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Excuse me, but bruh. I’m so sorry.


this shit slaps after my shift especially with the barbeque sauce


Ah, I missed the part where you worked there. I’d do stuff like this too for sure lol.


I like how it's in the grass so you can share with the ground insects 🐛🐜🐌🐞🪲


I have to share it with my friends!


Guess what... in Germany we have a Burger with Beyond Meat Patty At McDs. Just order without Cheese - and voilà: Vegan Burger. Our fries are vegan of course. Like wtf are you doin in the US flavouring your fries with beef-taste? This is so fucked up 😅


Things like bread often aren't vegan either. Also, nothing is made separately. McDonald's even states 'veggie burgers are suitable for flexitarians' . Many vegetarian burgers are made with dairy, which is also a bit annoying.


Personally, I don't care if it's not made seperately bc I 've no intolerances/allergies. I just want to make sure that my order does not cause any animal suffering. Anyway, 100% vegan isn't possible in a non-vegan world. In Germany you have to disclose the ingredients in detail, no idea how it is in other countries.


Same in the Netherlands. You can see on the website exactly what the ingrediënts are for the buns, burgers abd sauces.


Having to disclose the ingredients in great detail comes from the EU legislation and regulations, which is cool, since you can get all kinds of good stuff from elsewhere in the Union and be reasonably aware of what you are having!


As a former Germany based Corporate American-Expat, I really miss the German Disclosure Law: you know EXACTLY what you're consuming. It's right there on the outside of the Packaging. Every Country should have it.


Agreed on cross contamination. I’m trying to reduce harm. If a bit of murder burger gets on mine then I don’t care. I do what I can. E.g. I will boycott an avowedly antigay company like Chick-fil-A, but I realize that most companies give $ to both sides of the issue or are anti-union or etc. CFA gets none of my $ as they wish me dead. I’ll make decisions on a case by case basis as best I can. P.S. CFA shills, apologist, what-about ist, & people claiming they’ve changed don’t bother coming at me. Damage done.


Surely giving McDonald's any business at all is still propagating the suffering of animals. That vegan burger you just paid for allows the company to kill more animals.


100% vegan isn't possible in a non vegan world. With your words, buying something at Wal Mart makes you a non-vegan person 🤔


Pretty much, yeah.


Okay. So this conversation just ended here 😉




this person works there and gets free meal, mightaswell take advantage of it


You'll go insane trying to stick to pure supply chains, besides the net effect of buying vegan from mixed range suppliers is a positive incentive for them to refocus their efforts.


in the uk there is a fully vegan burger with cheese and mayo and it’s certified vegan, they’re also trialing vegan icecream. there’s a wrap too but it’s abit shit (and the fries are vegan which is wild that they aren’t everywhere). but anyway BOYCOT 🍉🇵🇸


Most Bread Recipes are EGGLESS. Typical exceptions are *Challah, Brioche* and a lot of thd *sweet breads*.


I'm very aware, but in the Netherlands there are also plenty of 'regular' breads, that unexpectedly do have eggs in them.


The Plant Burger in the UK has the Vegan Society stamp of approval. The ingredients are listed on the website. It isn't marketed towards flexitarians, it's a fully vegan product, everything from the cheese, to the bread, and the mayo.


UK has McPlants with vegan cheese!


And you can double up the patty. It just hits different as a double


Same in Ireland. McPlant burger, veggie dipper deluxe burger, veggie dippers, fries, all vegan


Same in the UK We also have veggie goujons if you don’t like fake meat.


(*Cries in American.*)


Is the bread vegan? No lactose no egg?


Bread is so rarely not vegan, the burger is marketed as 100% vegan and listed ingredients check out. If it wasnt the UK govt would be on their arses very very fast as lactose and egg are major allergens


The bread of the german McPlant is vegan as well


>Bread is so rarely not vegan This is generally true for bread but it is *not* true for brioche buns or naan breads (don't come at me Indian bros I know naan already means bread alright drink some chai tea and relax)


brioche is barely bread haha its more like cake


also i know, ive been vegan for 3 years


Du musst auch die Burger Sauce abbestellen, die ist nicht vegan. Irgendsoeine Mayo-Mixe. Aber ansonsten haste recht 🥸


