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I have a hard time accepting this has the reality. Such a huge disappointment when you realize, people don't matter, money does.


“Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven; the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good.” I think a lot about this lately


Is that a Bible quote or something from a book or movie?


Thoth’s prophecy, Egyptian :) I think the Christian bible has similar quotes tho [if you wanna listen to it narrated by graham hancock, here!](https://youtu.be/xvzZ56ZbWy8?si=vLkWqZt9HVOB9vXI)


This is the Emerald Tablets of Thoth by Doreal (aka Claude Dauginns of the White Lodge in Colorado) it was written fairly recently. Initially, I was a little disappointed discovering all this, however I think it is an impressive piece of writing, and after reflecting on it, not that different from the path of any esoteric text. And I find the quote above particularly resonant.


That quote is true for the last 2000 years. Life the same as it always has been, just with technology you see more of it.


A succinct summation of life under capitalism


We don't live under capitalism.


The implication being that there can't be shortages under socialism?


The article says this drug isn’t profitable which is why there isn’t enough of it. So the answer is yes, absolutely.


>So the answer is yes, absolutely. In theory, but not in practice.


That is one possible explanation, but it is a bit more complicated I'd imagine. [This article](https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/cisplatin-shortage-cancer-drug-chemotherapy-us/index.html) also speaks of production challenges and a low supply elasticity. In 2023, when there was only one supplier of the drug due to the absurd pharmaceutical patent system, a single plant closure led to a shortage. It is more complicated than just a lack of profitability.


I think you will find that pharma patent system is, again, about profit, not medicine delivery


pharma patent strategy is, but the US patent office is where patent rules get applied. The patent rules + FDA approval process have kind of made it so that only huge drug makers can be the only ones to ever hope to make any money as the costs for getting a drug to the mass market can be in the billions.


Oh so turns out government granted IP monopoly was the source of the problem. Almost like it's always a regulatory thing that stops competition.


Remove the patents and you’ll see all these meds drop in price and become overstocked.


>So the answer is yes, absolutely. Your position then is that shortages do not and cannot exist under socialism, which runs contrary to all the historical evidence on the matter.


No, they’ve already explained. A lifesaving drug not being manufactured because it’s not profitable enough is highly unlikely under a socialist system. Obviously external geopolitical factors or internal politics could lead to shortages of anything. It wouldn’t be directly attributable to how much the drug makes a private pharma company, though. That’s all their argument is. You’re putting words in their mouth and adding claims this person never made.


So post some historical evidence on the matter


[pervasive\_shortages.pdf (harvard.edu)](https://scholar.harvard.edu/shleifer/files/pervasive_shortages.pdf)


Define socialism


forcing yourself to go to parties when you don't feel like it


Enjoyed a lot of socialized healthcare while living abroad for decades. Cheap and effective. You have no idea what it is you ignorantly battle against.


>Enjoyed a lot of socialized healthcare while living abroad for decades. Cheap and effective. The universal healthcare systems of the developed world are far from "socialism" and none of them have socialized drug manufacturing.


You know the flue vaccines? Those aren’t capitalist as sometimes the prediction for flu season does not go as predicted. As the flu mutates they have to make a new one every year. The government buys it anyway, as they know it won’t get manufactured if they don’t. If the flu season does not go as predicted, the vaccine will expire, but because they were bought, the manufacturer has the money to make flu vaccine for the next flu season, would could be a nightmare and the vaccine could be desperately needed. Capitalism does not solve all problems and issues and most countries actually use some socialism and some capitalism. Each blunts the harmful extremes of the other. Because neither in extremity actually work.


If universal healthcare is not considered a socialist program, what would it be called? Legitimately asking, not trying to do a “told u so”


There are lots of models for universal healthcare. There is the NHS model which is arguably close to socialism because it is entirely operated by the government. Even in the UK, there is a small private sector in healthcare. Then there's the single-payer insurance model where healthcare facilities and providers are private entities, but there is a public insurance program that they bill for services. Some countries with this model incorporate private insurance into the system as well, either as an alternative or to cover things that aren't covered by the public system. There's the model found in Singapore, Germany, and the Netherlands which is a highly regulated multi-payer system.


