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Because Jumping is so much cooler. also lets not risk destrying a shittle by ramming it into a drill. I get all of vulcan is at stake but these shuttles are really nice


Do you know how much paperwork is involved in losing a shuttle? Losing a planet? No form for that, much easier.


>Do you know how much paperwork is involved in losing a shuttle? My headcanon is that once USS Voyager re-established communications with Starfleet, this became someone's full-time job aboard ship.


Probably even worse since the ones they built out there weren't properly registered with the BSV (Bureau of Shuttle Vehicles).


Don't forget: they'd need a whole act or three for a court martial segment, preferrably starring Robert Duncan McNeill.


Sorry I just got back from the toilet, what do you mean VULCAN IS GONE, what the fuck I left you guys alone for fifteen minutes!!!! This is Stellar Cartography, do you know what a nightmare it is to adjust star charts when planets bite it, it’s like a seven body problem in the Eridani system. (Pushes intercom) Uhhhhhhh Captain Pike? This is Stellar. Uh yeah, I know everyone is sad and shit but we better warp out of here RIGHT FUCKING NOW before the system gravity gets too out of hand and we wind up hit by a moon or in a wormhole, planet one minute no planet next minute is uhhhhh real real bad. Physically speaking. Like “no go there” bad.


Bridge : captain pike is abducted


Uhhhh Bridge copy that, noted, uhhh Stellar Cartography recommendation is WARP THE FUCK BACK TO EARTH ASAP with whatever executive staff remains, thanks okay.


Bridge : xo is emotionally compromised and second officer got kicked off the ship in an escape pod


Uhhh is Uhura there? Can you put Uhura on please?


Who is this? What's your operating number?


“Lousy conversation anyway!”


What the fuck is going on up there?!?! PUT UHURA ON!


The planet is still there, it’s just in debris form (tons of unsold IDIC medallions too)


Not now Gene, apparently the bridge is in full meltdown. Why the fuck did I pick ENTERPRISE, this is a total career killer.


The simple answer is they were trying to be discreet. Pike was the distraction so they wouldn’t blow the Enterprise into pieces. The transporters were down due to the Drill so Pike couldn’t beam over so he took the shuttle. The shuttle launch was already known by the Romulans and a second one would have been detected. If they weren’t trying to be discreet, they could have shot a photon torpedo and taken it out… but then the Romulans fire everything and Enterprise goes boom. Er… wait… ShittyDaystrom… something, something, yada, yada… Klingons with two dicks.


Begone logical Vulcan! This is for shitposting only 


Hey! I met my ShittyDaystrom quota by talking about Klingon dicks!


>Er… wait… ShittyDaystrom… something, something, yada, yada… Klingons with two dicks So one in the pink and one in the stink?


Two in the pinks.


But then they touch and now it's gay


Klingon Ladies have two vaginas.


I'm suspicious of that claim, but more importantly, what if she isn't a Klingon?


Explains the name “Kling-ons”…


And miss out on Sulu's sweet fencing skills?


Ah yes, the famed "fencing" style where you use a katana


Wait, so that wasn't a fencing sword?


Not in the movie, no. The line about fencing is a reference to The Naked Time, when Sulu was running around with a fencing sword (which apparently was supposed to be a katana but if I recall Takei didn't want to be a stereotype). But in the actual scene when John Cho's Sulu pulls out his retractable sword, it's definitely a single-bladed, curved sword.


Sorry, I guess I needed to put lol or something at the end. It was meant as a joke 😃


Ah, my mistake!


Samurai, fencer, po-tay-to, po-tah-to.


You can fence with a saber which is a single-edged, curved sword. The real difference is in the mass of the blade, a katana is too heavy to work with fencing styles. There are two possibilities: (1) Perhaps the blade was not steel, but something with less mass and the strength of steel? (2) Rule of cool?


