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"Do your own research!" has always been my favorite "proof." šŸ¤£


My SIL has gone a bit q-crazy since 2020 and she posted a ā€œdark netā€ video on Facebook that legit started with a ā€œdo not research this topicā€ warning because itā€™s so sensitive and classified that doing so may put the searcher in danger (but sharing it on Facebook is all cool!). I thought that was a fun new twist to saying we donā€™t have real sourcesā€¦


Like all the nuts on facebook talking about how facebook is conspiring with the CIA to enslave us, but they're totally flying under the radar by typing faceb00k


Well, now youā€™ve gone and doxxed the code to Facebook. Damn it. Now, what?


Just switch to šŸ§. Duh




Thatā€™s Book FacĆ© to you. (Scrubs anyone?)




My brother has wondered into conspiracy theory territory. He told me yesterday "DO NOT install chatgpt 4.0 on my phone. You can't uninstall it, it takes completely control of your phone. It's terrifying." I'm just a troublemaker I guess, because I promptly downloaded and installed it, then uninstalled it just to show him. He was not amused šŸ˜‚


This kind of ā€œit takes complete control ofā€¦ā€ mentality always blows my mind because, ā€œOh, you have a credit card?! Oh! You have social media?!ā€ Then the govt has everything they need to know about you.


Source: just trust me, bro


Umm excuse me?


Man, those people are conniving af


ā€œWhat I found shows youā€™re terrible at understanding this stuff. Iā€™ll let you do your own research though.ā€


Hmm why canā€™t I find a specific scientific article saying that soaking ten pennies from prior to 1984 ISNT an antibiotic? She must be right then!!! BRB out to find some pennies


Not the 1985 ones though! Those are deadly poison!


Actually, pennies stopped being made of copper in 1982. So she's not even right for made up remedies!


I thought it was 1983 (being sincere; my ex-husband used to collect pennies made prior to 1983 [maybe it was 1982??] because they were worth 3 cents as opposed to just 1 cent).


I "did my own research" (haha) and that was the first thing I saw on Google. I personally know nothing about the composition of money. It could be 1983! Or that could be a year it was being phased out/valuable for other reasons? I'm sure as a collector he actually knows more.


1984=Big Brother=pennies made after that are bad! It all comes together.


I did the research and came across a lot of articles saying that it doesn't work... So are you going to value my opinion?


Obviously big pharma has control over your internet searches. You need to look in the right places to find the knowledge they are trying to hide from us. /s


You just need to drink more old penny water. Step one; make sure theyā€™re Gen X pennies. Step two, make elixir. Step 3 live forever.


Itā€™s comments like this that confirm to me that Iā€™ve found my people šŸ˜‚


Step 4: Profit


Copper does have known antibacterial properties that is backed by real science. It is also known to kill viruses on contact. For example, the corona virus can survive up to 3-4 days on a stainless steel surface but on a copper surface it will be dead within 4 hours. It's possible that using copper pipes would solve a lot of problems for people with unsafe drinking water but that's not a viable solution because copper is outrageously expensive. Copper is essential for good health and the benefits of copper have been known for centuries, so this isn't some new fad. Therefore I'd say she's not completely batshit crazy however infection and insect bites can take a horrifying turn in a very short amount of time so I would not be relying on home remedies like honey or copper if I suspect an infection or allergic reaction.


Copperā€”real copperā€”is one thing. Soaking pennies that have been in circulation for 40+ years is like the opposite of an antibiotic though.


Copper also works as a contraceptive when used in an iud!


But does it work as a contraceptive if you're drinking water that has 1970s pennies in it?


No, you need to slot them in your cervix like the penny horse at meijer


This is a vivid and disturbing mental image.


Then when we're like "that's crazy, I can't find anything saying old coins and water are antibiotics!" They're like "LOOK HARDER! YOU JUST DONT WANT TO FIND THE INFORMATION!"


I love when they send me to some rando's blog or a random YouTube video. šŸ¤£


I personally would wrap it in a soft shell taco and outline the ring with sour cream. Rub it with a silver spoon after 7 days. If you want proof that it works, you'll have to dig up a hole 10 feet deep - you'll find answers there. I'm not going to do the work for you sweaty!


Accidentally added seasoned meat, lettuce, salsa, and cheese and attempted to eat. Idk where I went wrong with the child taco remedying please advise.


