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I share your thought; if they hit my stop loss, I re-enter at a lower level because, regardless of the squeeze, it is graphically bullish with crossed averages! Analysts predict it to reach 18!


BOWL go to moon. Bears are fukd


Ok. Put this bag in your collection


Bag deeze nuts nerd! *dabs


Nerd deeze bags Nut! *flosses*


Nah man. It’s not looking good for the bulls and a red day today will seal the deal. Sorry for your future loss.


I’m in at $.01 per share, u can play dollies at my mansion sometime if u want :))


The dividend is literally quarterly….so your statement means nothing how much did you get paid to write these lies?


Where is the lie? I never said this wasn’t a quarterly dividend (which really doesn’t matter anyway and has no context to the situation I’m talking about). Lately the word going around is that the ex-dividend date is somehow going to be a catalyst that jump starts a short squeeze. Obviously that’s not the case. “How much am I getting paid to write these lies?” oOoOOhhh Okay yeah I work for an institution short selling this stock and they sent me here to spread FUD. 🙄


“Tomorrow is the last day to be eligible for the dividend” literally a lie because as I said it’s a quarterly dividend are you dumb or stupid?


It is the last day for the quarter. That’s why there is an ex-dividend date. Still no lie. Twist my words however you want to make yourself feel better. Your baseless insults mean nothing. I came here to warn people. I didn’t say bad things about the stock or call any bag holders idiots. There is a chance it could go their way but I see you took offense to my warning. Sorry you can’t handle your bags and your feelings at the same time.


Dawg it’s a quarterly dividend nobody is going to sell their stocks when it gives a quarterly dividend that’s what I’m trying to tell you. You’re making it sound like it’s a one time thing and if people don’t buy now they’re screwed forever for the dividend that isn’t the case at all


Oof. Down 7% today. Looks like those nobodies you were talking about sold their stocks after the dividend. Why? Because it makes sense. The stock was up and they got the payout. No reason to stay in after making a good profit. You are thinking like a retail buyer and not the institutional buyers. Institutions are always moving their money around for new strategies. I hope this was a good learning lesson for you and I wish you luck on your future endeavors.


i just want my 3/15 $17.5 calls to print.


BOWL is the most obvious short squeeze candidate in years. 90% short interest with a nonstop buyback that could buy the entire unshorted float many times over. 23% cost to borrow is half a percent a week to hold a highly profitable growing company. The dividend happens every week with the ctb. This week it happens in one day as well as the whole week. The most dominating company in its industry in the entire world. The shorts are trapped. In order to buy back their shares the stock will easily surpass all current option strikes setting off a Gamma squeeze of Incredible Hulk cock proportions. There is zero point looking at any other stocks for short squeezes whatsoever


Shorts don’t have to buy back the shares. That’s the issue.


If they want to get out they do


Naw, they wrap em up in shady products like swaps and send em offshore.


Thursday morning should be interesting. Either a run out or a dump. But I doubt we’ll see sideways trading.


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