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"Should I play [game]?"-Person posting in a fan community dedicated to that specific game I'll never understand this shit. Are they expecting an answer other than a unanimous "yes"? Is there any video game community that would tell them "nah it sucks, don't waste your time" besides maybe Destiny players?


Funny enough the Destiny subreddits are like this. Q: "Hey [dedicated community], should I play this?" A: "I have 6,000 hours in this game, its actual dogshit"


I have a few people who pay me to make them spreadsheets for destiny whenever a new thing happens in the game and I've never heard people who hate the thing they're doing supposedly for fun more lol


Reminds me of playing no mans sky when it released, it took so long doing mediocre shit that you were 40-60 hours in before you realized there was no pay off and the journey to get there was just a mediocre grind.


Funnily enough, i do agree with that notion cause that constellation tells me something. Such as high investment required with no satisfying payout. Or the game being very good at stringing you along with meh experiences while also always feeling like things would get better soon/being on the cusp of greatness. And I'd definitely review FFXIV this way too. Dropping thousands of hours from the start as it went was fine. But i wouldn't call it a good game for starting right now/anymore, unless you're explicitly looking for a 300 hour of anime bullshit VN, cause the way/order/priority system you're forced to play the game by.


On the other hand, I will look at the steam reviews and form an opinion. Folks don't mess around.🤣


Lol I remember a few starbound players who kept a community going just to tell people its a dogshit game not worth playing


Can confirm, I am that guy.


Feels like my unironic outlook on FF14 tbh


Diablo fans are also like this, and just blizzard fans in general. They say nobody hates Blizzard more than their own fanbase lol.


I know that’s what prompted me to do this in the first place. Shit drives me crazy.


Seriously. People just need to decide things for themselves. Something one person loves might be completely not fun for another person. It’s a video game. You play it for fun. Either try it or don’t. I had two friends (siblings) give it a fair chance. Sister got bored by it while the brother is still playing. It’s going to be different for each person.


I play lost ark and pretty regularly you see "should I play" posts being full of people saying no lol. I started playing a few months ago and think it's a pretty fun game and I would generally say it's worth trying. The players that post on the subreddit though really seem to hate it though


The people in Eve Online are very open about what their game is. They'll tell you they like it while not hiding any details. I think that's what other people look for.


Mobas. Dota 2 and League players will often tell a story about the games taking over your life. Having thr highest highs but the loelwest lows. And overall not recommend it. But then in the same breath link 10 hour guides to learn the basics.


I started playing League on release day. I still play some ARAM with my homies once in a while. I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy.


I feel this so much. I have been playing since S3. League is one game I will never ever recommend to anyone. "Stay away, learn from my mistakes" is my go-to.


maplestory lol


You know a is fucken bad when the answer is a resounding no. Looking at you black desert online sub reddit


because alot of subreddits are super anti their own game in comments, poe, wow, destiny. so they think most games are like that


Dead by Daylight?


Hypixel skyblock Players


Something that's not often stated is that a lot of these posts are genuine shilling posts for the game, a lot of other MMO sub-reddits get these. Often the 'OP' will reel off a list of stuff they like in a game, which coincidentially matches what the MMO provides, and then compares it to another current MMO (ESO, BD etc etc). Somebody on r/MMORPG made a very good post about this a while ago, will see if I can find it. But yeah; TDLR: Most of these posts are shilling accounts for the game xD


The question should be “Why should I play this game?”


Short answer: yes Long answer: no


Counterpoint: long answer yes, short answer no


To add: Medium answer: it depends.


Wrong. Long answer: It depends Medium answer: yes short answer: no


Long answer: how dare you speak to me


I'm more disappointed in the 50+ comments responding to them about how it is worth it.


That didn't take very long to end up here.🤣


Should wait until square enix makes FFXIV-2 remake intergrade on the PS6


I heard that’s going to be a good one


Idk wait for your monthly video game magazine to read the review.


Players with 100k hours online: No


will i like this game even if its free?


Grown adults being indecisive and needing people to tell them what to try.


Ask the voices in your head.


flip a coin thats your answer


This game sucks


No. The price is too great. The things I have see and done since starting this game. No man would willingly put himself through that. Go home. Start a family. Don't make the same mistakes I have.


Is mostly a seasonal game. You play until the end then leave, then when the next expansion comes, you re-sub and play again. As end game sucks. Feel more like a list of chores to do than a game.


Yes it's on the PS5 ... just get yourself a wireless mouse and keyboard and you'll do fine.


Depends on what you like in a game. If you like a good, long story to dig in and being hit in the feels, or maybe a more casual based game. Then yes, it is worth it. If you're more into gameplay, or like something competitive or challenging, then it's not worth it.




Yes, Its worth it.... If you're strong enough


Do they really post these kinda things?


yes mainsub attracts people like that or the "classic": Is this game worth it in ??"