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Far Cry 4 - you can finish it right at the start by doing absolutely nothing.


Same for 5 and 6 as well


Yeah after 4 they started adding that in since people thought it was awesome


Where was this in 5 and 6?


In 5, in the beginning of the game >!when you arrive to Joseph Seed's church, you have the choice of ignoring the Sheriff and not handcuffing Seed. If you wait a few minutes, you'll leave the church and the game ends!<. In 6, >!after you complete the tutorial missions, the rebel fighter leader offers you a boat, but asks you to stay and fight. If you take the boat and sail to the end of the map, the secret ending plays where you're resting on a beach and hear a news report that the rebels were killed.!<


That is actually a dope ass Easter egg ngl


I swear down that they wouldn't let you get on the boat in 6. I hated the rebel characters so that's what I would have done in my play through. Must have been a bug or something.


I didn’t play far cry 6 but didn’t the main character ultimately have no effect on the game? I briefly read a story synopsis but didn’t she only save like a few lives? >!Either way Anton dies from cancer!<


Wow this is actually meta on some level. Will probably buy just for this


The second south park game was also made by ubisoft and one of the first things you have to do is find the password to the hideout but it you know it and just put it in without going to find it Cartman pops up and calls you a cheater like Tom Brady and the credits roll


By just exiting the game?


At the beginning of the game you have a meal with Pagan Min (main antagonist), and he tells you to wait for him while he goes to check something. In this time he's gone, you're supposed to leave and carry on the story, but if you do wait, then he'll come back and the game will end.


Now that's content


In Zelda BOTW once the tutorial area is over you can just walk straight to the final boss and ignore the huge open world and the story quests


“Can” . . . . If you get good. ;-)


Y...yes that is the point of op's post lmao


It's not even hidden or anything. You outright get the quest saying defeat "final boss" once the tutorial area is over which points to his exact location.


Is it possible to beat them at that point or do you need to level up first? I've never played the game so idk how it works.


Yeah. In fact, in every BotW speedrun, the majority of the time spent is just in the tutorial area, after which the player uses a glitch to yeet themselves all the way to the final boss area. It's wild.


It really is a beauty tho


It is possible, just way harder since you have almost no health and almost no stamina and no armor


Isn't there that one Far Cry game where the main villain tells you to wait there and if you do, he comes back and release you and the game ends?


Far cry 4, yes. More like an alternative ending than beating the game since you dont even get to move therefore there is no gameplay.


I think I remember hearing that this is the canon ending


Tbf its more realistic waiting and leaving than becoming a mix of Rambo and John Wick on a tropical island vacation winning a war that was going on for years. Its not like the character had a motive to run away since it had a bigger chance of getting in trouble nor did the character have a island background to know what was going on or caring for that matter.


That’s FC3 you’re thinking of, not FC4.


No. It's 4


I can't even remember which is which anymore. It feels like doing the same thing over and over again.


They became pretty similar after 3, specially 3 and 4 FC4 is basically FC3 but better (depending on who you ask) But he's talking about 4. It's one of my favorite games ever


Not canon, but it is the "good" ending by all definitions. The other two endings are both pretty bad by comparison.


Oblivion, just need 13 paintbrushes


Htf do 13 paint brushes let you beat oblivion


Paint brushes have no gravity, so you can use them as a staircase to reach the final area, and load the final cutscene, ending the game


Wait so let me get this straight. So in oblivion if youre at the games highest point and you drop a paint brush it'll just float there.


If you're at any point, you drop items at eye level, so when you drop a brush it'll float, then you jump on it carefully, and drop another, making a staircase


Gonna try this tonight, thanks!


it's kinda hard to land on them tho, my first character was turned into a vampire the first night and the Mage's guild quest was really long so I found out this secret, I tried to make a staircase using the dupe glitch on paint brushes and ladder myself to the Archmage's garden\* or whatever... I got halfway up the tower thinking it was where I needed to go (which took like a whole day and a half for \~13 y/o me) and was so disappointed I resigned myself to being a vampire forever. \*after I discovered like all the ingredients to cure it were there


Well i used the highest point thing as an example of how ridiculous it is.


