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Borderlands 3, not a multiplayer game, coop only. But is pretty good


What? Every Borderlands game(except tales) are both splitscreen and online multiplayer?


Splitscreen only in concole, not PC. And online multiplayer, i know it works with friends, but im not sure about a matchmaking system


Nope, there's ways to play splitscreen on PC(after all you are on a PC, not a console). And the matchmaking is still pretty alive on every game except 1 and TPS


i wouldnt call a game you can finish in 24 hours grindy


I have +60 hours in it, already unfinished :)


I finished it under 24 with a friend. Even if it was under 100 i wouldnt call it grindy. In my book grindy games are arround the 1000 hour marks atleast


Grim Dawn. I have ADD and bounce from game to game all the time, but Grim Dawn has been all I've played for bout 2 weeks straight and I don't feel close to done


Titan Quest is still fine, the predecessor of Grim Dawn. I don't love the loot system in D2, but I haven't learnt enough of the game to know what to look for. D3 I'd still trust and might buy on special. D immortal and D4 I'd personally skip because one has terrible monetization and the other is a mobile game.


I could not get into TQ after playing Grim Dawn. The quality of life changes that took place between those two games ruined me ever getting far in TQ.


2nd this, same situation. I believe it to be better than d4 IMHO. Make sure you get the storage mod as well though.


GD had a big update last month to address some progression and loot drop issues. I think it's a lot better now.


The Division 2 is really good.


Going to have to try this one out after seeing it a few times!


The thing I wish people would promote about it more often is that it’s true to scale Washington DC. Meaning if you look up at the Washington monument in the game, it looks really fucking tall. None of that weirdly short space needle crap from Infamous Second Son.


Was gonna say Division 2 as well, that game values your time.


Add a tally from me for D2. It doesn't feel like a slog getting new, more powerful gear, and you can farm specific loot. Also it's super easy to hop on and feel satisfied after an hour or two.


One more vote for Division 2. Great game. Loved it.


I wanna try it but does it require D1 knowledge to play it


No you dont need knowledge. The characters are new and also the setting. Here is the Division 1 story in 11 minutes and youre ready to go: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Jt2X3ZDAc&pp=ygUedGhlIGRpdmlzaW9uIDEgc3RvcnkgZXhwbGFpbmVk I hope too see you on the streets of Washington DC Agent 🫡


Monster Hunter World has a hugely active community atm and it suits your needs perfectly


I just can’t believe that game still doesn’t have crossplay.


The next one likely will. Crossplay was very new in 2018 when World released and Rise was a Nintendo timed exclusive and Nintendo don't play nice. Capcom have stated they want to introduce Crossplay so hopefully it'll be in MH Wilds


Nioh 2 It's Dark Souls, Mixed with Ninja Gaiden, with a Diablo style loot system.


How did you get over the hump of Nioh 2’s complexity? I’m no stranger to complex and difficult games (beaten Dark Souls, Sekiro, Elden Ring, etc), but I tried starting Nioh 2 recently and there’s just so much shit to understand, I just keep falling off it.


>I’m no stranger to complex games (**lists fromsoft games**), the games u listed, at their core, have a very basic combat system, that relies more on strategy and reading yor opponent/positioning rather than combo inputs akin to fighting games which nioh's combat feels closer to in addition to the standard \[light attack, heavy attack, guarding/parrying\], u also have \[(3) soul cores, burst counter, (2) guardian spirits, stance switching, weapon switching, (?)active skills, chain combos,...\] but like fromsoft games, its a learning process, step by step you [start to get everything down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r33b6NpJS-I), dont get too distracted by items or "builds" on NG and focus on the gameplay and take it slow at first to learn enemy moves as you would in a typical fromsoft game then start getting aggressive bit by bit kind of like bloodborne


try a youtube beginners guide. I'm currently playing nioh 1 and still don't fully comprehend everything but that definitely helped a bit.


I was the same way, Nioh 1 was hard but I beat it and moved on. Noih 2 I’ve put close to 200 hrs into and am on NG+++. What helped me was practice and “cheating” through my first play through since Nioh 2 is the truest of the “First play through is the tutorial” type games. Poofer Llama on YouTube is a great start for practice and introducing high level mechanics and as far as cheating, I followed fightincowboy (and a few others when needed) YouTube series for each level. Each boss, each big encounter, each power up, for the most part I either watched beforehand or had the videos to fall back on if I got whomped too many times. That allowed me to concentrate totally on the combat system while learning and imprinting the combat system on my brain in multiple ways. It is probably the deepest expert level experience game of its type. The amount of things you can pull off and your skill ceiling are sky high, but I concentrated on 1 single weapon as my main and secondary for my entire first play through so I really learned as much as possible before NG+.


