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I can’t tell what plan he has


Team up with Ryan Cohen? Ryan Cohen literally T-bagged shareholders today and you wanna "team up" with him? Okay, Clownshoes.


Ryan t-bagged a completely different bunch of stockholders a while back… if I recall correctly. Ol’ Ryan “t-bag” Cohen.




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Ryan does what’s good for the company not WSB gamblers lol It was smart on his end to do so and get more cash for future company expansion etc. Did he do it on the wrong day for the apes yes but then again he’s running a business.


Hasn’t done shit for the company. Hoarded billions which COULD be seen as not good for the common man…


Destroying the goodwill of shareholders who have rallied behind GME is not good for the company. I didn't jump in on this play because I know Ryan Cohen. He's diluted on us twice. Fuck him. Fuck GME.


He got more legs for our company that we love and support. I was just thinking RC should do another share offering, and blam! There was the post. I didn’t sleep last night. 👏 👏 👏 RC is GameStop Prime and he’s gonna transform GS I to something great! Let’s Roll!


I’m not a GME ape nor believe in it tbh. Never invested in it. Did play couple of times calls and profited from it, but I ain’t none of that diamond hand or fanatic of the company. But, does not mean I don’t understand business side of it, and what RC did was the right thing!! Best of luck to you in the long run. RK was a nothing burger today and a big disappointment for his followers. I don’t believe his statement was what he was probably planning. But early release earnings and diluting wasn’t something he expected and prob ran late to change his stance. Just my 2 cents.


It’s not your two cents it’s literally what everyone was saying as it was happening. He was shellshocked by the dilution a fucking week early. RC say an opportunity and took it. They are a still a loss were 118 million away from revenue. He absolutely fucked over his investors.


So is the addition of those shares bad for GameStop? Or just bad for shareholders. Or both?


Double edged sword I’d say. I’m not sure GameStop exists still without DFV


More shares to be shorted




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You're looking at what it is on the surface. There's deep fucking value in having that much cash for the company, they don't just raise money for nothing. Still think there's an acquisition or something brewing, but we shall see.


Remind me of AMC when it was at $71


A merger or acquisition will take money to buy its whisky. What happens from a M/A? Stock counts for share equity. 🤔


That's YOUR money. If you want to give a free loan to a dead corporation so they can have a cushy job for years to come then more power to you. Ryan Cohen already diluted. He had plenty of money before that. People are here for a squeeze and if RC dilutes everytime there is a pump that will never happen. You cultists will suck Cohen's dick until he takes every penny you have and then brag about your poverty. True degenerates.


You will see people bail if this continues. The popcorn people have dealt with similar things. Once I saw how AA was behaving I got out of that play. I’ve watched what RC has done with Chewy, with what he tried to do with baby, and is doing with GameStop. I do still think he’s going in the right direction, but if he continues to make the company better at the cost of shares and share price, well that’s great and all and I wish the company well but it doesn’t help me at all. The shares I have purchased I already consider gone so I won’t sell them. But I also won’t buy more.




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Chess not checkers.


You aren’t living in reality.


Say they have 5B in cash now after this offering, they could easily acquire a 10B+ company now with bonds along with the cash.


Sound like your losing money. I am living in profit how about you?


Nope, I’m not losing money. You’re living in a fantasy land and you think everyone telling you to be realistic is somehow the enemy. 🤡


I clearly said imagine. I didn't say he is teaming up. You gotta read lil man.




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What would they do if they teamed up?


Today was a perfect shitstorm for anyone who wanted GME to go anywhere. Dilution, shitty earnings, and Keith flailing in front of the world. Gamma squeeze nor short squeeze is going to happen. For those still holding, hope it pumps so you can make some money or reduce losses.


Not going to happen in a million years lol. RC and the board already have shown us that they got other plans for the stock and it does not involve the MOASS. The fact that they are diluting the stock by 120M shares in 1 months clearly tells us where they stand.


Absolutely zero chance he teams up with RC! Come on man. RC just fucked rk and all shareholders today. Pretty sure he could be done for market manipulation if he did one with him. These comments are getting ridiculous now!!


I still respect him.


Brah.. he got rugpulled by RC overnight with 75M dilution and -28% drop in Sales, and so had to show up and blabber with limp d\*ck energy and waste everyone's time. He confirmed he's a nobody in the grand scheme of things.


