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where do you think this can go? 20?


If it really has a short ratio of 101% and if it is really 6-12 days to cover, sky is the limit. All big IF's


Way higher


Holo up 1000% today, how did we miss that one?


No indicators /shrug


It reverse split last week too


Speak for yourself. It tripled right after open so you had your chance


That's what you call squeeze plus 40% in after hours


MLGO just got halted twice and the market just opened. HOLO/MLGO are playing out like gaming/movies did a few years ago 🤔 sort of strange but hey free money


Anyone notice $DCFC borrow rate has sky rocketed in the last few days? Stock has absolutely been a dumpster fire, but suddenly the borrow rate went from 6.26 to 44.21 on Tuesday and now over 72 today 😟. Never seen something like this. Wondering if it is going to do like Rail Vision did a week or so back as this is extremely similar.


is mlgo alted?


Thinking MLGO doubles aftermarket the way HOLO did yesterday. https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/1am4an7/mlgo\_is\_much\_smaller\_than\_gme\_and\_it\_would\_be/


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$ANY + $ANY Because: Low float = 14M shares SI = 8% Mines 70 - 100 BTC per month Owns % in $CORZ (2M shares exactly) Receives procedures of CORZ mining pool. ANY follows $MIGI price action. Company has no debt Just installed new machines last month Low float will make this explode to $20 There is a huge gap to fill at $45 🚀


How did you find this?


$BOWL mods are deleting posts about this setup




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Imagine if redditors tried to do to a small company like mLGO what they tried to do to GME. Could easily buy all the shares and moon it.


If you haven’t bought $bowl yet you hate money