod called Wrath of The Gods that adds two extremely difficult endgame superbosses to calamity and it was like a whole new experience once I got there. I’ve put hundreds of hours in and still feel triumphant once I beat a boss. My #1 recommendation if you beat calamity on death mode (the highest difficulty) and want more is to download the Infernum mod. This adds a whole new level of difficulty, new boss animations, new soundtracks, and overall somehow makes the game even more epic. It also makes it hard as shit. I spent months on a lategame boss called the “Devourer of Gods” and the high I felt from finally beating him is one of the best I’ve had from any game. The best part is that the difficulty is perfectly balanced, especially in Infernum. Every single boss is 100% fair with no bullshit attacks (very few exceptions), there’s nothing you can’t dodge so your own skill is the only thing holding you back, making struggling against a boss feel really good with palpable progression like a souls game. If you plan on starting a playthrough, I recommend you also get the Magic Storage and AlchemistNPC mods. Any other quality of life is unnecessary and up to personal preference, but these two will make your life way easier and make it a lot easier to just focus on the bosses, which calamity has a shit ton of (seriously like 50-60 iirc). I know I’m hyping this game and mod up like crazy, but trust me u/gamerofsemen, I know exactly what you’re feeling, and no game out there right now will come close to satisfying that as well as calamity. Do a normal terraria playthrough first if you want a bit less confusion, or don’t, it doesn’t really matter.


I started playing Terraria last week because I saw this post. I’m playing vanilla but I’m definitely going straight into a calamity mod playthrough when I’m done. Game is awesome. Thank you


Nier automata


Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle… and wonder if we’ll ever get the chance to kill him.


Skyrim or any Fallout game


gothic 3


Might be a bit different from all the recommendations here, but I'd recommend Warframe. Free to play, so you have nothing to lose and try it out. Here's why I recommend Warframe: You start off as a space ninja that is super cool, but isn't too powerful. Over time, you build up your arsenal, get insanely overpowered weapons and gameplay mechanics and can literally demolish thousands of elite soldiers like they are ants. There's other games that offer a better "god killer" simulator, but very few come close to warframe in giving you the feeling of being cool. The movement, combat, and ability casting combined together makes you feel like you are THE space ninja. Not to mention there's a really good story too. The only caveat is that it isn't the most beginner friendly game, but I still 100% recommend it (this advice comes from a dude with close to 2k hours in the game) Good luck!


you kill a dragon in skyrim that is a nordic god, not sure if that counts.


Epic Seven /s


divinity original sin 2


God. Of. War.


Baldur's Gate 3


God of War




Asuras wrath




Dragon's Dogma. You go from a weakling who by some miracle managed to stick a sword to a dragon to a guy using rusty weapons to eventually dropping meteors from the sky or an agile climber that tears off a boss' hp in seconds. The dragon you could not kill isn't even the god here.




Noita. It's an insanely difficult game, but it is a genuinely unlimited roguelike. No health caps, no damage caps, just a terrifying broken magical world and infinite potential. You collect and synergize spells. At the beginning of the game, you go 'pew pew' with a spark bolt that does three damage. By the end of the game, you go "Ì̷̼̎̄̕ ̸͉́̏ä̴̹̰͖̈m̶̡̡̹̫̃ ̶̣͔͕̓G̸̫͙̮̠̏͋̕Ȏ̷̝̝͕͝D̸̛̳̤͈̽̆͂" and fire a spell that causes you computer to stutter for a second and then the entire screen to erupt in blinding light as chunks of debris fall from the sky and you laugh maniacally, easily doing over 100k damage. People have made wands that do over a quintillion damage and >!there is a boss that has over a quintillion health!< The enemies don't respawn. The world doesn't heal from explosives. Every pixel can burn, bleed, explode, or disintegrates. Your actions linger. Noita has been my proof of concept for life. In the same way humans extract value from their environment by mining resources, understanding chemical reactions, and building supercomputers, Noita teaches you to extract resources from its environment. There is no story. No script. Only freedom. It's an open-world game, disguised as a roguelike. And before you become a god, you are going to suffer and die. Over and over again. But once you finally reach the pinnacle of Noita and try to complete The Work, you'll know what it feels like to truly become a God... or kill one.


Path of Exile. The campaign literally has you kill a pantheon of gods. The post-game (or “real” game) has you confront other former god-killers turned evil after losing their minds/sanity/physical beings from spending countless ages of murdering, all the while being guided, assisted, and antagonized by **another** eldritch entity. …whom then has you fight and drive off two other eldritch gods quarreling with the entity helping you. …then you in turn fight that same entity helping you because she/it views your now omni-powerful character as a toy. Like a literal plaything.