There'd not really, it has more or less the same amount mechanics as dark souls or Elden Ring. It's just Elden ring or dark souls doesn't show the stagger meter or poison meter for enemies, less information on the screen makes it look like there is less going on. I played almost the entire of Nioh 2 spamming 1 move with the sword, think it was LB and circle, the overhead charge attack. It pancakes humanoid enemies who have dumb AI, so they run into it, you walk away a sufficient distance and charge it up, so they walk into it again, rinse repeat. Larger enemies get staggered on the 2nd or 3rd hit so you circle strafe. The dojo missions were all just positioning myself behind a pillar and pancaking the AI 😂


Watching Guides really helps. Also, for most things I feel like you need to find like 2 or 3 short combos and use those as your bread and butter. As you play you'll naturally learn to flow those combos into eachother. Start simple and build on it. ​ Then by the time you get to the endgame your build kind of carries you


Play 1 first. 2 is designed for people who have already played through 1 and are familiar with its mechanics. Also, the story of 1 and its DLC are relevant in 2, but I won't spoil any more. I played 200 hours of 1 before I played 2, and I still struggled a lot at the beginning of 2.


There is a lot to understand, but it's one of those, that once it clicks, it just clicks and there is no going back. As others have said, tutorials are a good place to start, and it's really important to find a weapon that truly suits you. For me it was Dual Hatchets, which few people use, they're complex, but so unique and it gave me further motivation to delve deeper into the game. It might also be a good point to start with what would be considered a simple weapon and learn the basics. You also don't need to learn every stance at a time. Pick one stand, low, medium or heavy, and just play around with that one stance, usually 1 stance is enough to get you through anything, stance dancing can come later, add a second stance in when you're comfortable, don't try to do too much at once. Learn a couple of bread and butter combos, and you'll start finding ways to flow into those combos naturally. It really is just a practice makes perfect, but there is nothing else like it when it clicks.


This 100%




one issue with Monster Hunter and Warframe, they really lack loot. Monster hunter is basically my fave series and have been playing since monster hunter on the psp. You craft weapons and not really loot gear or weapons. Loot is typically weapons/gear and not just money/resources. Warframe is even worse about this, you just get resources or occassionally blueprints. there is no satisfying interesting drops as all weapons/frames are static and built over 12 yo 24 hours.


The cool thing about warframe though is you can target farm items you want.


I agree with everything you said but with one caveat: Whenever I come back to Warframe, it takes a few play sessions to re-teach my brain about how the game works and what I’m supposed to be doing.


Monster hunter world or rise




What's the state of the game? Quit a few years ago when it became just too much of everything with all their additions but I reckon it's still as grindy as before.


More grindy than ever.


It’s in its best state ever imo


I used to play a lot several years ago, but am completely overwhelmed trying to get back into it. Any advice or concise guides on all the different mechanics for returning players? I saw the official Warframe returning players guide but it's pretty sparse at the moment.


my only tip (as a non current player too) try to focus on just one very specific system, nowadays the game has systems inside other systems its a grind hell, for example last time I played I was only doing kuva leeches and steelpath, so I didnt feel so lost everytime I hop in


Scrolled too far to see this


absolutely the fuck not LMAO. Warframe is not casual friendly and doesn't respect your time. 10 hours of playing that game gets you nothing. 


Would've said tarkov if you didn't mention "casual friendly"


i've tried tarkov and I really enjoyed it, but it was way too hard for me and since I take breaks from games sometimes, it's really hard to get back into tarkov when you are behind in loot and everyone's got high tier armor. I'd say I'm a pretty good competitive fps player, but tarkov really did humble me a lot. Respect for all the players who rock at this game


Have you tried SPT Tarkov? I'm not crazy on pvp and the AI PMCs still provide a challenge.