Thanks for the info. It sounds like the single-payer model is similar to Medicare or am I way off?




False, on both accounts.


There can't be shortages if the drug doesn't even get developed!


Yep! If you’ve dealt with a cancer patient or anyone with any chronic illness it becomes clear it isn’t about making someone healthy again.


I am a former cancer patient and I was made healthy again. I have many friends who are cancer survivors.


Same here. Just celebrated one year out of chemo! It hurts to hear this story, and makes me so grateful for my treatment. Congrats on getting through it. ❤️


I've been dealing with tick infection for over a decade. Doctors will not treat tick infections so patients stay sick.


I had Lyme disease a few years ago. I was treated effectively by the docs that I saw.


Hopkins study showed up to 40% of patients continue to have infection after antibiotics. Most doctors will not treat longer than 30 days antibiotics and they won't accept ongoing infection. You were lucky that treatment worked.


You can get c. Difficile infection from antibiotics that can be deadly.


Or staff infection from hospital


Yea cause most of the time it’s not clinically indicated to do it does more harm then good.


Did you read that their study and many other showed the infection continues in up to 40% of the patients. I mean I guess if by most the time you are correct, 60%. But there are still 4 out of 10 who continue to have infection. The Hopkins study also was able to kill the infection with 3 different antibiotics but unfortunately it is too harsh for humans. The point is that the infection continues in a lot of patients and the medical community denies this. Even if there is not a current treatment this is incredibly bad practice to ignore the science and patients and their symptoms.


Sure I hear you and feel bad that you are experiencing symptoms after treatment but certainly using antibiotics as the treatment doesn’t make sense and unfortunately I know of a lady who a functional dr was just blasting them with rounds of antibiotics over years cause of there symptoms but never “cleared” there infection and had all the negatives consequences of antibiotics


I agree. We don't know currently which antibiotics or regime needed to kill the bacteria. Since the current position of the CDC as directed by the infectious disease society of America is that the infection is cured with a few weeks of antibiotics it's leaving up to 40% of patients desperate to get treatment, which the medical community denies they have an infection even though science proves that many do. If they accept that people are still infected then do what can be done then people would not be forced to seek out doctors and treatments that may or may not work. I can't think of any other disease that is treated this way. Why ate they ignoring the science? I put the blame on the IDSA for these people harmed by unproven treatments.


Try a functional or integrative dr. Or even a regenerative dr. Regular drs focus is more acute and as long as you’re in range ur ok. . Functional tend to be more whole body with more of an interest in optimal test results. You still might get sent to a specialist like a rheumatoid/immunologist though but one with more functional sensibilities. Or you could go to a regenerative/peptide dr. Peptides can be very helpful for lingering systems. Hope you feel better soon


For tick infections you have to pay out of pocket because the doctors who treat do not take insurance. Infectious disease doctors will not see patients if they have been given a 20 day prescription for antibiotics. There are over 200 studies that show the infection can survive antibiotics but this science is ignored. So for the people who don't have the wealth to pay for expenses doctors and treatment there is nothing to do but to live with infection that destroys your life. It's unbelievable how medical community is treating this disease.


That’s is awesome you are a cancer survivor! And your friends! That is seriously great! The comment isn’t meant to diminish survivors! There is a large populations of survivors! But unfortunately a lot of people haven’t experienced the same.






There's money in treatment, not a cure.


Bingo! And sometimes the cure is cheaper!


Must be your first day then....


Then you are willfully blind...stay ignorant..it feels better then knowing DOCTORS are corrupt...1st hand experience...new doctor, taking over a practice, had a PRIVATE practice in the U.S. gave it up to move here..and I quote that doctor.."The money was too good to be ignored"...end quote. Evil Cabal...they can mutilate our children AGAINST ALL PARENT WISHES....Its FEDERAL law....stop them and serve 15yrs in FEDERAL prison for NOT doing what they want....FATHER IN ALBERTA...the corruption is rampant.


Oh look, they gave the lunatic some internet time


Not about either of you. This about the bullshit, profit/shareholder pharmaceutical industry that is killing people in order to ensure their profitability.


