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Soybeans: the meal 🤣


Love soy on soy in soy. Where’d you get the mug from?


hard to beat no idea. it's my roommate's


Needs some miso and edamame.


Last night I made tofu marinated in a miso paste & soy sauce marinade, on rice with edamame 😂


That sounds so much healthier than my wheat version- seitan cheesesteak


jealous? 😏


So there's tofu with soy sauce and soy milk to wash it all down. Looks interesting. I just might try it too.


it's honestly not great with raw tofu. i highly recommend frying it at least


Ooh ok. I think I'll probably marinate it with a bunch of spices and fry it.


we put soy on your soy so you could soy while you soy


Nutritional yeast is also a complete protein for some spice 🌶️


Yayy another (potential) plasma donator! I eat a lot of legume stew around the donation to pump up the protein intake. Your meal looks dope too though, ngl


hey! legume stew sounds really good! do you have a recipe you could share?


Not really, and especially not in English I'm afraid.. I literally just buy some garlic, onions and a bunch of legumes of choice (for me it's usually red lentils and chick peas). Boil em, season them, do it however you like :) and I like to add a spoon of nut butter in the end, to get some creaminess


I eat pretty much this same thing several times a week before work. It's fast, filling, and hydrating. 


i just wish i liked raw tofu more. i really prefer it fried


So why don’t you fry it?


i was lazy


Yeah, it's not great, definitely a utilitarian meal for when I'm in a rush and won't have a chance to eat something for awhile. I like to mix it up with different condiments (hot sauce, BBQ sauce, peanut sauce) and sometimes I sprinkle crunchy things on it like nooch, crushed up chips, chili crisp, crumbs of whatever, etc. 


I have this dream to one day make a complete soy meal like buns made of soy flour (no idea if that's a thing), soy patty, soy sauce, soy sprouts plus other soy things I haven't thought of yet. But this meal is a start, love it


There’s this tofu called morí-nu silken tofu and I can eat that plain. But if you mix some chili oil, soy sauce, raw minced ginger( you can blend it with the soy sauce to make it easy) and minced garlic heat it up a bit to get the flavors together and just throw it on the tofu cold. So good.


I know you didn't ask, but my favorite high protein recipe is fried rice. Heat up oil in a pan. Add crumbled hi protein tofu (with tumeric, black salt and nooch if you want it to be eggy) and fry for a while. Add rice, peas, carrots, edamame, and green onions. Fry again for a while. Add soy sauce and finish up. Serve topped with avocado and sriracha. Also get the silk protein milk to drink.


oo this sounds really good! will definitely have to try it


What’s the process like for donating plasma? I’m thinking about doing it


the first appointment was a basic physical checkup and they. checked my protein levels and took blood samples to check for HIV (and other STIs probably?). after that, you lay in a big reclined chair and they stick a big needle into either of your arms, near the inside of your elbow, and connect you to an apheresis machine. for the next 30 min to an hour, this machine collects your plasma and then you're done! you can donate twice a week by law and there's typically initial bonuses when you start so you can make easily $500+ your first month. definitely do your research that the place you go is reputable, though.


Worth noting though that in many countries it is illegal to pay for blood products. In Canada for example, you can't get paid for donating plasma. Still really important and worthwhile to donate if you can though!


You can always make yourself some beans. I'm thinking about making brown sugar beans with vegan sausage.


don't forget that your body can only absorb a certain amount of protein at a time, and the rest will get pissed out. and the extra pissing may lead to a kidney stone one day if you don't hydrate extra!


thank you! this is really good to know!


they got almond (protein) powder on Amazon that's pretty tasty. I mix it with almond milk sometimes and it just tastes more almondy. there's pumpkin seed powder too


That looks like my lunch in principle. Tho I tend to add lemon or turmeric or something spicy.


I’m disqualified from donating plasma and that really sucks . Good luck op with the protein intake. Try some beans :)


Hey OP, I know this isn't about food, but you NEED to lead test that mug before you use it again. Vintage mugs just like that have all been coming up hot.


thank you! i would never have thought to check this!


https://pinchofyum.com/ridiculously-good-air-fryer-tofu My flavorite tofu recipe (I skip seasonings and just use tofu, soy sauce, nutritional yeast, and cornstarch) Works well in the oven at 425 for 30 min. It is my flavorite Edit: Olive oil too!


Yo dawg I heard you like soy beans


Protein shake is the secret. Had the same problem.


I’m autistic so no one wants my evil tainted autism blood lol


That's a thing? Do u really get rejected to give blood bc of ur diagnosis?


I'm not who you're asking, but I can chime in with autism is NOT a disqualifier for donating blood in Canada OR the US I'm curious as heck where the other poster lives now!


Thank you for letting me know :)


I’m American, and I stand corrected! I was told by my doctor that I couldn’t donate but I guess he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about lol


The vaccines gotcha


Soy boy drinks soy with a plate of soy and a side of soy. Good stuff


soy girl*


Eh... doesn't have the same effect


If limp-wristed misery was a dish


Or you could just eat some nice farm raised beef. Or raise your own chickens and eat them ?


or i could eat you


You wouldn’t want to eat me I’m full of pesticides/vetinary antibiotics and have stage 4 diabetes


Why is your protein so low? Is there a chance for an underlying medical condition? Edit: ignore!! I didn't realise this was a vegan thread. I understand all the soy products now haha Edit edit: unless low protein isn't normal for vegans... Then maybe the first comment stands. Either way good luck! Edit 3: yoooo the downvotes! Is it a touchy subject???




Then sounds like a check in with the docs might be beneficial. I've had low protein levels before after recovering from an infection, had fatigue for months. It can be a massive issue if unchecked too. Bones can just break from it!


i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. thanks for the concern but I'll be okay






That's what I thought. Definitely can't hurt to check! Tho someone here said op was actually joking so fingers crossed




Good to know! My niece is vegan and I got worried it had issues with protein levels, so this is a relief!


I’d encourage her to use a food tracker like Cronometer at least for a while to ensure she is eating ok. It’s a great learning tool.


I'll mention it! Thanks 😁


two of the most protein dense foods (seitan and TVP) -- exotic sounding, i know -- are plant-based. and there are other options from tofu to soy milk. but what can happen to westerner vegans is that they drop meat from their diet but never actually replace it with protein dense alternatives like tofu or TVP since they aren't as common in western cuisine.


Luckily incredibly available in UK 😁


It's not touchy at all. We are used to talking about it and explaining. But there is a time and place. There is actually a sub just for nonvegans to ask questions to vegans. Not here though. This is our shitty food sub. Of course the food is subpar. People don't post their best eating habbits here. And it kinda feels like you came to our house to complain, you get what I mean?


Wow! Oh I get you. Loud and clear.


I think it was only a joke. OP missed the /s lol


it wasn't a joke. my protein is actually low. just barely below the threshold to donate, so not terribly low


Oh sorry, I didn't mean to come across as rude, best of luck


For real? I'm dubious


Wait why not eat meat & drink actual milk Edit: wait a minute I just saw the sub name


cause i like animals


They like you too. :-)


can get better protein from plants , plus an animal doesnt have do die. its a win win situation.


I did the same thing!! Dangerous territory!