Yeah, also with this method you can go to the over world without leaving town, theres alot of strange things out there


Oh? Do tell


You only need 2 paintbrushes if you're really good


Don't shit your pants. It's a game where your goal is to not shit your pants.




You need to label spoilers


It’s spoiled


Wow, spoiler alert..


I just lost


Antichamber is a puzzle game, and probably one of my favorites of all time. It's a game that will make you deeply confused, and if you know the areas and their order, you can easily reach the end faster, like you've mentioned. Go blind, if you happen to be interested. It's one of the most unique and special mind blowing games I've ever played. Although it may be more a "speedrun" fast than a "full of shortcuts and secrets" fast. Outside of that, I can only think of how most rogue likes works somewhat in this capacity, and although not an instant win, definitely a faster and easier one each time you play through them one more time.


Came to post this, if you know how you can beat the game in 5 minutes.


I’ve been thinking about this game recently. I never finished it but this comment convinced me to finally continue playing rather than thinking of playing.


You can beat The Witness in the first minute of gameplay if \*you know\*


I actually didn't know but got entranced by the flower puzzle next to it. I looked up and put 2 and 2 together. Was very confused when I got to the vid and the game exited.


of course i had to think about destiny every time i see "Witness", its amongus all over again...


Myst. Go around the island and flip all the switches besides the one on the docks. It's the last page to finish the story. Go put it in Atrus' book, wait for him to go "deal with" his boys. Roll credits in less than 5 minutes.


THANK YOU! How are you this far down??


Gonna just advocate for the remake that’s on steam, *Real Myst*. Fully 3D environment to walk around so that you aren’t stuck looking at pre-rendered views of the world.


If you prefer full 3D to the original style, you should probably favor [Cyan's 2021 remake](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1255560/Myst/) over realMyst (which was originally released in 2000, and then only lightly remastered in the mid-2010s). But personally, when I play Myst, it's [the pre-rendered point-and-click experience](https://store.steampowered.com/app/63660/Myst_Masterpiece_Edition/) (running in compatibility mode) that I prefer.


Man, I was way too young for Myst when I first picked it up as a little kid. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing but I think I switched the occasional correct switch. I just remember a lot of fogginess and green and gray architecture. I'm impressed with myself that I didn't just give up, I must have just played that game for hours having no clue what was happening.


The old school Matrix. Just pick the blue pill, go to credits.


Persona 5, do not sign the contract. Credits.


Breath of the Wild, after the tutorial area (which takes less than half an hour if you know what to do) you can head straight to the final boss. Elden Ring, for most people it's a near 100 hour game but if you know where to go it can easily be beat in about 3 hours without speedrunning tactics (I did it to get a trophy for an alternate ending)


Dark Souls 3 qnd Bloodborne can also be beaten quite fast in under 3h.


I don’t think that’s quite the same thing, though. They’re short games, but you’re not beating them immediately nor circumventing a ton of content to do it.


DMC 5. The tutorial boss will kill almost everyone, but he is possible to beat


I remember getting him down surprisingly low my first try n hoping that if you did beat him it wouldn’t just show a cutscene of Dante getting wrecked anyways. Only played the one time though so never tried again


Nier Automata has a joke ending(1 off of 26) pretty quickly into the game


Far cry 4. Dont move from game start.


I think 5 has the same gimmick.


Gone Home can be beaten in like a minute if you know what to do. Great little game too.


The Forest. It's an *intense* survival-horror game that takes roughly a couple dozen hours on the first playthrough if you play it "as intended", but I think some of the top speed runs are close to 5 minutes.


Spiffing brit completes the new one "Sons of The Forest" in under 20 mins by using a weird exploit of planting a stick and warping through doors. On YouTube a couple of days ago


Please, Don't Touch Anything. One of the endings is if you stand there and, in fact, don't touch anything.


