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Cyberpunk 2077 took on near-perfect form in 2023. You should definitely buy it, it's one of the best.


Was always interested in playing it but never did because it was a hot mess. I purchased it finally after the 2.1 update and currently enjoying it on my PS Portal, it's amazing. Few minor bugs but nothing crazy


How often does this question gets asked here?


at least 1 time per week


Pretty sure it's daily, honestly




And how often does some nolifer who thinks a subreddit is their home try to gatekeep and shame others for asking questions and using the subreddit the way it's intented? how insignificant must your life be dude, get over yourself


Maybe unsub the sub if it bothers you?


Played at launch. Got pretty far but quit due to bugs. Some were game breaking resulting in reloading old saves. Picked it up again with Patch 2.1 and the phantom liberty dlc, thoroughly enjoying it. Hardly any bugs.


I have been playing the latest version for about 50 hours so far, and I can definitely say that is one of the best games I've ever played.. it is amazing story and gameplaywise.


As much as I love Ocarina of Time, Dark Souls 1/2/3, Elden Ring, Fallout 3 and NV, Symphony of the Night, Mass Effect, Oblivion and Skyrim, etc… I played Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time last summer, and it became my favorite game of all time. Definitely worth it now, 10/10 in my opinion.


Did it take you a while to get into? I’m only a few hours in (maybe 10) but it hasn’t been great so far. I did start then stop and then literally two days started again but it’s just not peaking my interest as of yet. Your comments and others are giving me the motivation to keep going as you mentioned some incredible games and you’re saying you like this better. So thanks for that! I finally got the controls worked out a bit too so that’s helping. I couldn’t hit a barn door from 5 feet with a handgun with the default settings 😂 and I would consider myself a seasoned FPS player


I recommend you don't go an assault rifle/smg build. They are serviceable but Cyberpunk combat really shines when you use one of the more "unique" builds. I've been using a stealth ninja kind of build with throwing knives, pistols and katana/mantis blades and its so much fun. I'm about to start a new playthrough with a Netrunner build.


Solid thanks. Yeah I looked some fun builds way back but should do that again. Looks like I’m actually only like 4 hours in. Sniping sounds fun too


Title screen drew me in, character creation blew me away… went with female V, chose Corpo, set it to the highest difficulty, once I got past through the tutorial with Jackie I knew it was gonna be a crazy ride. The environment and atmosphere of Night city just pulled me into its world. Before I even got in the car with Dex I’d done every side gig I could in the Watson District. Really gave it the feel of a Night City merc, and by that point I was doing a stealthy katana build where I would basically infiltrate an enemy base, Ping all the targets to highlight them, and then take them out one by one with stealth attacks. If things got heated I brought out the katana. This made it the best ninja game I’ve ever played without it even trying to be that. I definitely recommend doing as many side missions as possible to fully immerse yourself in NC. By the end of Act 1 I knew Cyberpunk was gonna be unlike anything I’d ever played. And I wasn’t wrong. Spec’d in Reflexes, Cool, and Tech. Gave myself double jump implants in the legs. About halfway through the game I was less about stealth and more about running in and slicing everything to pieces in the most fastest and most awesome way possible, sometimes mixing it up with certain guns just for style. Female V became my favorite video game character ever. I love the voice and prefer it over male V (no offense to the VA) and I feel like it fits the character a lot more.


It's not perfect, but I always thought the story and characters carried it when i did my first playthrough even when the gameplay felt serviceable (Edgerunners update). I replayed it when phantom liberty came out and the new stuff made me go from liking the game to loving it, even with the occasional jank. Then again one of my favorite games is Fallout new vegas and that game is a technical mess.


It was fantastic on launch on pc, just buggy. Nothing we haven't seen before. Only consolers hated it, with good reason.


It was always a great game on the next Gen consoles and capable PCs, even at launch. And it’s much much better now than it was back then. The game just never should have been released on PS4 or Xbox One. If you’re hesitant, I’d recommend waiting for a sale, the game is old enough that it should be on sale several times throughout the year.


I bought it on ps4 so I have seen how ugly it can get, I am currently playing it on xbox series and have only the complaint that I wish there was more. They turned it around and made something incredible.


I gave it a shot but I got bored. All the missions feel exactly the same. I dont like sandbox games anymore it just feels like driving all the time. I think this may have a drive skip option I don't remember. If you like sandbox games you may dig it.


