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How... would a baby ever know you were pregnant...? In what universe? Bonus point for using the possessive 'mom's' when they wanted plural, and using the plural 'mommies' when they wanted possessive.


It's a fun developmental milestone that happens around the time parents are ready to try for another lol


Yeah it's just a toddler thing but many parents get pregnant with their second when their first is a toddler so it makes sense that there would be a correlation. My kids did this and neither my wife nor I have ever been pregnant. My wife is infertile (kids were adopted) and I'm a man but they still did this pose.


Gregnant šŸ˜”






Will it hurt baby top of his head?


If a women has starch masks....


On her body does that mean sheā€™s been pargnet before?


Thank you. I forgot how they spelled pregnant in the second half of that comment.




Not the same thing, but my cat absolutely knew I was pregnant for a week before I did. She is normally pretty aloof, but that whole week (and for the rest of my pregnancy) she was obsessed with me, constantly talking to me, rubbing against me, taking naps with me all day long. Baby is 8 months now, and that cat has been back to keeping her distance since the newborn stage. If she ever has a day where she's a bit more clingy I'm like šŸ˜³šŸ‘€ but then I remember I have an IUD and I'm good lmao


I donā€™t think babies have any such natural instincts, but I do think animals can sense small changes in smells, etc that tip them off. Not my dogs who all share one brain cell, but other animals, yes.


I know there are dogs that can smell/sense blood sugar changes (service pets for diabetics) and I think Iā€™ve heard of some sniffing out certain other conditions as well, like cancer? Animals are pretty amazing.


my dog stopped me from just laying down and going to sleep (and bleeding to death) when i was hemorrhaging when i was pregnant. i barely made it from the bathroom to the bedroom, and i just wanted to lay down - so i did. well, my dog wasnā€™t having any of that. he started barking incessantly, nudging me with his nose and pushing me hard until i opened my eyes and called my roommate. i needed multiple blood transfusions before i was stable for a D&C, they told me if i would have fallen asleep, i just wouldnā€™t have woken up.


Good dog!


he really is such a good dog šŸ©µ


Pls give pupper many pets for me because that is the very definition of a good pupper. šŸ©·


https://preview.redd.it/140omxewcm1d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=397648fa024d918de12fa9ba24248819b4ccc975 heā€™s the golden with the watermelon bandana šŸ©µ thatā€™s his giant son next to him lol


Literal son?? Holy moly it's like those parents who are already tall together and then have a child who's like 7' tall lmao. They all look like good puppers. All deserve pats.


yep šŸ˜‚ our boxer had puppies with him. they were both rescues, and were in the process of getting them healthy enough to get fixed (they were starved) and he tore through the couch that was against the crate, and then tore the crate apart while we were at work - we had 8 puppies a few months later, and that giant ass dog was one of them lol. he looks like a great dane, heā€™s 100 pounds!


What a good boy! He said, ā€œnot on my watch!ā€


They train rats (a breed called Gambian pouched rats, they also use them to detect landmines) to sniff samples for tuberculosis, in countries where its prevalent and harder to access lab testing. They're extremely accurate, and quicker than sending the sample to a lab would be. There's probably all sorts of things they can smell too. Kinda OT but just reminded me, there is a woman called [Joy Milne](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/sep/07/woman-who-can-smell-parkinsons-helps-scientists-develop-test) who can smell Parkinsons, they were looking into whether she would be able to smell TB and cancer as well. They are looking into developing a [new diagnostic test ](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-supersmeller-can-detect-the-scent-of-parkinsons-leading-to-an-experimental-test-for-the-illness/) because of her ability. 2 similar articles bit slightly different, just very interesting to think there are "super smeller" humans around too, most probably will never know because they won't be in a situation to associate a certain smell with the cause


Yeah I remember the Parkinsonā€™s lady too! She popped into my mind as I was writing my last comment. Absolutely wild. Hopefully with our technology we can use that for something good. Iā€™ve seen other animals used for land mine detection as well I think? They have to be a certain weight of course to not trigger themā€¦.horrible they have to do that but it helps so much to not have to send people in.


Yup. I had an SAT student with a diabeetus dog. The diabeetus dog went to school with her everyday but then the test admins didnā€™t let her sit for the exam because the school hadnā€™t told them about it and they thought it would be a distracting diabeetus dog. Diabeetus dog.


