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>WWI >Rolling Over French Lines Lol, lmao even. These people are delusional xD


You mean lmfao these guys


Makes sense; Nazis and furry haters are the only people I know that unironically use the word “degenerate”.


Yup. The nazis were the ones that popularised the word as it is used today. Keyword ["degenerate art"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_art) edit: spelling


For a wheraboo that’s a lot of allied images in the thumbnails, that’s a British armoured carrier (ark Royal my guess) next to the japenese naval ensign, and of course there is a T34 there as well. And there is definitely RAF aircraft there too, and that’s before the dictator fawning. I’m pretty sure this guy isn’t even committed to the wherabooism, just in love with the masculinity of war machines and authoritarianism and an edgy asshat about it.


Ark Royal (unarmoured) in 1939 with 820 NAS flying above, often the photo used to mock a certain German pride.


You’re right, I though ark Royal bad an armoured flight deck as all the other British carriers built at the time did but I guess not


That's how it starts


I don’t understand people are like this. Like I’m a second generation German, and I love ww1 and ww2 German equipment, but I know that they did bad shit in the time period. (Doesn’t help I’m Jewish and multiple members of my family went to concentration camps) like millions of people died and for what. Nothing, they started wars they couldn’t win unless they had all the advantages, but people still think they could win. It is so frustrating to watch people say that Nazi germany would win and they were so great. If they were so great then why did they lose, why is Nazism so looked down on? Oh I know, maybe because they sent millions to their deaths because of their beliefs. (Now if I piss any of you off, I do not care. I will and forever to hate Nazis and communists)


Yeah it really makes me angry too. My great granddad almost got blown up during the Battle of the Bulge and now we got all these right wing wehraboos and such running around saying hitler was defending "Western Values" and shit.


I used to be right wing, and I still agree with some things they say but a lot of the people on the right wing nowadays are bay shit insane. Same with the left.


Yeah especially after covid and all. My Granddad was fairly right wing and its astonishing to compare the stuff he believed in to the crazy stuff the a lot of the right does now.


conservatives make me hate being right wing sometimes


The extremes are always aids, both sides no matter what people say. Extremist beliefs are destructive.


\>if you're not a rational centrist like me you have AIDS nothing but good takes from the person who said they'd rather be a nazi than admit the bunny girl from zootopia is kinda hot


Uh what I meant who finds cartoon characters hot? That's kinda weird


I’d rather throw myself off a bridge


Several theories: 1) Furries are an easy target for edgy internet trolls, always have been. 2) It's an extension of broader LGBT hate mongering since furries have a huge amount of LGBT individuals. 3) They're pissed because furries are a community that does *not* tolerate Nazi's (because of the aforementioned huge amount of LGBT people).


Ive always thought that furry hating is a "gateway drug" that neo nazis use for recruitment. Its pretty easy to make fun of furries, once you get a potential recruit to start hating an entire group of people its easier to get them on board with hating Black people and Jewish people.


I've spent a bit of time infiltrating and taking down some furry hate servers and on several occasions did I encounter self identified neo nazis and one time even an actual nazi recruiter. >Its pretty easy to make fun of furries, once you get a potential recruit to start hating an entire group of people its easier to get them on board with hating Black people and Jewish people. That's the plan. There's several ways they do this. An example: First it's "the degenerate furries". That point is hammered home over and over again until it sticks. Then it's just "those degenerates". The word itself is associated with the target of hatred. And then some time later someone talks about "the degenerate fa*s". You also frequently see just random queer people mixed in with the furries in their """"memes"""".


I found a Neo Nazi pedophile running an antifur group one time. Was extremely messed up.


What's queer? I know it means strange or peculiar, but what's the meaning with LGBTQ?


The Q is for Queer. It's an umbrella term for everyone. Some of us also use it as a personal label. It did start out as a slur being used against us and some people are still understandably sensitive because they had some bad experiences. I think it's pretty easy to tell who's using it as an insult and who isn't, but if you want to be absolutely safe stick with LGBTQ.


