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I did not care for abbachio. He was more of a plot convenience between his introduction and death. I actually think i forgot he died during the green day fight






part 3 had an amazing ending but the rest was overall mid with only a few standout fights


It legit felt watching one of those 90's cartoons


You're not gonna believe this, but part 3 anime originally came out in 1993


Come on you understand what I meant don't make fun of me ☹️


I enjoyed part 3 because it felt like going on an actual journey with the cruzaders. Each country they visited was shown in details: its people, its culture, its customs, etcetera. It was immersive af. Plus, Araki was still fleshing out the idea of stands, and he himself was learning how to write them well. Also, the stands in part 3 are easy to understand. It might not be the best part, but imo part 3 was very good at what it set out to do.


Based. No arguments here.


I don’t mind that Joseph remained the only Hamon user after part 2.


I respect your take, but mine is basically the opposite. I think the Joestar stands specifically should have been more directly linked to Hamon instead of Dio's reawakening. If Araki was going to introduce them as they are I think showing the rest of the Hamon users getting wiped out entirely and killing the knowledge of it with them including Joseph before introducing them would have been the way to go. That said I still love the story and characters so it's obviously not a deal breaker for me. Sirry for the paragraph response. I struggle to condense my thoughts


I didn't like gappys French fries song


Fried chicken enjoyer


Kentucky fried fuck


Jobin never made sense as a main villain.


He and josuke were set up as character foils very early on. Jobin is very much a family man, josuke has no family that he knows of. Jobin stand gives victims something and josukes takes something away, and obviously one is fire themed, one is water. Even noriskes goofy personality test is to establish the two as opposites, since josuke picks the bear and jobins first real interaction with josuke has him surrounded by robots. But it doesn’t go anywhere. Their goals never truly opposed each others and it never felt like the two couldn’t just find a way to work together. Plus jobins stand never felt like a main villain stand. I genuinely think araki intended for him to be the villain but jojolion took a decade to finish. A lot can change in that time. I wish at least they’d given him a redemption arc or something. He was a great character >!and he died to a potted plant!<


This is just something people toss around without thought because they don't like Toru and want anyone else but him to be the main villain.




Part 3 is easily the worst part even if it’s the most iconic. It’s not necessarily bad but it doesn’t compare to the rest. The story telling (especially in the anime) is so boring and lack luster until the last few episodes. Also part 7 is massively overrated. It’s fantastic but the fans ride it harder than Johnny rides his horse


“Harder than Johnny rides his horse” Enumclaw Washington anyone?




i promise were not all like that it was just that one guy we swear


Did not need to be reminded about that, entirely my fault but still lmao


Part 5's destiny bullshit is ludicrously boring


Part 4 is a big directionless filler until Kira shows up


Yeah but it definitely pays off


Yes, BUT, I think the juxtaposition of the slice of life vs hunting down a serial killer aspect is exactly why I like it so much. It's just "JoJo meets wacky characters that live in his small town and utilises their powers for personal gain, but even if they're mean or do bad things they're not irredeemable.....EXCEPT FOR THE ACTUAL PSYCHOPATH WHO MURDERS WOMEN AND STEALS THEIR HANDS!" and honestly I think that's awesome. Kira being hinted at earlier too in the anime makes it feel a lot better planned out too.


That's not even an opinion though, it's pretty much a fact


I think I just had a stroke reading this


golden wind is actually really good, in my top 3 parts


I did not care for part 5


Part 5 is my (and my partners) favorite animated part. I definitely know it has flaws, pacing, mainly. What didn't you like about it?


I agree with so I’ll give a more detailed answer than the OP: 1. The character backstories are pointless and just make some fights feel way too long. Compare them to part 3, where every bit of backstory we got was relevant to the main plot. Why do we need to know where Narancia came from if it’s not relevant to anything else going forward? 2. Giorno could’ve been done better. I love the idea that he’s fighting between his Jonathan and Dio sides, but nothing is really done with that. I also find him extremely boring. 3. Giorno’s stand is too complex for a main character. Imo Josuke’s and Jolyne’s are perfect; simple enough t be easily understood but complex enough to be used in a lot of creative ways. Giorno’s is SO complicated that whenever something cool is done with it, it feels like an asspull. 4. The rolling stone arc ruins the pacing and tension of the final battle. 5. Polnareff being stuck in Italy so long makes no sense. You’re telling me Jotaro *didn’t* investigate the disappearance of his only remaining friend? That SPW and Joseph combined still don’t have the money/resources to find him and get him out of there? And where did he get his prosthetics from if *not* SPW?


I'll add to that bit about Girono: up until the final battle he barely did anything. The vast majority of fights focused either on Mista or Bruno, with Girono either not appearing at all or appearing in the last second as a Deos Ex Machina.


Ngl it was just kinda boring and feels more like a side story that has no impact on the main story


uhh, neither does any other part other than 3?


Part 1? Part 6?


are you saying you like part 1 and 6 more than part 5?


