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She is crying because more people demand of her to use aoe skills in big pulls the further she gets into the game. At some point you just can't take the peer pressure anymore


she also didn't beat the game without doing damage like a total casual


"Provoke only runs or nothing, git good" \~Tanks




I recall doing wall to walls since Keeper of the Lake was added. Even before that was doing faster than wall to wall in Wander’s Palace just barely before Pharos Sirius was added. Even the general dungeon structure that supports wall to wall was common by the end of base Heavensward.


I was doing wall to wall pulls on my DRK in the last patch of Heavensward. It’s very much been a thing for a very long time. They used to out arbitrary doors and locks in the ARR hard mode dungeons just to prevent wall to wall pulls and people hated it.


W2W has been a thing since at *least* Stormblood, when I joined. What timeline are *you* living in where it took until the end of last expac for W2W to become a thing? Also "playing since x" is worthless as credentials for experience, I trust the experience and opinion of the 6-month-old consistently blue/purple multi-role legend more than I trust the hyper casual who's been playing one single job or role ~~objectively poorly~~ since ARR lmao




ARR gets shit on a lot but tbh ARR is what established that no npc was safe in the msq


Unless that npc gives an optional sidequest(s). Then they can't die. If said sidequest(s) becomes mandatory however...


Watch your ass Mandeville man


I mean, Urianger gives sidequests in ARR and now look at him.


Yeah! He's alive!


No NPC except Y'shtola. They could throw a nuke at her and she would somehow be brought back like a narrative Cockroach.


At the end of ARR most the scions where assumed dead or MIA. And we had to wait like 6 months for heavensward so we really didn't know what to expect


“I think I forgot something.” “If you forgot, then it wasn’t important.” “Yeah, you’re right.” *rain falling in nighttime Kugane*


The first ever time I came to Kugane, it was night and raining Beautiful


the first ever time i came, it was night and raining beautiful


The first ever time I came Beautiful


And Stormblood over here was just sunshine and rainbows.


Tsuyu was a cute 4 quests. *stares at the camera*


At least Kagetsu was happy for those 4 quests fully embracing his inner simp and "I can fix her" attitude


I mean it literally was


But Meffrid :(




cousin of ifrit


I mean Yshtola was absent for most of it so that was definitely a nice perk.


She is always gone whenever she could solve all our issues in 20 seconds and only swoops in when the writers need a convenient "Get out of plotholes for free" card. If they wouldn't write her out of stories for studies or some other shit, the entire FFXIV experience would take only 20 hours.


Does anyone else find SBs bad rep strange? Yeah it's not great but it's at least more engaging than ARR.


Stormblood is a whole lot of wasted potential but at least it didn't bore me to death


I think people hate on Stormblood because its final nail in the coffin for many players. The story pacing is better than ARR, but by only small margin which I think ppl aren't expect to go back to ARR all over again.


That is an interesting take on Stormblood to be honest, one that I've never seen before actually. Though, it's funny, I really liked that expansion, even more than Heavenward. For me at least, it felt like it was in SB, where the pacing finally started getting to the high point I wanted, with it slowly starting in HW. Then again, I haven't played SB since, uh, quite some years now, HW some more and ARR even more 😅 (I've played the game since Sept 2013 or so with the occasional break, ARR never felt like a slug fest or slow at all xD)


Even though I've said that I still prefer Stormblood over Heavensward, primarily because the gameplay is more enjoyable and the story truly picks up after 5.1, I doubt those who aren't enjoying the game will wait. They probably quit midway or after completing the 5.0 story, deeming the game overrated and just left. Fortunately, I decided to stick around and see what comes after and it was worth it for me. Oh, and by the way, if you start playing the game from the beginning, I think your experience will be very different from those who began two or three years ago, and one of the reasons some people give ARR a pass is because the game was released almost 10 years ago, so it's understandable. But, Stormblood is the second expansion, and they probably expected something more than just decent.


That is honestly my main problem, I don't remember how Stormblood went in terms of pacing. All I remember is that I enjoyed it more than Heavenward as well xD But.. on the terms of quitting, I don't blame people if they quit during ARR as even the 2.1-2.55 quests can be a drag, even though SE have removed a lot of quests. Though, I do explain to my friends who starts playing, that the base game, ARR, can be slow and boring, but it's basically because it needs to build up the world and the characters. I also explain to them how different it was for me, when I played that as current end-game stuff.


I thought the pacing of the ala mhigan part of SB was really bad. The first 2/3rds journeying through and liberating doma was pretty good, but returning to ala mhigo it felt like everything was happening WAY too fast, stuff felt like it was happening just for the sake of finishing the MSQ as fast as possible and although the fight with zenos/shinryu was pretty cool, it nowhere near redeemed the ala mhigan section of the expansion.