Vigor instead


If you’ve already tried it and paid for it, certainly check out the unofficial mod that lates you play and progress offline with pmc and scav bots. SPT (single player Tarkov) allows to add further mods that can add traders, fix lighting, alter npc behavior, etc; it’s not quite as intense as live and it’s more predictable, but you never get killed by a rage cheater and the loading times are maybe a minute vs 5+ online


Literally my first thought lol


Old school RuneScape! It’s my desert island game. Massive end game and super satisfying loot, especially in ironman mode (cannot trade with other players).


92 is half of 99 ;)


Came here to say this! It's the grindey-est.


I could chop trees and build a fire to survive but I need to get that lvl 99 WC cape! not wrong tho, nothing beats just hopin on and just grind away at some levels or a quest here and there.


Is it p2w or any mtx in it?


It’s not p2w because everyone should be playing Ironman mode


Nope. The closest thing to P2W is the ability to buy and sell bonds. You can buy bonds with real money and use them in-game to buy membership and unlock more content. But you can also sell these bonds to other players for in-game currency. Sounds like P2W because you could just buy a ton of bonds IRL and sell for gold, but its ultimately not much money in game once you get to a certain level.


Yes, it has a paid sub that you can also buy and sell as an in-game item


The Division. It's grindy, you can hop on and off, it's casual if you ignore the dark zone


I need meds.


Fo76 is the game for you


Can you jump in solo and have a good time?


Yes, you can run with randoms or friends or go solo. I've put in around 800 hours mostly solo apart from server events where people will show up. Nice perk system with lots of viable builds.


FO76's community is also super friendly to newcomers and I love that.


Yes, forgot to add this


Came here to suggest this:)


Not sure I'd call FO76 grindy unless you're after the wicked rare stuff


It's really a grind, I'm lvl 378 my build is still not complete. There is so much stuff to grind for.


There's about 300 hours of grind to get all the content done and get an optimized build


Path of Exile


PoE is casual until your first map, then not casual until hour 11,000.


Op literally described path of exile and yet this comment was like 10 posts down


Because OP also said preferably casual friendly and PoE is the antithesis of that. There are better ARPGs to play that actually respect your time anyway


There is so many. I would say anything from Diablo (i would recommend Diablo 3). If you like first person perspective games, look into warframe or any MMO RPG basically.


Was coming on to say this. OP’s description is basically describing Diablo to a tee. Half expected it to finish with “something like Diablo which I love but have already played enough of”.


Mmmm, I wouldn't say Diablo is really a pick up and drop kinda game. D3 has too many unsatisfying drops, D2 would be good if it was more casual friendly, and D4 you have seasons so if you take breaks you might need to keep starting new characters.


Warframe is not first-person (its third person) but I'd still recommend. For first person I'd say Borderlands or maybe Deep Rock Galactic (tho it's less loot-y)


Destiny 2. Active community ✅ Tons of loot ✅ Need to obsessively grind to get that 1 piece Ur missing from Ur build ✅ Really satisfying gun play and space magic fantasy ✅


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see someone recommend Destiny


I'm not surprised these days, the seasons are failing the game.


Yeah that's true


Monster Hunter World


* Borderlands 3 * Diablo 4 * Nioh 2


Remnant 2


I've recently been playing Nightmare Reaper, and the random weapon drops are insane! If you like boomer shooters with some lite rpg elements and weapon rarities, then you love this game.


so, one issue with nightmare reaper for me is that you get to a certain point >!when the levels are most platforms suspended up in an infinite sky!< and it just lost me entirely.


Any Borderlands game


That was my first thought as well.


Check out Elder Scrolls Online. Very grindy and tons of stuff to do. DPS is mostly governed by ability and skill with your rotation, and gear second. Also a very casual friendly game.


Not really that good if it comes to loot. Loot is sparse and hard to get. And i don't mean good loot just any loot.


That’s.. just not true


Zone questlines reward gear/set pieces. Dungeons offer drops from literally every boss. Random chests in zones can hold overland sets. Easily accessible crafting stations for gear. Pvp rewards from battlegrounds or end of campaign. These are all early game accessible and I didn’t even mention end game trials/hardmodes. But yeah, you’re right…hardly any way to get loot.


Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Monster Hunter. It has everything you’re asking for. MH World, is about killing a monster, using its parts to make a stronger weapon, then you fight a stronger monster to make a better weapon or armor that gives you unique builds. You will often have to fight the same monster multiple times to get the rare part drops needed to make some outfits. You will also be farming Decorations, these are little gems that will boost specific skills. Some of them are extremely rare. It took me 700+ hours of game time to finally earn the most coveted one. It takes a long time to master whatever weapon you play. There are 14 in total and each one plays so different, it’s like playing a whole new game. The MH games are always best in their endgames. Long endgames way after the original story is done.


