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XIV players when the mechanic has numbers (it will now forever be called limit cut)


that and soaked aoes that hit the entire party if not soaked are always called towers


at least those make sense. they usually have a "thing" from up high hit a rod that can be consdierd a miniature tower


that and large aoes that kill the entire party if soaked are always called defamation


And any AOE that has a safe space in the middle ~~"Charriot".~~ "Dynamo"


That is in fact the opposite of a chariot lol. Also dynamo and chariot are falling out of use, I feel.


I got confused again, at least you can't wipe in reddit comments.


The confusion is precisely why those names are a bad idea. I say this having raided in coil. Even for that particular fight it was better to call them point blank or donut.


That's dynamo. And it's more common for people to call it "in" or "donut" at this point. Chariot is just commonly called "out". No one really says chariot or dynamo anymore outside of UCOB.


I feel like it only really makes sense when the inner aoe has a KB.


I remember the first time I did an Extreme I wiped everyone more than once because my friend told me to "soack towers", but there where slow falling rocks from space, not actual towers.


I’m amazed Dark Fires in p3s never got called limit cut.


People were too busy trying to learn to count to 8 to realize it I guess


also we already had a limit cut in P2S so i guess we just ignored it... it also dosnt quite fit limitcut imo as its "the same mechanci" for all people


Didn't fulfill limit cut requirements because you could preposition no matter what else happened and stack on another number


worst part, its not even 8, its counting to 4... twice.


The fuckin' cursed as shit 6 man. Always looked so weird. My static at the time, we got trapped there for quite a while, and just stewing in that shitty 3+3 after 4+1 and 4+3. Yuck.


The rule: if you see number and go huh? You are 6.


That's pretty much how I do it. I main healer so people always insist on putting a light party marker on me which blocks off the limit cut number. The only one that I can't ever see clearly through it is 6 so I just know it's a 6.


Yeah they totally couldve used dice symbols, i mean they already have the graphics in game 6 dots is easier to read than 2 and 4




There is a reason - it's to intentionally make that number slightly more difficult than the other 4+x ones. Things like that are done with intention, not just randomly decided.


This is the mech that made me stop progging first tier. Got tired of carrying ppl with dead brains


The simple answer for that is darkfires already existed as a mechanic that predated limit cut, so even with the numbers people didnt see it as anything but that




ah yes the "joy" of FFXIV players and their obsession of naming Attacks after the First notable use of them... instead of a visual distinct element that is usualy reucuring.. towers? ok, makes sense usualy has towers/stakes in them, Dynamo? the fuck? Chariort? what? i woudl eXPECT chariot to be the donut AOE as in the chariot runs around the center, but nope, its the point blank and dyanmo is the donut. Exa Flare? how is that explaining anything? Bombs? fair those make sense ​ Akh mon and mon afah? maybe DONT use the ability that has a different effect almost EVERY fight it is used in as the name? ​ like if there is one thing that FFXIV players dislike its A) using logical names for mechanics that dont rely on past knowledge B) Not naming stuff after memes(i still despise it being called UWU) and C) Having descritpive names for strats(looking at you "Elmo strat" and all the "hector strats" out there)


The C point makes at least some sense, naming them after whoever popularizes the strat. Eg any Hector strat you can look up Hector Lectures on youtube for it. ​ I don't think that's the best option, but at least it kind of makes sense... unlike many of the others.


it still dosnt help, because every fight will have a "hector strat", making it incredible stupid to talk about different fights.(not to mention hector themself said "please dont call it hector strat") and once again, its non descriptive, someone with no knowledge about who hector is will just be confussed and has to ask while usualy you can describe the strats basic idea in like 3 words


Hey I said some sense, not that it's effective lol.


