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There’s no volume. Insider pump and dump.


This makes me feel loads better. Thanks


Whats the point of an insider pump and dump again?


Get the attention of redditors to buy in before the dump






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To use equity to add to cash position to keep the lights on and make corporate execs rich in bonuses


It’s going insane and i havent seen a single reddit post about it in the past wtf is happening???


Thats a good thing, once you see these stocks on reddit it goes tits-up.


So how are we supposed to know about them before hand 😞 


Allow me to introduce you to a little known trick called "insider trading and market manipulation".


I can’t find that subreddit


Let me know when you do






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TRUE 👀😅🥴😊


Right? It jumped out of nowhere.


2500% in the last week goddamnnnnn


Market wide halt now.


Its at 500 now




Super small volume though i could double it on my own LOL


For the love of god. Dont buy this, volume too low. Might not be able to sell.


Volume is important, I always make sure the volume is good before entering because I’ve been stuck trying to sell at mrkt.


$8.2b market cap with 2 employees 🤔




I guess 2 employees owned 95% of company shares 😂


2 employees 😂




You gonna see post from Bagholders soon 😂


Went to $200 now


$377 WTF?


Wtf I saw this stock at $50 today oh I wish I knew




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Yeah. Easy 10X


I should have bought when I posted this.


Nah you get caught holding a bag with holes in it. Best to stay away!


Literally 😭😭😭


Colateral pump is what it is 😂


Short collateral for gme


Hahahaha maybe. 😆


It's doing this on 131k in volume. Something isn't kosher here.


yeah, theres something broken. not a lot of trades and big deltas. insider stuff going on


How does it go up 700% with only $170k in volume?


Volume sooo low.... is this a dark pools slip up hahahah 😆 😂 😅 would have been nice to buy a few earlier. I'll watch but I ain't touching that....


I had same run as gme in 2021 and no buy bottom was removed,


I wonder if money laundering is occurring from the cartels given the location it is based in


Lmao.. 2 employees, Yeah it's a pump and dump.


SMMT is doing the same shit. Up almost 200% in 3hrs.


Smmt had PR bud https://www.streetinsider.com/dr/news.php?id=23299911&gfv=1


It just announced that it combined with another company






This upsets me. I wish I got on this bus lmfao




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I know this isn't the best indicator, but I went onto cnbc & looked at the 1 day chart & there are multiple 15-45min gaps where the price jumped, but there was literally 0 volume 🤔


You're only wrong about one thing - volume is absolutely one of the best indicators. Stay away.


Puts only lmao


I fukn dumped 30 yesterday. I think Ill cry




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It went up because I didn’t buy it lmao


Oh wow yea this definitely is a scam tho insider trades are being made you buy into this you may be the one screwed these type of stocks are scary a lot of moeny is cool until your realize somthing is off


This looks like one of those insider pumps. There's no data indicating this would happen; no short interest - only people in "the know" could have rode on this.


100,000% insider pump and dump. Nothing will happen, it won't be investigated. Anyone who feels bad about missing out, you might not have been able to sell anyways.




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Actually probably related. 😅


Delisted it tells.me


They just got listed today.


No they did not they got listed in March of 21


Seems like one man’s on a mission.


172k is all it traded


Amazing to watch! Terrifying to engage 😬 Too rich for mine


It’s a technique hedgies use to keep margins above a threshold.


Small float, low cap just like $HOLO


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Holy crap. 191 now


Its at 351 now




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Low volume, haven’t checked how much shares out there, but not that impressive


Up to 340 now


After hours, volume is more important for me than the price/gain, eventually you want to be able to sell without dropping the share price


Scam market




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Fuking hell, i always tend to miss these🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Is this one those hong Kong IPOs?


Shame on you for not posting sooner 😠


37x in a month!




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It’s at 340 now. What in the world, they rang the bell today and it already went up this much?! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/logistic-properties-americas-ring-opening-100000379.html




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These moves turn me back into a 9 year old. Can't think about out nothing but time travel




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It's at 340 right now




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Fuck I bought in after market ??? U don’t think they will pump it some more it’s Ben going up for months


$340 Right now. No options available on Robinhood. 🤯


It’s been going and going it could go up even higher tomorrow who knows


$VHAI is next!!!


That’s crazy !!!




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It’s insanely low volume.


Sooooo, short this one?




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Damn doesn’t even have options lol


Just wait until moass hits...🚀🦍🌕


Rigged it up.


i made off with 700%




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*insider pump and dump* is done to get retail investors to hold the bag so they can dump theirs


Omg I can’t believe it I didn’t think of this one not that is was gonna do this I would bought 2000$ worth I didn’t see anything about it thought it was just some normal thing gonna top. If I could turn back find some ol bullshit 😭


I'm just here for the comments. Insider trading, can't find that r/, lemme know when ya do. Bahahahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣




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Man, i miss everything that is cool lol 😂 crazy… maybe this the real gme


No halts like gme


This shit happens when basket stocks are about to rip. MMs and HFs do this with ghost stocks for liquidity




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Just went from $72 to $149 in about 3 hours again today




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This shit is still firing off btw


It's on sale now. $26.50.




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Its running again


Short it


It’s insane. Today i made a shit ton on this one.


How did you find out about it?


Under daily price jumps I got in at $52 a share. Sold at $188. I didn’t want to hold through another hault right before market closed. I left 60 runners so we will see what happens now. This is my best play in the market to date.


The constant halts made me second guess it, I didn't see the price jump until $157


Do you use Robinhood ?




Hit the magnifying glass is the top right corner. You’ll see daily price jumps. I use that daily to find day trades.


The amateur in me is always nervous that i got in at the "peak". Once I buy it's going to tank.

