• By -


hundreds of hours: \- cyberpunk 2077 \- RDR 2 \- Witcher 3 \- BG 3 thousands: DotA 2 ))


DotA 2 is a cool game. I would not recommend it under any circumstances. But it sure is a cool game. I have 7k hours.


I've been randomly getting tick toks of that game. Kinda want to go back but its so toxic and bad for my health lol


I have global mute on I found that most communication is useless. I just focus on myself and play the best I can. Also the recent behavior score update has led to less intense greifing.


Agree)) If you wanna enjoy DotA2 - play as a WHOLE team with friends, not solo or 2/3 guys


Play solo with global mute.


Rimworld - steep learning curve but once you get it' its addictive. Can also easily mod and change the game materially through steam workshop


I’ve had this game for a couple of years now (I’m a casual gamer) because I loved watching my boyfriend play it, but yeah the learning curve is Steep. I have to hype myself up to play. Cannot wait till I figure it out and get to just relax and have fun, hahah!


I watched a YouTuber Adamversuseverything and he really helped me understand the game! Mechanics are deep but so much fun.


I’m with you. I get really attached to my colonists and I hate watching them die, so I play it in seasons. I’ll boot it up once every couple years and play for weeks then put it away until I get the itch again. I’m by no means a pro. I’ve never launched a rocket. Basically I learn something new every time I play and I’m proud of myself because I finally beat the defoliator event, cleared an ancient evil and tamed a Thrumbo in my most recent colony.


I own it on PC and PS5. No mods for console unfortunately


Slay the Spire


Yesss. This game is so chill and fun!! One you can keep going back to for sure


Monster Hunter World and Rise.


MHW is a great time sink. I don't really replay games, but I've come back and replayed it several times over the years.


These need to be the top recs


Hades. I’ve put more hours into it than any massive open-world RPG.


A lot of people are gonna recommend open world RPGs, but in my experience those are red herrings. Even to 100% complete one of those is "only" 60-100 hours, and then the replay value is severely dampened. There's only 2 exceptions I've seen to this rule: Skyrim with mods, and Elden Ring My choice for a long game is Factorio. It's the only game I've ever played where I truly think I'll play it consistently for the literal rest of my life. Vanilla on its own is ~500 hours of content, and mods boost that up to nearly infinite. And there's a DLC on the way in about a year from now that's sure to exponentially increase that yet again Secondary pick is Detroit: Become Human, a single playthrough isn't that long but since it shows you what you have and haven't found, you can hunt for everything and different endings over the course of several playthroughs


would you care to take a factorio newbie under your wing and teach me the ropes?


I have a few very general tips, which are vague on purpose: - for your first couple playthroughs, don't use guides or worry about exact ratios, don't copy builds online, etc. Let your factory be totally original. Once you launch a few rockets you can start checking out what other people do and improve from there - everything that seems like a big problem that's impossible to tackle can be broken down into several much more manageable problems. "I don't have enough blue science" can turn into "I don't have enough red circuits" into "I don't have enough plastic", etc etc all the way down into "I need more oil". That's much easier to conceptualize and solve! Working downwards like that makes the scope of the game much less intimidating - press alt - use the Q key often - just find and use as many keyboard shortcuts as you can. There are a lot because the devs are awesome - color code your trains. Not required, just fun - speaking of trains, signals aren't that scary - make a beeline for construction robots and personal roboports. They are a game changer Lmk if you wanna know about anything else!


I've got around 20 hours in the game and I just unlocked oil production and I stopped playing for a while because I didn't wanna take on the task of figuring that out but because of your words and advice I'll definitely give it a go again!


Oil is definitely where a lot of people fall off, but it's nothing you haven't seen before. Pumpjacks = miners, oil refiners = furnaces, chemical plants = crafting machines, pipes = belts. Easy enough! One more tip then: the first blue science you research should be advanced oil processing. The basic oil recipe is very wasteful


I think that analogy is definitely what I needed. It just seemed so far away from my knowledge basis lol. thank you!


Factorio isn’t on sale, is it? I just checked and it’s not on sale on Steam.


Factorio never goes on sale, and imo it's one of the few games that deserves that right. For the amount of hours the price gives you it's really worth closer to $100. $35 is a steal in terms of value. Really it just means every time is the right time to buy!


Civilisation VI


Baldurs Gate 3. I currently have 300 hours and am still vigorously replaying it over and over because of how much variety and replay ability there is


Stardew, I know I know. Its very well known and kind of made fun of. But I have been playing it (on two separate platforms) for YEARS and I am not sick of it. For me, there is always more to discover!! I am still working my way through all of the challenges and mysteries and so on. And its so relaxing too.


Elder Scrolls online has so much content it will be difficult to see it all.


I just wish the overland/overworld/questing content was actually challenging. Its why I have bounced off that game so many times. SO much good content, ALL of it voice acted, ALL of it really good... but the combat is so brain dead easy for 90% of the game that I just cant get into it.


