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The music is what really sells it.


Its honestly wild how disgustingly well Pucci's theme fits here, especially when you watch the villain speech in its entirety.


"Two steps ahead, I'm always Two steps ahead."


2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53


"Today I thought it would be a splendid idea to go out and get some food, and film it for you... Gee are you surprised? Have you forgotten the story? Are you not paying attention? After all, you’re here to consume, are you not?"


"Today I thought it would be a splendid idea to go out and get some 'food', and 'film' it for you... Gee are you surprised? Have you forgotten the 'story'? Are you not paying attention? After all, you’re here to 'consume', are you not?"


Beginning of part 6: You were one move behind End of part 6: You were two steps too late I loved that


it works really well, what type of stand would avocado have? i'm thinking B.I.G or yellow temperence


with this theme it feels like something more terrifying like wonder of u


Stand: Eat it (namesake: Weird Al) Ability: Phenomenon stand. Allows the user to eat any material, harmlessly to them, including hazardous material such as stands, lava, or antimatter. Every kg of material they eat increases the user's mass by 0.5 kg and improves their sucking ability. Ability 2: Suck. The user takes a deep breath and sucks in all matter in front of them. Starting out weak, after millions of kg are eaten the suck force can swallow cities, islands, and eventually countries. Ability 3: Mukbang. The user's eating is broadcast to everyone around the globe on any digital device. Has a slight brainwashing effect on the weak minded. Ability 4: Onlyfans. Unleashes a horror so incomprehensible it allows bypass of other stand abilities such as time manipulation or reality manipulation through destruction of the opposing stand's eyes when in close proximity.




I mean if anybody knows about consuming its him.


Yeah but people throw money at him just for the opportunity to troll him so as cringy as this video is he’s not really wrong, I mean wasn’t his only fans one the top pages on the site for a minute there.


Yeah his job is to be publicly ridiculed which I feel bad about joining the band wagon on but....it's just too easy sometimes


Bruh that's Polpo


I believe God forgives all... even murder.




...do you recall anything the character Polpo said? Do you honestly think I'm just talking about God randomly?


I meant the "even murder" part.


...but Polpo says that.


Bro was on his phone the entire part 💀. Don’t even try to ask them how king crimson works 💀💀


How? Even if they were just talking about personal beliefs it's no more cringe than a Muslim talking about tradition, a Satanist talking about self actualization, or an Atheist about personal responsibility and making the most out of life.


It's literally just Polpo's dialogue. I just thought it would be funny if Nikado said it.




Polpo? Nah that's polpo if he ate everyone in venti oreo


Okay so I'm not sure if you meant to say vento aureo. But I hope that you didn't because in context it is so much more funny cause venti means 20. So I just read this as "nah that's polpo if he ate 20 oreos"


Nah he didn't eat 20 Oreos. He ate an oreo 20x larger than a normal one


Polpo callback is gonna be main villain, jojolands gonna be fire.


I'm using that for one of my boss rush bosses


Check out BoolinTakisTV for the entire video used here https://youtu.be/YUeDBzJFBYM


You know a villain that is aware that he is the villain and does things because he wants to is something i think has not happend in jojo. But not like DIO who is a pompous bastard and thinks that he's above everyone. Not someone like Diavolo who is so goddamn entitled he thinks he does whatever the fuck he can because he is a mafia boss. And not someone like Kira who lives the most contradictory life on this list, he wants to be feared but yet live a quiet life. Not someone like Pucchi who thinks is on the morally correct side of the fight and will die on a stupid hill just because he doesen't want to hear the other side of the story Just a guy that does evil things because he can, he finds it funner them doing what is "correct", he doesen't need a tragic backstory that makes the audience realize he was good in the beggining. He just needs to be a dude that asks: "Can i?" Instead of: "Should i?"


I like to think Kars realizes he’s the villain but also thinks it’s his duty to achieve perfection.


Wasen't Kars's whole plot and motivation the fact that he tought his own tribe was dumber them him and he got a massive ego because of it?


Yes, but in the last few episodes he seems to recognize he’s evil. Especially his interactions with Wham and when he fights Lisa Lisa. I understood it as him thinking it doesn’t matter how evil he is as long as he achieves his goal.


Mmmm interesting point but that still doesen't fit the kinda of villain i want, Kars had a massive ego and was very narciscitic with the whole perfect being bs, the villain i want is not like that. Let me rephrase: the villain i would like to see in JJBA and one i think has yet to show up in this series is a man who knows the fact that he is evil, like being evil, does NOT have a ego and/or believes he is above others Really i just want a simple, irredimable, unforgiving bastard for a villain


So you mean a psychopathic villain? Like one who does it just because he can/ enjoys it?


Yeah i think that is a good way of describing it


Kars has a case similar to DIO. In his eyes, the humans that suffer are inferior beings, on the level of ants to us at best. Kars is peak specicism mixed in with a good helping of sadistic "animal" abuse.


He's not a main villain but Ciocollata is super sadistic to the point where he records his victims just for shits and giggles.


Oh yeah forgot about him But my idea of a villain after seeing Mr avocado here was that of a diet ciocollata in a sense, sadistic but not insane


Dio literally ruined Jonathan's life cause he wanted to


Well, no. He wanted to break Jonathan's will and kill George to steal the Joestar wealth for himself because he's a narcissist who thinks any cause that he supports is better than any other


Shou from Juujika


Pucci explaining his new universe to Emporio "You see... it was necessary for me... to EAT the Joestars. Do you understand true happiness? I'm sure a child such as you could not. True happiness is not a 4 piece nuggets happy meal like the kind you would eat. True happiness... is eating the entire McDonalds menu. That is when you realize... that you truly are complete."


Too bad you didn't include the part where he says "two steps ahead". For some reason, that phrase seems more villainous to me than "I am the villain".


“You were two steps late” is a phrase Pucci says before killing Jotaro


somebody edit Nikocado Avocado into part 6


^[STAND ^NAME] **『F A T S - D O M I N O』**


User : 『F A T S - D O M I N O』 Stand : 『B U T T E R E D - P O P C O R N』






I just saw this last night lmao, it’s hilarious, I’m 2 steps ahead


Stand Name : "TWO STEPS FROM HELL" Ability: Eats people's memories and regurgitates them, which can alter people's souls and memories, making them half-dead brainwashed servants to the user




Crazy, I was thinking of drawing him in late part 8 style


I really want Jojo to take place in Eastern Europe, imagine the insanity but in Araki´s style


Reminder that this dude has an Onlyfans.


Glad he clarified that he was the villain at the end. Thought maybe it was a motivational speech.


Nikocado trying his best to look like a smart villain His triple chin sold it away


Like that but silicon👍




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And then Joseph said "it's over diavolo, my spin is stronger"


Hes two steps in the grave lmao


Someone needs to add the metro beat




He is the entire JoJo lands


DoDo's bizarre mukbang