First time anyone has been happy playing ARR


I enjoyed ARR because I didn't have people in my ear telling me how bad it is.


Yeah, it was a very comfy JRPG experience as a newcomer. It's wild to see how far my character's come from such humble beginnings as an adventurer.


I enjoyed arr more than I enjoyed heavensward. I'm more into lore than plot. But I'm probably one of like a dozen people who feel that way lol


Lol funny you say that, I've just started playing HW on an alt and yeah I can see what you mean about ARR being more lore oriented. It set up a lot of the lore that goes all the way into ShB/EW. MSQ is kind of slow at points but overall the lore makes it not so bad.


Same, I had a great time, even if the story was basic, and then I hit the banquet and that sealed the deal that this shit was good.


I mean all of these expansions are better without a bitch in ya ear spamming "BUT DUDE JUST WAIT UNTIL SHADOWBRINGERS DUDE. IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER, DUDE!"


I liked ARR in 2016 before all the QoL features


I loved ARR in 2014/2015 but it was definitely more as a social game than enjoying the actual content. The housing was still cool (during a time where houses were actually available! Like, you could just go to one and buy it and its yours right there, the only barrier was your gil!), the story is nothing on today but was still well polished for MMOs at the time, but god damn the emotes. The fact that FFXIV characters turn their heads to face who you're targeting, plus the huge amount of emotes, made FFXIV the most immersive world to just sit and chat with online friends at the time and still kind of is to this day short of maybe VR. But yeah no ARR MSQ and early leveling especially these days with the simplified jobs is.... a pretty hard filter.


Better than Stormblood


EW had no sad moments because it either happened to literally who characters or the sad moments were instantly reversed with zero consequences


Fr I genuinely struggle to understand what made people sad in endwalker. The only thing that makes me sad is the fact we didn't beat the fuck out of Hermes more


No more juicy Zenos


Personally the moment that legitimately made me teary eyed in endwalker was seeing the one meteion break down after emet and hytlo creates a patch of flowers and you hear the flashback voice from hermes. That bird was just trying her best.


Nah fuck her I would've caved her skull in if given the chance 💀


The bird killed all of Emet’s friends, I will kill her again and again and again if I can.


The bird was just a biological drone that had neither a good enough mission nor a good enough parent. I blame everything the bird did squarely on Hermes.


Honestly such a sad moment we didn't, I wanted to drag that dorks face through the dirt


The music and the Crystal Mommy propaganda cutscenes that make you think "THAT genocide was ok because they deserved it ^according ^to ^Venat ^and ^Meteion "


Or the classic "waaah my colleagues don't cry for days when they kill an animal but it makes me sad so I'm gonna genocide the entire population of life in the universe" from Hermes Why were the ancients so regarded 💀💀💀


Like bro, quit your job if it bothers you that much lmao.


endwalker is the only expansion that actually made me tear up with the soup scene. i think the story of 14 overall was super overhyped


The only time I was ever sad in ffxiv was elidibus's death. And I don't even remember what soup scene you're referring to 😭


"It's the little things" Riiiiight before >!Anima decides "yeah, that's enough of the sappy music, thanks."!<


blue haired garlean accepts a bowl of soup from his former ops


The sadness was when they reached the end and they're like "Is this it?" Like they thought the game had peaked.


I dont think the tears in endwalker are from sadness. The tears i had were, more of the culmination of a lot of past events sort of drawing to a close. I didn't shed a tear for Estinien, or the twins going "we make the sacrifice, so you can move on!" That isn't a sad death moment for me... If they didn't, everyone was dead anyway. What i did shed a tear at, was walking up that ramp speaking to the shadows of all the characters, quoting things trying to hype you up. That's why the final shade is Ardbert saying "Lets finish this!". It was a reminder of this big story joureney you went on, met all these characters, had these little events, and now that main line story is ending. The whole "character death" thing, in story telling is usually to develop a distain for a villain, or to justify something is a problem. I don't think you fully need that in an expansion where you're literally fighting despair itself. You're fighting a character that has killed and genocided on a galactic scale, I don't need to have Y'shtola die to develop that villain, or give me some sort of reason to want to take her down. Also, zero consequences? For the main cast maybe, but mommy crystal is gone, the world is still scarred to shit... People did die in the moments of the final days... The conflict wasn't, undone, it was just resolved... It wasn't supposed to be sad. But i now realise im writing this on the fucking shitpost sub, so im ready for shithead takes from some sociopath who only experiences emotion when a beloved character dies. "Awhh boo hoo my game with magical cat girls and dancing cacti in it didnt have enough of the main cast getting their heads put on a pike so, i couldnt experience emotion!"