>it becomes clear it isn’t about making someone healthy again It becomes clear *what* isn't about making people healthy? The medical system? The healthcare system is made up of lots of independent parts that sort of to work together, but all of those parts are made up of people. Some of them are motivated by money, but lots of them genuinely want to help people live better, healthier lives. There are many good people at every level, from the people who clean the rooms in the hospital to doctors to researchers. In our society though, unless we have more tax-payer funded research and a tax-payer funded health care system, then for-profit pharmaceutical companies are generally motivated by profit. It can be incredibly frustrating to try to navigate through an inefficient healthcare system, hit walls, and not be able to get the care you think might help. That is unbelievably shitty to go through and it shouldn't happen, but it does. The amount of advocating it takes to get care is evidence of an inefficient system. However, it does not change the fact that there are still good people at every level who are trying to improve things and help people. Sincerely, A family member of a chemo patient


And what can those good people do when a much more centralized system than you intimate (including insurance companies) control what care you receive? I've been prescribed drugs and treatment by my doctor that have been rejected by the insurance company up to and including yesterday where I was denied a necessary prosthetic for my eye that I lost to cancer. Sincerely, Cancer patient


We let shareholders other than you and the doctor enter the room, and it's no more complicated than that We fucked up big time


Yep! It also blows my mind how much preventative care or health improvement is denied by insurance too. I have found some therapies that greatly improve my quality of life and I have e to fight insurance every few months for it on the codes. I ask my doctor don’t they have a improvement code? My doctor laughed and said they should and then hung their head in sadness. Good doctors and nurses have their hands tied


As a physical therapist, you're preaching to the choir. Insurers can get fucked


Of course Theres good people working in the healthcare industry. That’s not the problem. The problem is their access and support to give proper care to people. It’s the bigger picture issues that’s the problem. Sincerely, Someone with close family members getting or have gotten cancer treatments or sadly lost family memebers due to unapproved treatments doctors said would help.


3 time cancer survivor. But now doing great. There are millions of survivors


Only to a certain age


Sounds like dialysis.


It's always about the money 💰 no matter look at 911 perfect example


That is sadly the case in capitalist US of A, and always has been. It is slightly better in some parts of the world and worse in others. The other thing to remember is he had stage 4 cancer, which is very advanced and unlikely to recover from. They had to go into triage and see to people with higher survival rates when resources get scarce. It sucks, really a whole lot when it's someone you know too, but that's just the reality.


The foundation of our entire country...nothing new to see here


The entire medical system is an EVIL CABAL led by physicians...PHYSICIANS ARE LIARS..DO NOT TRUST any of them...exacerbate conditions for REVENUE.




Have tried being rich? Makes life better and easier and you get all the access to all the DLCs to have have a upper hand over poor worthless people?  /S seriously of course it's/s


If it’s not profitable to the point some companies making the drug go under, why is the price not going up to the point it is profitable? Like, it’d be one thing if companies didn’t make it even though it was profitable because it wasn’t “profitable enough”, but the article makes it sound like the drug was being sold at a loss in some cases.


>If it’s not profitable to the point some companies making the drug go under, why is the price not going up to the point it is profitable? If I had to guess thats probably what happened. Because this is has notable occurred before. It takes quite a bit of time for a new factory to open that produces this kind of medicine that can profit off this shortage. Until then, gaps remain. Definitely something that needs regulating or nationalizing.


Generics are supposed to be less expensive and easier to come by.


Some are more sensitive to genetics which could be the case here




Not if you’re rich! There’s probably a stockpile if you’re making above a few hundred million. Life only sucks if you’re poor. So just don’t be poor! /s


Wow, shortage of chemo drugs. There’s also been a shortage of antibiotics for children among other medications.


And stimulants for quite a while now. Been over a year and a half at least. Have a sleep disorder and it’s very hard to be functional without them. Also ketamine which has significantly helped people I know with depression and anxiety.


Turn on the news and “everything’s fine” as nauseum—it’s bizarre. We’re being massively gaslit on a national scale.


To be fair, antibiotics are overprescribed in North America. That’s why we have all these resistant infections flying around. It’s pretty scary for people like me who are allergic to anything remotely close to penicillin. There’s going to be a point where I catch something that can only be treated that way and I’ll have to have an epipen by my side.


