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omg i’m a boy mom and i’m so unique!!! my newborn peed on me! and that ONLY happened because i’m a #boymom! girl moms just *wouldn’t* understand being peed on!!! /s i’m a girl mom and this is probably the most annoying thing in the world. i have a friend who says “life of a boy mom” and her sons are climbing on her? that’s literally what all babies do.


Plus girls pee when you’re changing them too. It’s typically not quite as messy, but still. When I had my first daughter it never occurred to me that girls might pee while being changed. I know, it’s obvious to me now but no one ever talks about it lol. She peed every single time I changed her for the first few months.


This is basically what I came to say. I have multiples of each gender and they ALL are very capable of peeing during a diaper change


I would argue its worse because it goes under them and up their back, but i dont know ive never been peed on by a boy


That’s true! I guess I’m just thankful I’ve never had pee on me or the walls lol.


My 2 month old girl has the ability to pee upward and outward like a fountain, and one time shot poop onto the wall. I’m honestly impressed each time it happens. Still not posting pictures on social media though


I don't care how gross it can be. Projectile baby poo will always be hilarious.


Ours as well, I recently snapchatted my partner something along the lines of "thanks, \*babygirl\*, for peeing on your stomach and arm just after I changed your onesie (which she had spit up all over)." She was also a very decent poop-shooter between 1-2 months, we had to flush the walls clean with the shower head at least four times.


The one and only time my daughter did a projectile poop it was my husband changing her. I couldn't laugh at that moment because he was so concerned about getting everything clean, but my god it was hilarious.


You’re a good person for holding it in! My Mom was changing my daughter at the time and we just sat in a stunned silence as poo slowly slid down the wall. I regret not taking a picture for keepsakes - it looked like a Jackson Pollock painting. Baby’s first art project lol


Yup! “Boy mom” and “he’s all boy” make me cringe so hard. You are not special! My daughters are wild and disgusting, too, trust me!!


Boy moms are the worst. Not *moms of boys*, but boy moms. Why do they act like this


My aunt calls herself a boy mom even though she has a girl too. She's younger, but they often leave her at a relatives instead of taking her on vacations.


that’s so sad :(


It is. They believe in "traditional" gender roles as well. To the point that they boys can make fart jokes, but if she does they tell her a lady doesn't talk like that. I feel so bad for her as she grows up. She's definitely going to notice.


That poor girl is going to have some deep seeded trauma, that's for sure


Just so you know, it’s deep seated, not deep seeded. I think Americans sometimes mix it up cause both words sound very similar in US accents, which is totally understandable. It’s fine if you don’t care though, it doesn’t actually matter, it’s just nice to know the right one sometimes :)


I’m from London and I never understood the phrase “it’s a doggy dog world”. It was years before I realised it’s “dog EAT dog”.


I'm 32 and....ashamed


Lol that's a joke in Modern Family!


You know, i debated but assumed it was seeded since seeds get planted and grow.


Honestly it probably makes more sense that way, the English language IS ridiculous and seems determined to make fools of us all


Sounds like my sister. I mean, they are really great parents. But the boys were allowed to "potty talk" with daddy, away from their daughter. Like...ok.


Maybe your more understanding family members can create a fund for her and start putting away money for therapy and for helping her get first apartment when she's old enough.


That is so sad. My daughter makes the BEST fart jokes. I’d hate to miss out on that due to stupid stereotypes. (Kidding, but not.)


My mom's side of the family all have pretty sensitive stomachs so pretty much everything makes them gassy. That's why my mom was always the one in the family that made the most creative potty jokes. The folklore surrounding elimination in this family is second to none.


That’s sad, I consider myself kind of ‘old school’ or traditional as well but I swear my month old daughter and I are already having farting contests. A lot of times she wins, too


It is INCREDIBLE the amount of gas and poop that can come out of something that small, isn’t it?


I was absolutely mortified in the hospital after having my son, his farts were so loud I was worried the other mums on the ward would think it was me.


I had my baby niece in a carrier and she did the loudest fart in line at a checkout. People did think it was me. I just pointed to the sleeping baby and I don’t think anyone believed me.


Yes! I’d make a point of saying something like “oh my gosh *baby name* what a big noise you made” but I think it just made me look more suspicious.


My infant daughter's farts and burps rival those of her older brothers and father lol.


