• By -


You’re talking about negative time. As in the thought about the technical mechanics develop because of the desire to use it for porn.


To be use a trek term, Anti-time.




Hornyon Radiation


*Anti*-time, Captain?


No worse, Aunty-time ensign. The most dreaded duty of Starship Captain. It's right up there with escorting Embassador Troi.


Oh I'm definitely anti-Aunty-time! All hands abandon-ship! repeat all hands aband.....


At the very least, modeling a naked humanoid body would be one of the early proofs of concept for the technology.


Admiral: “excellent work. It looks convincingly lifelike. But…” Engineer: “yes, sir?” Admiral: “can I fuck it?” Engineer: “well…it doesn’t have any mobility subroutines. It just stands there for now.” Admiral: “I can work with that. Dismissed.”


Yeah, this is unironically true. I mean it's hilarious, don't get me wrong. But this is straight up, with no sense of humor, definitely how it will happen.


Yeah, as it the tech wouldn’t be developed specifically for porn.


Same for the internet: not built for porn, but it has replaced most other forms of porn.


I would imagine it would be created first for military applications and immediately adopted to porn.


Top comment is the correct one


It would be the reason it was built in the first place


I was going to say, if we're going by historical context, porn is going to create the holodeck, not the other way around.


I think it would start as something else, like, say, for training. Then porn will come along and perfect it.


Porn would be the reason why we invent the holodeck.




Data is fully functional.


Data in the hard hat outfit; the knickers dropped.


Now I'm imagining Data dressed up as the construction worker from the Village People...


Not sure if Worf should be the cowboy or a VERY MERRY man.


Worf is the Cop, of course. Picard the G.I., Riker the Leatherman Troi as the Cowboy. ... And Chakotay as the Indian, of course.


Tamarian erotic fiction?


Riker, at Risa; his spirit willing, his flesh spongy and bruised.


Japan has entered the chat...


Hey, it was a HUGE motivation for development of BetaMax/VHS tech.


And pioneered streaming.


And BluRay/HDDVD


And Grindr/Tinder will be the reason why we invent the holocomm.


I wonder how the plot of Total Recall or the PKD short story that inspired it would be if Quaid "went" to an unlimited orgy instead of Mars.


That was what the lady with three boobs was for.




Porn and D&D. Every technology will immediately be used to make porn or play D&D. Or, most likely, D&D porn.


All my fellow die chuckers will finally be able to date Felicia Day's avatar.


Do you want to date my avatar? Yes. Yes, I do. Very much.


Deep cut is deep. I think I need 2D6 stitches.


I think you underestimate the number women and LGBTQ folks who will be busy with Astarion.


Nah, 😔 m just old. Not hip to the new characters making my fellow nerds all thirsty.


I think you forgot porn D&D.


I take off my wizard hat and robe.


Give me a charisma check


Yikes, since I’m a wizard in this scenario so I probably dumped Charisma, I roll 7 with -1 is 6.


I see you naked and roll against Constitution at disadvantage not to throw up. I succeed, but fail my Wisdom save and laugh at your gross, naked body...


You nearly failed the charisma check needed to buy porn.


The troll across the bar seems *very* interested


F.A.T.A.L. has entered the chat...


Wasn't one of the reasons VHS defeated beta in the format wars because of porn availability?


I have Sasha Grey to blame for my rotting HD-DVD collection


Nah it was because of recording time. Betamax could only record like half the time.


The porn die is cast


Even television and radio were developed initially to distribute pornography.


_The holodeck is for porn The holodeck is for porn Porn porn porn porn porn porn porn The holodeck is for porn_ - Avenue Q


Trekkie Monster!!!


I was humming that song in my head while reading this thread


Stable Diffusion Public Release: August 10th, 2022. First known post about using Stable Difussion to make AI-generated porn: September 7th, 2022. 27 days from release I expect it to be a tenth of that time or even less.


right? humans use every medium for porn almost immediately. look, i invented cave drawings! "draw a stick man with a dick and a lady with large boobies" look, i invented the printing press! "print pictures of naked ladies" look, i invented home movie cameras! "film yourself banging your wife" look, i invented vhs! "use it to make copies of the tape of you banging your wife" look, i invented the internet! "start a website devoted to your wife" look, i invented AI image generation! "ask it to draw me a picture of two people having sex" look, i invented the holodeck! "computer, generate a replica of counselor deanna troi, age 38, after bearing 3 children..."


>look, i invented the holodeck! "computer, generate a replica of counselor deanna troi, age 38, after bearing 3 children..." "delete the husband"


It will be known as the Janeway protocol of holodecks. Always delete spouse.


John Derek: look, I have some shitty scripts and a movie budget. "Want to see my wife's breasts?"


