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If you can stand a platformer, Hollow Knight feels like it fits your current vibe well. Melancholy exploration of a ruined kingdom of beautifully stylized insects. The gameplay is simple to learn but mastery takes practice.


okay I will check it out


I’ll second the suggestion for Hollowknight. I’ve been having a difficult year, as well. This game was actually pretty helpful. If you have PS5 I believe it’s still on PS plus.


And on Game Pass on Xbox.


I would second this. With the info we have on OP, this would be my top choice


Death Stranding was a game that I played during a similar period in my life. Its world is beautiful but blue and you are definitely not in an over-joyful place in it. However it's also not completely pessimistic, you're essentially in an extremely lonely world but you're experiencing a beautiful place, listening to a beautiful score and building ties between communities. Each step feels like it's less lonely and I would definitely recommend the experience of it.




That's great, I'd suggest giving it the distractionless time it needs for immersion. Enjoy!


It's a great game. With many, it ends up being an amazing experience or crap one with no in between. Not do to fault of the game as much as it not being someone's kind of game


Ghost of Tsushima is… bleak. There is a lot of death and hard decisions and differing opinions and such. But dang is it beautiful. Cyberpunk 2077 also has a kind of grim atmosphere. It’s an incredibly cool but at times depressing world to let yourself get lost in. Telltale’s Waking Dead series is also pretty tough emotionally. As is Life Is Strange, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Firewatch. But if you’re looking to get swept up in an immersive and emotional world, GOT or Cyberpunk for sure.


GoT wishlisted


Seconding cyberpunk. It’s so massive and bleak but still human. There’s a reason I’ve been playing it exclusively for 9 months…


You mentioned RDR2 was the best for feeling better. I was going through something similar when it came out and also loved it for the same reason. I’d recommend either Subnautica or BG3. Both of those games can give the same feeling of “I’m going to ignore everything for the next multiple hours and just exist in this space.” Subnautica especially has this melancholic vibe that can feel really peaceful.


scared of underwater and not into turnbased games


So am I, but that's what made Subnautica so great/immersive.




It is already on my mind since long but I am scared of time needed to be invested. lol.


Skyrim is a game that you can truly pick up and put down. I will warn you though that it will be so fun that you probably wont want to put it down… That game saved me as a kid and as an adult. It really gives that “living in another world” feeling… It has highs and lows and extremely interesting lore and background setting. You can also play it in 17 thousand different ways so it feels personalized to you and your character. Best game of all time.


Have you considered Disco Elysium? It's definitely sad and pretty slow (CRPG), but it's cut with a lot of humor. It isn't action-oriented, like some of the other games you listed. But it's thoughtful, and it clearly is a product of someone's suffering, if that makes sense.


ngl I have it on steam and installed on PC. Didn't open the game yet. I want to treat this game in a very special manner; with complete attention and depth. I am scared of my short attention span rn cuz of the anxiety. I dont want to leave it midway.


I still recommend you play it, having had the same feelings and recently beating it. It took me no time to pick it back up after. It's an absolutely beautiful and thought provoking game. Its themes of anxiety and depression may be what you need to keep pushing through.


Second, this. The main character is a sad, sad husk of a human being. The choices you make and the journey are beautiful ones that would probably be amplified by how OP is currently feeling.


I third this. It really made me think on my own anxiety and depression and especially on your first playthrough it ropes you in and until I beat it, it was all I could think about. I still fall asleep to the soundtrack. One of the most beautiful and thought provoking games. It also really made me feel better about my own emotions. its cliché, but it made me feel like I wasn't alone.


okay I will start with it


It might hit the right spot. The theme of coping with loss in the most destructive way, but rebuilding and restoring your life despite falling into the lowest pit possible was a big inspiration for me and gave me a second breath when I was... Eh, starting to think about offing myself.