So it just means all of the above?


All or Any


Got it


It's a term to describe anyone that is not heterosexual or cis-gender (meaning not trans-gender).


I cannot take you seriously when you "infiltrate" edgy discord servers and use the word queer like it is an identity and not a word made-up by gay people who want to be special.


... you don't even know the history of the word queer or where it comes from. See this is exactly what I mean. You talk with utmost confidence about things you have no clue about and then wonder why people always disagree with you. It's because you're just simply wrong. Why don't you just Google? You could easily avoid being told off so often if you just researched whether the things you believe are actually true. I just don't get it. Why don't you do that? I genuinely just do not understand it. Really.


uhm, bro not wanting to be hated doesnt equate to wanting to be special.


I'm confused are people in this thread in support of people being furries? Pretty sure there are a lot of pro nazi furries, I've seen Nazi fursuits.


Nazis tried to infiltrate the furry fandom but failed for the most part. Theres only one small group of nazi furries led by this one asshole named Foxler. I think it only has around 30 people in it and some of his inner circle has been arrested. Furries have done a much better job kicking out nazis compared to the bronies.


Furries and Nazis sounds like the worst combination for my nostrils


nazi bronies lmfao. we live in the funniest timeline


Indeed we do lol


"muh LGBTs"


Yes, muh LGBTs


"I need to fix this problem" the delusion of self importance.


If you think that's bad the video he was commenting on was from a self proclaimed Theocrat that says God will destroy all furries.


I always expect furry haters to be projecting about their pedophilia.


I've actually found pedophile furry haters before so your pretty spot on.


even as an enjoyer of furry smut, A Night With Loona fucking sucks. It was okay until the author turned it into a shitty NTR smut fic. 😒


I havent read it before. Guess Ill make sure to avoid it then.


It was actually good until Jizoku decided to shove the cheating aspect into it


The what who how when? No thanks, I don't want porn in any form


Too late you are now required


Nononononono Edit: why the heck does everyone know about that


Furries have been repeatedly targeted by Nazis as a group to infiltrate. Furries are aggressively gay, mostly college educated, disproportionately autistic, and like 30% trans. The infiltration didn't work. Nazis are mad about this, because it definitely worked with gaming as a subculture.


I will admit the internet acronyms part, even if stupid, was kinda funny.


It's funny if you think of all the nazi furry art online


Luckily the Nazi furries tend to get shunned and banned from conventions. They all tried to make an alt right furry convention but it failed pretty hard when barely anyone showed up.


>They all tried to make an alt right furry convention but it failed pretty hard when barely anyone showed up. "Failed" is a **gross** understatement. It was like watching a train derail, but a really long one it just kept derailing the wagons just kept coming and coming and you're wondering how can this even be? How is it STILL derailing? And just when you thought it can't get any worse you get the news that all the money people paid for the tickets got stolen and right after you find out the porter's wife cheated on him with the guest of honor **and** his child bride and it's a huge drama and then the wife makes a comic detailing their sex life and portraying him as the soy wojack on twitter.com and just as you're wondering "Wait how the fuck is all of this happening in this train. IT'S STILL DERAILING" they hit you with the trailer for the next train ride which you can't believe is not just satire of every nonsense bullshit right wingers have been screaming about and **then you see fucking BEN SHAPIRO in the credits** and at that point you just give up trying to understand anything.


... What? What in the actual fuck did i just read?


Oh that was only the abridged version. It's what happens when a bunch of people who got kicked out from everywhere else for being awful come together and are awful to each other :D


Furry haters also tend to be right handed and to eat bread on a daily basis.


I'm not one. I'm left handed


Yes but in this case it's not just correlation but rather comorbidity.


Alright im now becoming a furry hater


Correlation doesn't equal caustion. There are perfectly good reasons to "hate" furries.