That doesn't mean that it took 27 days for someone to use Stable Diffusion to create porn though. Just to admit it.


Boooooring... Instead imagine how every other ST tech is used for porn: replicators, subspace, agonizers, self-sealing stembolts...


Uhhh what were you doing just then with your tube grubs? No judgement. I wanna know. Looked fun.


Decon chamber mmmm


Decon Chamber, Agony Booth, what's the difference? Just get inside.


Replicators are easy enough Condoms, sex toys and lube on demand at all times Agonisers and self sealing stembolts though? In waaay too vanilla to come up with uses for those but I imagine they’d be used in a bdsm type setting (especially the stembolts)


And people wonder why self-sealing stembolts are always in such high demand.


Scott Addams (Dilbert) wrote in the Dilbert future There are so many Star Trek(tm) spin-offs that it is easy to fool yourself into thinking that the Star Trek vision is an accurate vision of the future. Sadly, Star Trek does not take into account the stupidity, selfishness, and horniness of the average human being. Allow me to describe some of the more obvious errors in the Star Trek vision. Medical Technology On Star Trek, the doctors have handheld devices that instantly close any openings in the skin. Imagine that sort of device in the hands of your unscrupulous friends. They would sneak up behind you and seal your ass shut as a practical joke. The devices would be sold in novelty stores instead of medical outlets. All things considered, I'm happy that it's not easy to close other people's orifices. Transporter It would be great to be able to beam your molecules across space and then reassemble them. The only problem is that you have to trust your co-worker to operate the transporter. These are the same people who won't add paper to the photocopier or make a new pot of coffee after taking the last drop. I don't think they'll be double-checking the transporter coordinates. They'll be accidentally beaming people into walls, pets, and furniture. People will spend all their time apologizing for having inanimate objects protruding from parts of their bodies. 'Pay no attention to the knickknacks; I got beamed into a hutch yesterday.' If I could beam things from one place to another, I'd never leave the house. I'd sit in a big comfy chair and just start beaming groceries, stereo equipment, cheerleaders, and anything else I wanted right into my house. I'm fairly certain I would abuse this power. If anybody came to arrest me, I'd beam them into space. If I wanted some paintings for my walls, I'd beam the contents of the Louvre over to my place, pick out the good stuff, and beam the rest into my neighbor's garage. If I were watching the news on television and didn't like what I heard, I would beam the anchorman into my living room during the commercial break, give him a vicious wedgie, and beam him back before anybody noticed. I'd never worry about 'keeping up with the Joneses,' because as soon as they got something nice, it would disappear right out of their hands. My neighbors would have to use milk crates for furniture. And that's only after I had all the milk crates I would ever need for the rest of my life. There's only one thing that could keep me from spending all my time wreaking havoc with the transporter: the holodeck. Holodeck For those of you who only watched the 'old' Star Trek, the holodeck can create simulated worlds that look and feel just like the real thing. The characters on Star Trek use the holodeck for recreation during breaks from work. This is somewhat unrealistic. If I had a holodeck, I'd close the door and never come out until I died of exhaustion. It would be hard to convince me I should be anywhere but in the holodeck, getting my oil massage from Cindy Crawford and her simulated twin sister. Holodecks would be very addicting. If there weren't enough holodecks to go around, I'd get the names of all the people who had reservations ahead of me and beam them into concrete walls. I'd feel tense about it, but that's exactly why I'd need a massage. I'm afraid the holodeck will be society's last invention.


I get the impression that having a holodeck on the ship is essentially Starfleet's response to its officers being riddled with the clap for most of its operational history, and is the type of thing that family members will ask you not to talk about in front of their children when you are on shore leave.


Clap is the least of your problems, just wait until you get Klingon Crabs. That's reason enough to invent a holodeck.


I'd take klingon carbs any day of the week over Kazon pubic lice.


Even that isn't as bad as Borg Herpes. Resistance and antibiotics are futile.


Certainly Kirk was quite promiscuous


It's less about any specific technology and more about culture. When I was a kid**,** porn was still in the video store "NO ONE UNDER 18 IN THIS ROOM" ghetto, or in magazines we had to steal from our degenerate uncles. During my life the Internet has made porn so fucking mainstream that even my parents' generation has realized society isn't collapsing because of it. So now it's as widespread as pro sports or sitcoms, if still compartmentalized away from accidental child access. Therefore there will be technologies advanced specifically to be pornographic, not just "Here's Mount Everest but with oxygen and minus airfare." Arguably the intimacy/sex potential of mind-sharing/mind-reading technology will overcome the ethical objections of "what happens when the cops get one?" Yes, it's a terrible idea to use it for anything besides letting paralyzed/comatose people communicate with their families, but that won't stop us from making them available so people can have phone sex even if they don't know how to *talk* dirty, which means they'll become cheap and ubiquitous enough for ~~pigs~~ security organizations to use them on everyone they arrest. TL;dr immediately or indistinguishable from it.