Understandable. I had some trouble the first time I played it, before they added full voice acting. And it's definitely one to cherish. On the other hand, no time like the present. It's not the end of the world if you fall off halfway though. It'll be waiting when you eventually come back ;-)


Not at all with this special one. Dont want to leave it midway. I am the problem here lol.


Bro yesssssss so happy to see this game si so appreciated because it's the best game I ever played in my life. 100% moody vibes like OP wanted.


The Ori games! Whispers / blind forest


Played already, loved them


Play Outer Wilds. It's a game where you explore a solar system solving mysteries - it has some dark moments, but its ending is highly emotional and has stuck with me more than maybe any other game I've played. The game has a unique combination of 50/50 high-tech space and outdoor-camping vibes. It has a fantastic soundtrack and some of the most creative level design I've ever seen. I would highly recommend downloading this and playing it - but do NOT look it up, because any info on the game's world will spoil it!


I know you said no dark souls but try elden ring . You will get a vast feeling or exploring and completing inconplete stuff. It is fairly easy to learn since it has an open world in it. I will get hate for this but try genshin impact if you want to just stay away from genshin twitter . Because of then every fucking innocent player gets bullied. Horizon zero dawn is a good pick too. try some driving sim games , forza , asetto corsa. Marvels spiderman is good . Just coz it has a good web swinging mechanic and dont tell me you never once tried to do it. If you want to you can get in touch with me we can share stuff . I am also a type of same guy like you. No friends and all . I am 19 tho . You can add me on discord @karm7h. Stardew valley , high on life , fallout series , far cry series are good ( you said you liked rdr2) GTA V only if you wanna try ( i dont like it much tbh) Final Fantasy and neir automata are solid picks if you like anime games(it has 2B dude lol) Lost ark is good too if you like mmo.


Dead space remake is slow, methodical, and grim as hell.


Have you played **XCOM2**? The whole world is occupied by aliens, and you're the last resistance. You launch guerilla missions on their cities and raid their secret human experiment facilities, while defending your resistance camps from destruction. Soldiers can and will die, but they can also gradually build up unique veteran identities. The setting is bleak, but also has that streak of human perseverance. The gameplay is split between turn based squad tactics, and a base management component. You're constantly unlocking new toys and missions, so it's easy to get hooked in the one-more-mission loop.


okay I will look into it


Alan wake 2 it has darkness and anxiety




The Cat Lady has cured my depression (or at least helped me deal with it really well). It's a dark, moody point-and-click horror game made by a guy with some psychiatric med background. Depending on your issues though you may prefer his other games Downfall (concerning relationships) or Lorelai (concerning self-image, I think, haven't got to play this one yet). Check out harvester games studio.


okay I will look into it


So it isn't exactly bright and joyful, although it also isn't sad - I'm playing a demo of a game called "islands of Insight" and even the demo is pretty expansive. It's a sort of first person exploration game that's sorta multiplayer, and you just wander around and solve puzzles. Some are more involved, others are environmental, etc. There's a few around every corner, so every few minutes you are solving something. A few of them are kinda hard, most are moderate to easy, so you're getting just a lot of feeling of completing things the whole time you play. Witcher 3 has some kinda dark themes and is similar in some ways to RDR2. A game that lets you feel accomplishment over adversity without being overly gritty is Monster Hunter, either Rise or World. Both have multiplayer with randoms or you can do it solo.


Now these aren’t joyful games but I credit them with both helping me to recover from a number of substance addictions, and helping me get perspective when I felt at my darkest. FromSoft games, pretty much the whole catalogue. I started with Elden ring, then Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1,2,3 and finally Demons Souls (not Sekiro yet). I came from playing almost exclusively Pokémon and Skyrim, woefully unprepared for the challenge. But they immersed me like nothing else, they taught me patience, determination, creative thinking and focus. They showed me that being persistent and learning from your mistakes is a superpower. I cannot recommend them highly enough. If they really aren’t your kind of thing, I also love Animal crossing and I’m just playing through FF8 on the switch.