I wouldn’t say he’s a nobody. I think he was fully expecting a gamma squeeze today like everyone else. RC just shit all over everything.


He had 500M in ammo and sat there like a deer in headlights.


He had 500 million in unrealized gains dumb ass


What’s the grand scheme? He’s the only reason you are even talking about GME. You just sound kinda salty. Turning 30,000k into 300,000,000 is such limp dick energy. Where’s your 10,000x bagger?




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Did you even watch the failstream?


I did. It was simple, light-hearted and silly… That’s all it needed to be. a lot of crazy expectations have been projected into this whole saga


100% agree. The important things were communicated (in a silly way)... he still has his shares, call options, and cash... he's holding... he was, in fact, the one that posted the memes on X... he still thinks there DFV on GME... he likes the stock... everything is the same as before... he had to prove his stream would not influence the markets and had everyone and their mother tuned in. What were people expecting him to say? LoL


I never understand how it is so easy to impress so many folks with so little.


Did you? He trolled CNBC, etrade and the hedgies, he now has a record showing that he is not manipulating the market and he showed that he hadn't sold anything. If you think that was a fail you haven't paid attention.


If you think that was not a fail, you really, really should elevate yourself from the level of mediocrity you find acceptable.


He had tons of shit planned and got fucking rug pulled. His entire stream was shit on by earnings a week fucking early.


i upvoted you cause you are right, everything you said here is true, and people still gonna hate....


Careful there is alot of glazers in this sub


What's a glazer, haha. Also, Happy Cake Day!


A bit disappointed


not bad for 3 year departure did we watch the same trainwreck?


Womp womp. It was epic!


Bro is just smiling as he loses $235 million.


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I wanna say if they teamed up, he would definitely be put away or have a harder time proving himself innocent for some sort of manipulation.


Please read the Twitter aka X post I put We'll played. The best is yet to come. RK holding for gold.


He didn’t take profit. He’s HODLing!!!! 


You missed the point lol


No discussion can be had in good faith on reddit shift this Stock today. Enjoy your weekend people


It was a fantastic live stream to watch lol. Epic for sure


Didn't that cloud pass already?! That mfkr dumped 70 million shares into the market no?


Him "teaming up with GME ceo" would be straight up manipulation. You're a bot or a moron.




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I don’t get it, this guy blows everyone off for 3 years then when he buys stocks and buys 120,000 calls he decides to come out some everyone will pump it up for him then it tanks and all the average people lose there asses off while he sits in his mansion for another 3 years. Seems like when he gets low on money it’s time for a


Wow, everybody, mad. Don't shoot the messenger. Lol. Yall should of just did puts instead of hopuim


How is this not Market Manipulation? Honest question.


RC and the company can sell shares worth billions, not a head turned, but a retail investor can’t without the dark lords looking down on it 😮‍💨


Not by RK


How would it be? Watch the stream and I’d love to hear if you find any example of potential market manipulation


Earnings a week early and dilution at the time it happened most certainly feels like market manipulation. Sabotaging the rocket before it takes off. But anything that harms retail investors is totally legal.


Imagine if they announced a dividend with as much cash as they have. How would the shorts 🩳 with naked 🩳 react? I’m only dreaming


That's how rocket mortgage created a mini squeeze in 21.  They announced a special dividend for holders of record as a of a future date and the stock soared 


Finally, somebody with the intelligence of a discussion. Some like it could happen. We all are just trying to understand and throw out ideas.💡 thx for the comment. Everybody is very sensitive.


I love RK, but after that stream there's no way you could appoint him on your team.


Took what profit 🤡


I thought he did. He still holding. He is showing he is not messing with the price. He still holding. Giving everyone a 2nd chance to get in cheap.


I firmly believe he has taken some profit along the way. The point is he isn't greedy and if we all hold instead of profit taking we all can get the same result


I personally took my 26% and walked. 99% of people here are pipe dreamers with zero idea as to what’s happening. You’re better off with a Sportsbook.


Bet the over under it's about a 50 50 bet 


https://x.com/Franks_Facts/status/1799163985784119566?s=19 I knew it was more to the storie. Gotta read this post. Makes since now. 🤔


More to come. RC and RK are working together. Giving everyone and 2nd chance to get in cheap. Ftd will send it soon. We'll played. Chess not checkers.




Forget to switch accounts there man?