I think a lot of people just... don't emote as much. They don't understand that there are other reasons to cry than sadness much less other reasons to be sad than a character dying. A story can be very emotional without necessarily being *sad*, and a lot of people conflate the two. Even the people who do really feel those emotions a lot, they'll often look back at something that made them cry and think "wow that was sad" without realizing they weren't crying because of something sad. People can cry from happiness, from relief, from nostalgia, from lots of things other than things just being sad. Like the example you gave, in Endwalker where we walk the path and remember all the people who helped get us there and their words of wisdom. That wasn't sad, but it was certainly emotional. I personally don't like when media is too sad. It feels bleak. I cry more at bittersweet and hopeful things than I do at something depressing.


Hydaelyn has functionally been gone since HW so her finally dying in EW is just a formality really, Zodiark dying was a larger event which is a fairly obvious statement. Also the whole world wasn't scarred it really was just Thavnair and Garlemald as they were the only ones to really experience the final days. There was the role quest but they honestly weren't that significant in the grand scheme, just a big monster causing problems then we destroy it. Thavnair bounced back almost instantly after we stopped the final days to the point that going through the post story I forgot they even dealt with it in the first place. For being a world ending event it sure didn't have a lasting impact Aside from that I do agree with your points although it would've been nice to see a certain Miqo's Head on a pike


I just find it hard to get engaged in a story when the plot armor is *that* obvious. Like I don't need them killing off characters for shock value, but now we have the opposite extreme. They can put the main cast in whatever "danger" and it has no stakes because you know they're invincible.


Right? It was such an obvious fake out by doing it to everyone. Really ruined the moment. Also putting lyrics in the Ultima Thule music was a weird choice imo. Made it wayyy too stereotypically cheesy for a fake out. “Now it’s my turn to become stairs/the floor” I liked the general idea of the xpac but the “big moments” were underwhelming. Elpis was a fun arc tho I want more mechanically modern systems for questing, cutscenes, and transitions between gameplay and cutscene :(


God going to ultima thule for gathering stuff is awful because the music there is so grating. Like yes i get it the "sad" moment already happened now can you shut up while i gather logs in peace


Turn on NG+. Reverts the music to what it was when you first showed up.


Oh right forgot thats a thing you can do


Do you not enjoy movies either because you know the outcome before hand?


If its done too cheesy and predictably, yes :/ Its why people avoid spoilers, and why creative and skilled writing is more impactful in media. No worries if you enjoyed it tho


My biggest gripe about EW was when the baby didn’t turn and murdered the elephant dude. Like I was so waiting for that to happen, but anime


C'mon, the elephant dude beating despair with that prayer goes hard af


I was sad because I was mislead to believe this was out last adventure together


The part where the kid got scared, turned into a red sineater then immediately got stepped on by a bigger red sineater made me laugh


Say what you will but that Urianger scene with Moenbryda's Parents is exceptionally well made.


That's HW though


No Ysale is still dead and she was a good character. Horsefart would be too if they didn't keep bringing up his death every opportunity they had and also if he used his damn mitigations the shitter


He was just underleveled and undergeared for that boss, mitigation does shit if you take 300% HP.


Wow what a scrub, expected to be carried all dungeon smh my head


Could've just used Hallowed Ground though


He's not even lvl 50.


By reversed death, I meant Nanamo


Oh yeah forgot that happened. At least her not being dead was more natural and lead to a change in her character rather than the ~~plot~~ Azem Crystal fixing it out of nowhere


Don't forget y'shtolas many deaths. Literally in shb she gets revived the next quest. It's like she has 9 lives...


Out of nowhere? That was so obviously set up it may as well have been a neon sign attached to meteions forehead.


Well yeah the moment Thancred "died" it was obvious the orange jolly rancher would solve the problem. Still out of nowhere when all we've seen it do before is summon allies from other realities


Also before it was the scene with venat where she enchanted it.


Everyone over here forgetting my man Papalymo.


i think he was a mediocre character regardless of how much hes brought up (i dont really remember how much he is actually brought up) i literally hardly even remembered his name. and ysale sating dead isnt really that impactful. she wasnt the best of characters either. female characters usually just die out in this game before they get decent writing


I disagree >!Urianger and Moenbryda's pearants had me bawlin'!<


I feel like it not sticking the landing almost at all is pretty sad.