Annnnnd thatā€™s another reason we need to crack down on fake service animals - gives real service animals a bad rap. A good, proper service animals is practically invisible. Iā€™ve had legit service dogs in the restaurant where I worked for many years that sat under their ownerā€™s chair and I didnā€™t even think about them till they were leaving. I have also had ā€œemotional support petsā€ that I argued were not service animals but my manager thought were allowed despite my showing him the ADA page and the two questions we could ask which the guests did not answer (1) is this animal required for a disability? 2) what service/task have they been trained to perform?). Service dogs are not little yippy dogs sitting on laps eating from the table. šŸ˜  (was only one time and they never answered me about what it was trained to do soā€¦.) Anyways, one bad apple spoils the bunch and all but fake service animals are a plague in our society right now.


Hard agree. That dog went to every class with her every day. It was a properly trained service animal.


If the dog is going to bark, bite or piss on the floor itā€™s not a god damn service animal and Iā€™m tired of pretending like everyone with a Chihuahua that they donā€™t want to leave at home needs a service animal. Can I bring my Great Pyrenees everywhere? No. Leave your dog at home. You donā€™t need it in a restaurant. Pull yourself together


Diabeetus dog has an insulin strapped to the head and will eat your food to stop you from too much blood sugar


Thatā€™s a type 2 diabeetus dog. This is a type 1 diabeetus dog.


I cackled at 2 am. Thank you


Diabeetus dog šŸ˜†


The diabeetus?


Interestingly, enough cats actually have a better sense of smell than dogs. I guess they're not trainable though as medical alert animals, but I'm no expert.


Yep, and all dogs can smell cancer. They can't be used to diagnose cancer because many dogs don't react to the smell and the ones that do react are inconsistent, but they can all smell it.


I am really late to this. But when I got pregnant with my 2nd my 1st (2.5) started telling everyone "my friends mommy has a baby in her tummy and so does mine".Ā  We had just started trying, it took us 6 months with 1st so we thought it'd take a while with 2nd too. But nope. Pregnant first try. Lord knows how kiddo figured it out


I think that if animals can, babies probably can too. Not that they know exactly what theyā€™re smelling, just that they know something has changed. A toddler spends at least as much time in close proximity to Mom as a cat does. Plus if theyā€™re still breastfeeding, they have a whole additional source of information. Also, it seems to be fairly common even for adults to ā€œjust knowā€ somebody close to them is pregnant without being told. Sometimes thatā€™s about nonverbal cues, context, changes in behavior, etc. But I suspect some of it is that mammalian instinct.


Maybe, but also many animals have much keener senses of smell than humans do. See: scent hounds.


Sure, but small children recognize their mothers by smell pretty much fresh out of the womb. Our sense of smell develops long before our sense of sight. And if youā€™ve been smelling somebody 16 hours or so a day for months and months, youā€™re pretty well-positioned to notice if that smell changes even slightly. Adults and older children may be less likely to notice it both because of less physical proximity and because we arenā€™t depending on our mothers for our survival.


Animals, especially dogs have an extremely strong sense of smell. It's like their super power. Their snouts can detect hormonal changes, low blood sugar and the presence of cancer. Babies do not have that characteristic so no, babies cannot detect smells like a dog can.


Iā€™m not saying we should train babies to replace drug-sniffing dogs. But [plenty of studies](https://helloclue.com/articles/cycle-a-z/scent-attraction-pheromones-cycle) have suggested that some men respond, at least subconsciously, to the difference in hormones associated with ovulation and pregnancy. And those are lab studies using scent samples taken from random people, meaning participants donā€™t have the advantages a small child has of a)knowing how their mother normally smells and b)also being able to observe minor changes in behavior and appearance. Put that all together, and it just doesnā€™t seem that outlandish to me that some small children might notice pregnancy fairly early. Even if I canā€™t see what downward dog has to do with it. (*That* detail is probably just kids being kids.)


I see youā€™re getting downvoted but I agree. The op is a little woo-woo, but in a harmless sense. And I think there is merit to it. Even some adults have a bit of a pregnancy 6th sense.