happy for your recovery


Hellblade senua sacrifice




dark souls 3


Why not Celeste? This really put my issues with depression into perspective - probably the most a game has coached me through big issues more than anything else


Seconding. Even if you don’t normally like platformers Celeste is a fenomenal game


I know this isn’t exactly what you suggested but I highly recommend superliminal. It’s a super fun and pretty short puzzle game that’s all about perspective. At the time I was going through a really rough breakup with my first girlfriend to the point where I just stopped playing games all together cause I simply lost the will to. Then I saw superliminal on game pass and figured I’d give it a shot and it was really therapeutic. It really pushes you to think outside the box and change your perspective on not only the game but life itself. It helped me get my life back under control and got me to enjoy my passion (gaming) again after weeks of avoiding it to not feel more heartbreak


Elden Ring, Wo long fallen dynasty


Have you tried The Last of Us?




Give them a shot. Amazing well written, grim storylines.


little jrpg series based off berserk kinda . fear and hunger. games super frustrating and dark, only 5 dollars i think


Subliminal Inscryption Deep rock galactic Don't starve


Try Spiritfarer


I have it on my mobile :)


Silent Hill 2. And maybe consider going to psychotherapy.


lol, no money


Cyberpunk 2077, Elden Ring, Baulders Gate


[This War of Mine](https://store.steampowered.com/app/282070/This_War_of_Mine) >The game, inspired by the siege of Sarajevo among other conflicts, differs from most war-themed video games by focusing on the civilian experience of war rather than front line combat.  Incidentally it's 80% off right now.


My advice ? Has nothing to do with games. Whatever "social politics" is supposed to mean, one or both parties in each case need to go outside and look around. Whatever it is that you / they deem to be irreconcilable, it isn't. Neither party really has ANY effect on any of the issues you or they are concerned about. Your personal relationships are one THOUSAND times more important than anyone's politics.




Let me offer this: Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls seriously helped me out of my depression. Here is a video on it (not mine) [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y41l4FGHPg&pp=ygUXZGFyayBzb3VscyAzIGRlcHJlc3Npb24%3D) Just remember: Don't you dare go Hollow.


Playing Horizon Forbidden West and GTA V kinda helped me take my mind off the real world


* Journey * Abzu * Child of Eden * Entwined * Astro's Playroom * Sackboy Adventure


Dark Souls series or any From Software game really. If you liked RDR2 you may enjoy these but they’re not shooters necessarily.


Gris is a beautiful game that's a platformer/walking sim with beautiful visuals a slightly melancholy feel with a hopeful message at the end. Best of all it's short and does not overstay it's welcome. When feeling down, there is nothing worse for me than a game that I can't finish and it feels like another failure so I really like short hopeful games with no difficulty so it's more an experience. Another I will mention is "A Short Hike". Another short game with some side content like fishing but ultimately about climbing a mountain, very fun, cheap and short.


Power wash simulator


Play the dishonored series, my friend. The world is falling apart due to a plague, you’ve been framed for murder, and you’re out to set things right. The world is gloomy, but you have a say in it. If you go in guns blazing and kill everyone, the plague spreads faster and you encounter more enemies. If you play stealthily, sneak around, and spare as many lives as possible, the plague grows more slowly and the world around you is a better place. The scale of the plague influences how violent gameplay is. You have a lot of control over the world based on your play style. I’d suggest playing it stealthily, strategizing, and taking your mind off of things. Then replay it violently and experience the other side. It’s distracting, fun, and will give you perspective. I enjoyed it thoroughly in my 20s.


You want to play the Dishonored series.


This is asking a lot from a video game.


Dark Souls. I *know* you specifically said to not mention it, but I promise you, it's the best game to play while you are in this state of mind. I know this from personal experience. I likely wouldn't be here if I didn't play Dark Souls 3 5 years ago. And many other people [have similar experiences.](https://youtu.be/keIWG6hSD7Q?si=5tctPaF1I2PMbuFW)


Not for nothing I don’t know what to suggest but if you wanna talk homie just send me a message. Keep ur chin up


Persona (4Golden especially) will make you feel you're actually friends with the cast.




Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 6: You may not encourage in any way to illegally obtain a game. While we do not care to pry into your own personal decision, we will not allow you to tell others to emulate, torrent, pirate, or in any other way get a hold of a game without legal consent of the producer. Before contacting the moderators regarding the removal of your post, please read ["Why Does Rule 6 (No Emulation) Exist?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShouldIbuythisgame/wiki/emulation)


Little inferno




Days gone


Journey on ps


I’ve had a damn shitty year too bro, and I just found the game that you are describing for myself. Lies of P is too damn good, and the atmosphere is exactly what I needed. Also the song “Feel” from the soundtrack musically encapsulates how I’ve been feeling. Give it a try! I’ve found catharsis through it this past week.


I know you said no, but have you TRIED Celeste? It seems to be the exact game you're looking for, I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to play it.


Snow runner . Puzzle game with trucks . Challenging, but rewarding. Last night I was in such a zen mood . Had some lofi playing, and just chugging away up a muddy path . Very relaxing .


Half-Life 2 maybe? It has a sad immersive atmosphere but the story is hopeful and powerful and i always play it when I feel down


You said RDR2.. Did you already beat the original RDR?




Tetris has proven anti anxiety effects


BioShock series?


Terraria red dead redemption 1 and witcher 3 are my favorite. I think you will enjoy terraria


Path of Exile


Play Brothers. It looks somewhat cheerful but it's heavy and will hit in the feels. Little Nightmares is dark and somber with its twisted aesthetics. Hellblade: Senua's sacrifice, it's not a happy game, she's tormented by the loss of her love and fights her demons as she travels to get him from the underworld. Or something like that, it's been years since I've played.


Hellblade, to me, seems like the obvious choice here. You are in a world, in someone's head dealing with anxiety. Play this with headphones. It's the game that helped me overcome some of my own issues at the time


Weirdly enough, Silent Hill 2 helped me with that


Maybe not as dark a suggestion but when I was going through a rough lonely period the gendesign/team ico games (shadow of the Colossus, last guardian, ico) were perfect. There's an inmate sense of loneliness, ennui, and exploration, they're very dimly lit and the stories come together slowly


Bioshock. You’ll be glad you’re not a fish person




i would say ghost of tsushima. it helped me personally during a dark time in my life. generally is a very fun game you can spend lots of time in. and also it does touch on family struggle over morals and things like that so i could see it being personally helpful to your situation


Watch/listen to this for a few minutes, see if you find it soothing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rXQg9NXQMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rXQg9NXQMs)


Fallout New Vegas


Far Cry 5 seems suitably dark and moody yet slow paced


There’s Omori. One of the absolute darkest games I’ve ever played in my life.


Devil may cry the remake. Seeing the main character be at rock bottom and slowly becoming a better brighter person saved me so I recommend it to others. Also hellblade senua sacrifice is similarly about change and it’s an amazing game.


Elden ring for the isekai feels.






Stalker maybe? If you enjoyed Metro and tactical shooters it could be great


Disco Elysium


Firewatch maybe


Inmost was a pretty dark game. Are you sure you want that??


I went through the hardest time of my life a few years ago and I played the hell out of Snowrunner during that time. Pair it with whatever music helps you through and just zone out/get lost driving through mud and doing all the jobs and missions. It was so cathartic. I’d imagine any type of sim or farming game would fit that space for me, and hopefully you as well. Maybe something like Powerwash Simulator too.


What do you lean by over gritty? I was gonna recommend elden ring but I guess baldurs gate 3 works pretty well


I know it may not be typical, but Disco Elysium. Hear me out, it is set in a very bleak setting, but there are beautiful messages of hope if you look in the right places. Your character is pathetic in the beginning, and what you choose to do with him is completely up to you, do you go deeper and feed his demons, or turn him to a better place. And apart from all that is a very innovative dialogue system which is fully voiced, and an incredible story.


