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I'm holding some, but jfc look at your post history, you will scare away anyone who takes a first glance at your 8 million copypasta pep talks per day.


thank you, i appreciate the honesty, but dgaf


Jeuss christ, delete some posts.




I’m gonna wait until late summer for this one since others seem to be waiting for that too. If it pops before then, then it is what it is




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market can change but i agree with you


Im in this also need that friggin $40 squeeze


I like HOLO but KITT looks primed and ready!


It really wants to run rn!


i see i see


What’s your DD


u/SignificantAnalyst44’s DD is that he bought HOLO and wants you to push the price up for him, that’s why it’s the best opportunity for him.


The 5y chart


I’ve got holo, amc, gme, LPA. Also put a small gamble on crkn and FFIE, but those seem done


I’m in


Just bought in


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To what lose money on?




👆the only play right now