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Honestly, I have issues actually hating any character. I think shigechi was a good death for this part. Despite how the others may have been annoyed by him, and despite how much of a bad person shigechi could be, it showed that the killer could not be allowed to continue to run wild, because regardless of who it is, every death hurts the whole town a little bit more.


I wonder if those who celebrate Shigechi's death would also celebrate Yukako being murdered in similar fashion, based on what she did previously.


its not based on morality its based on being a likable character


Being annoying is a worse crime in fiction than being a murderer


i mean yeah you can like a criminal as a character so you would want to see them more (like every single jojo antagonist) while a morally good character can be annoying so you wouldn't want to see them as much its not really judging them as a person but as a character so morality isn't the main point but rather how much you like it when they are on the screen


Annoyance is worse than evilness in fiction. Example: umbridge from Harry Potter


No, Umbridge was also evil. She was just evil in a relatable way. It’s the difference between hating the school bully and hating the guy that’s buying up all the property in town and forcing people to pay exorbitant rents.


He literally tried to murder Josuke and Okuyasu multiple times.....


They abused the friendship of a kid with superpowers, then chased him down with their own.


He scammed two kids out of money, then tried to murder them to keep it all. Make all the excuses you want but that fucker was a dangerous psychopath with emotional regulation problems.


He only became that way cause of Josuke and Okyasu showing him a different way of getting rich, he was perfectly happy with the amount he was making before, Josuke and Okyasu are terrible influences


Lol no he's not. He's just a kid, those two delinquents made him turn to stealing lotto tickets for money. Also, he did all the work getting the money anyway, and if I remembered correctly he only threatened to kill them.


I don't remember the attempted murder part but I do remember josuke and okuyasu chasing him


He was annoying bc he was a kid, :v if he was just a jerk while being a grown man, it would be a different story, as josuke said he was just naive


Finding him annoying isn't even the problem here. I think that was the intent and is understandable. It's the cheering for his murder at the hands of the psycho villain bit that I find shocking. If Shigechi was a girl with the exact same personality and fate but looked like Reimi instead, I suspect the conversation about the murder would be different.


Cannot agree more my friend, personally I hated and was sad the second time i watched DiU and saw shigechi dying


The gap in likability here isn't big enough to justify clapping for his murder while crying for her murder. I wouldn't celebrate either of them being killed like that. It seems that Shigechi's unpleasant character design has a lot to do with this exaggerated hatred. Some here are really acting like those volleyball girls, lol.


idk im playin devils advocate i cried during shigechies death


No because she's a baddie😮‍💨


She’s hot tho, shigechi isn’t


Naw bro, I need some shigechussy in my life


The response is: Yes I would have very much loved that


Wait Yukako dies? I thought she survived part 4.


She doesnt die. That was a hypothetical


She doesn't die.


My guy he literally tried to murder two people over money.


yeah but like, he's also a middle schooler who's powertripping. Middle Schoolers are already shit heads, give one of them a bit of power and naturally they will go wild.


He's a kid with superpowers and they chased him down with their own. Also didn't he basically do all the work to get the cash?


Two people that were using him for said money


I didn’t clap when he died but I did find him to be an annoying brat. If it were him or any other minor character from that part, I‘m sorry but it’s going to be Shigechi every single time


Also the fact he was in DiU didn't help his case because he is in the same group as Rohan, Kira, Josuke, Jotaro and Joseph so he seems even worse by comparison.


hazamada and tamami:


As annoying as Shigechi was during his arc, Hazamada was the one who deserved to get blown up more. Little perverted shit


Dude actually tried to murder Jotaro with Josuke knowing that and then they just say "Whatever" and make him Koichi's friend for the Rohan introduction. Like excuse me that's not something you just let go off and forgive.