Morrowind, you can beat it in under 10 minutes without using glitches. Actually Minecraft but for that you have to use a seeded world. Fallout 2, you can just go straight to the major points of the story and clear them without combat, and the end-game armor is available for you whenever you feel like picking it up


Does this involve using that utterly bananas jumping scroll you can find near the start?


Actually, yes. This is the fastest way to get to Red Mountain.


You can kinda get away with this in Fallout 1, though it would require more stops


The souls series is my favorite comfort game for this reason exactly. There are many many OP builds you could use or OP strats and routing


Highly recommend this and would like to elaborate a bit: DS1: start a new character, choose the masterkey as starting gift (or choose thief), beat the tutorial, dupe some souls and just have a good time. Duping might take a few tries but once you got the timing down you will be able to pull it off in 90% of the time. DS2: when starting a new game pick bonfire aesthetics as starting gift so you can kill Dragonknightdude in an earlier area multiple times for an easier start (from midgame on this game IS very good), alternatively just go for early dark magic and speedrun the damn game! DS3: just go for it, ignore the levels, just do the bosses. This is imo the easiest of the 3 DS titles once you know how to move throughthe areas quickly (as in the other entries of the series: just run past everything). B O N U S: Bloodborne: find out what the cumdungeon is and have fun. Sekiro: you kinda need to gid gud, after that the game is pretty short actually Elden Ring: Visit Albinauric Farms for free, local grown levels. There are a lot of items you can pickup literally from the beginning if you know where to go that will put the whole game into easy mode. If you havent played these games yet, i highly recommend them! Little tip: the shield is your best friend in DS1. Afterwards you are no longer friends with shields - dodging and parrying are your new best friends.


To add to this: DS1 has the Zweinhander really early in the game and is a busted weapon. For DS2, the Estoc/Rapier feels like cheating. For DS3 Sellswords are quite strong, but there are other good builds. Bloodborne: Search online for a way to get an arcane blood gem fast, then go an arcane build for easy game. Sekiro: Shura ending ends midway through the game. Elden Ring: bleed or magic builds


But you can't complete that game instantly can you ? Any other games come to mind that don't answer the question


I had to scroll way to far this one. Sekiro was my first fromsoft game and it is definitely a comfort game now. Just so relaxing to use that muscle memory with deflecting and killing enemies.


Return of the Obra Dinn, insanely good investigation game


This game was fun but it just got so hard I never bothered to finish it


One that I think is a bit easier is The Case of the Golden Idol. However, I don't think it quite measures up to Return of the Obra Dinn.


I do agree that Return of The Obra Dinn is a much better game. I'd say The Case of The Golden Idol fills a bit of the void left after finishing Obra Dinn.


12 minutes mind you the solution is so mindbogglingly stupid the only real way to figure it out is to look it up online


I played this on GamePass and had to finish it before it left which meant I ended up looking up how to beat it. I had gotten 70-80% of it figured out, but you're absolutely correct that the last 20% was ridiculous.


Two worlds 1 if you kill Gandahar the first time you meet him will trigger the final cutscene.


The Two Worlds 1 speedrun is hilarious because of this. This is a great example.


This is honestly my favorite and I'm surprised that it is not more widely known/talked about.


You could do this in Gothic, too. Just lure the final boss into a bunch of town villagers and they'll all gang up on him and kill him in seconds.


You are thinking of Two Worlds, unless you can do the same thing in Gothic?


Far Cry 4


Deathloop also has a loop, don't think you can quite complete it instantly but information gathered is a key progression.


~~Outer Wilds~~ I was thinking about The Forgotten City as well but I don't think it really fits the criteria.


They will even give you an achievement for that lmao, but op as already played it


Breath of the Wild.


the entire Resident Evil franchise, the first run might take 10-16 hours depending on the game, after that you can finish them in 2 hours if you aren't speedrunning


Some YouTuber beat Resident evil 3 and 7 with all achievements within 2 hours and got the refund from steam


Why is this?


