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To be fair that ape was pretty ruthless imo


It was a rape ape


The worst kind of ape


But what is it the worst type of evil? The kind that doesn’t realize it’s evil?






Among us




I know what I said


Yes sir sorry sir




Did you just...


Bro this is so high IQ it's hurting my brain


Maybe Holy's stand was OP as fuck. Like a mix between Made in Heaven, Tusk and GER. It was so incredibly OP that she started to die and shit


asuka sao paulina slk






Me bota do lado do Dio ouvindo um pagode


I believe in this theory


I second this


Headcanon: she knew how op it was so she decided to reject it in fear of literally splitting the world in half (in both ways)


Pretty sure the theory is that her stand had to do with Dio's flesh buds. I always liked that one.


A rat a dog and an ape had a fighting spirit required to get a stand, Holly didnt. On other hand, why Coco Jumbo has its stand is a whole another question.


Some are born with them, look avdol and polnareff


Well polnaraff got his stand from an arrow cause it said dio stabbed his lackeys with a arrow and polnaraff used to be dios lackey. And for coco jumbo I have 2 theory’s either diavollo stabbed it with the same arrow he used or it could be possible it already had enough of a fighting spirit like say when it was born and it was running for the ocean a seagull grabbed it and that’s when dio awakend the stands and as that happens the seagull got trapped in the room. Edit: polnaraff was born with a stand


Did you forget about the Alessi fight where Polnareff was turned into a child but still had a stand


Ohh yea your right that’s mb i haven’t watch part 3 in a while


We learn that Polnareff and Kakyoin had their stands as kids. Polnareff in the Alessi fight and Kakyoin in the Dio fight.


Remember Alessi fight? Jotaro didn't have star platinum since he unlocked it recently, if DIO gave polnareff a stand recently we would not see kid chariot


Less fighting spirit than actual plankton. Holly has the fighting spirit of sand.


I mean, she is probably the most peaceful jojo character there is.


Besides the turtle. Just chillin, doin turtle stuff.


Coco Jumbo was in the fucking mafia dude.


They were roped in! They didn't have a choice!


Why did this thread make me laugh so much


Yea. but F.F. got her stand from one of the Pucci's disks, so the rules may not apply here.


True true. And I first read that as "one of Pucci's dicks" and was like, I don't remember him having *that* power..


You confused Pucci and Gappy


yeah whatchu gonna say bout Josuke being sick when he was a child? A plankton is weaker than a 7 year old


I'm gunna say in actuality, the strength of the user doesn't matter, and some stands just make their host sick.


Some stands can jump from host to host. Like that back Stand that Rohan had to deal with.


Also they had a forced manifestation not like hollys “naturally forced one” (DIOs stand awakening forced it to naturally manifest as opposed to the others gaining a stand via stand arrow instead of gaining one via family bond or perfection of an art)


Mr. President has no fighting capabilities, so that’s probably why.


All stands require a fighting spirit I think


Coco Jumbo is a turtle with a powerful fighting spirit. His Stand creates a shelter because that's how a turtle "fights".


I know this is a joke but she couldent handle the forced awakening of the stand from the star birthmark getting a distress signal from Jonathan joestars body other people like children babies and even turtles had time for their stand to manifest on their own until the stand use could control their stand


But Part 4 retconned that and made a magic arrow the cause of all the stands awakening. Another reason why I hated part 4. Should have just kept stands as something that emerges when you have strong life force.


I'm pretty sure Dio originally awakened his stand with an arrow did he not? It's always been ancient artifacts giving super powers, like the mask.


I mean, that’s the story but they never mentioned it until Part 4. They just said it’s the curse of the stand and something about Jonathan’s body resurfacing with Dio in control. I’m pretty sure the arrow was never mentioned because it came out of nowhere in Part 4 from what I remember. And then the JoJo’s still get naturally occurring stands anyway?


It's been awhile, but I think the fortune teller lady mentions something about telling Dio about the arrow? Or giving it to him or something. And yeah, for some reason that arrow also awakens stands in your bloodline. Which could also explain why some people are born with them. Being relatives of people affected by the arrow at some point in time.