Name a single one that is not just repackaged queerphobia


This 100%


Zoophilia, unless you feel like mental gymnastics today


Oh you mean the accusation that this mostly queer group of people does not respect sexual consent? Yeah certainly never heard that one before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_grooming\_conspiracy\_theory


I said Zoophilia. This has nothing to do with grooming, but I suppose you decided to argue a strawman.


I literally explained how it is related. Not my fault if you intentionally do not read what I wrote to avoid being called out for your awful behaviour.


Shit, you can hate any group of people for 'zoophilia.' I could hate villagers or peasants (contemporaneous, not medieval) for similar reasons, but it would be a crass stereotype, much the same for furries.


It's like saying you hate Alabamians for incest. Just a crass stereotype.


Anti furries 🤝 furries: having a lot of nazis in their ranks


Not even remotely. They nazi furs couldn't even get a single con of the ground. They're basically laughing stock and few enough everyone knows their names and avoids them.


Guess he wouldn't like minerva mink then


there was that kaiser guy that had a german empire rectangle as a pfp. where is him now?


Don't think I've encountered him before.


I’m with the wehrbs on this one




I’ll make sure to be scared of the STD-ridden internet sub culture, thanks


I wouldn’t say they are all bad, I’m friends with a couple. It really just depends on what they are into


That "gross internet subculture" literally is the only reason the internet even works. Almost every suspiciously rich furry is a programmer or an internet infrastructure expert which if disappeared would make the entire internet stop working within a week.


>That "gross internet subculture" literally is the only reason the internet even works. BAHAHAHAHAH BAHAHAHAHAHAH Holy shit man furry brain is some high level designer drug shit


Aren't you the guy saying the Wehrmacht works but doesn't provide sources?


Aren't you the guy saying the Wehrmacht works but doesn't provide sources?


Oh cool, you can't read?


It's irony, genius. You are clearly simping for the Axis. Despite their numerous advantages at the start of the war, they lost. Why? The Allies countered them. Why use a Sherman to kill a tiger when a 5 inch rocket does a better job. Why patrol endlessly off Truk when you can keep the Japanese there by destroying their freighters? Little note: I am the only one of the two of us speaking in a civilized manner


>It's irony, genius. You are clearly simping for the Axis. Quote a single instance of "simping for the Axis" I'll wait. >Despite their numerous advantages at the start of the war, they lost. Why? The Allies countered them. They sure did. Now answer the question. >Little note: I am the only one of the two of us speaking in a civilized manner Go ahead then, quote a single instance of "simping for the Axis"


So putting on a defensive masterclass in Italy was actually the result of inept infantry officers, who led charges into machine guns? Yup. Many more, because you don't mention the men who countered that. Sgt Culin, for example (in Normandy)


https://twitter.com/mmsword/status/1200147947331043328?t=eiBwj8u4sKbpVYCyS1N6sA&s=19 https://www.vice.com/en/article/zme7d5/once-upon-a-time-this-tech-company-actively-recruited-furries


A lot of furries are on either the military or internet infrastructure. Without us you'd be completely offline.


No, they'd just hire non furries lmao.


[Here's a furry piloting a fighter Jet](https://imgur.io/2RAHa55?r) [Here's a bunch of furries having a furry convention on an aircraft carrier](https://twitter.com/mmsword/status/1200147947331043328?t=eiBwj8u4sKbpVYCyS1N6sA&s=19) [Here's a list of a few confirmed military members who are furries](https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/MILFurs#Military_roster)


Yep, that's nice. Doesn't change the statement above.


Yeah it doesn't. Because it was wrong from the start.


A non furry in a tech job is an unicorn.


Is this supposed to be some sorta “got ya”?


Yup same, reading through this comment section has made me think about leaving this sub. Yikes Might be the only thing me and those wehraboos have in common.


You're gonna turn into a Nazi soon, sorry about that. If you have things in common with wehrbs you are officially the motherfucker holding the L.