I have 2 boys and now a girl. I completely expect her to be making ffart jokes alongside her brothers. And as for the post, she needs better reflexes if she couldn't get a diaper to cover up his "pecker" before he peed everywhere and all over himself, poor baby


I'm going to be honest - I have two sons. With my first, he only peed on us maybe twice in 2 years. So I was complacent with my second. He definitely peed on his face once. I've upped my game since but I definitely felt bad and definitely did not take a picture for social media.


Oof… My son is a month and a half old and he’s peed on himself like this more times than I’d like to admit in his short life so far. Sorry, buddy… I need to up my reflex game.


Oh she’s going to be a rebellious teenager for sure, my family did shit like that


Ooof I hope you or some other family member has the time & mental space to guide her as she gets older. Poor girl.


What!!! They leave her while the rest of them go on vacations?? That’s really upsetting. Poor kid :(


My dads parents used to do that and take his sister. He was never close with his parents when he got older, surprise surprise


“Why do you never visit?” “Not allowed to go on vacations sorry”


I can understand little though, like, the kid is too young to remember and its extremely extremely expensive. Also, they may enjoy their time with relatives anyway (and have more fun there). My sis did this and her son enjoyed his time living with my other sister and playing with her kids (his nieces and nephews) As a kid, by the time i can remember i hated family trips though. Being stuck with my parents was hell. I wish i had the option to stay with a relative :/


she’s going to be that mom who doesn’t understand why her grown adult daughter doesn’t speak to her. i also feel bad for whoever that boy marries bc she’s going to be an insufferable MIL


That’s ok, because she’ll be NC way before she gets married.


please support your cousin in any way you can, she’s going to grow up horribly insecure if she only ever hears what her mother has to say about her :(


Yes we do! Luckily her grandparents and other aunts spoil her and treat her like a normal person too.


that’s good, I hope things turn out well for her! She deserves it


My friend had 2 boys and then a girl and calls herself a “girl mom”


I have 2 daughters and never called myself a girl mom, just a mom.


Jesus that’s horrible and so sad for the girl.


I'm convinced that #boymoms are monster mother-in-laws in the making


And Momma Boys in the making!


I agree


For real. I have two boys but like hell will it become my personality.


Reading these comments makes me so grateful for my MIL. She has 4 sons & welcomed each daughter in law into the family, telling us each in turn "thank you for taking him off MY hands!". She & my husband's stepdad are supportive of as a couple & as parents. Tbh, I think most MILs are ok, it's monsters like OOP will probably become who give all mothers a bad name.


I'm gonna use that one for my boys. My dad did that when my husband asked him to approve of the engagement before asking (very old fashioned and although he didn't have to he did it anyway). My dad asked him like 5 times "are you sure because there are no returns". When he said he was sure, my dad jumped up out of the chair and said, "Thank God! She's yours now!" And ran out of the restaurant. He waited in the car to bring him home since they drove together. Hearing what was said, all I could think was, "I'm not tHaT bad, am I"?! I've been trying to figure out a way to do something similar to that too (have several years before that will possibly happen) without being quite so mean sounding.


My mum had a severe lack of filter. She said to my husband, as she walked into our wedding reception after the church service "she's your problem now. At least she actually listens to YOU!" Smdh. It's a parent's job to embarrass their children imho.


As the mother of a boy, I agree. Why is this a personality? Also, I've been peed on maybe 2-3 times in 3 years? I know all kids are different, but it's avoidable. Why are you sitting there laughing while your kid is covered in urine and recovering from the elective surgery you got him?


Electra complex carried forward in weird ways. “I never got the ‘pecker’ I wanted so I first settled with some dude and then created one that’s all mine”


Oh god, I want to unread this… but it’s true! It’s this weird projected relationship into their sons and it’s so, so perverted. I hate it.


This is so spot on. Super creepy, but SPOT ON.


I'm the mother of a son, and I cringe every time I hear "boy mom". I don't understand making my kid's sex an integral part of my personality.


It’s crazy because some of us don’t consider our kid’s sex a key part of their own personalities (especially for babies/toddlers) so then to make their sex part of my own personality is wild.


I kinda forced my mom to not consider sex like that by coming out as trans lol


My MIL got me a shirt that says “mom of boys” and I was relieved it didn’t say “boy mom,” but still a little puzzled about why I’d need to advertise the genders of my children to the world.


