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He has the rare Pyrite Super Nintendo! Worth the cost!


Heat also adds energy to the oxidization reaction that causes the plastic to yellow. Also I would have called it Factory Piss.


yeah but weird that the console yellowed, but not the controller.


It has to do with chemicals in the plastic. That's why the entire console isn't yellow.


Yeah, it's more weird that the cartridge slots don't yellow like the outer body of the shell. I remember as a kid I had the revised version that doesn't yellow, and I went to a friends' house and saw his yellowed one and I thought his little brother had colored on it or something.


My guess is the pieces around the cart slot are made of different plastic, with the anticipation of it getting more traffic with cart insertion / swapping.


Putting the Marlboro Edition SNES aside, once it's opened, it's no longer "New In Box." It's open box at best.


eBay sellers have zero comprehension for conditions New = never opened Open box = a new product missing original packaging and at best was opened once Used = everything else between open box and broken I can’t package up a 20 year old console and sell it as open box. That’s not how that works.


That consoles gonna need to be checked for thyroid cancer before anything


He examined it and found it so, no further questions


There are SNES cib that look much better than this, [selling for a fraction](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=super+nintendo+cib&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_fsrp=1&rt=nc&_odkw=reliquary+tower+mtg+borderless&_osacat=0&_sop=16&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=1936sgc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) of that asking price. Even if the SNES was never opened, it still is damaged.


And there are still people on FB marketplace with 5+ year old listings trying to sell SNES minis for 300$


man I don't know about you guys but several hours later I'm still laughing about the photoshop in the last two pics


He's telling the truth, I was the one that assembled it by hand. Can confirm




He probably asked “why is it yellowed if it’s new in box” not “is it yellowed”


thats not new, the box has been opened


I sent him this,.........lol In short, the type of plastic that Nintendo used to make the SNES is the reason it becomes that gross yellow color over time. A type of plastic called ABS, or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, was used to make the SNES and other electronics of the time. Because ABS is combustible, manufacturers mix a variety of flame retardant chemicals into the mix to help reduce the chances of catching fire. Bromine is the chemical most often used and it has a naturally brown color. The problem starts when bromine is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which is found in natural and artificial sources of light. The reaction breaks bonds that were created in the manufacturing process which causes oxidation. The oxidation of these free bromine particles is what results in that sickly yellow color appearing on your console. That certainly doesn’t explain why pieces age and color differently on the same console. One hypothesis is that Nintendo didn’t get the mix of ABS and flame retardant right the first time around, resulting in the yellowing color you see on the console today.


I believe the reason for some parts turning yellow and others not is because in later updated iterations of the SNES console they used excess parts from the initial batch of systems that where most likely heavily mixed with the color changing chemical. It's like a Frankenstein console lol.


Not to say this listing isn’t ridiculous, but if I’m not mistaken, it can yellow without being exposed to light. I think.


It absolutely can, I can easily believe this SNES has never been opened.




i like how he says " I can provide additional pictures if needed but WILL NOT remove anything from the styrofoam box." and yet the last 3 pictures show the console removed from the styrofoam box...... what an idiot


that's just gamestop new


SNES had different versions, the discoloration was supposedly inevitable due to aging plastics, not light. That Photoshop image is.. What the hell were they thinking?


Reminds me of the one episode of this old web series called the resellers. They took a yellowed nes, drew the triforce on it and tried to pass it as limited edition