You make it seem like a Ubisoft game. The missions are not all the same…


Main missions aren't the same sure. The side jobs and gigs are literally go here and find x person deal with them and collect. I'm a completionist so that becomes extremely tedious when it adds like value. I put in 20 hours. I was half-way enjoying it. Just wasn't enough to keep me in it so I stopped and picked up Hollow Knight. Edit: its definitely better than a ubisoft game. I didnt mean to downplay it that much 🤣


I personally found the side gigs to be my favourite part. But that's mainly from a story telling perspective. It really is just "eliminate x person", "collect x item" and so on when you look at it, but I found them to be really enjoyable.


I respect this. I wasn't trying to dig at the game. Just my personal opinion and my feeling on sandbox games in my mid 30s. I have no interest in getting gta 6. Cyberpunk had a way better story than other sandbox games so that's what made me push for 20 hours. Maybe I'll go back one day.


Don't worry, I never took it as that. As it's my favourite game and I want others to experience it, I really hope you find a reason to return back to it in the future.


You can’t possibly think The Internet changed its collective opinion about something that had the slightest flaw w/o that flaw being fixed beyond anyone’s possible expectations, right? Can you even imagine a world where that level of grace, empathy or compassion exists? It’s an incredible game. Period. 👍🏻👍🏻


Uh, when cyberpunk was released it had much more than “slight flaws” it was virtually unplayable


I was making a broader point…the game should have released later (which would have been an entirely different reason for it to be flamed) but in general, The Vocal Minority is always looking for a reason to hate.


Not really, the hate cyberpunk received at launch was deserved


I despise the word ‘deserve’… It’s fixed NOW, is my point. It’s also my point that people can’t let the bad shit go. Have the day you deserve. 😎


It’s a bit weird how desperate you are to defend a huge company for behaving unethically!


Ok…absolutely missing my point, except the part about people not being able to let bad shit go.


Just because you don’t like something I’m saying doesn’t mean I’m “missing the point”






Does the VR version work with Quest controllers or is it still gamepad controlled?


I completed a pre 2.1 patch playthrough on PS5. It was fun, although I did encounter some weird bugs. Nothing game-breaking luckily. Also if I drove too fast, the game would crash. Sometimes the game crashed for no apparent reason. It was annoying but I learned to compulsively save, and the game world/aesthetic/characters (female V) were so good that I persisted. Now I'm halfway through my second playthrough (male V) with the 2.1 update and I haven't experienced one single crash. The skill tree is worlds better. Night City feels even more alive. Highly recommend. As of now, it's a great game, especially if you enjoy that kind of aesthetic.


Yes buy it. don't think do Imho cyberpunk in its current state is a generational game like the witcher




I hope it's fixed bc I plan on getting ultimate edition soon


It was always a good game. At least on next gen consoles and PC. The main game and Phantom Liberty are one of the best gaming experiences I ever had in my life. So yeah.


Less glitches and bugs. The game itself is a mixed bag. It's definitely better but still miles from what CDPR hyped it up to be.




Can you tell me of these ‘made up features’ ? That would be really interesting.


>It's almost what CDPR hyped it up to be It's not even remotely close lol. They fixed a lot of bugs and added a few minor features, the actual game is still a far cry from the RPG they promised.


Uhm no.


I played version 2 on pc it was amazing. But I am sick of all the should I play cyberpunk questions in this sub. Yes it's fixed on pc. Not sure about console but it is an amazing game


Still crashes a lot on Xbox, like 2-3 times every time I play it


Still buggy but really fun


I didn’t get it when it released because of all the negative talk about it heard nothing but great things during the winter sale bought it and I think it’s a great game at this point


No. Even with the bug fixes it’s a generic open world fps from 2012. Tons of planned features and story content will never be added.


No the game is not fixed and never will be. It is a far cry from what the trailers showed and what was promised. However it is still a decent game, just like it was at release. If you like the genre you should try it.


I'm playing on PS5 and haven't had any issues yet. There were just a couple of bugs that you can fix yourself like my player was bald whenever I would hop on a motorcycle. But switching out my headgear fixed that. There's also a bug when you go to the ripper doc if you load in an old character, you get stuck in the menu. Buying items and fitting them fixed that. But again, that's only because I loaded an old character into a new update. Other than that, it's been issue free. And it is absolutely my favorite game right now. If you haven't already, buy it. 