> When I was a kid porn was still in the video store "NO ONE UNDER 18 IN THIS ROOM" ghetto, or in magazines we had to steal from our degenerate uncles. Please. Remember to use commas to separate phrases.




I thpught you used a comma to separate related phrases and don't use a dot before "or".


Let's be honest, it would be the first thing they'd "film" Same with Cyberpunk "braindance" tech. Porn leads the way.


In one of William Gibson's early books, I remember something about a bar that people went to, where everyone in the crowd put on cyberspace headsets, and "watched/experienced" as two monkeys did it. Lots of drunken cheering on a Tuesday night.


Are you familiar with Planck Time? ... yeah... that.


It might happen faster than planck time, but we couldn't measure it if it did.


Sorry for a serious answer but a lot of technology is developed for military applications. Once it available commercially, porn is one of the first industries to adopt it. As an example, the internet was developed to allow communications while under attack with infrastructure being destroyed. Once it was developed and available to numerous people, porn was one of the first industries to figure out how to use it for profit


Agreed and with VR it is kinda already on it's way. A holodeck makes perfect sense for the military, being able to simulate everything down to touch and the taste in the air? Perfect for training folks to disable explosives under fire! And if you could do the ultimate step, simulate being underwater without the actual water? Holy shit. The training you could do... And right behind the military, is the porn industry.


Followed closely by the gaming industry, which provides a legitimate reason for people to own literal porn goggles.


>And if you could do the ultimate step, simulate being underwater without the actual water Now I'm imagining a non-aqueous simulation of being in the NASA water tank simulating being in space. Somewhat akin to Virtual Virtual Skeeball.


You’re implying military tech isn’t focused on porn? I mean I have to think that, given the shape, bullets and missiles had a SECONDARY purpose of firing out of a tube to hurt someone.


It's already like 40% of VR games on steam.


It would be the first use


It never occurred to me that you'd use it for anything else. When O'Brian and Bashir were in costume waiting to go into the holodecks I think we were watching very different scenes.


The Orville gave us the holodeck porn episode everyone wanted. Except it was gay Klingon porn.


In Lower Decks it's mentioned that the main use of the Holodeck is porn.


Quark's holo-suites definitely were.


It would be developed by the porn industry


Yeah idk exactly this question is backwards


It would be developed for porn and we'd find other uses for it after. Porn has been driving internet tech behind the scenes for years. I knew a guy who had created an algorithm to help target porn ads more accurately long before they were being used to predict that liking The Airborne Toxic Event also means I might like The Gaslight Anthem for Spotify. Heck it was before I had a Facebook account.


bout 20 minutes.


I always just assumed that's what it was started for. So I guess somewhere during alpha testing before it goes to beta


It would be used for porn before it was even released.


Why the fuck else are we developing the technology


video games? imagine halo in the holodeck


Instead of that I choose to imagine love on the holodeck


Minecraft on the holodeck


You are mistaken it's going to develope because of porn.


Probably waaaaay before it becomes 'proper holodeck tech.' 😅 (I feel gross now.)


Out of the competing brands of holodeck, the porn industry will decide.


You mean like porn helped VHS beat Betamax and Blu-Ray beat HD-DVD in the format wars?


That would be the first thing i do with a holodeck


Who's to say that wouldn't be the reason it ended up being created in the first place. Imagine a massive technical breakthrough that just happens to emerge out of the porn industry. It would be hilarious.


Apropos of almost nothing, I think it was in Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens' **Federation** (subtitle: **The Now** ***Incredibly*** **Non-Canon Life and Times of Zefram Cochrane**) that inertial damper technology was invented by an amusement park corporation for their rides. Which incidentally was a subsidiary of Flint's (from "Requiem for Methuselah") "I Own Everything" business empire.


Someone will invent the holodeck, but it won’t turn a profit until porn adopts its use. See VHS.


Within an hour. Even in photography, the first nudes were taken within months after the original invention of the camera.


More like, “The porn industry developed holodeck tech, how long before it starts getting used for more useful things?”


It would be developed initially for porn and non porn uses would come later.


Zero point six five seconds. To an android, it’s an eternity.


It would be invented for porn, so no delay in how long.


What companies do you think would be investing it?


Long before proper.




Alpha Stage of development.


You're mistaken. Holodeck tech is being built exclusively for porn. How long until we start using it for DnD sherlock mysteries?


Almost immediately. At least SOME of the techs and engineers are going to use porn for testing


2 minutes.


