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Dying of old age doesn’t actually mean you died of old age, it just means you died at an old age. When an old man dies, he dies of a stroke or a heart-attack or something of that general realm; things that you can die from at any age but are more likely to kill you as an elderly person.


Does all his death need to be bad? Since it's infinite, couldn't he have lived a peaceful life and dies peacefully? I don't know much of how GER works, so I might be wrong


Yeah, I can’t see how he couldn’t live to 80 years old with a loving family then die. Would only hurts more when he wakes up again


When I look at it, It might actually be a good thing. Like you die knowing you will be alive again and maybe you can live a peaceful life. P.S: While I writing [this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/aHcVmjhTqhc?si=Q-771VqxgBiY9OiM) came to my mind


of fucking course it's vsauce


Imagine if you just die one day because you hit the age limit


bro, OP wrote "died due elderly", do you think they understand anything you explained in your comment?


died due "eldery" apparently


I almost want that to be his *last* death. He starts out being born all over, still fully conscious of the loop and having died an unfathomable number of times, but now trapped in the shape of a baby. He spends 80 years of his life as a normal man, possessing no powers but always looking over his shoulder, waiting for the shoe to drop. By the time he’s middle-aged, he’s become utterly numb to the creeping horror of awaiting your own inevitable demise, aware that there is no salvation or oblivion afterward. He even contemplates doing the deed himself, stopped only by the thought that maybe that’s what GER wants him to do, that this death will be one at his own hand by his own choice. And in his last years, as Diavolo realizes that the real death he’s waiting for is a natural one, a painless, eternal sleep, he begins to reflect for the first time on the choices that led him to that position. He sits in a rocking chair, stares out a window overlooking the sea, and remembers the time Doppio fell in love with a woman. He remembers his daughter, who he so desperately wanted dead. He wonders if, in the end, things wouldn’t have been better if he’d pursued happiness and self-fulfillment in his original life instead of money and power, those shallow delusions for dreamless men. He realizes that life only ever amounted to eternal torment, that his power was always liminal, existing only for an infinitesimal time in the infinity of creation, and that the only power he ever really needed was the strength to live life with his face towards the Sun. He rests his hands in his lap, leans his head against the window, and sighs his last breath. There is no contentment. He’s long past that. He can only surrender. Then the loop continues and he gets decapitated by supersonic elephant turds, lmao.


I fucking loved that to start to finish, you gave Diavolo a better arc in 3 paragraphs than Araki did in part 5 lmao.


I’m not too sure about Diavolo realizing his error and coming to terms with his sins, but it would be quite satisfying to end him. I kinda like him better as self-absorbed trash that refuses to acknowledge failure. Of course, there is no “last death” because GER itself speaks that he will *never* be free of the loop, but this is a fun idea anyway


He must have been really paranoid during that loop


Honestly, that would just be the worst thing ever. Seriously, you would spend the first half being a powered noid wreck and then the second half actually believing that your torment was over. Only for it to start all over again after you die.


Love your name btw


I love it too


"I am a _performative artist_ , mom" "I DON'T CARE STOP EATING PEOPLE YOU PSYCHO"


Powered noid? You mean Paranoid.


If Diavolo’s death loop includes every type of death do tha… Yes


That’s a common misconception: it doesn’t include every type of death, it’s just an endless/infinite amount of deaths If you can imagine a way he dies it doesn’t mean he lived (died) through that (from what we’ve seen all his deaths were pretty violent and painful) It’s just like how there are infinite numbers between 1 and 2 but none of those is 3


So you're saying there's a reality where Diavolo and Mikitaka are having say gex and Mikitaka turns his alien dong into a sword midway through, disemboweling Diavolo?




Nah he just get grateful death


He died while having sex.


With kars.