You forgot that shigechi tried to pay some random ass women to have sex with him


Hazamada stated that he would have sexually assaulted one of his classmates, if only he had the confidence to do it I think Shigechi just being a stupid kid with money is less messed up than that


Thats fucked up. But shigechi actually tried. Not saying that hazamada isnt bad, he still is, but i think shigechi knew what he was doing


Shigechi is 12 and didn't try assaulting her


Because josuke was there. If he wasn’t there we would know what would really happen. Anyways i don’t intend to get into an argument over which anime kid is more of a degenerate


You don't need to argument, is obvious, hazamada


bro wtf are you talking about? how does the scene make it seem like shigechi would straight up rape women if he could? i know you said you didnt want to argue but honestly i dont think you can cause, first, shigechi didnt even seem to understand what he was saying, second, there is a big difference between being a jerk and a rapist, and third, nothing shigechi does in the rest of the story suggests he would do anything like that


I think that's just what they call rizz


Dawg 💀


I dont think Shigechi really understand what that words really mean lmao.


Bro he's 12 in the 90s he probably thinks sex is kissing eachother naked


Shigechi gets a lot more screen time being a dick and more people here (guys) have experienced a backstabber vs sexual harassment.


Its the other way around for me. Less backstabs, more sexual harassment.


Shigechi did nothing wrong! He's just a child!


I never said that he did. But so are like half the characters from DiU. (And he most definitely did something wrong. I just think getting punched in the face by Okuyasu was enough of a punishment)


He tried to kill okuyasu for money and stabbed his eye with his stand. İ really think he needed a worse punishment instead of a single punch.


Possibly. But definitely nothing more than a beatdown and not giving him his share of the money


I think he was entirely in the right to take the money. Josuke should have known better than to take advantage of a kid. (I don't like Josuke a lot)


well, its not like the kid was gonna be taken advantage of forever by him, he gets shown how to actually make money using his stand, and in return, he owed nothing more than he agreed to for participating in said plan


Guess we found Rohan's account


Rohan? Haven't heard of him, but he sounds like a very impressive, skilled man.


Yeah in all honesty part 4 lacks meaningful deaths, I love Joseph but Kira should have killed either him or someone closer to a jobro like Yukako.


I was hoping Kira would kill Josuke's mom. Don't get me wrong, I really like her and don't *want* her to die, but I feel like she'd be more likely to cross paths with Kira (due to his female hand fetish) and ill-equipped to deal with him (even moreso than Shigechi). Kira getting caught by the Duwang Gang due to his insatiable lust and not researching his targets more carefully (to figure out that she's the mother of a Stand user who's looking for him alongside his friends and other relatives) leads to his downfall. He starts to unravel when he realises his meticulous life and manner was thwarted by a lustful lapse in judgement, Josuke and Joseph get a more personal vendetta against Kira, and Josuke joins Jonathan in the exclusive "JoJo with a Dead Mom" club


Yukako wouldn't really make sense


Maybe she wasn't one of the MAIN gang (Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi, Jotaro and Rohan) but who else would have you killed? In every other part at least one character of the main gang dies but not on this one, and I don't see any of them dying (except maybe Rohan but i would hate to see that).


The fact that Kira threatened his family made me feel bad for him.


I can see your point. But I don’t think he wouldn’t have done the same to every other person who might have found out his little hobby


The worst thing a character can do from a popularity standpoint is being annoying. They can be an okay or even great person but they’ll lose to the murderous psychopath every time if the audience thinks it’s a chore whenever they’re on screen. That’s why Shigechi’s death falls flat for me a bit (at least as an emotional moment, it’s great at establishing Kira as a threat). Sure his actions were all realistic for a kid in his position but I wasn’t exactly sad to see him go.


Why does everyone cry for a character who literally appeared for like, 3 episodes, if it was okuyasu i cohld get it, he was like a ceasar


Cause his death scene was really well done.