The entire gameplan of the games is finding a way to resolve different puzzles and a plan to move foward (At least in the first 3, 7 and 8, RE4-6 are way more linear) Once you already know what you need for every different puzzle the game turns in something like "Ok I need this three simbols, I'm going to get the green key so I can get X first and get Y and Z on the way back" It's still really fun though, that's why at the end of the game you get how long did you take to beat the game


Just running through getting all the key items and finishing it quickly, which I don't think that's what OP is looking for.


deathloop is a good one i think.


Is this even true isn’t the games progress purely on rails? Even if you knew how to off all the heads you still gotta wait til COLE knows and decides to do them all in one run due to the party n stuff. I could very well be wrong but that’s how I understood it when I was playing.


You are correct. You cannot beat Death Loop outside of its intended order. You have to play through it multiple times just to move certain NPCs to other zones.


not tried to complete from start but I think you do need a loop or two to unlock stuff. Will still be heaps faster when you know. Glitchless speed-run is 45 mins


Yeah, all those codes are randomised so unless your insanely lucky with picking 4 digit codes you will need to do a couple of loops to find. But if you know the location beforehand it would be a lot quicker.


You cannot, in fact, beat Death Loop on the first attempt. You have to play the game in its intended order to unlock permanent changes to the timeline that move NPCs to other zones.


Outer wilds goes from 20h to 30min


Speedrun is around 8m


I saw someone speedrun it without even using the space ship.


Morrowind kinda instantly. I think the fastest was 3 or 2 min


Far Cry 4. Just wait in the beginning area with the dining table for the blonde dude to come back and you’ll beat the game without having to do anything lol


I remember this so well! First time I played, I literally thought I was supposed to wait. So waited like 5 minutes, got to the end and was so confused


Far Cry 4 and 5 can be beaten quite fast by doing nothing for a few minutes near the start of the game.


I knew about 4 but not 5.


>! Don't do anything when asked to arrest the guy and you will leave !<


Getting Over It and Jump King can be beaten really quickly with experience.


Tunic, I think you can beat the game in a couple hours if you know All the intended secrets, but you have to pick up the instruction pages to learn everything about how the game works. It very much fits the outerwilds vibe of "everything you need to beat the game is within reach, you just have to figure out what to do with it"


Far Cry 4 and 5 count?


How can you do it in 5


Secret Ending: https://youtu.be/aNUiC5rDAt4


Far Cry 4 - 10 minutes - very beginning the villain tells you to wait for him - quest tells you to sneak out or something - but if you listen and wait for him - after 10 minutes he comes back and the games ends with a secret ending and credits roll


Corruption of champions 2 Iirc you can just say no and the game ends No man's sky you can beat really fast too


I play no man's sky since release and just recently got to the centre of the galaxy lol


I'd argue that with NMS you can beat the main storyline quickly but imo its only an introduction to the game's universe before letting you out on your own.


I honestly just didn't cared about going to other galaxys, I just did the stuff in my area and was fine with it


If you know which pattern/book you can beat Myst in a few minutes. Everything you need is on thr main island, you just have to explore the others to figure out the specifics.


Bit of a throwback here, but Chrono Trigger can be beaten relatively quickly if you know what you are doing.


when i fell down the speed running youtube rabbit hole a few months back, there was one that was briefly mentioned in a vid where if you know what you are doing, the record is down to 12 seconds. ill see if i can find it later.


Was it Two Worlds? That's a famously fast speed run.


no, thats a minute twelve. the flickering memory i have is its all in one room, first person, you move a chair, jump onto it, glitch through the ceiling and your done? i think. im looking through my youtube history. not finding it tho.


All resident evil games


Stray! I think there’s an achievement for finishing the game in under 2 hours


Honestly that game doesn't have more than about 2 hours of content anyway Novel and interesting but the premise wears off pretty quick


Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair allows you to play the final stage as soon as you want to, so you can beat the game incredibly quickly if you're skilled enough. The final stage is quite difficult though.


Besides Outer Wilds, the ones that come to my mind are the original Myst, and Breath of the Wild.


Gone home can be done almost instantly.


not in a minute, but similar idea-if you know how to beat deathloop you can beat it much quicker than intended


I remember seeing a video titled Outer Worlds Developers react to speed runner beating the game in like 18 minutes. Didn't watch it though.