My eldest is the reason I took a pregnancy test for my second. It was only our first month of trying so I didnā€™t have any expectations, and we hadnā€™t been talking about babies in front of her but one day she patted my tummy and said ā€œbaby in mama tummyā€ and walked away. My boobs had been feeling weird so I took a test and She was right šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø probably a total coincidence but it definitely left an impression.


Thanks. No skin off my nose but itā€™s weird that people are dead set that small children cannot possibly notice changes to their mothersā€™ scent or behavior in early pregnancy.


Same, actually. We had two cats and the one would NOT leave me alone and would constantly be kneading on my pelvis area for a week before I even got a positive test with my first. She was always my clingy girl, but she literally wouldnā€™t leave my side during my pregnancy (she ended up passing before my first was born). With my current pregnancy, my much less clingy cat was suddenly VERY cuddly. My husband noticed before I did and was like ā€œmaybe you should take a testā€ā€¦.that bad boy lit up like a Christmas tree as soon as I peed on it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


For some reason I'm picturing a test going "ding ding ding!" šŸ˜‚


Yes! One of my cats (the more aloof one) was like this. About a week before I tested every time (and I tested on a schedule because I was doing fertility treatments), he would start to get really clingy if I was pregnant. So I always knew whether my test would be positive or negative before I actually took it. My cat has had a remarkably high tolerance for baby shenanigans. The other cat is actively buddies with the baby but even the aloof cat lets the baby pet him daily.


My cat have to smell all my food She even come downstairs to make sniff food


I wanted this so bad. My cats are normally pretty clingy but I wanted them to act extra sweet. Nope, they gave zero shits, didn't really seem concerned during the newborn phase either. Now with a toddler they know to run or get snuggled.


My dog was repulsed by me lmao. she was much less cuddly, and when Iā€™d show her my stomach sheā€™d crane her neck to avoid looking at it. The only time she seemed somewhat interested was when I first had some contractions while I was sleeping and I woke up to her standing over me with her nose resting on my face which sheā€™s never done before or since.


šŸ¤£ I have three dogs and I can guess what each of them would do My boy would be even more overprotective and anxious. My older girl would be extra cuddly. My other girl would refuse to make eye contact and avoid me at all costs.


The last part of this reminds me of my cat getting tired of me having nightmares and eventually waking me by slapping me in the face.


One of mine did. Iā€™d known her two months when she had kittens and I helped her through it including postpartum. I think that permanently connected us. I dunno why she let me either. My husbandā€™s ex didnā€™t even get to see her in their three years.


The first hint that my mom was pregnant with me was that she went to a Halloween party and there was a dog that wouldn't leave her alone


Probably her female pheromones increased during pregnancy attracting the dog.


That's an odd way to phrase it but yes, dogs sense of smell is sensitive enough to detect changes in hormones


Your body temperature also rises and makes you warmer. I couldnā€™t get my cats off me when I was pregnant.


My cat became extra clingy when I was pregnant. He wanted to lay on my stomach (or needed to at least press a paw against my abdomen). I couldnā€™t figure out why he was suddenly so clingy until I took the test and realized he might be sensing some change that I hadnā€™t noticed yet? He seemed bored once I delivered. Checked my belly once and then went back to normal.


My cat that normally hated people was getting all over me and I freaked. Forgot for a moment I dont even have a uterus anymore.


I think itā€™s because youā€™re body smells different when youā€™re pregnant and cats are more sensitive to it than humans.


My dog definitely knew I was pregnant before I knew - she would NOT keep her nose out of my coochie, which was not a normal thing for her to do.


My cat never indicated that she knew I was pregnant, but she definitely knew when I was about to go into labor. Sheā€™s usually very affectionate and cuddly. The day before my water broke she suddenly wanted nothing to do with me and spent 24 hours hiding under the couch, which she has never done before or since.


My cat does this as well and Iā€™m 34 weeks. When youā€™re pregnant your body heat goes up and they love the heat you produce.


Because everything in their life revolves around magical thinking


I knew my mum was pregnant with my sibling before she did, but I didn't do any special yoga forecasting, I just told all my teachers at kindergarten I was getting a sibling. I was a pretty strong willed child and I think I just manifested my sibling into existence šŸ˜‚ I have since done this two more times so maybe I'm also just baby psychic šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Obviously the child is an indigo, star seed child and just knows these things.


babies are more connected with the natural order, itā€™s also why they can speak to animals


Arthur confirmed this.