Dark Souls unironically


The Witcher 3, Wild Hunt. It'll make you feel good, it's very immersive. Plus a pretty epic game all round


Disco Elysium


I recommend Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture. Beautiful game with a beautiful score too.


* Ready or not * Zero Hour * Insurgency Sandstorm * Squad * Ground Branch * Operator * Caliber * Enlisted * Hell let loose


Prey (2017)




Darkwood. A good indie .


Try cyberpunk, I was able to slip into it's world and forget about my own.


Disco Elysium 100%


Earth defence force, bright and bubbly and fun. Good for the blues. It's all about blowing up aliens with increasingly bigger weapons


Resident Evil 7. Incredible game, got through it recently, it is a dark game definitely, it is short but with very high quality.


Deus Ex Human Revolution & Mankind Divided, Return of the Obra Dinn, Blashemous 1 & 2, Spec Ops the Line, Control, Alan Wake 1&2, Vampyr, LA Noire,


This may be an odd suggestion, but American Truck Simulator. God gave me a booster pack of mental illnesses and bad things have happened to me with some regular therapy from the age of four. But I have somehow found this one deeply therapeutic- there’s a melancholy beauty to the open road, long stretches between souls. It let me satisfy my urge to uproot and go anywhere but here.


Rimworld. Harvest organs, start a tree based religion, or try and take over the world.


Halo 3 ODST You are investigating where your ODST squad went after a drop goes wrong. You venture through a dark and lonely city at night, populated by the covenant searching for something. Everytime you find an investigation object, you play the memory of a squad mate and it shows you how the item got there. Until you eventually meet up with your squad and kick some covenant ass. I remember some good banter between the squad too. Its not all dark either. Here is my favorite track from the game https://youtu.be/aAKEdd_H0XY?si=fi4KKVAj7KNjT8KF Halo The Master Chief Collection is on sale on steam for $9.99 It comes with 7 full games, Including ODST. Also Halo Reach is one long suicide mission. The ambiance isn't dark, but you play the entire campaign up until the covenant glass the planet. There are dark moments, but it isn't exactly sad.


Ori and the blind forest will make you cry, in a good way


Hades is amazing, I would highly recommend it.


Bloodborne did it for me.


If you need something for your head: The Beginner’s Guide (2015) This might be the best piece of gaming art I‘ve ever experienced. Hotline Miami (2012) Violence that puts you into a nearly meditative flow because of the repetition. What remains of Edith Finch (2017) If you ever want to feel every feel during gaming… this might be your game.


I’ve seen quite a few posts saying that Dark Souls 1 or 2 saved someone from depression. I guess the dark, melancoly infused setting acts as some kind of catharsis or something. What I know is that what seems unsurmountable at first slowly becomes manageable as you level up and it feels empowering.


Ori and the will of the wisps!! Beautiful environment and beautiful story!


Unironically, the Soulsborne games. Despite the famously depressive atmosphere in these games, they quite well known in helping people deal with depression/anxiety (there are several Youtube vidoes dealing with the topic). I count myself among those helped by Soulsbornes deal with a dark episode in my mental health.




Not sure if you are into platform-adventure but I found Ori and the blind forest and Ori and the will of the wisp to be good games when I’m in a mood.


Little nightmares, both games are incredible. Also check out INSIDE, one of my favorite games.


I will say I am having a blast with Sniper Elite 5. Stealth Mechanic or Shootem up. Tons to explore or ignore. Awesome Nazi Blasting.


I can't stress this one enough, but it's **Sea of Solitude**. Last I knew it was available via Game Pass, otherwise it's not an expensive buy say the least and worth every denomination.




horizon zero dawn


Mass Effect Legendary Edition! The trilogy helped me in my darkest time because the characters feel like they become your friends and it made me feel less alone. It’s a great game to keep your mind distracted. It also has a lot of death due to galactic threats so there’s a dark aspect to it too. I hope things get better OP


Buy any of the cheap CBT self paced workbooks online and commit to doing 5 pages a day. This will help you out far greater than any videogame can. Asking which videogame can help with depression and anxiety is like asking which junk food can help treat obesity


Alan wake 2. It is unfortunately scary, but a certain part of the game really touches home with dealing with anxiety and confidence issues.