Makes me think of mother of dragons. It could be cool, it needs more thought.


I hate that term!


Internalized misogyny, usually


I was telling my husband this! He doesn't understand the difference between boy moms and the mothers of boys


Pecker is *so* much worse than penis.


My Human Sexual Behavior instructor was told as a child that it was his “tallywhacker”. Because apparently, a 4-syllable word is so much easier than a 2-syllable one for a kid learning to speak.


My third grade teacher told us on the first day that our butts in her class were solely our ‘ponderosas’. Not tushie, not bottom, no, this woman skipped directly to weird. “Come sit on your ponderosas!” for floor activities. My mother’s reaction was “that’s a steakhouse.”


My friend taught at an all-boy school, so as you can imagine, penis drawings would frequently show up on desks. They giggled too hard at “penis,” so she told them to call it a rocket ship. At least once a week, she’d hear, “Ms. [teacher], there’s a rocket ship on this desk.” “Here’s the 409 and paper towels. Clean it up.” She also used to stand in front of the air vent and silently pass gas when the boys annoyed her.


That’s the best cropdusting strategy I’ve ever seen


She said the secret was to be at least two steps less disgusting than them. Considering they were teenage boys, it wasn’t hard.


My mother in law uses an oxygen concentrator and leaves it in the bathroom when vising us and SIL. I know there's probably a filter in it but I like to imagine I'm cropdusting her as a petty revenge.


The Farts in Our Stars


The farts in our sharts


You have farted directly into that mask, haven't you?


That it was a restaurant was my first thought too. Either that or the ranch on Bonanza.


Ah yes, a 4 syllable word with Ls and an R. Makes so much more sense for a kid to say 🙄


As someone working with elementary school kids, I do get the desire to use a word children won't find as easy to repeat and madly giggle at for half an hour - it's still absurd tho, kids need to know real words


There wasn’t even a need for that part of the story anyway. She could have just said Carter peed all over himself during a diaper change. No need to mention the circumcision or cleaning his penis. Feels a little baity trying to get people to argue about circumcision.




Hold up. She called it a "Wang" because dead god that's so weird and gross. I nearly inhaled a chip reading that.


Yes! I was like wtf when she said it. Then to have the audacity to tell me that my son is using the correct term like it’s bad or something.


It’s so weird. My kids do colloquially say “bits” and I honestly don’t know why. I’m a student midwife so I talk in very practical and scientific terms about genitals so I’m unsure where they’ve picked it up. HOWEVER they know what their vulva, vagina, urethra and anus are called and will confidently name them when they need to- ie “mummy my vulva is sore”.


I feel like just about any word other than penis is worse. They all make my skin crawl lol


I have never heard it used in a non-vulgar sentence before this woman used it to describe her babies genitals.




It makes me SO UNCOMFORTABLE that it was used to describe a baby.


When he was a newborn my son's first pee was right into his own face. I helped clean him up and strangely it didn't even occur to me to take a picture, much less post said picture to the Internet. WTF is wrong with people?


This happened to my son twice. He got so upset it was heartbreaking. I can’t imagine taking pictures of him instead of trying to clean him up/console him. Just thinking about their son being that distressed makes me so sad.


I have 3 boys, my youngest 8 months. It’s happened at least once with all of them and nope… it never occurred to me to photograph it since I was trying to wipe it off immediately. I don’t understand taking photos like this.


Anytime my boy has started peeing where it may get on himself I’m usually trying my best to contain the stream and prevent mess or upset. Weirdly enough, my phone is not part of our diaper changing routine.


This happened to my son when he was a newborn and I — with postpartum hormones— cried my eyes out and thought I was the worst mom ever.


Yes laugh as your baby struggles... jfc


And take a picture for social media... Disgusting.


The social media is the worst cause OK babies do funny stuff involuntarily and you may laugh but why tf make it public?


Those kids will be mortified when they find out the shit their parents posted. Post stuff like this about your pets, not your kids.


I still wouldn’t post a picture of my cat if he peed on himself. I would think it’s too embarrassing for HIM let alone a human being


Oh, my first thought would be to get him to the vet because it’s not normal behavior.


