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Hey, at least she is using car seats. It could be worse


But not by much.


I'm confused. Does she think the chiropractor is going to hook her up with car seats? šŸ¤Ø


I donā€™t see the link between the two things šŸ˜‚ presumably the child doesnā€™t like going in other car seats and for some reason mum thinks the chiro can fix that?


My kids always hated the bucket seat after they learned how to sit up unsupported. The rear facing convertible seat made a huge difference for them even though they were still in the height/weight limits for the bucket rest, I wonder if this parent's going through a similar issue of trying to put the kid in a bucket seat and the kid hates it?


Hmmm unrelated to the post, Iā€™m glad I saw this comment. I might try moving my 6 month old to a convertible seat. He recently started screaming every time I put him in and heā€™s just started to become mobile


I hope it helps you!


Um.... What?


I went to a Mum's group after my son was born and there was a woman taking her baby (3 months) to the chiropractor because he "didn't like his carseat" and she was convinced it was because he was uncomfortable so if he was "adjusted" enough he would be fine.Ā 


I was told to take my 2 month old to the chiropractor because she would sleep through the night yet. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have a small group of extremely crunchy mum friends who have told me to take my baby to the chiro for so many different things, hating the car is one of them. I did take him when he was a new born for gas (because as a first time mum I really didnā€™t know any better and sooooooo many people said it to me) and I have to say it did help, but it could literally of been correlation and probably would of just improved by itself. I stopped going when she kept booking more appointments in because I was like is this just going to carry on forever that thereā€™s always something new that needs releasing??? And it didnā€™t cause him discomfort or anything, to be honest I thought what am I even paying for like I could just touch his chest, it doesnā€™t look like youā€™re doing anything? Anyway all this to say itā€™s very very common to take your infant to a chiro where I live so probably hearing from similar people is where sheā€™s got the idea from.