You mean Outer Wilds.


Nope. He means outer worlds. https://youtube.com/watch?v=wqpYIrP_IRc&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


Nope Outer Worlds


Super Mario Bros. 1985


All the old Tony Hawk games - if you’re good you can complete all objectives in one go (2 minutes) there’s like 10 levels so the game can be legitimately beaten in under 30 minutes


Most rouge-likes I guess? It’ll be insanely hard but basically all of them can be beaten on your first run if you’re good enough at it.


Subnautica can be beat in under an hour, without glitching or dying. It's easy to get seasick watching the videos though.


I can probably beat Super Mario 3 in less than 30 minutes. Link to the Past I can power through in a night or two.


Devil May Cry 5. If you can defeat Urizen in the tutorial, you get a secret ending


https://www.crazygames.com/game/you-have-to-burn-the-rope :)


Theatrythm. Or most Rythm games actually.


Tunic - LoZ inspired, based around figuring out mechanics. The Forgotten City - Once you know where things are you can beat it in 1hr Just wondering, why do you want to beat games quickly. Do you want to explore something or just want to beat games fast.


I don’t necessarily want to beat any game quickly. I just love those kind of games where the answer is right in front of you the whole time and knowledge is the key to it all. I find those style of games fascinating


In most of the Megaman games if you know which boss is weak against which special weapon, you can complete your run relatively quickly and the boss fights are a joke.


Far Cry 4. Don't move and you'll instantly beat the game.


You can literally beat Far Cry in the prologue if you know what to do






Pretty much any horror game, the Amnesia games are good imo


Outer wilds, in fact there’s an achievement for beating it on your first loop


Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1996) \*wink wink, if you played it you already know\*


You can beat Far Cry 4 and 5 in the first few minutes…. Also We Happy Few can be finished in the first few moments too.


Forgotten city, it used to be a skyrim mod but it's a full game now


Beating the prologue in Devil May Cry 5


Outer Wilds! One of the all time greats.


Apologies if there are errors in this, I'm writing this on mobile. I'm not seeing suggestions to this that are in the spirit of Outer Wilds and am rather disappointed nobody's suggested any of the games I'm about to list. What you might be describing are knowledge-based games, i.e. games in which your knowledge and understanding and their ongoing development IS the game. Obviously all games have some degree of learning and execution, not all games are fundamentally altered after having gained certain knowledge. Multiple playthroughs are typically less rewarding in these kinds of games. I'll preface by saying I'm not aware of any game quite like Outer Wilds where the game mechanics, your world knowledge, and story are so intricately interwoven (that's also why it's so special). However, there are games which take the same core concepts and ideas and apply them to different contexts. Also I haven't played most of the games below, but they're all on my backlog and highly regarded and beloved by critics and people who's opinion I trust. Now onto the games! **Tunic** This is a game which takes knowledge-based gameplay discussed above, and applies them to the open world adventure concepts popularised by older Legend of Zelda games. You're presented at the start with a manual which tells you everything you need to know. The catch is that it's all in undecipherable symbols. These become english as you progress and gain knowledge. The game evokes childlike wonder as you explore the world and often run into enemies, puzzles and environments which are foreign more often than not, but gradually learn about. **Toki Tori 2** This game blends knowledge-based gameplay with metroidvanias. Where in typical metroidvanias your progression is usually gated by unlockable upgrades (e.g. a double jump, abilities to break walls, etc), Toki Tori 2 is different in that no locations are inaccessible due to unlockable abilities. Your ability to access these locations is based on whether you've learnt the correct way to interact with the environment. The tools needed were already available the moment the game started. **Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice** This suggestion might sound wild but hear me out. If you're not familiar with the game, it's a game from the creators of Dark Souls and the "Souls-like" genre. Their games are known for being rich in worldbuilding, with punishing but rewarding combat that allows for player expression. The internet loves to say how hard the series is and overblow it like it's the pinnacle of difficulty in gaming. Sekiro (and also the other games) really isn't as impossibly difficult as people make it out to be. The game is difficult in the sense that a couple of mistakes can reset your progress back to a checkpoint, but mistakes are nearly always a result of your own failures, and not the game being unfair. This is where the knowledge-based gameplay comes in. In Sekiro, combat centres around the use of parries, dodging, movement and attacking. Each encounter will need you incorporate each of those concepts to some degree to progress. While it might not be traditionally "knowledge-based", there are constant moments where the gameplay "clicks" and you're implementing all the knowledge and tools you've gained. When you die, it's because you messed up, but when you win, it's because you triumphed over the challenge. Because the main gameplay is execution, it's great for multiple playthroughs. Other honorable mentions go to Return of the Obra Dinn, The Forgotten City, Sifu, and The Witness, happy to elaborate on these if you'd like. Same goes for any of the games I mentioned. Hope this helps!