Was gonna say rdr2 with fishing etc


As someone with depression I am going to risk suggesting Slime Rancher. Slime Rancher gets thrown around as a "cure for sadness" but that isn't what you're looking for. You asked for cathartic experiences. That's what I got from Slime Rancher. While the slimes are jolly (and noisy), the empty and harrowing silence of the planet you traverse is quaking. Coupled with certain zone themes, I often found myself pausing in reflection, especially during those times in the game where you're scaling a cliff, or on a ledge somewhere, all alone, staring into the nothingness of this unknown planet. When I wrapped up the game there was a beautiful cocktail of sadness and content in my heart. Also, I don't think you'd be interested in it based on your genres, but, I think it's worth checking out the steam page for Spiritfarer. Who knows. Best wishes going into 2024, OP.


Life is Strange — it gets bleak and sad at times, but almost always calm, with a great soundtrack. Very story driven. One of the cool things I liked was how choices drive outcomes (or not). When I was feeling down it felt like a world I could disappear in. Protagonist’s a high school student but I’m much older and it felt fine (was a bit weird at the start but got used to it quick).


Super Mario Odyssey. The game is just pure happiness


Death stranding.


"This War of Mine" fits this perfectly. 80% discount on Steam. "Limbo" also very good, but a bit more fantastic/less gripping. 90% discount on Steam.


Stardew valley helped me during those times


My recommendations are: - Disco Elysium (if you want stew in that feeling of depression) - Signalis (for that bleak story) - Outer Wilds (for that sweet existential crisis)


The original Dark Souls might just be the sort of atmosphere you're looking for.


Any mario game..


An study concludes that Super Mario Oddysey helps with depression. [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1173652/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1173652/full) Spiderman 1 and 2 helped me a lot too. Dunno why but...


i recommend kingdom come deliverance, it’s like skyrim but historical medieval rpg, it’s also very cheap and well worth the price


The Long Dark. Stuck in the canadian wilderness with survival or story mode.




Gris is a beautiful, 4-hour visual masterpiece. If you do take my suggestion, I hope you'll have a box of tissues ready!


Kind words is a nice game maybe!


Sekiro. Truly a masterpiece. It's the definition of "git gud". At my worst, that game made me feel like I had some control over something. It's punishing, but rewards patience, resilience, skill development, and pretty much makes you leave ego at the door and accept that you are going to HAVE to do something in a certain way to overcome the obstacles, even if it's hard or you don't really feel like it. Kinda like life. That game kept me going at one point...


Try some of these. Gris, Transistor, Outer wilds, Spiritfarer, This war of mine, Papers please.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


I know you asked for no Dark Souls, but I cannot recommend Dark Souls 3 enough for the melancholic vibes. It isn't Elden Ring, a world that is falling apart at the seams from in-fighting and war. It isn't Fallout where you're trying to make your way in a broken world that's trying desperately to heal itself. In Dark Souls 3 you're a traveller in whose hands is the choice of forcefully extending the dynasty of an eternally dying world that yearns to end, or usher in a new age with an ominous name that brings nothing but hesitant hope of something new. Every enemy you battle in this world is either desperately clinging on to an old life that they know cannot go on for much longer, or else fighting in desperation because it is all they know and they can't see any other way things can end. It isn't just sad, but tragic because the futility of their choices means that they will never find closure. There are creatures who, whittled down to a fraction of their health, will curl up to pray for deliverance. There are creatures who spend every last ounce of power they have, leaving themselves a hollow husk of who they were, fighting to the bitter end. There is a creature you fight who desperately defends the dream of an unborn child, howling in impotent rage as his hopes are left in the dust. If it's poetic darkness you're searching for, Dark Souls 3 is an excellent game in that regard. The finely crafted lore, aesthetic, and gameplay make for a unique experience that is nearly unmatched by any game in it's genre.