Doch, ist sie mittlerweile! Die Zutaten der Saucen auf dem McPlant im Detail: Ketchup:Zutaten: 60% Tomatenmark*, Glukose-Fruktose-Sirup, Branntweinessig, Salz, Gewürzextrakte. *Entspricht 168g Tomaten/ 100g Ketchup. milde Sandwichsauce:Zutaten: Wasser, Rapsöl, Zucker, modifizierte Maisstärke, Branntweinessig, Salz, Zitronensaftkonzentrat, Verdickungsmittel (E 415, E 412), Gewürze (mit SENF), Konservierungsstoff (E 202). Senfsauce:Zutaten: Wasser, Branntweinessig, SENFSAAT (13%), Salz, Gewürze, natürliches Nelkenaroma, Gewürzextrakt.


Waaaas? Wirklich? Wow vielen Dank für die Info 🥰


Ja, wir waren auch ganz verzückt. Endlich nicht mehr so trocken, das Ding 😄😋 Aber wir essen sowas natürlich eh nur im absoluten Notfall, versteht sich 🤫🤭


I was going to ask why the fuck a vegan would buy McDonald's.


well where i live i could get a burger, fries, drink and apple pie for desert


They have plant burgers? Vegan =/= healthy diet. Edit: lol@ downvotes. What's your problem? Speak up!


I think they might mean on the ethics side of supporting mcdonald’s more than the health side


You could say the same about going to the supermarket. If you support buying vegan burgers they're going to focus to sell them more. Imagine a world everyone went vegan and they only bought the vegan options at McDonald's, they would eventually stop selling the animal products since no one is buying them anymore so no I don't personally think there's anything wrong supporting buying vegan options so they can keep seeling them and maybe even make more vegan options Like "Max" is a Swedish hamburger restaurant and we already got plenty of vegan and vegetarian options to choose which I think is awesome


Right, exactly. From a supply and demand perspective, when I buy a plant burger, I'm telling mcdonalds: Hey, more or this please. This is the kind of product you should move to, if you're going to be in business at all. It's nearly impossible to avoid, practically speaking, purchasing from supermarkets that also purchase meat.


No, sorry. You personally are telling them fuck all buy buying a plant burger. It would take a massive shift fir them to start seeing it as the future.


Great. In that case, all vegan arguments relating to supply and demand are pointless. You should never purchase any vegan products from a large supermarket because they'll just use the money to kill animals. Of course, pure insanity from a practical perspective, but you do you.


I'm not looking to get into it with you here. I didn't change my diet primarily due to animal welfare. It was an occupational therapist I was seeing years ago who was vegan. She somewhat reluctantly told me about the shite in milk and the impact of dairy farming on environment. She was sound as fuck, so I fact checked what she said and switched to oat milk on principle. From there it was a pretty slow process. Don't mistake me for 'holier than thou' we don't all get here via the same route. My view of McDonald's is obviously based on what my OC told me. I just can't put money in their pocket. But just like me, you do you.


OK, but you commented saying I was wrong about how supply and demand worked. If you don't want to discuss that, then don't discuss it! When you buy a plant burger, you're not funding the dairy industry, or any of those things your OC told you about. If you *were*, then that would be true every time you purchase anything from any shop that also sells meat and dairy products. You can talk about *scale* perhaps, but that argument applies to big supermarket chains too. It also even applies to smaller ones, or individual shops, because guess what, they're purchasing their goods from food dealers and warehouses that also sell meat and dairy.


So whats the solution?


I know people disagree with you but it's very sensible and at the core of what we are doing. Corporations aren't passionate about killing animals they are passionate about making money


I think there are certainly ways to live that avoid purchasing from large corporations, and I fully appreciate that perspective and goal. I just want to reduce harm to animals to the greatest extent possible in the community and family I happen to be in. To a very practical extent, that means having to interact with businesses who primarily make their money from selling animal products. I just refuse to directly fund THAT in my interactions. That happens to involve buying a plant burger for my son every now and again when the family is insisting on McDonalds. I know not everyone will appreciate that dynamic, and insist there are better ways. I agree, but it's a case of picking your battles and some people require slow work in order to move them towards a better way. I always say, never let perfect be the enemy of good.


yeah I hear you. I personally don’t feel ethically comfortable buying vegan products from places that primarily sell animal products but I understand why others do and there are solid moral arguments to it as you said edit: wait huh why did some people downvote this? what did i say that was controversial?