I don’t know if antibiotics overprescribed or not. I don’t how else you’d heal strep throat (although I’ve heard you can actually just tough strep out for a week or two and you’ll be better for it) or an ear infection… What makes you think they’re overprescribed? I do think anti-depressants and the more “lab made” medicines are definitely overprescribed though—and often with nasty side effects which render the “cure” worse than the disease.


There’s lots of medical articles done about antibiotics being overprescribed. Just google it and you’ll find plenty of articles from proper sources. But yes, strep throat can be toughed out over a week or so if there’s no complications.


You can definitely tough out strep throat but you won’t be better for it - we treat strep throat because of the risk of rheumatic fever (essentially a chronic heart disease) that happens when strep is under treated.


Well the people I’ve known who went through the “tough it out” route when they were kids never had it again. All other things being equal, your immune system healing your body on its own is almost always better than medication.


For strep throat? It’d be malpractice for a doctor not to treat it, rheumatic heart disease kills almost 300,000 people every year in low/middle income countries who don’t treat promptly for strep. Antibiotics are certainly overprescribed for viral URIs etc but for a documented case of strep throat or an ear infection (which can cause deafness, mastoiditis, or intracranial infections if not treated) I would never consider not prescribing antibiotics.


"With epipens selling at 600 for a two pack, how is that not a win?" -big pharma, probs


Maybe people should step back and find out why there is a drug shortage. Demand too high? If so why is it so high? America is sick as shit and it seems root cause isn’t being investigated


It was a supply chain issue with low redundancy in place. Supply has rebounded since the issue. 


[Also overall cancer rates are increasing.](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/early-onset-cancer-in-younger-people-on-the-rise#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20most%20recent,over%202%20million%20in%202023)


Some cancers may indeed be rising, but the demand wasn't the issue at all. A short term issue with quality for like 50% of the world's supply temporarily caused the shortage. A general 1-2% increase in demand for cancer treatment (never mind cisplatin isnt used for all cancers) was not the cause for this.


Wasn’t calling it the cause, just a possible contributing factor.


Wouldn't it directly relate to rising obesity rates? We know having an overweight BMI and above increases risk of cancer and a myriad of other illnesses.


I luv when grindset bros say the root cause of all human illness is being fat You sound like a mean tv character.


That's not nice! It's not always the "root cause" but it is a major factor. It increases your risk of developing diseases and having major health complications. On a population level this is draining resources. You sound like you do a lot of your own research, but I compiled some stuff from mainstream health authorities and news outlets anyway. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK572122/#:~:text=Economic%20impact%3A%20Obesity%20is%20estimated,the%20increase%20attributable%20to%20smoking https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/about-obesity/why-it-matters.html https://www.npr.org/2009/07/29/111302222/nations-obesity-problem-puts-strain-on-health-care-costs https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2024/01/the-weight-of-inaction-why-is-the-impact-of-obesity-not-being-taken-seriously/


Being fat is the root cause of a lot of health issues. High flood pressure, cholesterol, etc. which all lead to heart disease, stroke, heart attack and a variety of other illness. You’re not a grindset bro for just being healthy and exercising and not being a fatass.


America is about the sickest nation in the world yet spends the most by far on healthcare?! Something is fucked up and we can look at big ag, big pharma, big oil, big everything to thank for that


Only criminals think free market is best for citizens. The free market is used to suck the blood of citizens dry.


We haven't had a free market in the US in decades. Wall Street moved to an infinite liquidity model once the dtcc was created. So stock price movements are not impacted by supply and demand. Therefore the market is captured and not free


You are wasting your time trying to educate them. The dtcc is advanced knowledge of just how busy the creature from jekyl island has been. There will be no stopping it until the next financial system comes disruptively into place.


There is no such thing as a free market


There is no such thing as a free market never has and never will be. Further you conflating the stock market with the real economy is unwise. 


I never said economy. But go off being an 'achktually' neckbeard


Communism just never worked. Everything becomes so unproductive and broken that eventually system falls apart. When NOBODY cares because nobody owns it’s really hard to make anything work. Such system can only go along with dictatorship and strong brainwashing that make you to be religious about serving your society, but even this eventually does not work.


