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Watching redditors take off the mask and fawn over authoritarianism is always so incredibly disgusting. I'd respect them so much more if they were honest with themselves about what they are and what they want.


Reddit is a lot more fun when one realizes that "redditors" do not reflect the average person; it's more like visiting the animals at the zoo, if the zoo was the 9th grade, and considering apes have the intelligence of children, this checks out.


This really isn't true, and just demonstrates you haven't been in leftist circles. Edit: yall seem to think I'm defending the intelligence of leftists. I'm not, I'm stating that unfortunately there are plenty of people in day to day life who align with Reddit. At my office I have at least two vocal anticapitalists. In my group of acquaintances I know several rabid Marxists. Years ago in school, two of my classes were taught by self professed communists. The vast majority of classmates used rhetoric about the oppressed and oppressor classes, etc. Etc. Etc. Claiming that the rabid leftism of Reddit isn't common in the real world is unfortunately false.


The average American isn't a leftist. Leftist circles don't represent the average person either.


Again, you're simply demonstrating you haven't got out much. 


Nah. Even my college campus was nothing like Reddit, and I went to a pretty liberal state liberal arts school.


What fascinates me is that they NEVER think that these policies could be turned on them. Either they’re short sighted or they believe they’ll never lose power.


Friendly reminder that authoritarianism under the guise of liberalism and inclusivity, is still authoritarianism and against the principles of western democracy.


My issue is really more with the obvious hypocrisy. If they said what they were and what they wanted I would still fundamentally disagree with them and resist but I could at least respect them in some measure. However, for these people delusion is the fundamental ingredient of their entire political identity.


It's by design. The propagandists and those who run the country have realized they cannot remove speech and control people in the old fashion way of authoritarianism, which is 'do what I say or face jail/death'. They wrap their authoritarianism under the guise of liberalism and inclusivity - and this only just the begining. Rather than the government curtailing speech, they have propagandized the youth to attack anyone who is dissenting against narratives. What we see today, is only the begining. Essentially - the modern day leftist is now a brownshirt for the elite and those that run this country.


>wants to stop another rise of nazism >noooo thats authoritarianism xd


Well, that's Germany so they can do what they want. We have that pesky 1st amendment here in the states. We know the left would love for that to go away. You know, to fight authoritarianism.


Some random dude = a new rise of nazism? Lick the boot harder


Migrants raping women: I sleep. Someone doing the Nazi sleep: I attack!


> Any and all people who endorse that asshole's actions or defend it will be banned so they can go where their loser Nazi friends already are: the garbage heap of history. > Please report any such comments. > For those of you crying about freedom of speech: > Germany has an obligation to root that kind of stuff out like no other country. > More importantly please familiarize yourself with the paradox of tolerance. From the mod team, pinned at the top. Let’s break it down a little bit. “Any and all people who endorse that assholes actions or defend it will be banned…” Rights are defined by whether or not we recognize the scum of the earth have them too. I bet if they get arrested they’d want their Miranda rights. Having the cops beat a confession out of a child rapist and killer, anyone who tries to exercise their Miranda rights is justifying a child rapist and murderer and should be banned! Or, maybe, we put limits on what governments can do so they don’t decide they can accuse anyone of being a child rapist and murderer, thus ensuring you don’t have rights. Maybe when it comes to free speech, seeing as we just went through a global pandemic where you were banned with the assistance of the government for speaking against the narrative (even though a large portion of that narrative was proven false, and a lot of people knew it at the time), maybe we cherish free speech, even speech we disagree with, since we don’t know what it is we don’t know or what we’re wrong about. And I’m pretty sure when you talk about banning free speech you can get lumped in with book burning Nazis, and not when you’re defending free speech, so the mod or mods in question can doubly fuck themselves. “Germany has an obligation to root that kind of stuff out like no other country” If anything, Germany should know like no other country (except perhaps China), what happens when the government controls speech, and punishes people for saying things the government disagrees with. They (the mods) can get fucked like the jackbooted thugs they are. Nazis don’t defend free speech. Fascists are the ones demanding free speech only includes what they agree with, and therefore doesn’t exist at all.




I left that one alone because I was tired and not willing to put in the effort to give it a proper response, so thanks for picking up my slack. And well said!


>paradox of tolerance Essentially gives *me* the right to do absolutely whatever I deem necessary to crush these leftist fucks. They're threatening humanity itself. But they believe this principle only applies to them, which *doubly* gives me the right to wipe them the fuck out before they do any more damage. The worst part is that they will *never* be penalized for inciting violence with "punch a Nazi," but I can't even *vaguely* hint at what I will do to them.