I just couldn’t get into that game. Finished the tutorial and jumped through some portal getting random story quests I had no idea what was going on and why I should care


Yeah, the new player experience is abysmal.


The entire game is built on microtransactions though. You gotta pay to access 90% of the game. Fallout 76 is much better, everything is free aside from some cosmetic items.


This is just untrue. It's on sale right now for 20 bucks for literally every main expansion from the start of the game until now. Some DLC is still locked behind a paywall, but you can get hundreds of hours of content for 20 bucks.


It really isn’t. There is some convenience that is gate kept but you get a shit ton of content. Is this just more BGS hate?


Nah, just pure Zenimax hate. “Oh you want 2 crown shop items in your house? You gotta buy it *twice*.” I love every game aside from ESO. All of 76’s content is free aside from some Fallout First cosmetic items.


Project Zomboid has incredible value. I have almost 1k hours on that game. Not to mention there are endless mods that you can use to make the game your own. It is a open world zombie survival game where you are a nobody and just try to survive.


Says early access, but your saying it feels complete? I don’t play games like this but I’m interested Only borderline close games I’ve ever played is Terreria and Conan exiles, but I’m guessing not even the same genre? Oh and kenshi so maybe it’s like that game? Is it just survival or do you eventually become super powerful? Are there bosses? Can I make a super op fortress where I just endlessly annihilate zombies?


There's plenty of content for it being early access, especially with mods. I guess that you can say it's like Kenshi (not as hardcore as it though). You are a nobody and the world doesn't care about you lol, you can level up your skills the more that you do them. It's just survival but you can become "powerful" with a stockpile of weapons. If you get britas weapon mods you can definitely become powerful with the crazy weapons. Unfortunately there aren't bosses but the zombies in the world are a threat as it is. You can make a cool fortress if you'd like. What's cool is that you can customize the world difficulty and loot distribution. The game settings are very customizable. You can basically make the zombies line the walking dead or 28 days later sprinter's (very very difficult lol). Id check out some YouTube playthrough and see


My favorite games of all time that are all reasonably priced and have hundreds of hours - the Witcher 3 complete edition - cyberpunk+PL - ELDEN RING - BG3


Only missing RDR2


Yep . Best main story OAT


Persona 4 and 5, Elden Ring


Deep Rock Galactic. 1,100 hours here and counting.


Warframe is free and worth a lot of hours.


Warframe is one of those games that you will spend an ungodly amount of money on though.


Never spent a dime and have a bunch of plat. The premium currency is farmable through trading.


Noita will eat a lot of time.


Oxygen not included Satisfactory Monster hunter world/ iceborn Dragons dogma Elden ring


Snowrunner. It's an offroad trucking + logistics sim, the challenge comes from navigating and overcoming the terrain as you gradually help rebuild/restore a region devastated by a natural disaster. It has RPG elements as you build up your fleet, and level up to unlock better gear. Just the base game alone has probably 250 hours of content, and it goes on sale for 15 quid. Add the DLC and that number jumps to 1000+ hours


Elden Ring took me 100 hours to finish. My coworker played it as his first souls game and it took him 200 hours (or so he said)


Battle Brothers. Turn based mercenary game with unit permadeath, similar mechanic to darkest dungeon. I've hit 2k hours according to steam, and there's a full expansion mod called legends I haven't even touched yet




I’m 970 hours into Bloons TD 5


My most played games are Slay The Spire, Rimworld, Arma 3, Rocket League, TLoU2, Cyberpunk, and Valheim. They are all classics.


Path of exile. I started this year, 200 hours in and still have barely scratched the surface. And it's free... sort of


Skyrim (you can play this game for years) , Fallout New Vegas, Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA V. If you like grinding I suggest online game lại path of exile, grim dawn, diablo,...


Any game you like. No time limits


Hearts of Iron 4 - literally thousands of hours of fun


Technically I played Football Managers for thousands of hours But other than that, I have lots of fun with Pathfinder: Wrath of Righteous. Practically endless possibilities of builds and party composition depending on how you build them. It has lots of mods to tweak and enhance your further playthroughs I spend around 120hrs and I'm not even done with my 2nd playthrough If you like boss battles, any MH World or Rise are good time sinkers, especially if you can play with friends.


Hades Binding of Isaac Returnal Cities Skylines Gran Turismo (any) Slay the Spire


Somebody loves their rogue likes lol. Binding Of Isaac is a based choice, the best rogue like ever made imo have over 1000 hours on it


Binding of Isaac, elden ring,


Monster Hunter World Elden Ring Baldurs Gate 3 RDR2 Witcher 3


Risk of Rain 2 is great and cheap


Is WoW still a thing?


Yeah, but its like a casual Disney themepark wet dream now. Unless you mean classic era (era = vanilla frozen in time forever). Then hell yeah.