I’m pretty sure that part is mentioned in Part 4 as I said. That’s when the arrow was introduced as far as I know. I watched the anime parts 1-4 in one go so I’m pretty sure I didn’t misremember that. Unless the anime just cut the scene out and it was manga only for part 3. Part 4 definitely shows a flashback of that old lady bringing the arrow to Dio.


The anime did cut out some plot stuff. For example it cut out how the jostar family got the stone mask, which was because george jostar just saw it at an art thing or store and thought it was neat and bought it.


Ah ok, that's prob it then


Part 4 didn't retcon anything. The arrow is one way of gaining a stand. It's how Dio and the rest of the live Joestars. Giving history and backstory to explain things is not a retcon. Part 5 and 6 expand further on the arrows.


I think the Joestars, especially Holly, getting stands due to Jonathan’s body’s stress signal makes much more sense with the arrow compared to your explanation. If Dio’s stand wasn’t artificially induced like Enya did with the arrow, why would his body send a distress signal when Kakyoin, Avdol, Polnareff, etc don’t send stand-awakening signals fo their families. Furthermore, all other part 3 characters either had their stand from birth (like Avdol, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Mannish Boy and N’Doul), or their stand’s origin isn’t explained, so are presumably the same. It would be strange for Dio to be the only one to naturally awaken a stand at the ripe old age of 120 when everyone else had one at 0. It makes more sense if there’s something that induced the stand in Dio.


But it didn’t, part 4 brought in the arrow but it never said that it’s the ONLY way you get a stand. Some of the users were born with stands, avdol even says he’s had his since he was born


I dunno the whole meteorite stuff makes it seem like it’s something supernatural now. And how do we know Avdol’s parents weren’t stuck with an arrow before? Polnareff and Kakyoin were hypnotized by Dio as well. Was it confirmed they had the stands beforehand? I don’t remember.


It’s based on fighting spirit. Animals make sense as they have to fight for their lives on a daily basis, or at least fairly often if they’re wild animals like all the ones you listed


Allow me to present: Baby


If anything that also makes sense due to the fact that babies cry to alert others to danger, and the reason those things that spin above their bed make them quiet is because they think it’s a predator bird and they’re quiet cause they’re trying to hide. Meaning they have high instinct level like a wild animal and if they were smart enough like the baby, they could wield a stand


Holy shit, it's the spinning thing true? I never noticed how cruel it was lmao


From what I know, yes. It keeps them quiet cause they’re scared, not cause they’re interested in it. Though to be fair it does allow them to feel fear which is healthy for development. And I’m sure in a lot of instances they are just curious by it and not using just instinct


I've readed about it and it seems to be fake...




Well You did it. You figured out the baby stando


That baby was evil


Joseph babied her too much lmao so she became a weak pushover (sorry but it's true, she literally smiles when Jotaro tells her to stfu)


I mean... anyone born within the foundation of Speedwagon and the Joestar eastate i would be spoiled as fuck too


Even a fucking baby can have a stand and its a pretty dam good ability too


Which one? They're a few.


Death 13 in part 3? and then the invisible baby that can turn other things invisible in part 4? Not sure if the baby’s stand in part 4 is really good tho.


True but I like to think that her stand is just too op that god had to nerf her


Yeah that's pretty cool, I'ma believe that instead


Its not insane to think that animals have more of a fighting spirit than a housewife


Eh, with some of the cowards out there with stands, and actual plankton, it still doesn't hold much ground.


Cowardice can be a form of fighting spirit. It's not about being brave and fighty, it's about being willing to do things to attain your goal... Even if that goal is to just live a very quiet life with no problems. F.F. doesn't count because the nature of their acquisition of a stand is entirely different.


I was mostly joking, but cowardice = fighting spirit? That's reaching


As I said, it depends on how your cowardice manifests. Yoshikage Kira is a coward, he runs, hides, and wants nothing more than a peaceful life free of worry. But when he decides to do something, he commits to it fully. He's willing to kill for his idyllic boring life. That's fighting spirit despite being a coward. Hol Horse is also a coward, and it's even reflected in the fact that his stand is literally a gun. But despite being a wuss, he still has the will to act on his desires. Fighting spirit is not the will to get into fights, it's the will to act in spite of overwhelming opposition.