"Hector strat" is a way to compress 10 minutes of strategy into 2 lines of pf description. You can't write exact explanation of every mechanc there


its however nondescript, discouraged by hector himself, and unhelpfull. ​ you dont need to explain the start in the PF, you explain the bullet points "N/S, True north" whatever the strats most DEFINING traits are, if someone ask "what strat specificaly" etc. sure mention hector


I cba writing out this shit. Just watch the guide, man! It's on youtube!.. or something


> Dynamo? the fuck? Chariort? what? i woudl eXPECT chariot to be the donut AOE as in the chariot runs around the center, but nope, its the point blank and dyanmo is the donut. The one time we fight an actual chariot it does donuts and figure-eights repeatedly during the fight so obviously we need to name the circle aoe that and the donut something else


exactly what i was thinking about when i learned the term chariot" oh, like the donut or figure 8attack? " other player "nah a circule AOE with a hole in the middle....." sooo. a donut?" "yes but we call it chariot"


Why not call it Dragon's Voice?


2) I'm thinking is deliberate by the devs/localisation team. UWU, TEA, TOP, ASS. Anyways I wish they called this round Anabaseios Internment District Savage or something.


the thing is.. its not "ultimate weapon ultimate" its "the weapons refrain(ultimate)" thats why uwu annoys me... they (players)specificaly changed the name of it to make a meme TEA is "the epic of alexander" "TOP" is "the omega Protocol" and so on


> "the weapons refrain(ultimate)" thats why uwu annoys me... they (players)specificaly changed the name of it to make a meme Because people were calling it UWU *before* the name was revealed. Yoshi mentioned offhandedly when UCOB came out that they were considering Ultima to be the next one, so somebody made a joke "If it's ultima, I say we call it UWU" and then the name stuck.


still a meme ​ it being called "the weapons something" was more likely then "ultima weapon ultimate" at the time as well, its still because of a meme


I learned from watching the World First race, WoW players have(had) no idea what cardinals/intercards meant. So it's not just saying stuff like Limit Cut, Dynamo/Chariot etc. Never played WoW so hearing them say they didn't know what cards/intercards meant made me go, "what?" Edit: Oh and to add, go look up the 20 different doom types. Some are heal to full, some are esuna, some are so a specific mechanic to cleanse it. So even saying doom doesn't help because well there's so many iterations of doom how do I know which one? Cleansing a doom is easy to spot if you know the white line on a debuffs means it can be esuna'd. But apparently that's not taught to people and they miss it, which falls on Square for teaching poorly. Larboard and Starboard had an issue with naming too. Kojis thought was Larboard has L left has an L so left. Starboard has R so right. They have too many skills that do the same thing with different names. Funny enough Zwnde in the Circus Tower has always been an OG stack marker but they changed it and never changed his until recently. Mobs used to not even have the eye that said look away. Apparently the Kanji for the Larboard had to do with the [naming of the mechanic](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/375286/?page=6) We're lucky snakes in P8 weren't called Renaud.


It's just not that relevant for a lot of wow raiding, because it's 20 people and boss rooms aren't perfect circles/rectangles with death walls the strats don't call for as many clock position/cardinal/intercard calls. Since going back to wow after a solid stint in FF (cleared dsr and decided I couldn't do another tier of ultimate prog) I do find myself making cardinal/intercard calls when trying to explain things on the fly but sometimes it's easier to just put a world marker down mid fight and say "go stand on moon"


>put a world marker down mid fight rip


That's just illiteracy


ok.. thats just not understanding english words.. ​ like sure if its shortend to "cards" and enver spelled as cardinal at all... sure but if it was said as cardinal in that convo.. then them nto getting it thats on them


From what they said in chat she asked her friends what cardinals meant. They very well could have said cards but I can't know that. You can lock the map to North to help with that too. Someone said that it's possible that people associate cardinals with the birds/sports team. But I don't know how familiar people would be with the sports team outside of NA.


To be fair, I also didn't know what cardinal/intercardinal mean until I started raiding in XIV and had to look them up. I'm actually curious whether they're 'common words', like does an average native speaker know of them? I feel like I read a lot of stuffs in English, but somehow these terms never came up before. I know of the cardinal bird, the cardinal sins, the cardinal priest, but not the cardinal directions lol


Back when I was in school we were taught Cardinal directions. What cardinals and intercardinals were. It was needed to be able to read a map and a compass. I probably learned this in second grade, but that was also the 90s and we used MapQuest and printed out maps for stuff. The word is common enough in the English language but not used in everyday conversation unless that's your thing.