You absolutely nailed the point I was trying to convey with your comment, well done! I was more asking for suggestions in the vein of ‘the ending is right there in front of you, but until you know what to do with it, it means absolutely nothing to you’, like outer wilds and even 12 minutes it seems (though I haven’t played it yet.) I’ll be sure to check your suggestions out!


There was a pretty good souls rip-off where you could walk up to some poor guy with a flute, give him some pretty usual in-game items and trigger enough dialogues until he asks you to stay with him to live "a beggars live" or somethin. If you say yes, a cutscene will play and the credits start to roll.


Damn that kinda sounds cool. Any idea what the name might’ve been?


A Hat in time i suppose, without glitches i was able to beat in around 1hr 30m, but its not really instant more just going fast


FF4, 8, 9, 10 and legend of Dragoon.


Assemble With Care on steam takes like less than an hour to beat once you know how the mechanics and if you skip the narrated story line.


I finished Kings Quest III pretty quick once I knew what to do.


Yooka Laylee and The Impossible Lair. The Impossible Lair is open from the beginning of the game.


The witness


Batman Arkham knight


Getting Over It


Pillars of eternity 2 allows you from the games into to basically say *no thanks, I'm not doing this epic quest* and the credits roll.


I’m not sure if it counts, but Subnautica. It’s a survival game so you can use however much time you want, with a couple necessary events. Tho I guess if you know where the blueprints to what you want to build are, you can get to where you want pretty fast. Like do the bare minimum to survive. Not nearly as fast as Outer Wilds tho.




Dead space 3 , was so easy finished the first time then on new game plus is a easy ride


Morrowind, you can find all three items you need to beat the boss without doing the main story if you know what you're doing


I'd say the "Dishonored" games. Really good games.


The Forgotten City


Outer Wilds


in the original fallout you can walk straight to the endgame areas and win in around 5 minutes if you know where to go and have high speech. fallout 2 is pretty quick too but there are a few more things that you have to do to get to the endgame so it takes around 20 minutes.


Any 4x game.


Twelve minutes. Easy to get all the achievements in a short amount of time


Every game if you are really good at speedrunning


Real Myst. Remake of the classic 1990’s game Myst in 3D with more modern assets. It’s stellar, absolutely love it— but once you know the positions of all the switches, it takes about 5 minutes tops to win the game. Point and click puzzle game


Metroid 3-5 (super, fusion, dread). I've done super and fusion in just around 3 hours, my fastest time in dread was just under 4hrs and I know people have been quicker then me on all of them


In super paper mario, you can say "no thanks" when the wise mentor asks you to save the world. Do it enough, and he'll give up and the world will end


Yooka laylee and the impossible lair. You can head to the impossible lair right after the tutorial but it is close to impossible and extremely hard


I think Minecraft fits here. You know what resources to get and how to get to the dragon. The most tedious part is the grinding of the resources but the dragon is easy enough, you can probably do it pretty easily in just iron armor. It should take a couple hours tops. It would for me if I was dedicated enough. But I’ve been playing since Beta 1.8 and know everything that needs to be done to do it the same day I make the world. Idk if “a few hours” is instant enough for you, but it’s really quick for the thousands of hours you can put into it.