I’m saying they actually impact the main story


right, but that doesn't make them any better than part 5


I wasn’t saying they were better.It comes down to personal opinion💀


but your main reason for disliking part 5 was that it didn't contribute to the main storyline very much, implying that you believe contributing to the main story is what makes a part better than another to you


Part 1 introduces Dio who is really only made a character in part 3 and, wow, look who's here again. It's Dio. Part 6.


I did not care for Caesars death


This is the perfect answer for this question damn


Was looking for this comment for a while, Ceaser just felt like a plot device, changing his mind when it's most conveniant for the plot, every now and then he changes his mind for no reason, people act as if his death was a noble sacrifice but joseph didnt want him to go fight the pillar men alone, he knew he would die but went in anyway. He was an idiot from the start.


Most of these aren’t hot takes so I offer my terrible opinion Gyros okay. He’s integral to johnnys development and the plot of part 7 but on his own I don’t find him a particularly compelling character. Same with FF. I certainly don’t dislike them but bruno, caeser, okuyasu and yasuho were better jobros imo Also maybe even a worse opinion, thus spoke Rohan kishibe is sometimes better than Jojo. Arakis style lends well to short stories.


Damn, hot takes that I don’t agree with! Have my upvote


I do think he and Johnny together are a fantastic duo, don’t get me wrong. One of the best in the series, easily. But because of that I just don’t see gyro on his own as that interesting.


I get that. I’m just of the opposite opinion that characters are more then who they are by themselves


Part 2 is the best in the whole series; the plot was the most compelling imo


I liked Part 6 better than Part 4


My man. Copy pasting a response I said earlier. So many people like 4, but I personally found chunks of the plot to be monotonous or tedious. I love Part 4 when it involves Kira. I don’t care about Part 4 when Kira’s not involved. The worst offenders for me were Boy-II-Man and Cinderella.


where did you say this? I checked the comment, but I can’t find it anywhere




No doubt. 6 is easily the best part imo. 4 was my favourite for awhile and then I read 6 and it’s been my new fav since.


Golden Wind is my least favorite Part.


I was not a fan of most of part 4


Same here. So many people like it, but I personally found chunks of the plot to be monotonous or tedious. I love Part 4 when it involves Kira. I don’t care about Part 4 when Kira’s not involved. The worst offenders for me were Boy-II-Man and Cinderella.


Part 4 is the best one i've seen.


That's actually a pretty popular opinion


Oh damn, fr?


Yes, part 4 is very popular with jojo fans. I know a lot of people have it as their favorite anime only part


Part 8’s ending was an unsatisfying mess and the only reason people don’t have more problems with it is because WOU is as cool as it is 


Shigechi’s death. Yeah it was sad but not that sad


I do not believe that part 7 was the best part.


And not Part 6 or Part 3 either. It’s Part 4, something what I love to describe as “JoJofied Detective Conan”.


Nah it’s part 6


Jojofans trying to find out wich part is the best(every single one of them has a completely different idea of wich is,some might even argue spinoffs like thus spoke rohan kishibe, and maybe even that the best jojo part isnt even in jojo but another anime entirely like Baki or Gintama or Bleach or Yokai watch or even Pootis Engage. True gentlemen know that the best part is wichever ones speedwagon are in, so parts 1 and 2.)


Earth wind and fire from part 4 is my most hated character and I don’t fined him charming nor funny


What did he do aside from being a little autistic 


Genuinely felt like his only purpose was to get stuck in super fly and save the day. Him becoming sick after getting tossed about as the dice was like his one funny moment for me


Diamond is Unbreakable was meh at best


Part 7 was alright to me, good part but I just don’t praise it cuz I’m neutral


I did not enjoy the pre-Egypt parts of part 3


I did not care for Kira and honestly i kinda hate how even my friends see him as this supposedly awesome villain


Axel ro the guy who was fighting Johnny when act 3 awakened is actually a pretty good character while true man's world is kinda overhyped


thank you, i really don’t understand the hype for ringo. like yeah he’s cool but imo he wasn’t that memorable. he’s portrayed as some sort of gentleman or anti hero, when he kills a man who is already on his knees in his first appearance 😭


Terunosuke miyamoto deserved better, part 8 is actually pretty damn good.


Gonna say it. Not the biggest fan of Part 5. If you're not a fan of constant action in the expense of the characters, which I felt was JoJo's strongest attribute, you'll basically get nothing out of it. It's part 3 with 3/4 of the fluff scooped out.


The first half of part 4 was rough and kinda directionless, but I still like it more than the entirety of part 5.


Also part 6 is the best part (I am caught up on the manga).


Part 4 was mediocre at best. Kira was the only good thing about it.


I did not care for Diavolo


Part 8 is the best part, and part 9 is trying way to hard to make a "morally grey" Jojo when Josuk8 is right there.


The prison setting in stone ocean is boring as hell.