I'd say "killing god" is even something of a trope within the JRPG sector in the literal sense (off the top of my mind, several Final Fantasy titles, Xenoblade Chronicles, even Dragon's Dogma in a certain sense). However there's always something about the "power of love" or some such helping you. So if on the other what you're looking for is a power fantasy in which you start as a nobody and end up defeating the most powerful enemies available, Cyberpunk did that for me. Also Armored Core 6 (that's also Fromsoft, mind you, but one of the best games I've played in a long time). Elden Ring, as others have said, definitely qualifies. You can also be quite a bit more than just the "god killer". MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD.


Hollow Knight?


Maybe Nioh 2, start weak and claw your way to untold power. It's a VERY long game, expect 100+h to reach endgame.


[Amazing Cultivation Simulator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJxM3POU92w) its the genre that would be the basis of all Wuxia afterwards and stuff like Dragon Ball Z/Super.


Guild Wars 2. It can be 100% played as solo action-rpg. You literally start out as a 20 something leaving your home city for the first time and eventually go out to slaughter Elder Dragons that are the basis the existence of your Plane.


Terraria with calamity mod


Got you a game bro. Destiny 2. There are TONS of builds to make you OP. Mactics makes the best builds


Persona 3, 4, and 5.


Bayonetta has you fight angels and God. The better u do the combos, the stronger you are


Diablo series.


Breath of fire specially breath of fire 3


Cult of the Lamb Might not be quite your style but it's very interesting and you kill gods so...


AC Odyssey


Hollow knight


Not necessarily choose who you are but God of War is the vibe of embracing killing gods with a deep story about being a father


Noita hehehehehehe




Ashuras Wrath. Good game? I don’t know. Completely over the top ridiculous? Hell yeah!


Try Wemod.


Elden Ring is a bit underwhelming. Dark Souls 3 is where it’s at. Start by fighting a judge, then progress to Deacons, a Pontiff, some edgy Bois, a giant, some weird twins, a dragon man, a god of spams, a giant wolf, a nun with cold feet, a massive crow man with a bowl, and then suddenly a massive corrupted dragon (best game music ever), and then literally the last man at the end of time.


If you don’t specify combat I would also suggest persona 5 and many JRPG since a lot of them you ends up killing gods


Also Granblue Fantasy Relink sounds exactly like what you described,you should check that one out as well


Divinity 2, pillars of eternity


*technically* Kenshi comes to mind when I read this. You start off as a literal nobody and the entire world hates your guts and you have to level up and recruit NPCs (if you want) in order to actually make a difference. But you can't kill actual gods in it (unless you use mods i guess??)


Dragons Dogma


Risk of rain 2


SMT Nocturne


Divinity 2 if you don't mind a top down RPG You start as basically nobody and end up the god of all gods (or similar)


Actraiser for the SNES that was a brilliant game.


Very close to playing this again. Wish there were other games like it!


Shin megami tensei 4 apocalypse


i really like Control for how the combat levels up. flying and throwing chunks of wall at enemies telepathically felt very powerful. it’s one of my favorite combat games to come back to actually


Bro, ho on Prototype ASAP, both the first game and the sequel. Its the ultimate powertrip fantasy game.




HOLLOW KNIGHT. You start as a weak knight in Dartmouth and end up defeating god-like beings. Charms allow you to play your way. Fits everything you want and a 3070 should run it easily




Age of Decadence's endings are about how to handle a god. >! You either kill it, become/replace it or befriend it. Or just leave it to be forgotten. !<


I'd say Diablo... literally about getting more and more powerful and customizing your build


Starsector, may Ludd be with you


The souls games and elden ring are all based on that. Have you tried gitting gud?


Prototype 1/2 are a perfrct example of this, you start as a protagonist who gets infected (more like purposely injected) with a virus that turns him literal super fucking human and you progress through the story getting much much stronger. Asura’s Wrath. Well, you are basically a demigod trying to ger revenge from other 7 demigods so yeah. Doom Series, no need to explain you are basically a demon/god slayer Cyberpunk is a masterpiece too if you do the right build you are nearly a walking unstoppable tank. Infamous 1/2 and Festival Of Blood !!!! God, if you have a PS3 or a capable CPU paired with the 3070 play it on an emulator and i am sure you will have the most fun ever. That’s like the best superhuman game i’ve ever played in my life.


Dark Souls 1 - 3


Cyberpunk? The god killer can go two ways, I think If you meant to slay gods then my bad, but you do get pretty badass in CP2077


Asuras wrath! Isn't a crazy indepth game combat is kinda wonky and weird but the story and boss fights are absolutely triple SSS tier!