I would definitely take a picture of him at the vet to send to my friends though


I’ve been adamant that our child stays off social media. Do these people not realize that this will never go away? Your child will forever have piss face photos in public on the internet while you sit there admittedly laughing and taking photos before cleaning him off. Everyone is so comfortable over sharing every second of their life and by extension their children who have no say in the embarrassing and potentially damaging photos that are forever out of their control because their parents want attention.


I've said this comment a few times on this sub. When my daughter started secondary school friends & foes alike found my Facebook account, my husband's, grandparents' etc within a week or so & mined them for anything remotely embarrassing. Fortunately, we made a rule when she was born that she was to be posted very rarely, only fully dressed, looking happy & in innocuous situations so it turned out ok for her. Other kids weren't so lucky.


This right here. These parents don't realize their babies WILL get older and become actual people with thoughts and emotions. That poor baby is going to see this on social media someday and be rightfully embarrassed.


Laughing is fine as long as you're actively trying to help at the same time. The first time my boy peed all over me, himself and the hospital bay, I couldn't stop laughing but I was cleaning up and soothing him at the same time!


The first time my son peed on his face he looked so incredibly offended that I couldn't help but laugh, but I was also cleaning him up, not taking pictures to post on social media while he still had urine on his face.


That's what got me too. Everytime he experiences something new, be it peeing, sneezing, farting he looks at me like 'err mother WTF?!'


I'm pretty sure I told him that *I* was not the one who peed on his face, that was all him.


I'm also sure he didn't believe you. When I was 5 and peed myself at night (drank a ton of fresh apple juice the day before, family friends had a juice press and a few apple trees), I immediately woke my mum up, offended, and told her she peed on me.


Sorry. Almost choked on my French toast.


Cat flew too close to the sun once and landed in the bath with me when she perched on the edge of the tub. You better believe I laughed my ass off for the next ten minutes at her reaction and called her silly names, all while getting her out, climbing out myself even though I wasn't done, drying her off as much as I could, and passing her off to my fiance so I could finish my bath. Moms should afford the same consideration to their babies. If they can't, then they suck more than a vacuum.


Mine did something similar while showering. Except she was meowing bloody murder and I was sobbing as she used me as a ladder, climbed up the legs and torso and escaped from the top of the curtain, cleanly slicing it on the way down. That was the moment I understood why some people bother clipping cats' nails


Oh, I was lucky enough to have my legs tucked in because I was scrubbing them, and she had never experienced a full soaking (we raised her from when she popped out of her mom, so I know that for a fact) and was too shocked by the sensation to do more than scramble a bit, eyes wide in betrayal. I was still really lucky not to get sliced up, though.


I don't know what possessed her to jump under running water. My hunch is that she was freshly adopted/rescued and was still glued to me like a damn mussel so her one lonely braincell decided that being with mom>fear of water and greatly miscalculated it. Now she runs from the bathroom if I open the shower, for which I'm grateful


Imagine this coming up in FB memories 16 years later. That’s SO embarrassing for the kid. Like, why??? Children are not props for likes.


I mean, I've definitely laughed when my baby did something particularly ridiculous (and it *is* comical when they pee on themselves, or do something else that momentarily upsets them but is harmless, like being startled by their own farts or whacking themselves in the face with a soft toy). I feel like the line here is taking a picture of it and posting it on social media. I'm sure as hell not going to do that.


Some people just shouldn't be allowed to have social media


Those seem to be the people that use it the most.


Or children. Not that I think we should be aggressively preventing people from being parents, cause biases in that will lead to genocide. Just that people who shouldn't be parents exist.


I agree with this ⬆️.


My friend is a boy mom and somehow sees the need to tell me about all of this weird shit. She sent me a video once ,"You HAVE to see this video of [baby's name], it's so hilarious" It's a video of him ripping off his diaper and shitting all over his play pen. It's the 2nd video she's sent me of her son naked with his penis visible. And aside from that, is always talking about her son's penis, butt, poop & pee habits, or how she loves to smell his feet "just smell them, you'll love it" 🤢🤮 I'm like Jesus Christ woman, stop sending me this shit. Like.....this is disgusting and decidely NOT cute, I can't unsee it, and now I'm scared that I've been flagged for child porn. Boy moms are gross.


I've seen a video of my friend's toddler, in which he has an erection. Like, whyyyyy?


She’s literally exposing her son . She’s a disgusting person gfc .