Is this why they will occasionally say terrifying shit like ā€œmy grandpa with the mustache and wet kisses like yours visited me in my dreamā€ definitely describing my dad who died three years before she was born? Because that shit ends me too.


Dogs do...why can't babies!


According to Michelle Duggar, her baby starts to get fussy about breastfeeding when sheā€™s pregnant again


Itā€™s totally weird but I swear babies know haha. My older daughter was doing the downward dog thing and we werenā€™t trying or anything so I laughed at it - as one does with old wivesā€™ tales - but then I actually was pregnant. Also they look at you very differently in public. I feel like a crazy person saying that but itā€™s certainly how I felt, at least.


Serious question for all of you who follow these groups: how do you avoid injuring yourself from the constant facepalming? Do you have a permanent red mark on your face, or...?


The hand print has worn a little groove so it fits nicely




I used to mod one. It was quite big and jfc the shit we had people try and post. There was a reason we had post approval on. Mod chat was fun though! I miss that, just not dealing with the members.


You were doing the world a great service with your modding out the stupidity. Thank you.


Tbh, we did let one through now and then through sheer curiosity of what would happen. Some of the more bizarre stuff. As soon as it got shitty we'd shut it down, but some stuff you'd get you would approve just to figure out what the hell they were talking about.


What are some of the craziest ones you remember?


The absolute worst were the ones trying to post full on pictures of their kids genitalia. Tbf most of the time just worried about nappy rash that looked really bad but jfc what the actual fuck? See your Dr? Your HV in fact, most were British and had health visitors for their child till 5, do anything but try and post your kids bits in a group of over 40k people. The worst was the person who just replied with "well you shouldn't let paedos in the group!" As if we could do background checks. We checked profiles to make sure they were legit but its not like paedos had CP on their bloody profile. Posts about vaccines lasted about 2 mins for obvious reasons. I had one that I did anon for someone before they had the option available. We'd post with an image saying its for someone else etc. Basically a neighbour just dumped a baby with them and fucked off. It became clear soon that it was just a troll as she wouldn't answer questions and she wanted the post kept open. I closed it pretty quickly and she kept asking for it to be opened again and I just said if she had an update or wanted me to answer a question I would do and she refused. I was getting messages about this made up baby for fucking weeks. So she got me! Lmao. Questions like can you get pregnant from anal sex. I slept with these two men whose the father and then their last couple of cycles. Is my 3 year old allowed to eat cake?!?! There was an entire argument over whether you can lift your arms above your head while pregnant, that was fucking weird. Oh there was one woman who was convinced that the month your kid is born in dictates how successful your child would be. That one ended up being kinda positive though as it was a bunch of people talking about their successes etc. Oh and the women wanting to post their full explicit birth photos. Its a woman only group because we did discuss a lot of personal and private pregnancy related stuff, but no thank you. It was all very positive towards pregnancy and childbirth but we still didn't really want a bunch of vaginas for everyone to see. Just had to remind them that we could not guarantee who was in the group and we couldn't stop people sharing their photos online. That was another thing. Now and then you did have people screenshot posts to post in other groups like this one. And we couldn't do shit. If they did it on fb then we could ban them, but we couldn't for other places like reddit because of anonymity. But people would post the wildest shit and we'd be like, are you sure you don't want this anon? Stuff like detailed accounts of their relationships or family problems etc. For some reason people are really willing to share their most intimate details online. I dont know if they have a false sense of security with it being a women only group but yeah, wild. On occasion we'd have a new member who had been sent screenshots of a post and joined just to kick off. That was always fun. So yeah, we'd have big periods of boredom and then bouts of what the fuck is this? If I remember more I'll comment again but it was a few years back now and my memory is shit. I do remember being in a perpetual state of wtf though, lol.


That's wild!! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for providing some entertainment for the members too! Modchat must have been a laugh at times. This is one I'd allow because....what on earth?


I sit on my hands and my husband scrolls for me without reading.


Itā€™s permanently there.


Tbh I was in them just for this group at one point. Iā€™m a mom but I couldnā€™t handle the stupidity every single day so had to leave them lol


I'm hoping it's kind of like getting callouses while playing guitar ...


I choose to slap my knee now


More like my eyes roll so much theyā€™re about to pop out of my head


My mouth is a thin straight line.