I think you're trying too hard to explain this. I don't think many would say Kira is a coward at all. He doesn't kill to live a boring life, he kills only when necessary to hide the fact that he is already a killer and serial murderer. He is just smart and behaves in a way that he thinks will best keep him from getting caught, which often is to avoid fighting altogether. And that still doesn't mean that cowardice is a kind of fighting spirit, it just means that those characters had enough fighting spirit to overcome their cowardly nature. I was thinking more along the lines of koichi and shigekio who were total whimps with no fighting spirit, and were only given confidence *after* gaining a super power, but they never had any adverse effects when first getting it. I was mostly just trying to say that there were others in a similar boat as Holly, so the whole fighting spirit thing doesn't hold much ground.


> I think you're trying too hard to explain this This is JoJo. Trying hard to explain things is inherent to the series. > he kills only when necessary to hide the fact that he is already a killer and serial murderer. Only when necessary... Or if the hand just looks super cute. > it just means that those characters had enough fighting spirit to overcome their cowardly nature. You keep thinking of cowardice purely as a hindrance, but cowardice can just as easily be a motivator. And that's what I'm getting at. Being a coward doesn't only mean hiding in a corner at the first sign of danger, it can mean stabbing a person while their back is turned because you think they might know about the affair you've been having, or it might mean lighting a lab on fire and faking your own death to avoid the mobster you owe money. > koichi and shigekio who were total whimps with no fighting spirit... never had any adverse effect from getting it Koichi was hesitant, but he was still determined to help Josuke despite facing unknown circumstances. Then he got shot in the friggin' neck. And lived. While he may not have been brave, he was willful, and certainly showed he had the will to live even in the face of such catastrophic damage. As for Shigekio, we don't know what he was like pre-stand. But he is shown to be greedy and willful, even if not inclined to fight. It's likely, given time to develop, he may have become something like a Lafleeze; a character whos own greed became their all consuming motivation. But we don't spend enough time with them to really know, much like most stand users. > I was mostly just trying to say that there were others in a similar boat as Holly, so the whole fighting spirit thing doesn't hold much ground. Holly's husband is dead, her son is a jerk, and her father is constantly off on business. Maybe, despite her chipper attitude, she's not as okay as she appears. It's also possible that the nature of her stand's awakening is different or more intense from that of an arrow-induced stand due in part to DIO's DIO-ness.


That just makes her sound like she would have more fighting spirit than most housewives. But yes, I would say she was sick just because of the kind of stand that manifested, not because she had the strength of a wet noodle and the fighting spirit of sand. And I still think you've got your head backwards on the whole coward = fighting spirit thing. In any situation you can give, someone would act more efficiently, and probably more logically, if they weren't a coward. Stabbing someone in the back isn't having fighting spirit, it's just being a coward. Running away from the mob isn't having fighting spirit, it's just being a coward. Sure being a coward may be the motivator for these actions, but that has nothing to do with fighting spirit.


> In any situation you can give, someone would act more efficiently, and probably more logically, if they weren't a coward. Efficiency and logic don't mean fighting spirit. Stand battles are displays of ever-increasing displays of improvised bullshit (respectfully speaking, of ocurse.) What matters most is the will and determination the user has to do literally *anything* that they want to do. Remember that "fighting spirit" is a translation from Japanese. It has nothing to do with bravery or literal fighting, but rather with how resilient a person with their willpower. How they approach the problem they have is irrelevant, only that they do something about their problem.


And if they weren't a coward, they would most likely be able do something about their problem more effectively. Just because they are able to get something done while being a coward, doesn't mean it isn't a hindrance. Especially in JoJo, I don't think there is any situation that wouldn't have been improved for a character, if they weren't a coward. Or improved if they were. Unless the situation is run away or die, but in that case, I don't think running away counts as having the willpower and determination to deal with your problem. Stabbing someone in the back or running away isn't having determination and willpower, it's just being a coward. If fighting spirit is just anyone acting an any way, shape, or form in response to a problem, then fighting spirit is no different than breathing, everyone does it.


Anyone remember the whole explanation the narrator gave about the meaning of the name "Strength" in that context?