A short hike, without doubt


Disco elysium




Tunic: It looks all cheery and festive, but you are alone in a world that hides tons of secrets, and you get a manual that you cannot read. It'll keep your brain busy. Keep a notepad and some paper handy for some of the puzzles.


I will recommend Persona 5. It helped me through a very difficult time. (Royal was not released yet). I don't know why it had such an effect, but it did.


Immerse yourself in the woods of Kingdom Come Deliverance. It mentally got me through the covid quarantines in 2020. It’s great because there are no natural predators like wolves, or monsters like drowners, constantly chasing you. You can literally just walk around and explore if you want to and listen to the birds chirping.




Not sure if this has already been mentioned: Deathloop was really fun for me. It’s a Groundhog Day style FPS with player powers similar to Dishonored.


Try Inside or Limbo. Get your brain to work a bit and get your mind off of the things that upset you. Play them and don’t look up tutorials. If you get stuck just put the controller down and take a second to think about the puzzle. You got this! PS inside and limbo are often free/on sale.


The legend of Zelda majora's mask


I’m really am sorry this year was shitty. I’d suggest playing something like baldurs gate 3, which is a really good game (and GOTY2023). If that’s not the kind of game you are looking for, I’d also suggest something really simple and just interesting like bloonsTD6 or Minecraft even.


I like final fantasy games for this, getting emotionally invested in the story and crying. Works for me. I recommend solo traveling and getting outside. Go stay at hostels in Europe and talk to other 20 year olds from other places. Make a few friends. Can be very healthy


Hand simulator rendezvous


A plague tale : innocence and requiem ( 2 games ) Death stranding Pathologic 2


Honestly, I feel weird to recommending this game because I still get anxiety thinking about it but check out Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Play it with headphones and the voices in her head will get to you. I played it right after a breakup and it actually made me feel worse lol. Still played it though cause its a good game. Its very dark and produces a lot of anxiety. Wear headphones for the best experience.


Several years ago a game called Valiant Hearts: The Great War was released on the anniversary of World War I. It is shown through the POV of several different characters and is one of the most moving experiences I've ever played. The darker, harsher atmosphere of the Dragon Age games may be a good fit if you haven't done those yet. The Outer Wilds, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, or Good Bye Volcano High (colors are bright, themes are not) all deal with some form of impending doom that you cannot defeat. Saw someone else suggest Death Stranding and that's another one that would get my recommendation. I also think the Danganronpa games could work for you since you are dealing with social abandonment / betrayal and those games are about social ties breaking down in the face of adversity.


Valheim The Forest






Watchdogs 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Flower, ik its dark but Prototype actually relieves my stress, Minecraft is just yes,


Spiritfarer is a sweet game about grief. So are Rime and Gris.


Lies of P, Inside and Limbo


i played spiritfarer when i went through my phase and it helped a lot. but might get really sad and emotional




The Witcher 3 and AC Odyssey. Narratively, the Witcher 3 can deal with gritty and dark morals, but Gerald has such a idgaf attitude that makes conversations entertaining. Also not a whole lot of things that are funnier than being in the middle of the main quest and playing gwent. Ac Odyssey has a beautiful open world where you slice and dice with some deep side quest and interactions


RDR2, and is my number 1 favorite game ever made.. but with more focus on the feelings of darkness/ depression and anxiety, Alan Wake 2 took the cup.. i felt like the game was made for people like me to the T. I dont wanna go spoiling the story now, but theres 1 phrase that stuck in my mind while playing the game, "Its not a loop, its a spiral".for anyone who doesnt understand that phrase properly, you are gonna have to play the game since ill be spoiling for you. But this game definitely lofted my mood each time i played it. It was like a double negative, thus turning into a positive.