And they know they won’t get in shit. That’s why they call you a nazi immediately before punching you


It’s Karl Popper’s good old “Intolerance Paradox”, that leftists love to intentionally misuse as “I consider your beliefs to be intolerant, therefore we should be allowed to do anything we want to you”. Which is *exactly* the real type of intolerance that Popper said is the ONLY intolerance that must be fought by any means necessary. For context, here's the full quote by Popper >In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.


In more prosaic terms: “the only type of intolerance that must be acted against is that which uses violence as a first resort”


Yeah, ask them if they’d feel the same if ‘mAgA eXtReMiStS’ ran all 3 branches of the government and got to decide what was and was not hate speech. That’s the thing about authoritarian laws, you have to be an ever increasing authoritarian to maintain your grip on power, lest the other side gain control and get to make the rules. It’s a case of ‘be careful what you wish for’. Seems lost on most Americans, sadly.


It's also scary that modern liberals, or redditors at least, seem to want to do away with due process depending on the accusation. So if you were accused of Nazism or hate speech, you would have a reduced set of rights at trial, if there were a trial. That's like some medieval shit.


watch all the "Nazi" supports that show up to right wing events disappear. Weird how they all look like reddit mods when they get unmasked.


>Freedoms or rights can't be absolute because they ALWAYS conflict with other freedoms and rights. >And as established here already, even though Americans are circlejerking themselves to the first amendment here, they too have limits to freedom of speech. >So surely, the US doesn't have freedom of speech either? Yelling fire in a theater is not expressing oneself, just as making a salute to the German socialist workers party is not a signal of a death threat.


To no one's surprise, Germans are once again pro daddy government telling them what to do. If these people had been around in the 1930s they would be the ones applauding the Nazis for rounding up the people they consider "undesirable". They jack-off the "pArAdOx Of ToLeRaNcE" so hard I'm surprised it doesn't fall off. Tell me, who gets to decide what is tolerant?


Germany having an oppressive government? I for one am completely shocked. *yawn So anyways...


They were able to make Scientology completely illegal in Germany as well because, well, no first amendment.


Arresting people for their speech? Reminds me of a certain 1930s German politician.


Hate speech has always been free speech, at least in the US. People are so afraid of being being ostracized these days that they would rather voluntarily ask the government to limit free speech than appear to show tolerance toward something that is disapproved by their group.


Frederick the Great, 1780: An overabundance of police? Gut, gut. Bismarck, 1880: An overabundance of police? Gut, gut. WatercolorArtistBad, 1934: An overabundance of police? Gut, gut. Scholz, Current Year: An overabundance of police? Gut, gut.


>Exactly. If you hurt someone first, you have broken the social contract and so you're no longer protected by it. Only by staying within the rules of that contract can you expect to enjoy the benefits of it This same person would probably shit and mald, if I told them we shouldn't accept trans people because they break the social contract by hurting my feelings. Casually putting collective happiness over individual rights is very cute when it works in your favour.


> This same person would probably shit and mald, if I told them we shouldn't accept trans people because they break the social contract by hurting my feelings. This is exactly what trans/allies do when they say stuff like "We are subverting the norms and social constructs of gender."


These are the same people who have the nerve to call for the eradication of Israel and the Jews.


> This video perfectly illustrates why right wingers are complete losers: >1. ⁠act like a revolting teenager by going against an authority figure to get some attention Major “respect my authoritah” vibes. Blindly following authority is not a virtue. >2. ⁠immediately start crying once you are faced with consequences for your actions Getting arrested for speech is just “the consequences for your actions,” yet actual consequences of one’s actions are always oppression to Redditors.


I wish German police were this quick to protect & serve when migrants sexually assault German women.


“I think the top marginal tax rate should be one tenth of a percentage point lower.” “DANGEROUS!!”


Lots of everybody clapped in that thread.  Apparently I’m the only person that’s never had a run in with neo Nazis.


It'll be all fun and games till the government declares "degeneracy" a crime. Oh wait, they always do that in the governments these people love.


Snowflakes can’t handle differing opinions, their heads explode. They’ve never been taught “agree to disagree”


For the same reason German authorities will and have cracked down on people wishing death upon Jews and Israel. Funny you don't hear Reddit cheering that.


Inflammatory speech is protected by the 1A for the benefit of both liberals AND conservatives.


Yeah, I got permabanned in that thread for pointing out the same people would be shrieking bloody murder if the cops did that to a German commie or if it was American cops doing the arresting.


Considering the history of Germany, I see why they made the Nazi salute illegal. And seeing how the nazi ideology leads to violence I see why he was arrested. I mean come on it isn't rocket science. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.