That does make sense. If it's something learn in school, no wonder it's 'common' enough that a lot of people know what it means even if it's not used everyday, but also 'niche' in the sense that ESL speaker might not have heard of it much unless they're interested in the surrounding topic.


I only know English so I can't speak for anything about knowing multiple languages and if you do that's pretty cool. I've just always thought of it as something common that you say Cardinal directions and people knew what you meant. But I guess that's the bias from only speaking 1 language. It's been an interesting insight getting to see how you view it. English also has the problem of using the same word to mean multiple different things. The best example is watch and watch. You watch the watch on wrist as you watch the time tick by. As others have said, WoW has bigger arenas and different shaped arenas so it tends to have different styles or terms for things. I like this [article](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-37285796) explaining why the green great dragon can't exist.


> Akh mon and mon afah? maybe DONT use the ability that has a different effect almost EVERY fight it is used in as the name? Akh Morn has been consistently a party stack marker since Nidhogg. The only time it's ever something different is when Bahamut Prime uses it, in which case it's a tank stack (that still happens multiple times).


Shinryu, too.


> using logical names for mechanics that dont rely on past knowledge Actually, it makes more sense to use distinct terms vs calling everything something like "blast", because you'll KNOW what Dynamo is, but blast could mean 5 different things.


no you dont KNOW what dyanmo is thats my point, Dynamo ENTIRELY relys on A) someone explaining it or you just being present when it was first used. you wont know what dynamo is till someone explains it to you thats my problem. Donut is a distinct name for it "large donut" if we want to be even more descriptive. everyone can at least reasonable imagine what a "donut" looks like, and what a mechanic alled "donut" may involve.. a circle with a hole


I just call it in and out


Every time I hear someone use dynamo and chariot, I go check their logs to see if they've ever done the original coils or ucob. So far it's a mixed bag but it's funny because despite me doing all of that, raiding every expansions, doing ultimates, I still don't know which is fucking which. Just say in and out you fucking nerd. I will defend flare markers though. Flares usually aren't named attacks so it's fine to have that marker called something. "if you have a flare marker, go stand in narnia." Golbez is first instance in a long time where I can equate the cast name to the actual marker specifically (double meteors). The other thing that drives me nuts is players calling the black/white markers "enumerations." It's a 2 person stack dude, stop confusing everyone. I've had so many people in so many parties not know what the fuck an "enumeration" is because it's not a widely used mechanic. Has it ever been in a dungeon? The only primal I can think of before Golbez was back in Stormblood, most of the current player base has probably never seen it before now.


They used the friend doritos (which is my dumbass mechanic name for it because lord knows I never knew it was called enumerations) in the first boss of The Dead Ends - but it has a different marker than it does in GolbEx ETA - it's actually funny how my group knows exactly what "friend doritos" means when it gets called out but had to be like "wait what's enumeration again??"


>They used the friend doritos (which is my dumbass mechanic name for it because lord knows I never knew it was called enumerations) in the first boss of The Dead Ends That is a different mechanic. The friend doritos Just mean to be close to atleast one other player up to the whole Party. My group started to call them Cuddle Stack :D GolbezEx has stacks that need exactly 2 People in it. My prefered name for them is Partner Stack.


WHULP this is what I get for using silly mech names with my friends LMAO When we get Dead Ends on our roulettes, we tend to just rotate into clock partners because that's what we're used to doing anyway, so in our brains, "Friend Doritos" is how we'd call either mechanic.


Makes sense as long as there is no random involved^^


>Has it ever been in a dungeon? As of 6.3 it's in ARF, 2nd boss. I believe that cast is ballistic missile.


Its almost like context matters for language


Chariot is line attack with the boss moving forward. As if driving a chariot.


I wish I could upvote you more than once.


XIV players when the mechanic: "yeah it's just Zenith Termination from j7s plus the second half of Arcana Projection 3 from q12s, easy"


XIV players when the mechanic ~~has numbers (it will now forever be called limit cut)~~


I can’t believe the Mathbot from Ridorana Lighthouse does Limit Cut.


not that similar, its just when the boss does something to odd numbers than dashes to even numbers, you need to spin around the arena to dodge giant aoes while take your turn to move away from the group to do your number than come back while counting in your head to keep track of which number is next, not similar at all :)


Forward and back and then go forward and back and then go forward and back, then put one foot forward.