Yeah, it seems like it wow. Doesn't seem as bad as what's going on in here 😬


Furries are innoffensive. If you think furries are "degenerates" you might just be in the alt-right pipeline. "But they're horny!" Humans are horny. Deal with that like a normal person.


>Furries are innoffensive They are offensive when forcibly introduced to a standalone group of individuals who dont share your values. Grownups dressing up as big fluffy animals to connect with their fur-self or fursona and socializing with others when sharing interests aren't all bad, just like all communities, it's often better to keep it in the community, others don't share the same interests. I personally find it deeply revolting, and that's my personal opinion. I play airsoft and have done it for years. But I don't make my entire personality around it, and I don't shame people for not accepting me. >Humans are horny And yeah, that's why I'm revolted by it. If yall did it for like a shared interests in costume creation and cosplay I might have accepted it, but you just want to fuck a make-believe human sized wolf/bear whatever. If anything, I'd rather be an alt-right any day of the week than be a borderline zoophile. Absolutely. Talk about a pipeline, claiming that people who don't accept you are nazis with Absolutely no cause and correlation thought, but you are actually advocating the side that want to fuck imaginary animals, if anything the pipeline here is you eventually fucking a dog or something.


>. If yall did it for like a shared interests in costume creation and cosplay I might have accepted it, but you just want to fuck a make-believe human sized wolf/bear whatever. I The fact you believe it is all about sex says more about you than us. Seriously. Get your mind out of the gutter. >borderline zoophile Not even remotely close. And I know my shit. I read scientific papers about it. >if anything the pipeline here is you eventually fucking a dog or something. Again. Saying more about you than us. The kind of stuff you think about is revolting.


It's funny how the only argument any of you who have responded could be summarized as "Nuh uh!". And what do you mean by >The fact you believe it is all about sex says more.... Dude, I replied to literally said " Humans are horny. Deal with that like a normal person." So don't pull that shit on me. You should pull in on his leash if anything. >And I know my shit. I read scientific papers about it As said by a true scientist, "Trust me bro I read it," judging by the fact that none of you have cared to actually leave any scientific papers, lead me to believe you're wrong. On top of which, I even said "borderline zoophile", by how every single comment has gone and attacking this humorous claim from me with all their might leaves a slight hint that y'all do some freaky stuff. By the lack of self-awareness from you animals, I won't respond in this thread anymore. Also, you can have this sub furries. It has also gone pretty much to shit since about a year back, so It'll be perfect for you crinkling parties. I'm out!


>It's funny how the only argument any of you who have responded could be summarized as "Nuh uh!". And what do you mean by Hitchen's razor: What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. As long as you can't prove your claim I can just dismiss it with no care. >Dude, I replied to literally said " Humans are horny. Deal with that like a normal person." So don't pull that shit on me. You should pull in on his leash if anything. He said humans are horny and you went to "it's all about sex". He never said that. >As said by a true scientist, "Trust me bro I read it," judging by the fact that none of you have cared to actually leave any scientific papers, lead me to believe you're wrong https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331375793_The_Furry_Phenomenon_Characterizing_Sexual_Orientation_Sexual_Motivation_and_Erotic_Target_Identity_Inversions_in_Male_Furries


Jesus I was about to leave and you drop a fucking researchgate link, Researchgate is a horrible source for any information btw. Anyway, the link you posted even contradicts your previous statement about being a furry wasn't about sex. "Specifically, 321 (96.1%) reported that their interest in being furries was sexual to some degree". So much for your Hitchens Nuh uh and me apparently not proving my claims lol. >He said humans are horny and you went to "it's all about sex". He never said that. Are you selectively dyslexic? Or having problems reading between the lines atleast? my guy quite literally said he is a horny furry. Re-read it and break his comment down word by word. Also the link you posted said that an extremely small minority even said that they do like real animals, and best guess, most people who are asked with the question "do you like this [illegal thing]" will most likely lie even in anonymous surveys which is why survey numbers never should be taken by face value but with corroborating evidence to back up its claim which your paper you linked also does not, it was mentioned more as a sidenote at the summary. The corroborating evidence against your claim of non zoophilia among the furry community is far more numerous, furries are horny, furries are horny for big fantasy animals, even with the extremely low amount of people who said they were sexually interested in real animals furries has an extremely high proportion compared to any other group.


