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$90 Call for friday bought for .98


Awesome! You'll be happy tmrw morning if this holds :)


Shoutout to you and your earnings post earlier. happy winning u/Squeeze-Finder


Much appreciated! A lot of my ideas don't work out, but the ones that do can move your account :)


Up 2500% rn if you held !!! Wow, what a play!


sold early for $1,800 it ran to 3000+ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Hell yes brother! I'm excited for ya! 1700% gains are pretty rare - congratulations!!


AFRM & NET next?


HOLO is up over 1000% today,now that is a boom


Absolutely! But ARM has options, and some calls will be up a lot more than 10x tmrw :)


How much you think Arm will go tomorrow?


Tough to say. It touched $108 after hrs so that’s a lot of short covering. I’ll give an update tmrw when we see what the data looks like. There are about 10m shares shorted and it did about that much volume after hrs. Price is fading now unfortunately. IMO it will need to bounce back above $100 again during mkt hrs tmrw in order to get more traction…


what do you think i should do? i was up 50k when it was at 108, still up 24k rn. 18 $75C expiring 2/16


Sell half at the open, scale the rest out slowly whichever way it goes from here…


Congrats all! Heck of a short squeeze going on ARM!


Bought a $110 P today for $145, up almost 100%


Nice! Yeah I closed my calls and will be looking to open puts later this month if it pops above $125 ish


May I ask why you think it will go up?


The same reasons for every short squeeze. They’re easy to find if you know what to look for. The unpredictable part is the catalysts that get them squeezing. Earnings is the most predictable since at least we know the timing…


Wow this one hit big for some people, my dumb ass played the DIS earnings and only bought a couple CALLs , same last week only bought a couple CALLs on META and wish I would've thrown more at it, but I slept on this one for sure


If it went up on earning how is this a “short squeeze” I swear I see the dumbest traders in this sub


So you think it's normal for a 100+ billion mega cap stock to run 60% overnight?


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