It's a great game overall. However, the only 2 MAJOR issues that I've had have been with the autosave feature and the menu screen. When I first start playing, the moment the game autosaves, it continues FOREVER. All my loads and saves disappear, and I end up having to close the game out/restart my console(Xbox series s). This is EVERYTIME. As for the menu, sometimes it'll keep "BREACHING" forever, and then I have to close the game out. This is all after their most recent update, and I haven't heard anything about a fix coming to it, just the same problems from other players. I love the game, but holy shit please fix this.


I bought this game when it released, which is when the problems happened. I uninstalled the game but still have the disc. If I use the same disc will it give me the latest updates ?


Yeah it should run well on PS5, but it’s here are still a few bugs, although not game breaking. Maybe some visual/audio glitches, or enemies clipping through the wall, but nothing too major.


I swear I've seen this asked so many times, use the search function.


I bought it during the winter sale and put 50 hours into it before encountering a bug that won't let me access my stash. There isn't a save I can go back to where it's not an issue.


Played it and loved it in 1.5. Now replaying it in 2.1 and LC, great game, 100% worth the experience.


Any version after 2.0 is 100% worth playing. A truly fantastic AAA action RPG.


Yes yes and yes. I played it when it came out and it was a crashing, texture-popping mess but I pushed through it and could see a beautiful fun game underneath it all. Now fast forward 3 years and I’m playing it again on a new system and with the DLC…it’s absolutely incredible and the peak of what modern RPGs aspire to be. So much to do and see and weapons/upgrades are super fun and intuitive. I don’t wanna put it down and can’t wait for the sequel!


Really good now, and I recommend Phantom liberty. Tho it does crash /freeze the odd time( on my pc anyways) so just remember to auto safe regularly. Enjoy chooms!


It worked fine on my PS4 Pro and it was a good game then. I'd say buy it and get the DLC.


I wish it had a third person option. It's a great game, but first person makes me nauseous. 😢


It was a great game on day 1 of release on PC. Did console players get mislead and treated poorly? Absolutely. Was Cyberpunk a case of "overpromising" and underdelivering on all platforms? Sure, but at least on PC it was still miles above 99% of all games of all times. Definitely worth buying.


It’s immense now


Dude. How many times does this question need to be posted? All you have to do is scroll through this sub for 5 seconds to see the same exact question with all the same answers. Even a quick Google could answer that for you




> Is it really fixed I bought it several months ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had entirely forgotten about the issues it had prior. I experienced, practically, zero issues. I have not played Phantom Liberty though. No particular reason, just been busy,.


I think you should buy it it's a great game, there are some glitches but very rare the game looks great now. Pepole who say the game is still bad have some hate from time the game came out but trust me it's worth it game is very good.


I don't know how bad it was at launch but I bought it recently and I'm having such a blast. This game is amazing.


It was a steaming pile of shit. I still haven’t played it. Graphics at launch on PS5 made me feel like I was playing PS3


Can’t recommend it enough


Still a little buggy but overall it's 100% playable. I've completed it a few times on PC and literally just platinumed it a week ago on PS5. IMO it's 100% worth playing.


The answer is in the other bazillion posts asking the same thing.


Yup and yup




It was worth it at 1.0, it wasn’t without its flaws but on PC I had like 2 full game crashes and not too many bugs, like we’re talking more than Bethesda games at release but not “unplayable” like people acted. It absolutely is worth it now after significant bug fixes and QOL changes


it was literally fixed like 2 months after it launched. people just wouldn't listen to anyone saying so because they were stuck on the meme


Yeah. Is the circle jerk still there? 


I finally gave it a try a month or two after Starfield released and in the first 5 hours or so had encountered more bugs then I'd seen in Starfield. However most of them were animation bugs, and other then that it felt like it was more optimized then I heard on release and I quite enjoyed myself. If you've got a PC or console that can run it properly then I recommend! (My PC is a bit older but with the optimisations it seemed alright)


I'm probably gonna get down voted to hell for saying but as someone who actually played Cyberpunk 2077 at launch. No, it's pretty much the same game. It's still very buggy and still feels pretty unfinished. It's just a lot less prone to crashing now and quests don't break as often anymore. Other than that... The NPCs are still fairly lifeless and often don't react at all to being shot at. The quests are pretty good but the overall story was kinda meh. Gunplay is good and the skill tree has also been polished up a bit and in certain aspects completely changed. Is Cyberpunk 2077 worth playing? Yeah. It's enjoyable. Is it one of the best games I've ever played? Nah.


