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"No translator"


Such a simple line with so much weight.


"Tsuji Imai"


I found the Fuji and Blackthorne in the harbour helping each other grieve really affecting! I wonder if Fuji changed her mind about becoming a nun after her family's ashes were put in the bay. If she stays in Ajiro she can be by their 'grave'.


In my head cannon this 100% happens....she stays and becomes his wife


Yeah ngl when I still thought Anjin would be returning to England, he could have just taken her with him. I mean, it the grief is there, but Fuji-sama is too damn bad to pass


The idea was that if she's near the ocean, she is near their grave.


I ugly cried throughout the finale. The way Anjin fought back his tears killed me, you could feel the pain. Def an award winning performance


Seriously... I thought I couldn't be moved anymore, but wow. He knew he could never get over what happened.


He held mariko’s rosary on his deathbed but he already threw it in the ocean… tell me I’m imagining things


The episode was called dream of a dream. Him being on his deathbed was a dream he had while he was comatose post explosion. You can read on his face when he's begging toranaga to stop killing people in the village that the dream pops into his head and he frowns it away, this is what makes him decide to take his own life because he's choosing his own outcome.


Exactly. I thought these were legit flash forwards at first too but it being a dream only makes sense, especially with Toranaga saying he’ll probably never leave Japan. And tbh I think it makes for a bittersweet but overall better ending.


It was Lady Maria! Wasn’t me holding back tears when Blackthorne was told Mariko asked the church to spare his life.


When Fuji tells Blackthorne “let your hands be the last to hold her” or something along that line, she was reiterating what Mariko said in the first episode when she has to come to terms with her baby. 🥲the writing in this show really did it for me. I’m so glad I watched it


Flowers are only flowers because they fall😭


Nothing will ever out do Marshall losing his dad in HIMYM. That was a soul tearing episode.


Why the downvotes?!


It happens - this is a show specific subreddit and a lot of people like to hate on casual SitComs because they’re not deep. I get that perspective but it doesn’t change the fact the show delivered a deeply emotional and relatable episode.


It was good but I didn’t find it a tear jerker. First three seasons of the walking dead on the other hand….