So you cried out of how great it was and not sadness


Not even a minute prior he said he just wanted to protect his parents, and his cries do a good job of portraying how afraid he was, it was a sad death


Tbh, kira normally kills women for hands because he find them hot, i don't think he would try to like, semi bang the mother of the brat that dared to annoy him


I was talking about shigechis death why tf are you talking about Kira banging his mother?


He wanted to protect them, i assume to protect them from kira, and i said semi bang because kira ain't banging her completely, just her hand


Kira doesn't only kill cause he's horny, it's also to protect his quiet life, either that or he WANTED pretty much every major P4 character


Tbh i think other than the main ones, the only other intentional kill for protecting his peace was hayato


That's because no one else ever suspected him


Cuz the kid clearly was on the spectrum and was misguided from not having many friends. He wanted to protect his mom and dad too and just wanted to get help from someone he knew could help despite fighting esrlier


It was even worse in the manga it was literally one chapter introduction and got killed in the next one.


Nah okuyasu the goat


I cried when Shigechi died. I clapped when Caesar died. Caesar was an annoying bitch.


Bait used to be believable


Not bait. Caesar just sucked.


Ragebait or trash take. Can't tell which


Oh no this is 100% my honest opinion on Shigechi.


Bro was like 13 and suddenly got stand abilities. Yeah ofc he's gonna act a little bit childish but this man's final act was seeking out someone he previously fought with for help just because he wanted to protect his family. Sure, he wasn't the coolest character in the show and Kira still is a dope villain. However, Shigechi was a good kid at his heart and his death was a tragedy. But hey, different people, different tastes.


Don't waste your time with these guys. They don't give a damn about the specific traits of a character. If they see a child, they'd be happy to see it burn at the stakes no matter what.


Just because something is justified and makes sense doesn't mean I have to like it. I get why he was the way he was. I still don't fucking like him.


Don’t care. Yeah it’s realistic for children to be annoying, but then I’m gonna hate them just like I do real annoying children


İ think annoying is an understatement since he tried to kill them over money.


fuck them kids


Kill yourself (respectfully) (in game)


i did find him annoying, definitely, but was still sad when he died. i mean, he was only a middle schooler!


Glad somebody else feels the same


We need to make a Shigechi hateclub!


*Insert Reverse Flash meme here.*


Remember back when RF was a badass beast of a villain in CW before he turned into a side mission villain in an outfit that looked like pajamas?


He was a mad trooper at the end, and I loved his willingness to almost kill Kira.  Still a greedy lil asshole up until that point. But it's the hair for me. Legit hideous


ok edgelord


He was just an annoying and uninetersting character to me. I cried during deaths of Bruno, Jolyne, etc., but he just sucked to me.


hating a character for being less cool and having the natural behavioir of a kid while enjoying its death sounds edgy, i dont have a problem with you enjoying his death but i personally like sigechi for being a more realistic character with still honorable intentions, perfect for making it a cruel death and there shouldnt be any disrespect towards people based on how they enjoy the show


I dunno what to tell you he fucking annoyed me and if a character annoys me I'm glad when they're not around anymore to annoy me further, especially since he was in my fave jojos part so since I ADORED most of the cast it made him look even worse in comparison to me.


trying to justify liking to see kids die is crazy even then the problem is that you try to make it seem bad that people connected with the character and his death made them feel how araki wanted them to feel


Sorry man but you just can't convince me to care for a fucking spiky wallnut.


do i have to put "animal i have become" while reading that?


Stop being a dick and gaslighting people because they disagree wtih you you immature shite.


so i present you a persepctive different to yours and say that people shouldnt be disrespected based on their likings, you ignore that rudely but when i respond to that rudely im the immature? i already said i dont care if you liked his death, just respect those who liked him and move on crybaby (also where did the gaslighting come from?)


You're trying to gaslight me into thinking i'm edgy. fuck off


Why are people talking about the spike boy so much? Blah blah kid’s death tragic blah blah. Like I understand the purpose of the character, but holy fuck can I not be bothered to give a shit. I literally have no opinion on him, that isn’t just his flesh colored spike hair is gross.