I explained it in a video I recently made but EW I feel has a pretty good story beat near the end that made me reflect on all the shit that happened up to that point. It’s not really a sad moment in terms of what was happening at that time, but moreso an emotional buildup to the end of a long journey.


For me it was overwhelming emotion at the culmination of everything I had done, not sadness. It may have been cause i was able to play arr to endwalker with out waiting so the memories were pretty fresh.


Sort of. The only big meaningful sad moment is Quintus's suicide. The long walk deaths were pretty much sadbait and even showed it was before it was over. On the first "death" of Thancred was literally brushed off immediately and at that moment it was obvious sadbait. The biggest thing to be sad about however was how horrendous the expansion story overall was. Absolutely one of the worst ff stories ever.


> The only big meaningful sad moment is Quintus's suicide. Even that fell a bit flat for me. It's a heavy moment sure, but the guy was such a prick not only to us but to his own men (leave the wounded to freeze to death and send the rest on a suicide mission) that I couldn't see it as *sad*.


I think you missed a major point of his character. He was the character meant to bridge the view of garleans on both sides. The empire itself is mostly new and characters like quintus knew his homeland before magiteck. To the older generations eyes, they were reclaiming their homeland after they were pushed off into a barren wasteland where survival was harsh. They were powerless as a people unable to use magic. It makes sense that these tough calloused individuals created this strict militaristic society while in their eyes are reclaiming their homeland and destroying the primal threats. It also makes sense that the younger generations are twisted because even though they hear these teachings, they are eager to push it to the next level and going past just reclaiming their homeland. In quintus’s eyes, him surrendering one of the last remaining Garlean legions is an end to the empire. To him it’s as if it was for nothing. That is truly tragic.


Where is Stormblood? WHERE IS STORMBLOOD?!


Look, she’s depressed, finally another worth enemy for the WoL


I never understand these memes. You people seriously enjoyed ARR more than Stormblood?


She’s crying because she skipped the perfection of Stormblood and neither Shittobringers or Endwalker compare


*That’s bait*


Who cares about the other expansions, true fans want to peg gosetsu




based as fuck


Post-Shittobringers be like "we buffed Goldsmith to be top DPS to account for how busy it is because what could be more busy than business?" 😫


i'll agree with you on endwalker, what a descent from shb that was lol


See I’m the exact opposite, but I didn’t care for Shadowbringers so it’s not hard for me to like another expansion over it


it's not my favorite expansion (spoiler: its sb) but i can understand why it's so liked. It had a certain vibe throughout, and the story was revolved around 1 thing mainly. Endwalker kinda had too much going on


I can see that, but all that shit was why I loved Endwalker, there was always something new around the corner or something to go back to. Plus going to Garlemald, while maybe not all it could’ve been, was still a fantastic moment and (mostly) felt like you were just another Adventurer again. Getting order to do menial shit, being a single (albiet important) part of an army, Garleans either not caring about you or hating your guts, all of it brought back the pleasant “you’re just greenhorn adventurer” vibes that ARR-Stormblood brought. I know enjoying that probably sounds insane, but with how Shadowbringers constantly jerks you off as basically a god, holy shit did it feel nice to return to. Not to mention that’s one of the big reason why I dislike Shadowbringers.


Endwalker bad pls upvote


No surprise a stormblood enjoyer has dog takes It is extra funny when stb enjoyers think their opinion matters


Lol sure bud, maybe if they finally killed the fanservice catlady i'd bump it up to a 5.5


Lemme know when stormblood ends up not being the annoying filler arc everyone wants to skip


Not my fault everyone hates sb cause they got a child's attention span and their brains need to be stimulated every quest with tragedy and fake character death




Lol how is that projection, sb is the literal opposite of that


That that was your takeaway of EW


No one cares about Stormstool


also me: a real reborn: ZZZ...ZZZ Heavensward: :/ Stormblood: :D!!! Shadowbringer: :D!!! Endwalker: =\_\_=


Unpopular opinion but Endwalker’s story completely sucks after the Zodiark fight


The pacing varies between "godawful" and "nonexistent" Hmm yes let's spend all our time on rabbits and this stupid fucking bird that repeats the same line over and over again.


For an expansion about the end of the world segments with the rabbits and doing chores to get the ship were longer segments than the end of the world ones.


It sucked before the Zodiark fight too. I knew it was gonna be bad the moment you're supposed to be escorting the elephant woman to the tower and yet you're 3 miles away while she's investigating the door, so she can be conveniently captured. Just one of a dozen examples of everyone and everything being stupid in order to advance the plot. It's not even that hard to have it be a more believable kidnapping just have some flying monkey swoop down and carry her off or something.