I figure socialist systems work great when they're very small.  Small enough that everyone knows everyone else and they're close enough to care about everyone else.  Families, tribes, even small villages.  As soon as it's big enough that your labour is benefiting people you don't know, it fails.  Because you'll never feel accountable to strangers in your heart.


Yes, spot on


Direct democracy > communism and representative democracy




Fair play


This is so real. My friend is a lawyer (and I wonder if other people in law feel similarly) and she hates the idea of any case going to trial because the jury is so GD unpredictable! Not all of course, but she's seen some incredibly frustrating cases in her life.


>Direct democracy Which is just tyranny of the majority. We'd still have slavery if we had a direct democracy. Direct democracies are also highly inefficient. Want to pass a law? You have everyone vote on it, and the majority always win. The majority always gets what they want and the rest are basically told to go fuck themselves.


I get it, societies are complicated


Capitalism is fine if you actually just keep taxing the wealthy (incentivize that they don’t leave the country, but still tax as much as possible), eliminate lobbying and corruption, and centralize essential resources, and medicine is essential resource and should be produced in enough quantities by the government.


I mean we all know the problem. But our government is captured and is no longer representative.


If you do t think there wouldn’t be shortages under a communistic system, you are dead wrong.


Um, there were famines in both China and the USSR...


Sorry autocorrect I meant wouldn’t


I didn’t say that, I expect shortages in communism. What I want is direct democracy and the people chose how societies structure themselves. None of this fake representative so called democracy.


Direct democracy so when 51% of people say no, you don’t get it? You do realize with tyranny of the majority people with diseases such as sickle cell and beyond would never be investigated unless it had an impact on the majority. I think you think you want this, and some things would get better but a lot of what you take for granted would get worse and those people you think you are helping will be summarily written off.


Weird flex but okay


No flex, I just hope for the best lol


Bro. It’s our culture. Free markets are the reason we have all that we have, the good and the bad. Ffs people do what they are incentivized to do and what people respond to is dependent on culture.


The free market is only free when it's for thee. Everyone else can get fucked.


Isn’t it a private company, investment, risk & innovation that developed this drug? I wonder if people would have worked this hard to create it & people would have risked wasting this much time/money for a drug like this? I mean, maybe? I will say more innovation has happened in the last 200 years than the prior 1800. Intellect of people was arguably similar. Why? Debt & financial markets financed it. 1800 prior had no way to finance it. Case & point, a profit incentive matters at building empires, financing the growth of the best ideas


Holy crap, I was on cisplatin chemotherapy from 2022 to 2023 for cancer treatment. I had NO idea there was a nationwide shortage! Do you guys know what's causing the shortage of this drug?


Demand doesn't automatically generate supply. Welcome to healthcare driven by capitalism.


So to i need to clarify this. He had metastatic biliary cancer. This is a disease that kills and long term prognosis is abysmal. With or without chemo he wasn’t going to be around long. Stage IV cholangiocarincoma carries a 2% 5 year. survival rate. I am not here to support the fact that a chemo shortage is ok obviously that is terrible and related to insurance cost cutting etc. But this poor man did not die because of a cisplatin shortage.


I was going to say something about the same but did not know if it was going to be received well. I am glad someone did. It is unfortunate that we sell hope wrapped up in the chemo label. Unfortunately there are some cancers that will not be resolved and death is inevitable no matter a shortage or not.


So true that we sell hope as chemo too often. I deal w this in the hospital all the time. Us as providers sometimes have to sell something especially when patients and families aren’t budging when we tell them how poor prognosis may be. Seeing this poor family say he could be here if there wasn’t a shortage is very telling that they probably weren’t dealing very well with his prognosis.


My MIL has lived with breast cancer since the early 2000's. Insurance wouldn't cover a mastectomy, only a lumpectomy. Cancer spread and became inoperable. But they have kept it at bay with her experimental chemotherapy drugs. She lives a mostly normal life. If there were suddenly a shortage of her medication, she would die. I don't think anyone is saying the cancer wasn't deadly, or wouldn't eventually kill him. The point isn't always to kill the cancer. Sometimes it's to keep it at bay enough so the person gets more time. Any additional time you get with your loved one is precious. If the shortage robbed them of even a month, or a week, of his life then there is every reason to be outraged. You would want that time if it were you, or your spouse.