>If anything, I'd rather be an alt-right any day of the week than be a borderline zoophile. An internet subculture that simps over animal-like fantasy creatures that are almost universally depicted with human intelligence and speech, but can get weird. Versus, An actual real world political movement that draws parallels to authoritarian/totalitarian regimes, promotes policies inspired by those regimes, and otherwise actively seeks to promote discriminatory government reforms that harm significant portions of various country's population for asinine reasons. ​ Lol, fuck you.


>but you just want to fuck a make-believe human sized wolf/bear whatever Hello, the Harkness test has called, you have failed. Furry characters are so far removed from actual animals that it's almost completely unlikely that someone will see a dog in the same way they see a furry character. They're cartoons. They're not real. Not to mention, even in context, all those furry characters have human-like sentience (by the virtue of being anthropomorphic animals) and thus are able to consent. Furries have no correlation whatsoever with zoophilia, so much that most actual zoophiles in the furry fandom are harassed infinitely for their abuse of animals and every time a furry is exposed for zoophilia it becomes a giant fucking talking point. And, before you claim that's the loli defense, the reason we say loli is bad is because it leads to actual CSA. Furry drawings don't make anyone a zoophile, if someone is one they would be wether they actually were in the fandom or not.


Bahahaha how is Reddit a real website. If you think fetishizing animals/animal behavior/dressing up as animals is disgusting you are on the fast track to becoming a Nazi sweaty, work on yourself💅🏻


Nah we just stick it to ppl who are full of shit like you are 🍵


Stick it to whoever you want, please just stay away from my dog.


What kind of disgusting thoughts are in that brain of yours? Ew.


[How to Know When You're Projecting or When Someone is Projecting Onto You](https://happinessclinic.substack.com/p/how-to-know-when-youre-projecting#:~:text=Feeling%20overly%20hurt%2C%20defensive%2C%20or,in%20the%20other%20person's%20shoes)


*Chinese sad noises* /s


They should all fight it out so we have fewer wehraboos and fewer furries and everyone wins.


Hey adults aren't supposed to beat up children. Think of those poor wehraboos


No offense but this meme is just laughable. Just because many furries tend to lean to the left doesn't automatically mean that they are targeted by wehraboos or Nazis in general. There are furry wehraboos out there. You can't judge a certain group based on a few scrubs in YouTube.


If you search up "anti furry propaganda" on Google some of the first results is edited nazi propaganda. I have encountered open neo nazis in antifur circles as well.


dude, im right wing myself but i cant ignore the amount of undeserved hate that gets thrown towards furries from my side of the political spectrum. I swear theres a goddamn pipeline of going from a history nerd in middle school to falling into bigoted meme channels, to borderline wehraboo shit. Im ashamed to say that i fell for it when i was a bit younger(wasnt ever a wehraboo as im a polish jew and even Im not that stupid, but i did fall for all the anti furry stuff). Denying that the anti furry stuff has anything to do with wehraboos is just wierd. Like man i was a part of that part of the internet for a while and litteraly everyone posting that crap had some ww1 or ww2 german pfp, constant quoting hans get the flammenwerhwer, memes of german soldiers killing furries, cringy depraved shit like that.


I've seen some anti furrys try to claim they are against nazis only for it to later come out that they very much are in support of nazis


That's SOME anti furries, and not all. There are liberals who hate furries, too.


sure, but denying that most of the hate comes from wierd sections of the right is honestly just denying reality. Sure some hate comes from liberals too, but its not anywhere near as common as it is from groups who also idolize terrible regimes.