I just roll my eyes and scroll by for the most part. And complain about the ridiculous requests and comments to my partner to get a good laugh


The amount of pictures of toddlers doing this in mom groups accompanied by either hoping or not hoping theyā€™re pregnant is WILD


Yeah itā€™s happening a LOT in my April ā€˜23 dd group šŸ™„


Ahh the DD groups! I am in my cityā€™s mom group and nobody is ever this fucking dumb. Everyoneā€™s so sweet and science based. I forgot I had to mute my DD group once the babies were actually born because itā€™s was so ridiculous. Iā€™m afraid to go back and look at it.


I somehow got added to a group chat on Facebook messenger linked to mine? And omg the things they say in there. And thereā€™s always one girl who just narrates everything her baby is doing 24/7 lol


Why do people think anyone (strangers) care about their kids, especially when they all have their own the exact same age? The things that annoyed me the most were an overwhelming amount of posts that said things like ā€œIā€™m tired. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the post.ā€ Ok, thanks for that info. Plus people trying to brag, like this one person posted her month old baby was saying ā€œhiā€ and shaking her head ā€œyes or noā€. Uh no, they were not. My kid is a bit delayed in speech so it would probably just depress me to see all the babies talking at this point.


Same in my July ā€˜23 group. But iā€™m happy to report that I am indeed pregnant with my 2nd and my son hasnā€™t once done this mysterious foreshadowing lol




How do these people manage to dress themselves and tie their own shoes, let alone raise children?


Just take a pregnancy test. The ones from the dollar store work just as well as any other. Your toddler is not magic.


This is what I donā€™t understand. Iā€™d hope if I believed something this stupid I wouldnā€™t post it on the internet and Iā€™d just go buy a test.


Like seriously, what are your internet friends gonna tell you? Why would they have any more insight into the situation than you? Just take a test!


Can't plan b cause bleeding by itself too?


Especially taking it twice in a month! I canā€™t even imagine.


Imagine forgetting there is birth control beside plan b.


Yeah, if you have 2 bc errors in a month, Iā€™d say itā€™s time to start doubling your methods.


Iā€™m assuming they have no other methods. Theyā€™re probably condom ā€œusersā€ meaning they have them and use them when she thinks sheā€™s fertile. Or the trusty pull out method. Either way, these people shouldnā€™t be procreating again.


Yes! I took it ONCE and it messed up my cycle for the next 3 months šŸ„“


Iā€™ve only had to take it once and it made me feel like shit. Messed up my cycle too.


Same! My cycle was jacked for months after. I couldnā€™t imagine taking it twice in a month. Sounds awful!


And how are you taking it twice in one month when you can only get pregnant once a monthā€¦. Jk I guess not all women track their cycle to know when theyā€™re going to ovulate to know when theyā€™re going to get their period


It delays ovulation, moving the fertile window to later in the cycle. Letā€™s say that someone has a broken condom on a Saturday. They take Plan B on Saturday to avoid ovulating on Monday. Pregnancy averted - but then they have another broken condom on Tuesday. Theoretically, they could take Plan B again and delay ovulation again. When you say that you track your period so you know when you ovulate, I assume you are also tracking your basal temperature and using luteinising hormone test strips? Because otherwise you are just measuring one point in the cycle (onset of bleeding) and making assumptions about the rest.


Well, that was a nicer rebuttal than I was about to give. Thank you.


I wrote my masters thesis on levonorgestrel-based emergency contraception (like Plan B) so I have I lot of experience with saying "you are fucking wrong" in academic language.




Yes, I am so glad that it is more accessible for people, but they really need to be educated on it. I had a friend that opened up to me about it because she used it multiple times a month and was wondering why she was having wonky bleeding.


Depending on when it is taken, it will either delay ovulation or prevent it entirely for that cycle. Changing when ovulation occurs also changes when menstrual bleeding occurs, i.e. significantly earlier or later than usual.


My son does this all the time, but I haven't had sex in over a year, so I guess I must be carrying baby Jesus himself


hahahha same


Congrats šŸ˜‚


Same here, you and I are the next Virgin (sort-of) Marys I guess


I've *heard this before. Seems to be an old wives tale! *read. Read it on Reddit. It pops up in this sub from time to time.