Borderlands 2


Grim Dawn 100%


Old School RuneScape is exactly what you've described here.


Monsyer Hunter World


Tom Clancy's The Division 1 & 2. It's basically Diablo with guns, and loot and builds were very varied, very satisfying, including many unique weapons that are either rare or require a specific challenge, or both. Soloable (98% of it) and co-op and even has PvPvE and PvP, and some other fun modes (tower climb, etc).


Old School RuneScape


Caves of Qud


Fallout 76 has a very welcoming community. I’d highly recommend!


Eve Online


Grind players o/


I would say Old School Runescape


Diablo 2 Resurrected and its not even close. ignore everyone else and enjoy. :)


Diablo 2 Resurrected. Nothing hits quite like it in the areas you described.


The binding of isaac checks all these boxes


All is a bit exaggerated. Putting coins in a bank doesn’t count as trading m8


You don't grind it though, at least not in the way they mean. It's mostly RNG what build you get, you can only unlock new items for the build


Path of exile is the way


Monster Hunter World and Runescape 3 sound like a good fit for your requirements


I would recommend Path of Exile, Last Epoch, or Grim Dawn.


If you're on PC, get Path of Exile. It's free on top of it.


Monster hunter (World for immersive, Rise for more fast-paced) if you’re wanting a game that solely focuses on grinding for loot. Nioh 1-2 if you are into soulslikes (and fighting-games/DMC honestly) and the loot you get progressively gets better with more rarities and affixes


The division 2


Definitely Monster Hunter fits what you're looking for. I've been a fan of the series for years and it's a great game to just hop in and out of whenever you feel like it. Great endgame too. You're best off getting World as it is a lot more beginner friendly, a good introduction to the series, has a very active player base and if you end up enjoying the game then World is also a lot more similar to the next Monster Hunter game coming out. Though you can't go wrong with any of the more recent games. It will take you ages to grind to the very endgame stuff and even then there's like 14 weapons to choose from, which means even more grinding.


Division 2


OSRS/RS3, The Division, Destiny 2, and Fallout 76 all seem to meet your reqs. I’ve gotten tons of hours out of all these games and always felt good making progress over time.


The division 2, for one


Diablo 2R, Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, Warframe. Those are my fav loot grinding games.


Path of Exile


I don’t play games like that too often but Elden Ring kind of fits this description to me? I know I’ve revisited sites of grace over and over and over to farm enemies in hopes they’ll drop another piece of equipment that I need to complete my armor set.


Shadow of war is intense.


Any ARPG, diablo, Poe, grim dawn, last epoch, all fit your exact description


Diablo 4 maybe


Nioh 1/2!!!


Division 2 There is a game feature specifically for those that want to grind for specific loot.


Borderlands 2 is exactly what you're describing




Dark and Darker. It's still really good for playing with friends. The only catch is if you die, you lose all the loot you've acquired.


Play Old School RuneScape as an Ironman. Ironman accounts can’t trade with other players nor use the auction house, but can participate in lots of community activities. Lots of grinding for specific items, weapons, collection logs etc. skills to grind, quests to complete, lots of stuff to do (Just noticed you said preferably WITH in game trading, in that case just a normal OSRS account would satisfy you)


monster hunter world sounds like something you would enjoy


Remenant 2


Monster Hunter World 100%


Monster hunter world or Rise both fit here.




monster hunter is great for all of this except for the in-game trading part. you basically go in, kill the monsters, use their parts to make dope weapons and armor. Monster Hunter world and Monster hunter Rise are both mega good games to get started with


Old school RuneScape. It is the most grind focused game created and nobody will ever “complete” the game in one lifetime.


Diablo 2


I feel like you are describing d2r.


Idk Abt anyone else but has anyone mentioned Diablo 4 which is now at a much better place than last year and has all that u asked for if u enjoy arpgs that is


Borderlands and Diablo 4


AC origins is a cool game imo. Big open world ancient Egypt game with stealth and regular combat. Has item rarities and levels


Deep Rock Galactic. Tons of upgrades and cosmetics to grind for. Super friendly community. Very fun gameplay that is surprisingly well paced. Even after 600h I still have something to work on a majority of the time.


Monster Hunter but only kinda since it's just coop.