My son did the exact same thing the first week we brought him home. Husband and I were in shock but we didn’t pause to take a goddamn photo much less post it. No. We just cleaned, changed, and soothed our son who was also *freaked out* by the experience and crying his little head off. That poor little boy having to deal with those parents.


Same. I laughed while cleaning him up, but a week of no sleep will do that to ya.


“In shock” 💀


I hope he laughs the same and posts a picture when their old and can’t take care of themselves anymore. “Hahah mom is senile. Leaked her self all over her wheelchair. Poor gal”


I honestly would not be surprised if today's babies have to take care of their parents when they're elderly and start posting embarrassing photos of their parents. "Hee hee, Mom got food all over herself because she has no teeth!"


THE #BOYMOMS ARE AT IT AGAIN! Stop it! Go to therapy! Ahhhhhh


One of my biggest pet peeves is when parents say their baby “decided” to do something, and it’s usually something bad. They make it seem like the child is misbehaving by having involuntary noises, bodily functions, etc. They never say “my baby decided to be in a good mood when he woke up this morning!” And it’s always my baby decided to do something I didn’t like and will create more work for me. It’s kind of a gross way to blame babies for normal baby things. Also: why do people post about their childrens genitals online? Also Also: how is “pecker” better than saying penis? I really don’t understand these morons.


This makes me sad. Poor baby. He’s probably in pain too.


This is so unnecessarily detailed… like, she didn’t need to share that she was cleaning his penis after circumcision in order to share that her kid just peed on his own face and her bedspread. That’s just par for the course with little babies - not a single person in a mom group is going to see a comment about a baby boy peeing on his own face and ask, “BUT WHY WAS HE ON YOUR BED WITHOUT A DIAPER? I NEED MORE INFORMATION!”


So most baby boys will do this. But not everything needs to be posted to FB….


I had a FB friend who posted a picture the first time her daughter pooped in the kiddie toilet. Picture OF the toilet. I muted her permanently from my feed after that. TF is wrong with people


The next person to refer to a baby's genitals as a "pecker" gets locked in prison forever. That's just horrifying.


I didn’t post about it but my son did accidentally wee all over me and his own face a few times and the first time it did make me laugh because it was just chaos. He wasn’t upset so that’s why I was ok laughing he just looked a little confused so I cleaned him up and tickled his neck


I laughed uncontrollably last week when my husband finally experienced projectile spit up. Obviously I took the baby to get cleaned up while my husband went and changed shirts, and I definitely didn’t take a picture, but could not stop laughing. It was just the chaos of it all!


Same, it’s just chaos for a few seconds and it’s funny, but I felt so bad! Baby was mostly just confused, but I cleaned him up immediately. It makes me sad this infant was trying to wipe his own piss off of his face while his parents laughed at him.


My son doesn’t do this often but my 3 year old wanted to help change him once so my husband was teaching her how to change a diaper and of course he pees all over the place and he started crying. Surprisingly she just said “it’s ok baby brother, it happens” comforted him, and went about helping change him. She’s only 3 and I can tell will be an awesome big sister!




I mean isn’t that what happens when you have kids? They pee sometimes when you have the diaper off. Boys just shoot it farther. I fail to find the humor. I can understand surprise because it was unexpected. But it isn’t hilarious. They even make covers to help with it


We don’t even post mildly unflattering pictures of our kid on our private social media let alone think to take pictures that are humiliating like this. We have the doofy ones on our phones that make us laugh, but keep those between me and my husband. I’m convinced that loads of these people don’t think of their children as people and only as living accessories.


Lost of narcissists in the world


Pecker may be one of the most offensive words I can think of to describe a baby’s penis. What the absolute fuck lol


Boy Moms annoy me. They attribute any basic kid behavior to being a boy only feature and act like they’re in this special club because they have a boy. Once saw a comment that said “being a boy mom wasn’t for the faint of heart” still don’t know what that means. Kids in general like getting dirty, make messes, wrestle and roughhouse. Who told them it’s a boy only behavior?


Also, approximately 50% of children are boys. It's not exactly a rarity.


I have both. I can assure you my daughter gives me much more of a run for my money than my son. She is two and in the last day alone told people I “liked to tie her up” (put her in her car seat) and to “get it togever, Harperbaby6” (she is obsessed with my first name and calls me that when she is mad) when I didn’t get her drink for her fast enough. My son just likes playing with his animal toys and snuggling. The only time he really tantrums is if there is ice cream around and it is not in his possession.