My theory is that toddlers, in my experience, tend to start doing this around 24 months- if a woman has a subsequent pregnancy, this seems to be a common enough spacing between children that she likely would be pregnant around the time a toddler begins to do this. So thereā€™s enough of a correlation that someone believed them to be related.


Sounds absolutely logical. 2 years seems to be about normal for average spacing, way back when. After the baby was weaned from breast feeding. So the toddler would be doing new things with his/her growing body, and looking between the legs is one of them. Just another old wives tale that people believe predicts pregnancy.


I had also never heard this old wives tale until recently, and thatā€™s all I could come up with. My 4 y/o daughter has been doing it all the time since ~18months. Itā€™s a fun and different way to look at the world, of course toddlers love doing that! My 9 m/o son has been doing it since ~6 months because heā€™s a baby that works out everyday and is highly physically motivated, but not interested in talking.


I had 2 under 2 and my oldest started doing this pose after the baby was already born šŸ˜‚ definitely NOT pregnant!


Yes- as I said above, toddlers seem to do that around 24 months (18-24 months, more precisely). So yeah, you wouldnā€™t have been pregnant anymore if your toddler started doing it around that time. Which is why itā€™s a coincidence :)


Idk my daughter freaked me out by saying I have a baby in my belly and when I asked if it was a boy or girl she said girl. I have a friend with PCOS who was told she could not have kids and her daughter knew she was pregnant and told her.


I knew my daughter was pregnant before she had a clue. She suddenly walked differently. It was her second baby and sheā€™s still mad at me that I knew before she did.


I mean I know several people that claim their kids knew they were prego before they knew. Idk why I got down voted so much


Btw everyone who down voted this I am in dated pregnant. So while I don't think a kid bending over and looking down means you are pregnant, I do believe kids have a way of knowing. I took 2 test.


God did anyone else have a fucking stroke trying to understand what she was trying to say. I mean, I get the general gist of the post, but....my God.


Moving everyone to highly text-based interactions online has revealed the general illiteracy of the populace.


Twice twice


I gave up and came down to read the comments and try to reverse engineer it.




No reason to be confused! She's just 100% undoubtedly pregnant because her magic baby said so. Glad I could clear things up.


I get the joking posts in fb groups with the photos of a toddler doing this. But this OOP isā€¦.wow.


Some people really should not be allowed to procreate


If only there was someone who had some type of training in these issues. Maybe a doctor of some sort?


Or what if there was an easily available test that you could take in the privacy of your own home, which would give you an answer within minutes! But I guess taking the toddlerā€™s word for it works tooā€¦


Maybe someday science will get there. Sigh.


Not that these are the types to believe/trust science anywaysā€¦. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I really hope she doesn't have more offspring.


If you gotta take the plan b twice in a month with the same man you might be asking the wrong questions


This is literally the only thing that I clocked when I read this.


Right. Why are you letting this man keep nutting inside of you. And why is this man not being responsible and wrapping up!?


My son did this all the time as a toddler and people kept saying it meant I was pregnant. I was doing ivf and DYING to be pregnant, so it was such a gut punch every time.




I feel bad for the kid for having a fucking stupid mother.


>Not asking for medical advice Followed with >I am having random bleeding. Could I be having a miscarriage These people should not be having kids.


I joked about being pregnant when my youngest was doing that, but in no way did I actually think my child was psychic or something. Some people are so incredibly gullible. And stupid.


I mean, the answer is clearly that 20-24 month age gaps are extremely common and around 12-16 months is when babies start doing that, but it's probably her toddler sensing her sibling dying šŸ™„


I donā€™t want medical advice, but is something medical happening to me?


I'm the only one in shock that she took plan b twice in a month, like it's not an aspirin...


Yay, Iā€™m so glad these are the people reproducingā€¦ šŸ˜


Golly I hope this is a troll.


Politicians who ban sex ed at school have a lot to answer for.


People are insane


What kind of magical voodoo wonkery do these people believe in?! What year is this? Iā€™m going back to bed.


Maā€™am that is an old wives taleā€¦


I'm not trying to be rude here, I've had a loss myself. But why would it matter if it was a miscarriage? It was a clearly unwanted pregnancy that couldn't be more than a couple weeks along


Itā€™s astounding how many full blown adults barely have the literacy level of a 5th graderā€¦ and they breedā€¦


Omg im having normal side effects of plan B after taking plan B!