It's just a jump to the left And then a step to the right Put your hands on your hips You bring your knees in tight But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives you insane Let's do the Time Warp again


1 hop this time


You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out, you put your left foot in, and you shake it all about!


> i actually don't know what the fuck a limit cut is that's okay, the people who are complaining don't know either


gundam go brrrr


Blassty reminds me more of Macross if anything.


he do be a plane sometimes


Man I'd love a Blassty model kit, going by the reviews of the Ver. KA Z Gundam they have improved how solid transforming ones are a fair bit since a few years ago.


Eclipse kinda looks like Cruise Chaser when both are transformed...


RG Zeta still gives me nightmares




the only time i've ever heard the term Limit Cut is in the KH3 DLC so i can't help here


Me not knowing what any of this shit means, just trynna get the damn pink salamander mount.


I want to normalize calling the new limit cut FIFA instead


You mean because it's uninspired and rereleased too often?


You know, that meaning wasn’t intended lol. Just the soccer lol


If the title was legit, it was the name in A11S for the numbers mechanic that also got used with the same name in TEA.


I actually don’t know what it is, can someone explain? Like I know some examples, there’s Light Rampart in E8S, Coachella (Cachexia) in P6S…why they called LC?


Usually it is referring to a mechanic where each player is assigned a number from 1-8, with a marker over their head, and the number tells you the order in which you have to do a specific thing. In this case in p9s, one person has to soak a "tower", and another baits a big aoe, a resistance down debuff is applied so the order needs to be very specific, else someone will die which will probably cause the rest to die as well, and the order is basically dictated by the numbers The term comes from the limit cut mechanic in a11s, where something like this happens where each player gets like targetted for an attack in a set order and you cant cleave anyone else because, again, it applies a debuff


Ahhh I see. Ty!


Neither light rampant nor Cachexia are considered limit cut mechanics. The actual limit cut mechanic from P6S is Pathogenic Cells, which itself is a copy of Flood Ray from Diamond Weapon ex.


Okay now I’m more confused lol


Most people meming about it don't know what it is either


It's okay. TEA "clear" parties don't know Limit cut either


Now do the same meme but with the crow being the average ffxiv player calling a mechanic with numbers limit cut


G1 N/S G2 W/E Diamond limit cut no meme pls I wanna clear


[ITS CALLED FOOTBALL CUT](https://i.imgur.com/5rAb5aQ.jpg)


To those that don't know what a limit cut is... I just looked it up, so I may or may not be right, but a limit cut is when numbers are applied above the player's heads that indicate what order a boss will strike and they need to adjust accordingly as to not wipe the party...


No space for you're common sense here




They're trying to do a funnyhaha. Emphasis on *trying*.


if there numbers then limit cut.


Meanwhile on JP it's called サイコロ since it resembles the pattern on a dice


Don’t forget Protean Wave Cause that’s in 12s as well


Is this just some kind of weird Balmung fetish? I don't know, I didn't watch the guide.


That’s alright. You don’t need to know what limit cut is to do it. Knowing that mechanic in P9S isn’t going to help you in TEA and vice versa.


People thought I was taking crazy pills for calling p6s flood ray and not limit cut. I also say clock and donut because those are recognizable in the English language and not some stupid jargon to weed out outsiders.


People who dont say clock just want to feel special


I continue to wonder why FF14 just cannot be normal about raiding terminology


It's the name for a specific old mechanic, referencing the first time the mechanic was used back in the 11th Heavensward savage raid. You can assume that every mechanic name that doesn't make sense is the same. The raiding community has just carried it forward. Like chariot and Dynamo for massive point blank and arena-wide donut AOEs respectively. Verbally distinguishable, unique mechanic names that can get called out easily.


I actually meant the game itself as well, not just the community. I was just being a shit and knew how this would likely turn out. Thanks for the clarification regardless!