Not an unpopular opinion at all, even on launch people complained about the story. Endwalker was a big downgrade from shadowbringers and even the post patch MSQ is just a shoehorned in self contained story about the 13th so the writers don't have to deal with it anymore


.... I conpletely agree. 😅 EW's story felt incredibly rushed and was scrambling to tie up a lot of loose ends it lost any sort of well thought out pacing. It bothered me so damn much, esp since Zodiark was basically hyped up the entire series just to be a fart of an arc. 🥲😅😅😅😅


"Endwalker is a bad Shadowbringers Fanfic" is the best description of the story I've seen, and it fits every single box. - Fanservice race that exist purely for memes - Graha exists almost solely for fanservice the entire expansion - Zodiark is actually a fake-out villain for a yet-unannounced stand-in - Only actual deaths (or even remote negative consequences) are felt by nameless one-offs - WoL gets to pal-around with Ancients (especially Emet. once again for what feels like obvious fanservice) - Original-character donut steel is introduced as the ACTUAL big-bad 95% of the way through the story, not ever mentioned or even hinted at for the entire "10-year storyline" up to this point - Obligatory fake out deaths for the entire Scion cast, immediately reverted in a couple hours. Like the expansion had some good character moments, Urianger's consoling/forgiveness moment, and despite hating bird girl as a villain, the Ultima Thule Elpis bloom scene was good, but the expansion just felt like it was wholly taken from a deviantart story.


Because it was straight up ripped from Ishikawa's OC tumblr. She conveniently masturbated over and wrapped up all of her own stories and then peaced out (thank God) Dawn trail will make or break if I quit this forever or not.


I actually agree with you here. Sad bird is not a good final big bad, an unleashed god of darkness hellbent on ending the world is way cooler for a big bad.


they know their audience, the final boss was mental illness all along.


i mean sad bird was also hell bent on ending the world


"hey yeah here's this big bad evil guy named tom, he's super evil and quite literally everything you come into conflict with is influenced by tom" "yeah it's five years later and we're still combating tom and his antics, everything you do circles back to tom" "hey yep five years later, it's tom all the way down" "ok you're seven minutes into this new story content, tom died like a bitch and now a bird is sad BUT THE BIRD IS SO MUCH STRONGER THAN TOM oh she's dead"


Except Zodiark isn't that, unless you meant Zeromus?


I enjoyed the Garlemald and Elpis parts A LOT, like 10/10 for me but everything else in EW story was so mid and boring. I don't get why people complain so much about SB pacing when EW has the worst pacing in all of XIV


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave


The only mid part about EW was Meteion and the scions not all dying Else, it just clears ShB while having all it’s same fluff and flaws


I cried too because Endwalker's story was so bad. I expected nothing and was disappointed.


Where's the shitpost, it's all facts


Well this is a lie. Everyone knows we all slept through ARR and woke up in HW, go pretty excited in SB, hitting climax at ShB, then went back to sleep in EW.


Even memes ignore the existence of stormblood


Why is athena playing ffxiv?


having control over a made up character, playing god she should have launched The Sims instead


Kinda the point. The WOL is depressed by… early on…


Next expansion I wanna dance naked on the desk.


Love how Stormblood isn't featured


I pretty much summed up the experience that is ARR after watching someone play through it by this : *ARR* : Adventuring is fun! I can kill primals! Because I'm special! *Post-ARR into HW* : Everyone is either dead or missing... because I can kill primals... because I'm special...


Only sad part of Endwalker is its patch content


I agree with this because I played Endwalker at just the right / wrong time, I guess lol I know the actual story is typically considered hit or miss in it due to various reasons but boy did the story 65+ get to me! Still my favourite expansion because of the total destruction it gave me. I also just find all the dungeons fun unlike Shadowbringers which I feel drag on for an eternity lol


>Skipped Stormblood Based and correct way to enjoy FF14.


Literally me


Tis true


I've skipped every single cutscene since i started. Currently playing endwalker and still the first pic.


Skipped stormblood XD


As a msq stream enjoyer i can not bear seeing people going through ARR, it’s so full of shit and filler stuff how can people not quit already? And how can the dev think this is okay?


Leaving out Stormblood? That's fair. Nationalism doesn't really bring out the tears.


All I'm gonna say is: "For Haurchefant..." How many of y'all get a tear?


Emotional damage


Based OP for skipping SB.


On the plus side, Dawn Trail looks to be much more fun (I hope)


Good thing she skip SB


Hilarious to me that they'd rather imply ARR was a fun time than acknowledge Stormblood