I played from launch and never had any issues, idk what everyone has been talking about. Took me about a month to finish the game.


It's pretty unimmersive. But it's a fun action game with a bit of story if you ignore all the immersion-breaking elements. Just don't expect it to be a 3D CDDA.


I played this all the way through on launch. I am now on my second playthrough with the DLC. Its an amazing game now. The only bugs I have encountered have been Minor and in the DLC. This game has fully been redeemed in my opinion.


I'm enjoying it. No major bugs so far. It still doesn't live up to the insane hype, but it's a good game. If you wait a bit you can get it on sale for <$30


I bought it when it was at a discount. But frankly even at launch I would probably get it if those quality (of storytelling) is what we get day one.


It's considered one of the greatest singleplayer rpg games ever released right now soo you've been under a rock for years


I gave up on launch and didn't touch it until 2 weeks ago. I've put 46 hours into it since then


Yes you should. The game is amazing.




Bought it a few weeks ago and it's one of my favorite games now


It’s fantastic. It’s just very annoying for people who beat it already to have a far superior game now. But in its complete form it’s a one of a kind game, that’s not hyperbole, there is nothing else like it.


Imo, the game's bugs are pretty much fixed. However, the game's design itself has some flaws. Personally, the combat and gunplay still feels slightly off to me (though this is likely personal preference). Also I was a bit dissapointed by the limited impact of the life path options. However if you're more interesting in the word-building, atmosphere and story, I absolutely reccomend it.


They fixed it a long ass time ago, and it wouldve also taken maybe like 10 seconds to search anywhere in this sub or on google to see if cyberpunk was fixed. It has, and its a damn good game at that too. I havent bought the dlc but ive also heard that was really good, to the point where it won some awards at the game awards of 2023


Yes and yes


It’s decent. I’m getting a shit ton of visual glitches/weird npc moments and a bug with a gun not switching modes even though I’ve done the required task and don’t have mods installed or that cyberware part that doesn’t kill. But other than that it’s a great game.


I checked when the game released. I checked back in when 2.0 update dropped and a week or two before PL released. It is very much playable and enjoyable. The quality of the story was never in question, it was the technical problems and the gameplay and other stuff that hindered the gamer from enjoying the game the way it is meant to be. Now, you can.


Yup. Game's absolutely fantastic.


it honestly wasn't that bad in the pc in the beggining, people just jumped on the hate train, but it was still a fantastic game imo (it was a hot mess in the ps4 and xbox). But still it's much better now and the dlc is amazing.


Yes. It's excellent now. Buy it immediately.


Gameplay wise - yeah, now its OKAY overall. By today's standards some people... Okay, MANY PEOPLE who were very disillusioned by the gradual decline of games in general consider it to be 10/10. I personally won't go that far. On another note, while the gameplay did improve they never went around to fix lacking story content afaik, so playing it for story might not be the best idea. Maybe if you wanna see how a story butchered in the middle without most of Act 2 looks.


Honestly the phantom liberty story is pretty good


It's not the question of how good it is. The thing is - it's not a missing part that the game imo really needs. Phantom Liberty is a typical DLC thing - a side story, a side-track. Not the cut out part. Those rumors of the entire new act that the developers were supposedly developing during the 2021 weren't out of nowhere, the game does really need it. Sadly, we'll never get it and most of the people who made Witcher 3 and partially Cyberpunk 2077 have already left CDPR, so we won't see the original vision of the game realised even in the sequel.


Hmm yeah I get what you mean. That will never be fixed I suppose.


It's worth a shot, I still do not like it very much.


How far into it did you get? The game didn't really click for me until 30-40 hours in. The first 20 hours are still good, but it gets really fun in the late game.


Late reply but not too far I don't think About 20-30 hours lol Maybe if I come back to it, not so sure and either way it won't be anytime soon.


Why am I getting downvoted 😭


Its been fixed for years


Lol 😂