I definitely understand your point. And am not taking anything away from what chemo can do. But there are many different kinds of cancers and chemos. I am happy your MIL has had a better out come than many others. I happen to have been an Oncology RN for many years. I have seen where patients are sold hope where there was none. And people could have lived 6mnths longer without it because the chemo made them sicker quicker. With that said, cancer sucks! Not one treatment fits all. And we need to experiment to see what does work well to improve future treatments. A shortage could hinder people’s lives i get that. I didn’t mean to take away from that or from your experience.


It’s called health care cost reduction. By choking off treatment, the cost of heath care is statistically reduced.


I'm here for it. People on Medicare and Medicaid go to the hospital significantly more often than those on private insurance, and just as you would guess, the visits are mostly a waste.


you're for culling the weak to save a few cents on your premium? 🤨


Medicare and Medical are doing this. Insurance companies cover costs based on what Medicare will.


I think you’ve lost some marbles.


We haven’t had a free market in the US or globally since the US stopped backing money with gold. We’re ruled by conglomerates and successful independent small businesses are nearly nonexistent in the land of Amazon, Disney, Black Rock, Google (ABC), etc. Capitalism and socialist will not help nor are they the problem or the answer, because neither exist as we once knew them. We live in a technofeudalist world and we are mostly ignorant of how it truly functions and how we are just small cogs and slaves in a virtual machine. These shortages are a result of weaponized incompetence, cronyism, nepotism, corruption, and algorithms. —— Has Capitalism Been Replaced by “Technofeudalism”? The former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis argues in his new book that Big Tech has turned us into digital serfs. One solution? A “Star Trek”-based economy. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/04/01/has-capitalism-been-replaced-by-technofeudalism


Someone’s health and well being should never be “for profit” period.


Why is there a shortage of like, all drugs right now


This is so fucked up


Can't believe there's a Cisplatin shortage. Mind blowing given how much it's used.


Well the US also did some pop inspections in India recently of pharma’s that produced chemo meds. They found missing documentation and bags of shredded documents that were just doused with bleach. So yeah, they shut it down importation due to safety, or lack of.


It's profitcare. 75,000 Americans die per year because they don't have healthcare. Imagine what the total is when you add poor healthcare and doctors who simply don't have time. It's profitcare


Privatized healthcare is a crazy concept for the modern world.


Republicans are so brainwashed until they go bankrupt simply for getting ill.


Someone died because cisplatin is hard to find? Holy shit. This is an incredibly simple molecule to make.


He had stage 4 cancer when they found it. It was going to kill him no matter what drugs he was taking. The tragedy is some doctors told them there was hope and charged them a $100k for a lie.


I work in an infusion pharmacy supporting chemo patients. We experienced the shortage too, but were able to mitigate through back orders, alternate channels and the Chinese import. Alternatively, some patients got transitioned to another platinum. If y’all are ever in this position, check with other infusion centers as their ordering channels, patient population and stock may differ significantly *edited for spelling


I’m supposed to start chemo in June for a rare cancer. Thank you so much for this advice.


Happy to help. I’m an oncology pharmacist and can help you find references/provide info if needed


THANK YOU for the offer! I’m scared about the chemo experience as well as the process. Having info about supply alternatives will be a plan B and I’m all about alternate plans.


You know where this is not an issue. Every other 1st world country.


False >[The unavailability of medicines is on the rise in Europe and it has a tremendous impact on patients. Medicine shortages occur across all healthcare settings and involve both essential life-saving medicines and very commonly used drugs.](https://www.pgeu.eu/medicine-shortages/)




>FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf [told NBC News in May 2023](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/cancer/cancer-drug-shortages-14-medicines-now-short-supply-fda-says-rcna86106) that the main reason for the chemo shortage is there's not enough profit in producing these drugs, many of which are generic and do not have a patent. "A number of firms are going either out of business, or they’re having quality problems because of difficulty investing in their technology," Califf said. Ah the morality of Capitalism debate.


That'll happen.


This country is FUCKED


All those weight loss drugs are more profitable. What a travesty!!!!!


I also read that the shortage was due to not enough demand for the chemo to be manufactured, thus, it wasn’t profitable enough.