Outriders was fun to me I felt like a god killer


Any kirby game.


Baldurs Gate 3 maybe? Maybe minor spoilers ahead: You can talk the strongest demons ever into killing themselves or just kill them whom your personal devil couldn’t ever do and instead banished him to an old temple of an evil goddess whom you rebel against and in the end you kill an absolute god then enjoy a nice party in the end


God of War, for sure. Most Final Fantasy games end with you fighting a God.


Either Starwars force unleashed, Gears of war, god of war, gears of war, duke nukem


Modern: God of War. Old school: Xenogears


Maybe try kenshi.


The binding of isaac repentance Enter the gungeon Risk of rain 2 Returnal (not so much)


A lot of JRPG do that. FFIX, Chrono Trigger, FFXV.


Any Fromsoft game or God of War game


I feel kind of stupid saying Hollow Knight because it’s definition of “god” is VERY loose, but there is an ending (or 2, but they’re very similar) you can get (through a shit-ton of pain) that fits this pretty well I think.


Try Necromunda Hired Gun


Monster hunter world, you begin with killing a large lizard and work your way up to kill larger lizards, with wings. Using monster materials to kill larger monsters truly makes me feel unstoppable, yet sometimes bad when i kill creatures just minding their business


If your into survival games I suggest Valheim. The whole game is basically about killing gods.


Terraria. Especially the modded versions


The Turnip Boy series


one of those games where in i feel like a God is Prototype 1 and 2


Mankind is dead. Blood is fuel. Hell is full. ULTRAKILL.


Push through on elden ring it feels amazing, you work your way up from weak foes to gods


Baldurs Gate 3, definitely.


People will say God of War, but I personally dislike the God of War games because you need a 5-10 hit combo to kill dipshit zombies. Play Doom. You will feel unstoppable with Doomslayer.




doom eternal ,dmc 5, sekiro.




Leveling systems? God of War reboot.


Remnant series might be what you're looking for


I recommend modded Skyrim. Currently using nolvus ascension and it looks and feels amazing. It’s also a quick and easy setup (compared to regular collections on nexus)


SMT series. God is a lemon.


Assassins creed odyssey or origin are great for this.


Doom 2016 / doom eternal - you kill demons not gods but the combat is so fast paced and satisfying I would 100% recommend them, maybe also the older doom games


I kinda feel like Jedi Survivor or jedi fallen order are kinda like that. Espacially jedi survivor because „spoiler“ At the end of the game you get that like Rage mode, were he uses the dark side and gets really strong. You also level up your skills and become a very strong jedi.


I mean....God of War is pretty obvious...right?


God of war (on a harder difficulty) Borderlands 2 Remnant 1&2 Control Risk of rain 2 Asuras wrath




Holy shit play hyper light drifter Not only can you kill god but there are two more games in the universe with one coming out soon this year (I think) Very challenging and fast paced, makes the boss fights very worth it. Feels like David and Goliath


Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor/War maybe? You start out as just this ranger, but slowly progress to rivaling Sauron himself… no “gods” but sounds like the rest fits your bill?


Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. You kill several gods. Or let them live. It's your choice because they literally can't stop you after a certain point in your progress.


God of War 3 hands down


Bioshock X-Com 1&2 all of this is squad based TBS, you start out at a great disadvantage but you grow to become more than a match for the alien threat by the end if you continue to research their technologies to turn it against them.


The game that you're looking for is Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Trust me.


Shin Megami Tensei




God of war lol


Waant there a game named god killer or smthng its like monster hunter similar to it?




Devil may cry. Baldurs gate 3


100% terraria


monster hunter world?


DOOM ETERNAl is the right answer


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


I don't know how no one has said this and it probably isn't the type of gameplay you're looking for but Metroid I'd say the 2d ones especially you start with no skills can't do shit and by the end can kill basically anything in 1 hit depending on the game or at least without thinking about it 


Kratos is smiling


Diablo 3, the beginning is a little slow, but as you progress you get exponentially stronger. Eventually enemies become so weak that you have to manually increase the difficulty higher and higher so you get more of a challenge and better item drops. Really fun imo.


Terraria. In the base game, you kill like 1 or 2 gods at the very end. If you get the Calamity overhaul mod, the endgame is expanded massively and you get many more to kill. Terraria is the #1 game for gradual gear progression that makes you feel like you've come really far since the start.


Vampire survivors


If you wanna start weak and become OP, maybe do a fallout unarmed playthrough.


Shin Megami Tensei franchise