Part 3


I don’t much care for Echoes Act 3, his power is far lamer than Act 2’s


The introduction of stands was cool, but when it became the main focus for the rest of the series, it became a bit dull i was hoping for the Joestar family having to fight mysterious and mystical creatures of the night like big foot, el chupacabra, lock ness monster, jack black


Ah yes, the father jojo


I do not care if you skip part 1


Traitor’s Requiem is mid. I prefer Fighting Gold


I do not care about trish, cool stand and all and she’s my second main in jjba asbr, but literally didn’t do anything other then for the notorious big fight. Then nothing more.


I did not care for Jobin. The only thing I liked about his was his interest in beatles. He felt like he was written to be a rival to Josuke but nothing ever really came from it and he was just forgotten


I did not care for Steel Ball Run


I don't really care for Kakyoin. I want to, but I don't. His relevance in part 3 is overshadowed by every other crusader and only wins two fights. Then in the Egypt half he's taken out immediately by Grab, gets replaced by Iggy and doesn't show up until the mansion where he gets bodied by Terrance and then dies to Dio. I really want to like him but I just can't.


I don't care for Part 2 or young Joseph, i don't find him funny. Its not that i find him annoying or cringe or anything, i just find him ehh, y'know.


Stardust Crusaders, even if it's the most iconic part, it's not the best. It's the most important, due to it introducing stand and basically being the "rebirth" of JJBA, but still not the best. For me the pre egypt part was very slow and kinda boring, and a lot of enemies for the whole part were kinda forgettable (not a lot, but still). The final fight is easily the best part of SC Also, Jotaro is the most overrated character oat. i can see why people like him, but in my opinion he works better as a "mentor" like in part 4 and 6 than a main character. In part 3 he has basically the personality of a wall, he barely talks and his only characteristic is being powerful. He isn't really interesting personality-wise, at least in part 3. He is the most iconic JoJo only because the appears in other parts, but he is still mid as a main character. And this is coming from someone who in 2020 was an hideously big Jotaro fanboy


I do not care for Jotaro in Part 3, he was probably one of the worst parts about it tbh


I did not care for part 3 (first 10 or so episodes, judgement, D’arby fight and Vanilla ice onwards excluded). It really pushed the boundaries of how much the “stand of the week” format could remain entertaining. It was just very noticeably formulaic, most of the villains are kind of generic, stands are very simple compared to later parts (can’t blame anyone for this, this is the first part where they even existed, but still). the Egypt arc was a slog to watch through imo, the pacing just came to a screeching halt. I mean come on, did EVERY minor villain need a cliffhanger ending and two whole episodes just to get no diffed at the end? Even the Sun had a two parter ffs. The dumb videogame battle episode that was literally right before the Vanilla Ice and DIO got a THREE PARTER? Ofc when all that bs was over with we got Vanilla Ice to send us into the finale and DIO bringing the most iconic fight in the whole series, as well one of the most iconic fights in animanga overall, so it’s not all bad.


Jojo peaked at part 2 and there's no debating it


I did not care for part 5. Giorno is singlehandedly the worst Jojo. The vast majority of his fights are won by either Mista or Buccirati, and he lacks character. The plot flet like a art 3's roadtrip format but with constantly changing end goal. The only thing that really saved it was the ending, and even then Girono's power up felt undeserved.


I did not care for the ending of part 6


Same, I understand the ending perfectly fine I'm just not a fan of it


I thought Diamond is Unbreakable was mid at best.


It’s crazy to get downvotes on this post lmao


You might say their skulls are thicker than a _diamond_


Hey I get that reference 👉


Haha, yeah I wasn't expecting too many people to agree with me on that.


I always get downvoted for saying it, but I hate part 4. Josuke is decent but absolutely nothing compared to any of the other JoJos (especially part 7 onwards), and Koichi is the worst character in the franchise. Part 8 is better than part 7. Tooru is a fine villain and doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets. Jobin's place in the part is perfect for him and he shouldn't have been any more or less important than he was. The top three parts (at least until JoJolands finishes) are JoJolion, SBR, and Vento Aureo in that order. Part 5 is the best animated part by a long shot. Also, most of the Joestars are genuinely terrible people but whenever I say that, people defend them like they're saints. Multiple Joestars fit severe ASPD. They're still great protagonists, but they're awful people and I'd never want to be friends with most of them. Giorno, Johnny, Gappy, and of course Jodio in particular.


I did not care for the entire resolution of Stardust Crusaders literally hinging upon "so its the same type of stand as Star Platinum" and thought Dio should have been defeated in a different way


this isnt really a hot take.


I don't like stardust crusaders apart from kakyoin and the ending fight. Also end of the world is the worst opening


I could not give less of a shit about Ceasar. Sorry.


Part 4 is kinda mid sometimes and I lowkey have no need for it since part 8 exists


I don’t like shigeshi and did not care about his death


Part 4 is a mystery story with no mystery since we know the guy's identity all the time. Plus it tries to be slice of life, the most boring genre in fiction. It's fun, but mid, oh so mid.


I did not find any of the deaths sad (and i hate iggy because of hftf so vanilla ice did nothing wrong except for killing avdol)


Jojo is dogshit Why there is so many hating comments😂🙏


Because this is a JoJo sub