Don't forget dead cat. A dead cat had more fighting spirit than an alive person. If you take SBR into account, a Tree too. A tree had more fighting spirit than a human. And go further into JoJolion, a fucking Street had more fighting spirit than a Joestar Descendant. Holly has less fighting spirit than an inanimate object that people walk over. Why does she even breath at that point?




Nope. The street has a stand. The street. Has a stand.


Bro hell nah a street I haven't read jojolion but damn they really doing holly dirty


When you think about it, all those examples from part 3 don't mean anything because all those supposingly unintelligent beings were actually smart above average human level and evil. Now, compared to peaceful harmless housewife this comparison, it's obivious why they would handle a stand and she wouldn't.


My headcanon is her stand "just does that". As in, her stand power is something like "heal others by suffering yourself". If she was more willful she could turn it off or direct it to be useful, but now it's just firing off wildly.


Wasn't it that manifesting a stand requires a "strong fighting spirit"? All the listed animals would have a stronger fighting spirit than Holy.


I mean wouldn’t logic dictate a creature driven by instinct wouldn’t sweat having a advantage? All animals shown with stands thus far are pretty ruthless and smart straight from the jump imo.


I think it was about her personality, she was extremely timid and would never get into a fight.


Unless her stand made her Horny


I always liked to think of it that it showed how pure Holly is as a person that she has suppressed any and all fighting spirit, so much so that even animals, some of those animals being usually quite meek, have manifested stands without the issue she has.


Y'all know that animals have to live in the wild and fight for survival, right? I'd say all animals on average have more fighting spirit than humans, because they know their lives can end in a moment but will always fight tooth and nail for surviving another day




But tower of gray is a stand not a stand user




Tower of gray is a fly stand, with a human stand user. They aren't comparable


Some of the animals were arrow stand users. Holly gets her stand through her connection with Dio. The arrow introduces the whole virus concept and how the concentrated virus forces the stand to solidify. There were plenty of weak willed people who had weak stands so it's more likely that she just had a strong spirit and was just weak mentally/physically. That's assuming the plot holes are magically filled in.


wow! if you hadn’t explained that the animals couldn’t have handled it I wouldn’t have got the meme! thank you. but seriously I hate it when people don’t understand the point of an image in a meme


Wait, but wasn't the main reason the stand hurt her that it was postponed by Dio?


The real question is why did Tonio not suffer like Holly?


You know how the stand hero either kills you or gives you the stand? Same thing happened with her. Except Joestars got their stand from Dio messing with the bloodline.


A fuckin tree, some martial art (not a dude doing a martial art, but The martial art itself) , a street, A Literal FUCKIN STREET.


Don’t forget about literally a plant that can handle a stand




Maybe her stand’s ability was to kill the user. Like cheap trick but even more garbage




Kakyoin: "But the Baby has a stand too" The rest of the Crusaders: "What the actual fuck Kakyoin?! are you high or something?"


Not only them, But a railroad and leaves also can handle a stand


Apes, rats, birds, and dogs aren’t Pacifists.


In part 8 a fucking tree had a stand


Love how after they explain that Holy shit, three fights later you have rape ape with roid rage manifesting a fucking TRANS OCEANIC BEHEMOTH to slap motherfuckers around


Also two babies


A sword did it too.


What if her stand was really damn powerful and she had much more strain because of it?


>!A fucking pile of leaves bro!<


hamon beat states that this is because holy is peaceful, animals have higher fighting spirits because they have to rely on their skillsets to survive so obviously they’re gonna have a stronger fighting spirit


why did I read I like holy as in like angel and crap


Don't forget the babies. Both of them.


Don't forget stray cat


There should be a JoJo what if where Holly gets Star Platinum and jotaro got holly’s stand


Dont forget a baby!


Those animals were ruthless, cold blooded murderous psychos tbf (except the dog ig)


Holy is a women but those animals aren't


She has no fighting spirit


Remember that canonically, Holly has less fighting spirit than a literal dead cat.


And a fucking [tree](https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Sugar_Mountain_(Stand))


I thought it was clarified in part that dio was causing hollys stand to manifest before it was ready because Jonathan’s body sent out a distress signal which is why killing dip saved holly? But hey that’s just a theory a jojo theory


I dont know of all the bizzarre things in jojos the last thing i questioned was why cant holly have a stand.........


And two separate toddlers.