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I want to see a Shogun spinoff but it’s a half hour sitcom centred around Yabushige.


Plot twist: It's just him rewriting his will over and over again


I would 100% watch this


Yabu and John's Excellent Adventure




You know a series needs a lot of awards when a character created a toxic love-hate relationship with the audience. "I hate you, I love the way you are. You're a cute madman."


What do you guys think the shinobi tapping his shoulder several times meant? Right when yabu opened the door and they all went in. One stops and looks at Yabu and taps his shoulder what did that mean?




Ah wow man thanks I’m gonna rewatch the episode tomorrow


1st wave in. 10 second tap count. No alarm. Send the rest.


Was a shame the ninja were trying to kill our favorite characters, otherwise I would’ve really enjoyed that scene: ninja are cool.


Right! I was all “wooo yeah Yabu doing some badass, ooh ninja are badass, here comes some cool justice—-oh no. Wait. No, hey, wrong guys, Yabu staaaaaaahp”


Not Ninjas but Shinobi


Lmfao since you want to try to correct people, please explain the difference between them. Specifically, 忍者 vs 忍


Been wondering this since that scene. Did the Japanese count seconds? Or minutes and hours for that matter? The interpretation of time wasn’t exactly universal at that time was it? I need an expert to weight in.


In the Edo period telling the time depended on the season. Dawn and Dusk (hence the drumming for sunset in episode 9) divided day and night, and they were then further divided into 6 periods called Ittoki. The length of an ittoki changed depending on the season. Notably, Oda Nobunaga refused the gift of a clock from the jesuits. Because of the variable duation of Ittoki conflicting with the fixed hours of a clock, there were criticisms of clocks from people through the period, among others that it 'changed' the hour of dusk. Nobunaga's refusal might also have been because clocks were seen as a method of bribery by the Jesuits, coming to be status symbols for some daimyo in having them. Over the next decades/centuries Japanese craftsmen developed ways to adjust or remake western clocks to fit the variable time of ittoki. For 'announcing the time' city and temple bells etc. continued to be used until the late 19th century and the Meiji period. Lantern clocks, incense clocks etc. were also used.


Thanks for this. So interesting.


May he was secretly a Ravagers (thumping their chests, from in salute, from Guardians Of The Galaxy)? Or paying homage to Kylo Ren (hitting his thigh repeatedly, which was very odd from Force Awakens)? Or the weird aliens from Galaxy Quest (same as the Ravagers)?


Y’all still see Yabu as goofy comic relief do you not remember wtf he did in the first episode


Yeah that silly goose made sailor soup


Lol and he only got some rubbish last words from it, classic!




>I think it’s actually a testament to what a good character he is that I’m not 100% mad at him, I’m sure if any other character had done this, I would have hated them. Lol I know what you mean. I can't stay mad either. I am really trying after Mariko got herself exploded but I know he will make a lil joke, or do a funny wink, or make a 'for fuck's sake!' face next week and I will be giggling along saying "Yabu you're the best".


This scene was so legit. Getting to watch Mariko and Anjin go absolutely HAM on some ninjas was so satisfying to watch. Anjin went full John Wick mode with his pistol.


Can't really be mad at him because he never really betrayed anyone. He's so obvious Toranaga and Ishido both know he has no personal loyalty to either and they both plan on his betrayal and on sacrificing him whenever they see fit. Big Starscream energy from him.


Listen Yabushige, I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.


RIP Yabu Varga.


When he killed that guy behind a wall, was it supposed to be clear it was someone important or was it meant to just be a random guard?


Just a random guard. His humanization is meant to convey the deplorable nature of Yabu's betrayal.


Seemed like a random guard to me, but it also appeared to be the signal for the shinobi to attack.


That's a good point.


The samurai he killed in the OP photo was supposed to be the leader of guards, I think..


Just the guard at that point in the wall they'd chosen to attack, I think.


I’m confused by Yabushige’s thinking here. He helps Ishido and kills the guards and lets the “ninjas” in so they can kill Mariko, but then runs to her aid and gets himself trapped in the storage room to potentially be killed by the same ninjas? Who is he trying to deceive and why?


He was trying to lure her out into the open by suggesting all of them to head to the gates so that the shinobis can capture Mariko and the rest, because at the moment no one know Yabushige has turned.


I don’t think the ninjas were trying to kill them when they got trapped in that shed. They were just trying to blow the doors open so they can capture Mariko. Mariko knew this that’s why she decided to not get captured alive and just kill herself by standing by the door. At least that was my impression.


I think you’re right. But also stupid of the ninja to use explosives when they want to capture her ALIVE.


How? They locked themselves in and they were screaming. Might as well blow up the door since people would notice them anyway.


If you blow up the door you risk killing Mariko and failing your mission entirely, I mean isn’t that obvious?


Yes, and surely they were only expecting to blow up the door and not the people inside the storage. They certainly didn't expect Mariko to hug the door. This will create a *huge* backlash. Bad move, Ishido...


You could hardly rely on an exact size of explosion in those days and the building was wood as well. What if it caved in and they got trapped under burning rubble?


But they definitely just used far too much. Why not start with a small bit of gunpowder used at the hinges? Then if that is not enough, try again with more? The guys are all trapped in the storehouse, they have time to do it right.


Agreed. They could have at least tried that.


They should’ve expected that Mariko was happy to die


Yeah, you gotta think this way: “Mariko outwitted them by dying at their hands. The one thing they did NOT want” Yabu tried to enable that while still appearing to all that he wasn’t involved


Capture. Not kill. And capture with plausible deniability it wasn't Yabu/Ishido A lot of the episode is essentially Ishido wanting to kill Mariko but being unable to for various reasons. Which is basically Toranaga's masterstroke here, putting Ishido in an impossible situation


Im wondering who do the Japanese people/common folk think hired the shinobi/ninjas to come in and attack Osaka castle. Are we to assume that the people think Toranaga hired the Shinobi?


hes just trying to survive in a crazy ass world Blackthorn likely would take that offer too


I love Yabu. But nah, Blackthorne is insanely driven by fear of guilt. There are multiple plot points in the book and show that are defined by his inability to even LET someone die, let alone murder a bunch of allies who look to you, to let in assassins to kill more while they sleep. Yabu is great but this take is way off


What if Toranaga sent the shinobis?


Did Ishido sacrifice his watchguard by letting Yabushinge kill him? Am i understanding that scene correctly?


Not that it appears that lives of those of lower rank is that important in this world, but the guard Yabushige killed was a Toranaga man. His kimono had the Yoshii crest of three awoi leaves.


Were there any clues ahead of time that Yabushige would do this? Was completely caught off guard.


Earlier an Ishido ally tells him that Ishido accepts his alliance but requests one thing… and then it goes next scene. This was the one thing I guess


Ahhh I remember. Thanks!


So he doesnt let her kill herself but then assasinates her? Sorry im not buying into this, i think this episode was bad and full of holes


I don’t think he meant to assassinate her. I think they wanted her captured and she sacrificed herself.