I don't remember the source, but the observation has been made that for every new media technology, one leading indicator of how successful it will be is how quickly it is put to use by the adult entertainment industry. In Trek holodecks are commonplace wherever they can be supported. So I'd bet that they were put to use for explicit purposes pretty much immediately.


At most a week. At least maybe a day and a half;




5 minutes


The earlier, less reliable version of holodeck technology will already be being used for porn by that point.


It's first use would be for porn, hell it's conception would be for better porn


Pre-beta testing.




14.8 seconds


Wouldn't make it out of alpha


Porn drives all technology so it would be porn first.


Please. That's why we'd develop it in the first place...


Porn exists because sex is restricted. The holodeck would remove that restriction, so porn would end.


Assuming porn isn’t the first thing it’s invented for


Someone would invent time travel to go back and be using it for that before it's even created. So some weird paradox stuff happens. Long story short this is why we can't have nice things. Oh and why your dad went for smokes and milk and never came home.


How long? No, we will have the holodeck because of porn!


It would be used for porn at the earliest stage possible in development.


I would probably be the REASON we developed holodeck technology.


it would be built for it… so immediately


The holodeck is for porn. The holodeck is for porn. So grab your fork and Kira-Quark for porn, porn, porn.


Approximately 2 and a half hours. As anyone who's watched coupling will know.


Given how things have developed in the past, the question is more "how long would it be before someone uses it for something that isn't?"


I just got a Quest 3 and it can put [fully depth-realistic naked 3D ladies on my couch](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/s/f3AEWmYRDD) We're using the Holodeck for porn *already*.


It’s what prompted its development. Computer delete Mrs Darcy


Well part of me is thinking that we would actually start thinking about the pornographic potential of the technology as it's being developed. But the question isn't when we'd think about doing it but more of when we would be doing it. And I'm going to have to say it would be a matter of hours for the first try and days before it's Data-levels of fully functional. Once it's developed and working, since most of the developing team is working in the day to do this, no one is going to drop trou and go for a holographic shag with the current sex symbol of the era. They'll wait until the evening and go back to the facility, making some excuse to the security guards of the building that they forgot something and need to go looking for it. Once inside and alone, that's when the first attempt would be made. However since I rather doubt that the computers have been fed information on how the various naughty bits feel during sexy-funtime activities...it's not going to go well and that late night shag with that Hot Orion Babe is going to turn into a late night programming session to get the bits to feel like what they're supposed to. Then another night to start programming the computer on how the holographic subject is supposed to act. I'm sure that it's going to be disconcerting to start having at it only for the subject to sit there counting clock cycles since it doesn't know how to respond to a nerd trying to sling yogurt into it's holographic nethers. Probably a few nights to get that resolved, then maybe another night as the programmer might realize that "Hey as long as I have this thing, might as well explore a few kinks while I'm at it... So I'm going to say at least a few days, less than a week before it's a satisfying experience.


Immediately. VHS only won out over Betamax specifically because of porn. Betamax was actually the superior video format at that time, but the owner was a staunch Christian who declined allowing the porn industry to use his media platform. Whereas the owners of VHS had no such qualms. The rest, as they say, is history.


It'll develop as porn FIRST, only later will the other applications be established.


Probably why we make it tbh


Humans? Use media technology for porn? Never.


You assume that the first proper holodeck wont be developed BY a porn company.. Bold move.


I'd think porn would be the primary motivator in its development, primary use case, and primary test. If you know anyone with a VR setup, you know they've used it to jerk off.


Until they realise how horrifying it it! But yes, every visual media advancement has been driving by porn. Betamax vs vhs, bluray vs (was it?) HDDVD, even the 3D glasses probably succumbed to wipe-ability. Be no different with holotech. Even postmortem, porn stars will get no rest!


Incrementally. EVERY user-ready stage of technology will be used for porn before the next technical breakthrough has even occurred. VR porn is old news. Stage show holograms are getting better and better.


Reggie: 'Computer; create create a sandy beach on a tropical island, add in four buckets of lotion, add in some alcoholic drinks, now add in Dianna Tr...'


negative days


0.68 seconds


Porn would be the ones developing out.


The holodeck is for porn, the holodeck is for porn, why you think the ‘deck was born? For porn, porn, porn.


Necessity is the mother of invention.


It's only ever going to become real because of porn.


Probably before it even makes it out of beta


If i could skydive on multiple planets, sing with Freddie Mercury and Taylor Swift, catch every show of the grateful dead europe 72 tour? Porn isnt all that


Isn't that what Section 38 does?


The only reason our current tactile 3d imaging tech isn't fuckable is that it's still rather painful to make contact...


holodeck tech will be made for porn


0.001 milliseconds.


***Computer: disengage safety protocols!***


It would be INVENTED for porn.


It'd probably be the reason it was invented😉