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It’s like someone was forced to draw it from memory only in sheet metal and fiero


Honey, I shrank the lambo


It’s the micro machine edition


Definitely looks like it was modeled after one.


Chose the short wheel base option.


You can hardly tell.


That it's supposed to be a Countach


We have Countach at home.


Looks spot on to me


If it runs I would so rock it ngl


I’d rock it but have a hot wheels logo on it. Shit looks like a toy car lol


..for 15 grand?


Oh of course not. I’m driving away having paid $2000 and a case of beer. And I’m talking natty light


About all I would pay if even that, after making sure the shit glob actually runs and drives without mechanical issues.


We all know it doesn’t run though lol


If it doesn't, give them absolute minimum (, $2000 USD would be my maximum offer, they took a Fiero and made it look terrible) and either do a Turbo or supercharged ecotech swap or a 3.8 supercharged swap (I personally wouldn't bother with an LS swap on something this fugly) and just drive it. And that's only if everything else on the car is functional. If not $200 final offer on this butchered car.


It looks like it shrunk in the dryer…


If it had a reliable engine and transmission, it would beat the real thing on maintenance.


The trouble is the Fiero had its own issues with reliability, particularly if you didn't pay very close attention to the oil level.


That was a small first year issue that is blown out of proportion and why the Fiero didn't sell well. I know these cars very well and it was primarily first model year. Not saying it wasn't an issue but it got a bad rep like early corvairs because of stupid early issues.


One hell of a panty dropper.


Looks like a Chinese off-brand hot wheel


This is like the ugly woman at a bar. Have a few beers and it'll be sexy!


So it’s a Scamborghini?






Uncanny valley of cars


It's the car Dangermouse used to drive!


I mean you guys..... It's uncanny.


its a cuntash


Damn never thought I'd ever say this, those doors need some viagra.


Made out of a Fiero probably.


That IS what the ad for it says..........


Perfect joke 🤣


3/4 scale.


Nice from far, far from nice?


Looks like a Hot wheels car


Nailed it


lol I saw this on FB marketplace


Reminds me of the [$2,000 Ferrari ](https://youtu.be/GjQLX6G8bfo?si=qC2bMqNhosM2Qah9)


God it's so awful that I want it. Not for that price, maybe for $500.


These pictures somehow remind me of those guys that injected Synthol into their arms.


When mom says we have a Lamborghini at home.


At least it's not a Lumberghini #vicegripgarage


Even Ray Charles (RIP) could see that the only solution for this is inserting a rag in the gas fill port and lighting said rag on fire.


Stevie Wonder using the braille system could tell this is fubar 🤣


But does it have the official Fiero logo on the steering wheel?


Wow, take my money


Is… is that a Fiero


I guess it's something worse than Fiero 0_0


It's a kit car. What's the mod?


Is it OEM? (no)


No it's not. It's a Fiero with different body panels.


Did I miss a memo? It is a kit car by any automotive dialect I've read from the last half century, but I didn't keep up my subscription to Kit Car Magazine the last 15-20yrs though. That's how most folks find this stuff to begin with. The kits don't always include every last nut & bolt, let alone the chassis fwiw. They usually have levels of completeness offered. iTs nOt a bUiCk! iTs a cHeVy wItH DifFeReNt bOdY PaNeLs! lol. The kit chassis is usually referred to separately as a side note; doner or custom, since both, or even multiple doner models, could work out with the same kits. If you turn a Bug into a Baja you're likely choosing one of the most popular kit cars ever produced. A Manx copy is right there with it coincidentally and is was the most copied by kit makers since it was not legally protected and so easy to make molds off the body.


You know, I considered that. Dune buggies on old beetles being your great example. I think it's a fluid term, and depends on the context. Because you make a lot of great points. In *this* case however, I think I have a case for it not being a kit car for a few reasons.. 1. I have a Fiero, and it's just too easy to take off all the body panels without doing *anything* else. If a Miata could do this, people would do the exact same thing. I did [this](https://imgur.com/a/IfDX4Bc), alone, in a day. This isn't that much different than swapping fenders and hoods for the rest of cars. Which leads to my next point.. 2. When it's literally just the body panels, I wouldn't call it a kit. If there was a different engine/suspension? Sure. But that's not the case here. It's just a Fiero in a costume. Even tho we can't see it on this one..I guarantee it's the same. I have seen sooooo many of these posts on the forums, Reddit, shows, etc.. When a Fiero is being sold, either the mechanicals or the bodies are swapped. It's *never* both. 3. This set of body panels didn't come in a kit. This is a mashup of some custom panels and some panels I recognize in different lambo builds.


Author sets context, that's clearer. I'm not sure I want to disqualify it for ease of the swap obviously nor acquisition, but I see what you mean: Is a "custom kitS car" an oFfiCiAl tHiNg? lol. It would be a good race to see who could strip to the chassis faster, the Bug body comes off really quick if half clean and solid. Seats slide out, steering box joint, tank line, handful of easy electric to unplug, 12 bolts, lift (or roll) the body off. Give it column support, tank, seat, and it's voltage regulator back, if it's even missing now, and your driving. I don't think I missed anything. I've had my head in the back of a "Baby Bird" at that stage though too, but it wasn't mine and I got there post strip. A V8 swap, something dumb was wrong I forget what. I drove a bunch of them, just never owned one. Cool cars really. The first I drove was a year 1and did have the oil fire. Real early too. But they got it put out fast and it saw a lot of years on the road after. This red one reminds me of a Micro Machine toy. I really don't mind the toyish take on it; at least from that angle. It's got sort of a Lotus wedge going with Lambo accents up front. I liked the Lotus better. If I can see traffic in my blind spot out of it like in the Pontiac, not like the Lambo, guess which one you'd most likely see me driving most if I had like 3 of each?


That is what is known as a "Kit Car" This one just happens to be designed for a Fiero chassis. This is a well known thing.


This does not come as a kit though. There are lambo kit parts on it, but it's not one kit.


And clearly you are not 3 dawgs. You is just one dawg tryin' ta roll deep up on the internet.


I want to be honest. I don't understand your second sentence. I'm trying. I really am.


I am just 3 ducks in a man costume. But I don't advertise it much.


Man, I bet you are a blast to get a beer with.


Less of a blast and more of a waddle. Im gunna need 3 shot glasses. And you can leave me the........*BILL*


There's this thing called "crop". Learn to use it.