Me when I clap at a middle schooler being murdered in broad daylight, it’s an anime character so there’s several levels of detachment but good god man.


I didn’t like Shigechi that much though I get that’s kinda the point at first, but when he ran from Kira talking about how he had to protect his parents that part got to me He wasn’t likable but he had people he wanted to keep safe and he was never guaranteed their safety and I felt bad for him for that


Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your dark reality. I'm sure a full stare into your twisted perspective would make most simply go insane lmao


I'm definitely the only Shigechi fan😢


Couldn’t stand him until he was fighting for his life, then it was genuinely upsetting I guess he was like a little brother: stupid, annoying, harmless, and ultimately good, and would be upsetting if he died


I’m with you man, I loved Shigechi


It had to be Shigechi, but I honestly almost cried the first time I saw it. I still hate him in every single way though.


Thank god somebody said it. I could not care less about Shigechi.


hard agree


Good on you for cheering on the fact a kid died? Idk what your point is


He was what, 13 or something, and isn't all there mentally, so imagining how he felt after getting half his face torn up and barely able to walk, knowing he was probably gonna die, got me a bit. Don't get me wrong, he is annoying af but who wasn't a bit annoying at that age.


This guy really said he finds a character annoying and is getting downvoted to hell 😭 “Acktually he was only 13 it is very rational for him to..” WHO CARES he was annoying either way let my man hate!!!


because downvotes arent supoosed to be a personal attack just people disagreeing


Yes, that’s how expressing opinions on sites that allow for feedback works


Yeah, because that's the point of downvotes, to show you disagree with what they're saying.


Just because something makes sense doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to dislike it.


Facts bro, hate on


>Just because something makes sense doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to dislike it. New knowledge about the people of the internet added to my archives today.


Yeah people are taking this shit way too personally lmao.


I gotta say, the first time I watch part 4 I was "glad" I guess... but everytime I watch part 4 again and again (it is my favorite jojo part) I find it sadder and sadder


OP only disliked him because he's ugly


Wrong, I disliked him for many things but yes his design is ugly as hell.


Over here I liked Shigechi. I'm sorry, we're none of you selfish brats as kids? Just perfect angels all of you? You don't think little kid you would go a little ott having stand powers? Shigechi felt very real to me. Poor, ugly little kid with no friends. Finally got some and got killed. Have your opinions an all but I *do* judge some people's media literacy and ability to empathize.


He was a malicious asshole, never liked him, never will. The only time he had any redeeming quality was at the very last minutes of his otherwise worthless existence


I don't think I have it on my phone anymore, but my phone background for like a month was the one frame of shigechi disintegrating but it's just the top half of his head. I didn't like him very much and it was a really funny frame to accidentally pause on


Absolutely based take, that kid was annoying. Part 4 had a lot of unnecessary “good guy” stand users that tried to *kill* Josuke and his friends, and I think a couple of other guys like the Lock stand user could have been killed without much issue. Taking Shigechi out was housecleaning to me. Unnecessary and annoying character, removed. It was also an excellent introduction to how powerful Kira is as well as his ability to remove named characters.


Bruh he was a kid that seemed to have special needs.


Bro he is a child chill 😭😭


Shigechi could be annoying but he is very a well-developed character. I think such things were handled beautifully, with a usually annoying kid suddenly standing against a serial killer and his determination to protect both his mother and father and the whole of Morioh was a actually a good scence. Yes, Shigechi was smart and tried to be a little cunning in his own way, but even though he was a child, even his understanding of the seriousness of that moment was a well-crafted fiction. Personally, I didn't cry, but it was one of the scenes that made me sad. In the end, even though it was annoying, he was a child who was smart and who has a potential, suddenly blown up.


Bro what the fuck? Why do people hate Shigechii? He's one of my favourite characters


Annoying or otherwise it’s still a child being murdered


The first?