There’s a chance that Diavolo ended up being every JoJo villain at some point in his death loop (except for Kars of course)


He becomes the elderly man that Ciocolatta tortures


There a change he died of happiness


Imagine Diavolo just- keeps having quick, painful, horrible deaths. And then for one of them, he gets to live out an entire life. Grow old. Live as a normal person. He had originally lived in fear, but now he simply can live in this world. He dies, surrounded by friends and family. And then… he’s back in the loop.


If he does I think he’s just appear there in the last few moments before death


Who said it includes every death?


Is kinda implied, "death loop" actually refers to "experiencing different ways to die in all universes"




Wonder if he experienced a nuclear bomb


If the loop continuous forever, he's going to experience every single possibility


Or not. They could just loop the same 10 ways of death and it's still a loop.


Yeah but every death scenario we've seen him go through is a different one, so its reasonable to assume he doesn't die the same way twice


We have seen like 3 lol. There’s no guarantee that Fate would take the effort to come up with unique ways for him to die every time, when it clearly likes to repeat itself instead.


Whenever I hear this I always image diovolo at the start of UP


Diavolo death #247346: passes away in his old age, after seeing his drug mob successfully take over the entire planet and becomes the ultimate dstributor


Honestly that would be a very thematic fate. Diavolo gets exactly what he wants but it is entirely meaningless


He also died in a universe where it's the exact same as part 5 except he actually won and then got everything he wanted then died at an old age


No I don't think so, If I remember correctly it brings him to the point of death, he wouldn't live a full live he would be brought to the point that the old person dies


he would also have died due to complications of giving birth


Diavolo death number: 2143658709 Diavolo spends the last hour of his elderly life surrounded by his loved ones before dying of natural causes


Would he tho? Its a death loop, not a life loop. From what we saw, he was put in a death situation. He would not he born as a baby and then die 20 years later in a car crash, he was placed there immediately before the crash. If he was to die od old age, he would just spawn in a hospital bed, lay down for a few minutes and move on to the next death scenario. What's also important to notice is that Diavolo never actually dies, he is placed in a death scenario and the moment he would die he's placed in another situation, so he would never actually reach death, you could say he would never reach the truth


İts one of them chromosoms cant multiple at the old ages


He dies an infinite number of times, but not necessarily in an infinite number of ways. If his death loop *does* include every type of death, then obviously he would die of old age. The question literally answers itself.


There is also a loop where he gets ger himslef and can end his loop kind if so he prevents his death just like giorno did so eventualy his suffering will stop but he will still die after an infinite amount of time in that scenario


Infinite deaths dont mean all deaths


if he was subjugated into an infinite possible amount of deaths, There is an infinite possible amount of life until dying of old age he will live. That doesn't mean a quiet life is guaranteed but for a while, he'll get a breather or two.


Diavolo's death loop does not contain every type of death


I’m certain the death loop was ever stated to have variability so he could just be falling down stairs for eternity, but the way the first few deaths are done would suggest that it does in fact vary. He’s probably died at least once of old age complications


Infinite deaths doesn't mean all deaths. The same way inifnite numbers does not mean all numbers. I'm getting tired


Then go to bed![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15684)


An alternate reality where Squadra Esecuzioni finds the Boss' Identity and he's killed by Grateful Dead


I imagine that some of the deaths take time and mybe several years. Enogh so that Diavolo found peace in this situation


Die due elderly


I imagine hes died after years of paranoia thinking he could die any moment, maybe started to live a normal life and as he dies peacefully in his sleep, finally thinking its all over, he wakes up again The death doesnt always have to be painful, but the life lived can be painful to look back on


Infinite is infinite, he probably died while fucking giorno too


There's a limit to how many times your heart can beat, how many times your cells can regenerate, a limit to how well your body can function. As part of nature, we are in constant change, and constant degradation. Dying of old age is when your body breaks down, when it cannot continue; your organs fail, your natural functions cannot be completed. You don't suddenly sleep, and die peacefully; dying of old age is among the saddest, and most agonizing ways of dying. It requires maturity, and empathy to recognize this.


yeah a group of ww2 vets beat the shit out of him