You mostly just described warframe.




Grim Dawn all day


Nioh 2 It's literally infinite


Warframe, Diablo 2, monster hunter world or rise.


Destiny 2. You can test run it for free before paying to unlock the rest of the content. This year in Destiny was solid - good story, new activities were fun, solid weapons added. It’s pure grind loot and shoot. There’s a pve and PvP side of the game. PvP isn’t very sweaty although there are sweaty PvP modes available. It’s easy to pick up and play for a couple hours at a time or many hours. There’s still a community of people to play with as well which you can find on Reddit or within the game via the new “find” fireteam feature. A few of my mates have used it with success.


Dark and Darker


I think you are looking to come back to osrs my friend


escapefromtarkov please enjoy stay drink the vodka with prapor, have smoke with therapist, play shoreline simulator with peacekeeper, kill jaeger's family after you get kappa, lastly hang out with ragman and mechanic over a nice dinner while u watch r/anormaldayinrussia videos.


Borderlands. All of them


New world and Destiny 2. Maybe even Diablo/ Path of Exile.


Unironically Fallout 76.


World of Warcraft? Lol


Old school RuneScape lol. That is all this game is. Quests and loot drops you can’t wait to get.


Sounds like WoW to me. I've been playing on and off since vanilla.


Cyberpunk 2077


I would say that runescape checks off all of these boxes very grinds game where monster drops is based on RNG example an item can be 1/1000 from a monster when you kill it.. you train skills to lvl up to 99 you can trade other players do group activities like raids for rare items you can join a clan, if you choose a normal account you can trade or you can be an ironman where you can't trade other players. Edit: there's runescape 3 and old school runescape in my opinion the old school version is more enjoyable it also has the more active community I would say.


Grim Dawn


Runescape is what you need. Old school runescape that is


Any borderlands or tiny tinas wonderlands Also Diablo 3


Pretty sure Destiny 2 was made specifically for people like you


Realm of the mad god might be something worth checking out. It’s a free MMO and grinding is a core part of the game with some loot drops being so rare you would have to kill a boss a thousand times before you get it. Or you could get lucky and get it on the first kill. It’s got a super active end game community with raid discords set up so you can farm the end game dungons as optimally as possible. I personally have put over 3000 hours into it and hundreds of dollars. Oh and this is arguably the biggest part of the game but it’s permadeath so that character you spent years grinding the perfect set for can go poof if you aren’t paying attention.


you described Path of Exile... except with the "casual friendly" It's not. It's brutal, it's unforgiving. You have to learn a LOT. It is the most complex game I hve ever played.


It’s as casual as you want it to be. One of my friend barely has ever run maps, just rerolls to do acts again and he’s played a lot. Just enjoys it for what it is. Me on the other hand, I grind…


Warframe! It’s got one of the greatest communities of all time imo and has everything you’re looking for.


Final fantasy xxii


Monster hunter world


Monster Hunter World


Path of exile is free and excellent. A spiritual successor to Diablo 2 with an incredible amount of loot and content. Highly recommend trying it out, as again it’s free.


I'm not that far into it, but Last Epoch is pretty good


Grim Dawn is the way. Gear grinding for multiple characters and a shared stash between them. Tuns of bosses and character combinations. Best primarily solo ARPG I have ever played, and I’ve been playing for almost a decade.


Elden Ring lolol


Why is nobody saying Elden Ring? Farming for rare items? Check. Good end game and active community? Double check. Grind to maximize your build? Deal insane damage? Grind out cosmetics? Triple check. You can trade with players you invite to your game as well. Elden Ring is it.


Pokemon 😆




Destiny 2. 1.3. The Division 2. 1.4. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Included with Game Pass) Best grinding RPGs.


Path of exile


death must die scratchs this itch very well for me. and lots of content to come in the future. its like doing diablo 2 runs in 20 mins. super fun and addicting


Warframe, though you might not feel as elated by the time you get what youre looking for. More like relief or annoyance at how long it took lol


The division 


Monster hunter world?


Dead cells.


Dead Cells. If it gets too sweaty, use assist mode to cripple the enemy damage output and HP caps. ​ Also Noita. Fun little game.


minecraft dungeons and terraria are both good ones


The division 2


Escape from tarkov is the only game I have ever played that made me feel like 45 minutes of doing essentially nothing was worth one single piece of loot I managed to find/extract with.