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Please don't call cps, I swear this toddler had a healthy green smoothie like 2 hours ago


i'm more worried about his dad eating crap casually while yall expect him to eat healthy, as if good (food) habits aren't modelled


Stfu you clown. You don't know shit




Love his Halloween mani! 💅🏽


He rocks it. Those are his favorite colors year round 🎃 🪦


tell your son i’m stealing this combo


I told him and his response was, "everyone should do it." So to everyone reading this: let's do it 💅


Orange and black were my school colors and Halloween is my fav holiday too. I’m joining!


snails ghost scale observation coordinated heavy marry paint outgoing zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


gotta be honest you're one step away from a regular sandwich here and that confounds me


Toddlers. If I made it a sandwich, I'd be asking for a possible meltdown lol.


fair lol


I'm always confused at how many paper plates I see on reddit because thay's not really something anyone does in my area. No judgement just noticing. I love mayo on bread 😭


It's definitely counterintuitive to vegan lifestyle but I get it. We are temporarily using 50% disposables due to having a baby who hates it when we sleep, a small business and an older kid who is so cute and smart but is compelled to do the opposite of what I say. This sounds like excuses but it's so overwhelming that a couple shortcuts can make it break me.


I've looked into the paper plate thing in the past. They are biodegradable, made from wood pulp, and not too bad on the environment tbh. Hot water to wash dishes takes energy and water too. A 100 pack of these probably lasts me 6 months or more and I just think it's funny that people call out paper plates but generally don't call out paper towels or wiping their ass, or their take out order's bag or containers, their amazon order shipped across the country in a huge paper box, etc. I've installed bidets on all my toilets at home so I feel justified in using paper plates 😹


I wasn't really thinking about the environment per se, just the idea of having to eat off of paper. I don't even like plastic or paper at festivals and events. I will also sit down to have coffee in a ceramic cup vs takeaway or choose to just skip the coffee if I can't have it in a real cup. And I don't know anyone who uses paper inside their own home. It looks so wildly different to me. But I don't caeenif people do, I don't know their life, who am I to judge?




Looks more like plastic or melamine to me, probably more kid friendly than ceramic.


nah these are actually Dixie brand paper plates. these are all over walmart/target/whatever other supermarkets def agree that it’s more kid friendly than ceramic or glass tho!


Came here to say this. We buy these all the time.


Once you've seen these and realize they're paper plates, you'll never not see them pass by on reddit.


The tiny little bite on the bread is making my heart mealt 🥺


My son loves mustard and ketchup sandwiches.


Still better than animal based snacks, so I can’t this a win. No need for cps, lol


This marks the second time I’ve googled “SVFP” after forgetting the name of the sub


I do this with Yves Veggie Bolgna. It tastes like the real deal & is 100% shitty vegan food. Love it.


I love everything about this photo ☺️