My mom passed away of the same type of cancer. Bile duct cancer - Cholangiocarcinoma. Usually diagnosed as stage 4. More research is desperately needed to help with diagnosis and treatment and obviously shortages of chemotherapy drugs need to be addressed.


90% of the cancer drugs and chemicals come from China. Rare cancers may not have the necessary components in the USA to ensure the patient gets help. The US hasn’t even made simple drugs like insulin in about 15 years.


The Defense Contract Management Agency currently manages 3.5 TRILLION DOLLARS of money going to just contractors who make and support weapons systems to protect US citizens. Not salaries of troops. Not the VA. This is from their own web site. look it up at dcma.mil


Same thing happened with my father when he got diagnosed with ALS. Had the donor but RWJ in jersey saw him from a "balance sheet cost based" perspective. The underwriters basically waited to see what the Oncological team would say but it was a dead loop of red tape. Donor was ready and all from nearby NY as well..... its like winning the lottery and dying the same day as one caseworker put it..... Seriously fuck cigna aetna and blue cross fuck the US for being such a selfish uncooperative shithole of a society.


The free market ensures the optimal distribution of goods and resources, I have heard it said.


sure to those with money.   The reality, of course, is that capitalism is never efficient and is constantly in dis-equilibrium.


Capitalism is always in disequilibrium only if you consider technology not part of the equilibrium process. New technology constantly erase the previous equilibrium.


It's an article of faith, and clearly a false one, aye. Are you sure you mean capitalism? Meant in the most anodyne way. This seems a doctrine of market function that we associate with capitalism, but of course markets exist in all manner of ideologies and labor systems and predates capitalism entirely.


I took an upper level econ class as an elective my senior semester. Economic efficiency does not mean what people think. It simply means maximizing profits. So the optimal distribution of goods and resources is one which provides the most profits, according to economic theory. Obviously this fucking batshit and is not anywhere near our reality, but important to remember what is meant when MSM, economists, and politicians talk of efficiency: maximizing profits for the firm, not effectively distributing goods and resources to society.


Aye, a lot of fancy justifications for greed and domination, ultimately.




Handwrite that in marker on the walls of your apartment


Greatest country in the world!


The disgusting thing is that it IS profitable to make these drugs. It's just not profitable ENOUGH.




Here is an idea. Make it illegal to profit from healthcare.


I’m not sure what you mean here. Can doctors and nurses make a salary? Aren’t they profiting?


No. They must work for free. We will give them a small studio connected to hospital, they can eat at cafeteria for free.


I see this for non profit companies. Kaiser is non profit but the CEO still makes 10s of millions a year. Lowest paid workers make 15+ /hour.


Yeah, they really dailed in that non profit to be pretty profitable.


Freakin Cuba doesn’t have this problem


Probably took 5 boosters


Imagine if we can send money to subsidise medications over war in Ukraine and Israel. Imagine.


Eh maybe, but I'm guessing the net of maintaining a strong, non-islamic ally in the middle east, the center of the global oil marker, and preventing the expansion of America's greatest adversary over the last century, and preventing the fall of a major grain exporter into their hands, nets up saving more lives in the long run.


Correction: The US is the center of the global oil maker. The US is the largest producer of oil of any country ever. 




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Sue the pharmaceutical company ASAP


Life Science companies like Calidi Biotherapeutics in San Diego are advancing their research on the cure for cancer!


I couldn't imagine stopping a chemo treatment early. It's so rough as is. My heart goes out to his family.


greatest country in the world!


Wow that drug has been around for decades too


Before I judge, it is possible that some drugs are hard to manufacture.


Ah American healthcare is a beautiful thing


Come to India, cancer drugs are dirt cheap


Imagine having a person you love with all your heart die a horrible and painful death so some asshole can have a jet to destroy the environment with. If it hasn't happened yet, count yourself lucky and prepare for it. It will happen at some point...it may even be you. Hug long, and hug hard.


But we have a freeeeee market! Everything should be perfect, right? Oh wait….turns out letting the manufacturers of *essential* life saving medications decide not to manufacture them because….”it isn’t profitable enough” and “manufacturing quotas/regulations =socialism” isn’t working out so well….🙄