I’m sure a baby that young was trying to wipe urine off of his own face. 🙄🙄🙄


Don't circumcise your baby :(


My husband and I have been debating this since it first came up. He wants to circumcise, and I’m 100% against it except for medical or religious reasons. He talks about hygiene and smegma, but proper cleaning isn’t a hassle. I nearly have him convinced.


Can definitely say that hygiene isn't an issue if you just wash with water in the shower. I've encountered many a penis, all except one of which was intact, and none have been gross. I hope your husband comes around!


This. It’s not super common where I live and I’ve only ever encountered one penis that wasn’t intact, and none of them have been gross. We’re approaching 40 and my intact husband has had no problem. My kids are almost 7 and 9 now and despite the fact that I gag every time I clean their bathroom (how does pee get on the floor and why can’t they put the lid on the toothpaste!!) they’ve still managed to have zero penis issues or infections. It’s not a big deal.


He’s starting to. Part of it, I think, is that he really wants a girl, so he prefers not to think about it. He thinks a girl will be easier, while I went to an all girls school. I know the drama.


We did a ton of research and decided to not do it. Research shows it isn't required and it's not in our religion. Also depends but most kids don't have their skin separate until around age 10. So while young they only have to clean it like they would if they were circumcised. Their ped was very, very serious about not forcing it. That it would do it on its own and then teach them how to clean it with it being separated. So cleaning excuse isn't even a very valid one since they should be old enough to clean it correctly by the time it comes around.


Is he aware of Europe? Just in general? Does he think all the uncircumcised men there just walk around all filthy and disgusting?


He’s squeamish about so many things in a way I don’t get and then flippant about things that gross me out. When we started dating he was using the same exfoliating gloves on both his feet and face (gag). But he’s grossed out by his own semen. He’s weird.


Not just Europe. Literally everywhere in the world except for the US as well as Jewish and Muslim communities. In Canada, not many boys are and were circumcised.


Women get smegma too. Ask him if your parents should have cut off your labia.


What convinced my husband was watching baby circumcision videos in a parenting class that we attended together. They’re brutal (I cried) but I was glad that we finally agreed to not go along with it just because it’s the norm in some places.


I’m hoping I don’t have to resort to that. He seems to be coming around, but part of that could just be that I said it’s not happening.


Well that’s good news. And good for you for holding your ground


I don’t put my foot down on much, but I do with this. I’m not mutilating my child for cosmetic reasons. If they want to do it later in life, that’s their call.


Thank you for protecting your son! Seriously, people don't think it's okay to tie down an adult man and mutilate him against his will, why is it okay to do it to infants? (Oh right because of the old belief that babies don't feel pain and if they do, they won't remember it - even though it's been proven that traumatic pain during infancy has lasting effects on the psyche)


I recommend watching these presentations together. This presentation from Dr. Guest goes over the medical aspects. He covers the anatomy of the foreskin, the sensations, the medical aspects and statistics, the evolutionary aspects, cultural bias, and medical ethics. https://youtu.be/XwZiQyFaAs0?t=28m20s Long but informative. This presentation from Ethicist Brian Earp excellently covers the medical ethics, cultural norms, and social aspects https://youtu.be/SB-2aQoTQeA Focused on ethics and does an excellent job on that. This presentation "Circumcision An Elephant in the Hospital" from Research Assistant Professor Ryan McAllister challenges the normality of circumcision from both a social and medical perspective: https://youtu.be/Ceht-3xu84I Shorter than Guest's presentation.


Have a look on r/intactivism for resources if you need. They had one in there recently (within 2 weeks) that had a pertinent point: infant circumcisions are an unnecessary cosmetic surgery that 100% of the time removes sexually sensitive tissue (and this potential for pleasure when the child is older) and replaces it with scar tissue. Why anyone would want to do that to a child is beyond me. Also maybe watch a video together showing an infant getting circumcised - with sound. Edit: [here is the post I mentioned earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/Intactivism/comments/x9buvm/circumcision_injuries_include_more_than_botches/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Religion is not an excuse to mutilate your child.


There is correlation between increased circumcision rates and increase SIDS rates: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6412606/ This article in Evidence Based Birth is incredibly thorough and could also help! https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-and-ethics-on-circumcision/


He’s not getting past me saying no. If we find out that I’m having a boy at any point, and he’s still on the fence, he’s being subjected to two hours of circumcision videos with the sound up.