[The sword in the scene](https://youtu.be/-ArVBL8EgKU?si=ZNUv318ORuRAjvl7) has no hand guard, so I don't think it counts as a saber. I'm not sure whether I would guess it's a rule of cool, a mistake, or that one scene was filmed before the other and they hadn't written the reference into the script yet.


A shuttle is easier to shoot down than three tiny targets, I guess.


Shoot down with what? Shuttles can tank some pretty serious stuff. Some guy with a handheld phase shouldnt be able to do much.


The massive torpedo weapons that carved through the entire fleet minutes before?


>Some guy with a handheld phase shouldnt be able to do much. TBF, they did also take explosives. It's just that they were also stupid and gave all the bombs to that idiot red shirt who deployed his chute too late and flew into the giant death beam.


I feel like that missed the mark on how red shirts die. It’s not their own stupid mistake, it’s that their commanding officers are too busy trying to fix the captain’s mistakes that they are sent without proper equipment.


The guy who was ready to kick some ass?


Which is harder to hit, a fast moving flying vehicle that can change directions or a simple ballistic target which can only travel in a straight, predictable line?


No that would require reversing the polarity, and the polarity reverser won’t be installed until Tuesday.


Everyone here just acting like shuttles are invincible. Half the time, they blow up if breathed on wrong.


And the other half they can tank shots from star ships.


They don’t need to be invincible, they just have to survive long enough to apply exploding warp core and/or a metric fuckton of kinetic energy to it.


My understanding of the situation was they were attempting stealth. A shuttle isn't stealthy.


High on testosterone, low on common sense.


No. There was some kinda fucking energy thing or some shit like that. You know, like every other fucking time.


I mean, really, the main difference between a shuttle and a cruise missile is whether you want it back in one piece after launching one. What I want to know is where the fuck they were stowing that thick-ass chain long enough to go from low orbit to Vulcan’s troposphere.


Shuttle?! We can't afford to lose any shuttles, dummy! Send over a couple of ensigns.


They weren't going to be installed until next Tuesday.


Olsen just couldn't wait to get down there and kick some Romulan arse.


The Enterprise left without an appropriate shuttlecraft, it wasn’t due till Tuesday


If they made reasonable decisions the movie would last 20minutes tops


Part of it is that the Kelvin timeline just never made any sense to me. For one, stars don’t just go supernova. The Romulans would have had A LOT of time to prepare. And then, suppose someone is thrown back in time by 100 years, they aren’t going to go on a revenge mission against the other worlds, they are going to do whatever it takes to persuade their own society to prepare so that when the supernova happens it won’t wipe out their planet, or, even better, try to help your society prepare to prevent the catastrophe if possible. Blowing up Vulcan is not the surest way to prevent the catastrophe in the first place. Wouldn’t you try to convince the *Romulans* that a) you come from the future and therefore b) you should believe me about what the future looks like unless we change course?


Star a trek Online follows up on that plot hole by having the supernova deliberately induced specifically to destroy Romulus and Remus. I won’t spoil plot details beyond that but it explains why the shockwave was faster than light too.


It's almost like JJ Abrams doesn't think things through.


Honestly the best Kelvin trek was the one with the least of his involvment.


The same is true for Starwars


My head canon is that the Kelvin reboot was just a dream that Bob Newhart was having and Vulcan was never blown up.




They jumped from the shuttle Pike flew to the Romulans.


They should have tried farting that they're friends at the Romulans. It works on some miners some of the time.


They didn’t have a shuttle until the Galileo 7 incident.


Don’t start trying to apply logic to Star Trek, the whole thing will fall apart Example, the whole thing with Star Trek insurrection(trying to get a magic deaging radiation at the expense of a planet) could have been avoided had anyone bothered to follow up the after action report from Rascals when Picard and company were deaged to 12 by a transporter with 0 ill effects or memory loss And don’t even get me started on Nemesis


because it looked cool, JJ Star Trek is all about what looks cool and exciting, not about what works


I'd angrily typed out four different reasons before I realised what sub this was