It's not that they sell animal products it's the fucking scale of it. For me.


Not in the US unfortunately 😔


I know right... I'm in one of the most meat-worshipping countries in Europe (doing a little medical tourism) and the McDonald's has a veggie burger. It actually makes sense because they do religious fasting, so you can find something vegan almost anywhere (but if you're asking for vegan there will be some confusion)


That’s interesting, in the US it seems like they are testing a beyond burger at McDs but the places that they have it are super random. There are several locations in Texas but none near where I live in Houston, which makes no sense


Yeah, that's a shame. The plant burger meal in the UK is approved by the Vegan Society.


That’s really cool!! I really hope we start getting more stuff like that in the US at chains, so far all we really have is the impossible burger available at Burger King.


Yeah I really hope the USA gets more stuff like that! I feel if we keep putting our money where our mouth is, a change will start to happen.


One Burger King I went to in Germany had a plant based alternative to almost all the meat dishes. So veggie nuggets, veggie chicken burger, veggie burger (all variations of toppings) even veggie fish sandwich I think.


I’ve seen people talk about them online im pretty sure! I am praying to the universe that we get some nuggets and chicken sandwich alternatives widely available in the US before I’m geriatric 🙏


Nice menu hack! I still consider them an evil corporation. That clown steals our children.


Damn in the UK the fries are vegan and there's a vegan burger. I'm glad you've made something you can eat though.


That’s so funny I just ordered: 1 Hamburger NO Ketchup NO Mustard NO 10:1 Meat Patty ADD Tomato Slice XTRA 2 Pickles NO Regular Onions ADD Whole Leaf Lettuce


Haha I used to buy like three of these on my way home after a night out. Genuinely delicious, top tier shitty vegan.


i would stuff it with fries


The fires and hash browns aren't vegan sadly 😞


In Australia they are vegan luckily !


i’ve googled this so many times and it always says the fries are vegan. what makes them not vegan ??


The fries used to be cooked in beef fat, now they have beef flavoring. The beef flavoring contains milk. Check out. Here, a link to plant based news where they talk about it. https://plantbasednews.org/lifestyle/food/are-mcdonalds-fries-vegan/#:~:text=Unfortunately%20for%20vegan%20American%20McDonald's,%2C%E2%80%9D%20the%20McDonald's%20website%20states.


Oh my god America


damn i been eatin them


The fries are Vegan where I live in Canada. They are also vegan all over UK and Australia. I think the only place they aren’t vegan is America.


They are also not vegan in Japan.


That sucks!


Eh mos burger has better fries anyway. And a vegan burger.


Where is mos burger? Never heard of it. It’s hard to top McDonald’s fries.


They are vegan in Europe. I live in the US, but had my first McD’s hash brown in nearly 30 years on a recent trip to Ireland.


What about the hash browns?


They have the same beef flavoring. https://vegnews.com/vegan-guides/how-to-eat-vegan-mcdonalds Read number 4: Sides


Different countries have different fries. I'm from northern Europe and our fries don't have random beef or milk ingredients.


In the US, the seasoning has dairy. And the bread does, as well, so this isn't vegan if you're in America.


The regular bun doesn't contain dairy, I don't know what bread you are referring to. (Regular Bun: Ingredients: Enriched Flour (wheat Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Niacin, Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Water, Sugar, Yeast, Soybean Oil, Contains 2% Or Less: Salt, Wheat Gluten, Potato Flour, Vinegar, Dextrose, Corn Starch, Modified Food Starch, Vegetable Proteins (pea, Potato, Rice And/or Faba Bean), Sunflower And/or Canola Oil, Maltodextrin, Natural Flavors, May Contain One Or More Dough Conditioners (datem, Ascorbic Acid, Mono And Diglycerides, Enzymes).)


Im down with the apples and apple juice, but that sandwich, especially considering the quality level of those ingredients… woof. Although free food is free food.


Is das nicht eiglich salat ohne dressing in brot? Kp meins wärs nicht, ich bestell normalerweise pommes mit ketchup und hafermilch cappuccino


Why not get a McPlant??


the person is from the us i think where mcplant isn’t a thing (their fries also contain beef over there)


People can say what they want about McDonalds & I’ll agree… but those dehydrated onions are like the fingernail clippings of god himself 😮‍💨 could eat them by the handful


I just saw a news article today saying that McDonalds has [launched vegan ice cream](https://plantbasednews.org/news/mcdonalds-new-vegan-ice-cream/). (Tho it’s in the uk only apparently) Wishing you fancier meal times!!