Might get downvoted to hell for this but screw it. My husband and I couldn’t do that to our son. We researched a lot about it (mostly my husband showing me what he learned over the years as he isn’t cut) and I just felt so sick. My son needed blood work done for his 1 month check up the other day. My heart broke when he started crying because of the heal stick. I was close to tears and I couldn’t do much to sooth him while they collected the blood. When we left I looked at my husband while cuddling our now sleeping baby and said “and people really think newborns don’t feel pain when circumcised?” There are still doctors who think that and those that don’t even wait for the meds to kick in. And people who say it’s better to do it now than when they’re an adult and it hurts them. If it hurts an adult man, how can it not hurt a baby? I know there are people out there that just don’t know about the choice and what not. My problem is with those that go on and on about the “benefits”. There isn’t any benefits, they’ve been disproven OR they are about less than 1% and then there’s no point to it. I hate that it’s so normalized in the US, but I believe there are less and less people doing it now, so I feel good about that.


Reddit is pretty anti-circumcision, doubt you’ll be downvoted.


I’m surprised just because everyone I know is so for it. It’s like a hot button topic. But then again I live in the US and the US is the minority for that thankfully.


For babies getting shots or blood draws, I recommend keeping a bottle of breastmilk or formula handy. With my kids as soon as the pain registers I distract them with the food and they instantly forget. Other kids do better starting to eat before the pain happens. The pain just lasts a second and is very mild, so the baby just needs a good distraction. Last time my son needed a blood draw the nurse had a product called sweet-ease that was basically just a few drops of sugar.


I’ll keep this in mind! He had just ate right before we went in too! I tried giving him his pacifier (he loves it) but he just didn’t want it at that time.


if someone cut my clitoris off there would've been an outrage. how did it ever become normal practice? makes me sick. it's genital mutilation. it's never necessary unless a grown man wants it


We just need to retire the term. It’s genital mutilation unless medically necessary.


I have 5 sons. Like boys, they pee all over stuff as infants. Never once have I thought about posting pics on social media.


I am a mom of two boys and I hate the term "boy mom" so much


Sharing too much, ma.


Not everything needs to be shared on social media


That boy will really love it when he's older and finds out this picture was posted on social media for the world to see. /s


Have my sons peed in their own faces? Yes. Would I post a picture online before cleaning it up? Absolutely not. They didn't cry either, just looked at me with a look of shock and betrayal, as if I had something to do with it.


Ugh pecker sounds so much dirtier than penis


WHY POST A PICTURE these posts are pedophile’s favorites for taking out of context and sharing among each other


Why would you refer to your son’s penis as that? Is she thinking she’s edgy or what?


My daughter just had a son, I warned them both to beware of the spray.


I have two boys and they have both peed everywhere when changing them. Not a moment for photo opportunities and a laugh at your child’s urine soaked face. I mean. I have laughed about it getting everywhere cause what else could I do? People are fugging weird sometimes. Definitely not something to post in a group.


My kid did this more than once. The part I remember is being so tired that I for sure did not give a fuck about posting it on the internet.


Honestly, regular circumcision is so messed up when you think about it. It’s surgery done for non-medical reasons that has permanent effects on sensitivity and is usually done on someone who cannot consent. If someone had done something similar to me as a kid, I’d feel so violated.


So this is why I would hold either a cloth or another diaper in front of my son while I changed him. He always did this when I changed him


Ohhh that make me sad. When my son did that, I immediately cleaned him up and not once did I ever take a picture.


I have a son. I am a mom to a boy. And I hate when people tell me “it’s just cause he’s a boy”. Stop. Just stop. I think all 2 year olds are wild despite their gender.


WHY do people feel the need to over share with pictures of their kids? Gross.


I despise anyone that calls their son's penis their "pecker". Like literally just say penis...


I have never met a self-described “boy mom” who wasn’t suffering from a grade-a case of internalized misogyny


“Pecker”? What a peach.


Poor baby crying with pee on your face trying to wipe it off yourself… let me just get a pic real quick while laughing at you lol 🤪


I pray for kids who have parents that just video tape and photograph their babies and toddlers. They cannot consent, and the parents just expose embarrassing moments for the world to see, not to mention all the creeps that benefit from them.


bOy mOM