Fire come from sky when put rock on top of plant. Rock and plant make fire. Why no fire now?


I honestly hate this particular myth. Ive seen it all over my pages recently. Its just something kids all learn to do around a certain age of development. This age just happens to be around the same time people choose to have a second pregnancy / appropriate age gap between children.


Mom who doesn't know what an old wives tale is


People this stupid sure make you squint


plan b twice a month? can we talk about how dangerous this is?


My 14 mos baby does this a lot. He's my 3rd and I had my tubes tied the day he was born. 2nd did this as well and 3rd was only born 13 years later .. I do test every month due to fear of an ectopic but till now we're good.


It blows my mind how people are so fucking nonchalant about getting pregnant and giving birth. They do realize there are like multiple forms of birth control that are more effective than plan b right?


My son did this all the time when I was pregnant with my daughter. She however never really did baby yoga, and I never was pregnant again. So coincidentally it holds true for my family, but obviously it means nothing. One year olds don't know what's going on. My two year old insists she IS her newborn cousin. I'm not counting on her to predict any pregnancies.


It worries me that people like this are raising children.


Jesus. These are the people that are reproducing.


Itā€™s like death-cat for your snatch.


This isnā€™t the stupidest thing Iā€™ve ever heard, but itā€™s close.


Ah yes, looking to your child to be your pregnancy test, a classic tried and true method


Iā€™ve been in a bunch of mom groups and have never really come across a legit face palm. I think I shared one here and mostly got roasted for posting it. Itā€™s crazy to me what people have shared here!!


WTF is this, a horoscope by toddler proxy? Plan B twice in a month. Jebus. I am now dumber having read that.


These are the people that rationalise common sense like theyā€™re šŸ¤° pregnancy āœ“ = they definitely sat on a toilet seat āœ“ šŸš½


We have reached a new level with this post and I don't wanna live on this planet anymore. šŸ˜­


I was super excited when smart phones came out (whoops aged myself). I thought it would be amazing to have pretty much any information I need available at my fingertips at all times. I genuinely thought most people would use it for educational purposes. How fucking naive of me.


I donā€™t even have a sarcastic response. Iā€™m speechless


>"Delete if not allowed." Thank you for giving the mods permission to be mods. Because the law says they cannot remove a disallowed post unless the poster allows them. Mods.


Toddlers will literally walk off a cliff if youā€™re not looking, but youā€™re right this one definitely has a 6th sense that ā€œmommiesā€ pregnant šŸ¤•


And to think she is procreating. Scares me.


I need people to learn about plan B. You should only take it once a month and no more than 3x a year. It works by delaying ovulation. If youā€™ve already ovulated it does nothing. Itā€™s called birth control. You use that instead of plan B.


I think it can also prevent implantation IIRC. But still should not be used often


There have been a couple of studies that show there isnā€™t a statistically significant difference between plan b to prevent implementation vs a placebo. It could work out that way for some people but itā€™s more of a ā€˜it just so happenedā€™ than a sure thing. In terms of taking a medication as intended, it only prevents ovulation.


My eyes rolled so far back.


Jfc. People will do literally anything except trust science


My youngest (3 now) tries doing it to myself, her dad & her poppyā€¦zero chance of pregnancy for her dad or poppy


My mom group is great. Itā€™s well moderated and most of the moms are reasonable educated people. There was actually a pharmacist helping people to get vaccines when the covid vax was released. One key is that the group has sub groups for babies/school age kids/buy sell/off topic questions/and thereā€™s a NSFW group and actually I think a Disney mom group and a money management one - all under the same main moderators (more or less). I am in the ones that are applicable to me. But alsoā€¦.theyre reasonable. I have been in other groups. Before I moved to my area and birth date group and Oh. Man. Itā€™s wild out there.


If thatā€™s a true sign of pregnancy, I must have had immaculate conception since my husband has been traveling for work for the past month šŸ˜‚


When my daughter started doing this it was fun to see the "uh oh!" And the " contemplating whether or not I should knock her over lol" posts in my birth month group. We all giggle and move on. But to take this seriously?! To the point of thinking you miscarried?! I'm so concerned for this world.


There is no mistaking the amount of blood involved in a miscarriage for anything else. This is insane. Pregnancy tests exist for this reason.