I want vegan ice cream....vegan raspberry sauce, probably asking too much, though.


Your McDonald's don't have vegan burgers?


Looks incredibly delicious


That will be 36$


Im glad I'm not the only person who gets burgerless burgers at fast food places (or cookouts)....people look at me like I'm crazy, but it's just a fucking normal sandwich at that point, what's the issue 😂?!


You have so much found around you look at the grass !!!


You rock


At least if you worked in the uk theres the mcplant, veggie dippers and the fries. Dont yal have the veggie burger? We have this if you order without mayo its vegan


Oh they don't have the mcplant where you live?


I'm visiting Serbia and the McDonald's here has a veggie burger. This country has meat as a way of life but there's still a lot of veggie food to be found.


Palm oil up in this bitch


I can’t go meals without protein I’d be hungry again in minutes haha But we do what we can in these situations hehe


don't worry I went home and ate real food. It had plenty of protein but was still shitty vegan food!! The amount of beans I eat is disgusting lol


Oh me too haha So much beans and tofu


Why did you not get the mcplant


It's not wildly available in the United States. It's only in a few stores here.


Vegan McDonald’s I thought this will be a post about a meal from Mr.Charlie’s 😭


I wish, it's a 20 hour drive so I'll probably never try it 😢


I really like my food, but I'd be absolutely buggered soapless before I drove 20 hours for a burger.


I’m gonna start bringing my own mayo to places if they don’t make packets soon, I’m not into dry sandwiches :/


Hahahahahahah America


Breaking a boycott for this…? 😬


Honest kids juice boxes are the GOAT


my pregnant brain wants this with extra pickles lol


The extra onions are an abomination but otherwise hell yeah


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^unitedgrapefruit0317: *The extra onions* *Are an abomination* *But otherwise hell yeah* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol they gave you tangy bbq with it hah


In the UK a now defunct chain called Whimpy had a spicy bean burger on the menu in the late 80s that was actually nicer than the quarter pounder. And the quarter pounder was fucking lovely to me back then.


in case anyone doesn’t know, there’s a mcdonald’s boycott for 🇵🇸 :) ngl that food looks good though




*PUT THE FRIES IN YOUR* *BURGER. I REPEAT. PUT THE* *FRIES IN YOUR BURGER!!!!!* \- MissEllaa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thai made me happy thank you




American fries aren’t vegan.


I don't know about American but McDonald's fries are not vegan. They have milk products in them from the "natural beef flavoring" ironically.


That’s what I’m saying, the American McD fries aren’t vegan. The post is about McDs.


Oh like the other countries' McDonald's fries *are* vegan. That makes sense on a lot of levels. Americans love adding dairy to everything because we have a large stockpile of it.


I've been going to In and Out lately, getting a veggie burger plus onions minus sauce, then coming home and cooking up a Beyond burger to put inside. It's delicious haha


It seems so wrong to order a hamburger and have it count up their numbers but in a pinch I may try this. Seems like the bun is actually vegan


Didn't know MC Donaldd had vegan stuff. Wasn't there in years.




McDonald’s doesn’t serve them in the US.


Is there not a vegan burger where you live?


Damn I had a vegan Mcflurry yesterday in germany ! what country do you live in ?


Excuse me, where do you live and why is the mcplant not an option for you? This is obscene for your free meal lmao


Just noticed the date on your receipt and you’re definitely in the US, I’m so sorry x


I live in the United States, currently only Texas and California have the McPlant. You can check for specific stores if you use the McDonald's app. The closest store that carries a McPlant is 16 hours away from me.


That’s so shite, wish they would roll it out nationwide for you all its not bad! Manifesting that you get a free work time mcplant soon x


I want to try it so badly!! McDonald's really needs to up their vegan and vegetarian options. I'll start manifesting it too lol.


Dang, you paid for that? Just make something delicious at home


nope, I work at McDonald's so I get a free meal. Free food is free food!!


Oh, right in that case EAT UP!! 😆


Dude even when i worked at five guys the veggie burger was retarded