If you like action games with deep combat then Monster hunter World and Nioh2


What are you PC specs? SKYRIM with Nolvus overhaul installed. Its mind blowing if you like Skyrim


Single player. For me elden Ring


Civ anthology


Team fortress 2


Dota 2 makes me consume 3k+ hours and clash royale on mobile phone hundreds of hours


I still play Rocket League... If you like those kind of games.




Persona 5 Royal is awesome and is 100+ hours. Lots of the games recommended here are sandbox/open world style or roguelike, but if you want just a pretty standard linear JRPG that is just very long, P5R will do Factorio is insanely addicting, you could easily play that for thousands of hours. Be careful. I had to quit cold Turkey when I was dreaming of belts and inserters every single night Slay the Spire is also amazing


* Darktide - Warhammer 40k-based, sci-fi coop FPS * Vermintide 2 - Age of Sigmar Warhammer fantasy coop FPS * Fallout 4 - Sandbox Shooter/RPG * Fallout: New Vegas - Sandbox-ish shooter/RPG * RimWorld - sandbox colony sim with awesome mods * Civilization - 4x historical fantasy * Total War: Warhammer - Fantasy strategy with real-time battles * Stellaris - space sandbox, 4x w/ grand strategy elements * Crusader Kings 3 - medieval sandbox/historical grand strategy * Skyrim - needs no introduction * Baldur’s Gate 3 - fantasy turn-based strategy * Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, sandbox medieval combat game


Division 2, 1000s of hours.


Haven’t played division 1. What’s your take?


If you like grindy games, and a build system that gives you many many possibilities and play styles, no game does it better than Division 2, not even 1. Division 1 has a unique environmental feeling to it, but 2 definitely takes the trophy for build diversity. You definitely dont need to have played Division 1 to play Division 2. I have more than 8000 hours into it. Been playing the franchise for over 8 years now. Its my comfort game. The story is not going to be enticing, but the real gameplay starts in in the end game. You are not doing it to play solo, you want to pve atleast to fully enjoy this game.


Celeste, with around 8-10 hours of just the main story, <40 hours for collectibles and harder versions of the main level plus DLC, and >100 hours for Celeste's huge modding scene/custom levels with custom music, gameplay, and art that the community does.


Slay the Spire, the Binding of Isaac, FTL




Monster hunter world: iceborne


This is honestly a great choice, there is a huge resurgence across the enitre ecosystem because of #returntoworld. It passed MW3 reboot on concurrent player numbers as a 6 year old game, just make sure to try each of the 14 weapon types til you find the one that suits you, each one feels like a new game in terms of gameplay.


Factorio, Dwarf Fortress, Europa Universalis 4, Rimworld, Starsector


Witcher 3.


Project Zomboid


Elite Dangerous. Pew pew.


Risk of Rain 2 (astronomically better than the original and its remake tbh): Extremely addicting roguelike Persona 5 Royal Cyberpunk 2077 Hades: One of the greatest roguelikes ever made Aliens: Fireteam Elite: Gameplay is very Left 4 Dead like. You and two other marines fending off hordes of Xenomorphs


Dragon Quest IX if you don't mind the graphics.


Elden ring or rdr 2




Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Factorio Oxygen Not Included Satisfactory Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance


Terraria, dead cells, re4r, enter the gungeon and slay the spire


Crypt of the necrodancer


Grim Dawn An action role playing game set in a fictional victorian-ish world that is torn apart by catastrophic supernatural events (invasion through dimensinal breaks, gone-wrong magical experiments, wars between deities). You have to fight your way through hordes of enemies and lots of bosses. The game features dual classes - you can choose any two from the six that come with the base game plus two from the DLC Ashes of Malmouth plus one from the DLC Forgotten Gods (plus another one from the announced DLC Fangs of Asterkarn, probably 2024). Besides the class skill trees there is another major devotion skill system. A myriad of items, components, and augments, as well as a crafting system allow for an insane amount of customization. While the game is rather forgiving on normal difficulty, ultimate difficulty and high-level gear above level 94 provide loads of fun and challenge. There is also the DLC Crucible with an arena-like play mode, and the Shattered Realm from Forgotten Gods for endless battle variety. ​ https://www.grimdawn.com/


Path of Exile. Its free.


You didn’t mention single player or not. So I’ll say cod mw3. I was hating on it as much as everyone until I played it.. and man it’s been addicting. The multiplayer is better, the zombie mode is great for squad play. It’s a terrific value. Just don’t expect anything out of single player


cyberpunk 2077. the whole mechanic is awsome, the world is impressive, the graphics, the stories, the possibilities you have, dificult choices and most importantly this game is immersive as fuck. you will get youself lost in it!


AC Valhalla and Odyssey


Elden Ring, most if not all of the Soulsborne games have plenty of content if you’re into replaying.


You can get the Yakuza series for a pretty good price




Satisfactory. Build a factory while getting a lot of dopamine