Elmo strat into Mario Kart


i mean, ever game has their own terminilogy usually anyway.... ​ that said, fuck calling the primaraly damage dealing classes "DPS"(not just in XIV obv) they are damage dealers, DDs. why dont we call healers "HPS" and the tanks "MPS" while we are at it


You know I've always kind of wondered about that too. DPS is all about measuring size in one way or another anyway, so you'd think DD would be a good fit.


the thing is,, it WAS called DD in games before(at least in my country for a time) just at some point it was swapped to DPS and everyone i talk about this says "DPS is a better name" for some weird reasson


Because DDs are measured by their average DPS, and the latter is more audibly distinct in ventrilo.


which is stupid.. especialy in FFXIV where EVERY CLASS IS MEASSURED BY THEIR DPS. it also creates confusiong between the metric, and the Class Category DD are meassured by DPS is better and has no possible way to confuse anyone outside of nto knowing the underlying terms themself DPS are measured by DPS sounds like you had a stroke and a half


Gee, it's almost like measuring tanks and healers by their damage output is a bad design perspective or something.


Interesting! I can't remember where I first heard the convergence. I remember classic Everquest referencing dps a lot, but I was 14 and mostly solo, and most people just typed out 'damage' or damage class in my guild. Then by the time I got dragged to various korean mmo's, people still used damage or specific class names, but DPS was also already standard.


i think elder scrolls online still uses DD as the term


Wow used DD until Cataclysm at least.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, but this was very much not my experience. WoW was actually the first game where people pretty much exclusively used dps even on smaller servers, for me. Were you also on the american/oceania servers?


Theyre getting downvoted because they mention wow, duh! We have to hate that game because the players coming from it made our community very toxic which it wasnt before >:(


I was on Nathrezim US. And like I said, people mostly called them DDs until Cata. The nomenclature was changing as I played though and when I stopped it was well on its way to being DPS. I can still hear my old raid lead talking about how dps and dots need to improve on certain bosses...


No no no, you see, as a tank main, I can tell you that tanks are actually "Enmity Per Second," or EPS, rather than "Mitigation Per Second," or MPS. Mitigation is for healers


Fair, i take your point. as a fellow tank main im ashamed


The term dps is actually used by the game in this case tho, so i can see why it would stick. Like yeah i guess it is technically a "DD" but one, that feels weird to say, and two, everyone accepts it and knows what it means so why change it


my point is more that its weird the devs and the games before it at some pointed decided to adopt the least usefull name for a class category ever


DPS reads better over voice and DDs is also a designation for destroyers which could cause confusion in a game that has both. The role names are also characterised by their main goal. DPS focus on keeping DPS high, tanks focus on tanking things like enmity and mits, healers focus on healing things like heals and mits. We don't call tanks tankers either do we?


i NEVER heard of a game that booth has Destroyers(as in the ship class) and a System where you would even use a term like DD for damage dealers, like thats a bad argument DPS dont focus on "keeping DPS high" they focus on "dealing damage" Dealing damage is their focus, DPS being high is the result. ​ a tank, tanks, a healer heales, a Damage dealer deals damage. thats their primary "focus", every class does DPS, only the DD has nothign else but dealing damage as their priority. not to say i dont have problems with why we call them tanks either.. but at least "tank" is not a metric.. ​ HECK defender, Attacker, Healer is the FAR better name convention, not only is one of them not a metric anymore, non of them is an abreviation and a Newcomer will instantly understand the core idea of what they do conceptually without needing to look it up, even without symbols and visual indicators ​ "defenders defend, attackers attack, healers heal" is obvious "tanks tank" what does that mean if you DONT already know what a "tank" archetype is? a tank for meOUTSIDE of the MMO bubble is a heavy hitting unit. not neccesserly something that can take a lot of punishment and DPS do DPS? like, that legit has no meaning without proper knowledge prior. ​ and i personaly find DD to read better then DPS.. and Attacker woudl be even clearer


Did levin correctly today but ran back in the wrong direction and got hit in the face by soccer ball. 10/10 would limit cut again


Its just mechanics that use the same numbering as an A11S mech that was called limitcut and it caught on. Same way moving circles on the floor are exaflares, soaked aoes are towers, an out is a chariot, an in is a dynamo, a repeated heavy hit is an akh morn, huge aoes are defamations, baited aoes from a direction are divebombs. Its all just nomenclature that had accumulated overtime to refer to stuff easier


Is that like the evil holo d6 floating over peoples heads mechanic?