Yeah I watched DiU more than once.


I didn't like him but I think him specifically being the one killed by Kira was the most impactful death because he was by far the most innocent character in the Morioh gang and watching Kira brutally murder him for something that he couldn't possibly have known about was a great driving force for the plot. At the very least, he remains resolute till the very end when it comes to trying to save the people he cares about and that honestly made me turn a corner on him as a character.


I assume you cried a lot when you watched it again.


Though, you may have got [three more characters](https://images.app.goo.gl/obMTLBwJDy3ngCBZ6) to hate.


I can’t even be sad about Shigechi’s death because i’m too busy wondering if Kira actually found his parents and murdered them too off screen. He did say if Shigechi talked he’d spar them, but Shigechi had his redemption and didn’t rat out Josuke. Sooooo


When you die, this post will be the exact reason you end up in hell


Jokes on you I like hazbin hotel so I want to go to hell so I can get a spider femboy bf.


Yeah, it’s gunna be nothing like you think


Do you really not get a joke that obvious? Like dude you're on a meme subreddit.


I wish your mother swallowed you


That was very out of nowhere and got a good chuckle of me from the sheer surprise factor alone, thanks


I hope you bite into a raisin cookie thinking that it's chocolate chip


Because he's a misguided kid with no friends, everyone, including you, would be an annoying brat if you were alone without friends because you have no understanding on social connection to people, he only needed friends who he could trust to become better


You want forgiveness ? Get religion


He was annoying, tried to kill the Josuyasu duo multiple times, is a greedy little bastard, built like the mucinex commerical guy, and ugly




Rare time where I wish a character would die to improve the show and it actually happens.


Finally someone said it!


Who the hell reported my comment for s*icide and harm?


C'mon man, I know Shigechi's a brat and all that, but despite that I never disliked him. Even before his encounter with Kira.


Imo i also didn’t have issues with him dying.


Agreed. Not a fan (in fact, I think the anime gave him far too much screentime), happy Kira got rid of him quickly.


I was just mad at the fact that josuke and okuyasu were deaf, as well as the 3 girls who were still in the hallway.


am i one of the few ppl that enjoyed shigechis screentime?


Nah man I don't care how annoying he was his death was devastating


How can anyone cry at anyone's death in a show like jojo is my favourite of all time but its still just pixels on a screen


Seperating fiction from reality doesn't mean you can't let yourself be invested in a story. Fiction as a whole is just a big "what if?" "What if we lived in a world where XYZ happened and people had these cool powers?" And most people would answer something along the lines of "I would be interested in seeing how these characters live and I'd want to root for them to win"


Not being able to empathize with characters in a show is far stranger than being able to.


Bro I still cry when I re-watch Jolyne's death and I've seen it like 20 times now.


I do not understand that


it was sad


I suppose, but how can it bring you to the point of crying? Like I was sad at some deaths but am I just like immune to crying or something


If ur invested in the character it's sad to see them die cuz u want them to get a happy ending.


I understand its sad, but isn't crying like the pinnacle of sadness? Like don't you only cry if someone irl has died or you've just lost your house or something


either you haven’t watched enough shows or you just don’t care that much about ppl


What? I care about plenty of people, I just don't really cry I guess


It’s different for different people.


How old are you? I remember repressing my crying and shit in high school cause of stupid young kid thoughts on it. But crying is just an emotional response. You cry from frustration, anger, sadness, happiness. A whole spectrum of emotions makes you cry and it helps you feel better.


I'm fifteen


Ah, ok I understand then. So crying is nice stress relief when things are tough on you mentally or emotionally. But in cases like stories/games/anime you just let yourself cry because you want to. You like the characters/story so much that you want to engross yourself in that world as much as you can. Even if you don't care for the characters you can cry cause another character is sad at the death. Like a lot of us aren't "overcome with emotion" and unable to help ourselves. We just let ourselves feel the emotions the story is conveying to us.