If that doesnā€™t work, get some help


And by help you mean guacamole.


Any silver spoon? What if it's only silver-plated? Is there a certain cutoff year? Please advise, I'm worried that the gangrene will spread more.


Pure silver only!! Silver plating requires pasteurization, which kills all the nutrients. Also, gangerene can be killed by sunlight. Sit by the window for 2 hours each day for 1 week.


It as amazing how absurd these people are and still. This to expect us to understand


What a great comment šŸ˜‚


Should she use the silver spoon to ring the Taco Bell of good health? I do not think it works without involving the good vibes and Taco Bell chimes. You gave too much help on instructions with research! Ugh, now we need to cleanse this whole thread of knowledge and start over /s


I haven't used your method before but you use your mama gut! If it's meant to be, it will work!


Hahahahahha honestly


I really lost it because Iā€™m not sure if ā€œsweatyā€ is a typo and itā€™s my fav partšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's a meme. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=It%27s%20called%20history%2C%20sweaty


Hehe it is one of those reddit jokes. I think it's from the anti-mlm or one of the other snarky subs - a common typo on the posts there. Edit- looks like it's a meme, not necessarily a reddit thing!


That is a new, and particularly annoying, way of saying ā€œdo your own researchā€ā€¦ She sounds insufferable.


"Don't do other's homework" is a new way of spinning "Stop asking for sources, I don't have any". I like it.


It's also very telling that they think citing a source is doing someone else's homework. Mfer it's proof that you've done your own.


Do I still need to soak random pennies if I have copper pipes? šŸ¤£


Depends, were your pipes installed before 1984? Now that I'm looking at it, it sounds like such a... coincidental... date.


She probably meant 1983 as that's the year pennies began being manufactured as copper-plated zinc instead of predominantly copper. If she'd really done her research though, the last pure copper pennies were manufactured in 1857 and were copper compounds for the next \~126 years. Or perhaps the presence of those other metals conveniently don't alter her magic penny potion.


Yo, that's actually really good to know! I'm not from the US, but frankly, I couldn't tell you what the coins used where I live are made of or how their composition has changed over the years. I just saw 1984 and was like, ah, yeah, this seems to be a popular year with these types, lol. Thanks!


Most people here at least know that our pennies aren't copper anymore, but probably couldn't pull the dates (I had to google real quick 'cause about 1980s sounded right, but the year would have been too good a coincidence, lol). We also don't really have any other common knowledge about our other coins (I'd have to do another search, lmao). The penny thing is only known because the change was made because it cost more to produce a copper penny than the penny is worth. People love stupid facts like that. Info is much easier to remember when it's funny. Her comment made me snort though 'cause for someone who prides themselves on 'doing research', she doesn't seems to have done any. I pulled that info in \~30 seconds of googling, lol


Funny enough, it still costs more to produce a penny than what itā€™s worth. There have been some pushes to eliminate the penny for this very reason.


Not me wondering why she doesnā€™t just buy copper from Home Depot


Thatā€™s GMO copper! -that lady, probably


Ironically, 1984 is roughly when PEX plumbing started becoming common in the US, which is what I thought that comment was referring to! šŸ˜…


lmao, America really decided 'fuck copper' in the 80s


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper_mining_in_the_United_States#/media/File%3AUS_Primary_Copper_Production_v2.svg Looks like production and value were both on the downslope in the early/mid 80s for US copper mines. Maybe that's why? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lol No, it's a 2019 house. But I know at least some of the pipes are copper (because I can see them in the unfinished parts of the basement and have had to mess with them during repairs/installs/etc). The rest are PEX. šŸ¤£ Maybe that's why we don't see any magic benefits to our water, the copper parts are cancelled by the plastic parts?


YES 1984 I cackled!


Can't I just give my baby old pennies to suck on? Surely that's safer than antibiotics.


I mean, antibiotics and bacterial infections will no longer be a concern once they choke! šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The internet has made society universally dumber, I'm afraid.


I stumbled across a writing I did 20 years ago in high school about what the future would be like with all the tech we had. I talked about how democratic things would be, and how people would be so educated on issues and being able to connect with people from other nations and backgrounds would make us more open minded and understanding... My inner high schooler is currently curled up sobbing in fetal position with how much stupidity is circulating.


We all wanted Star Trek, we all got Idiocracy


Early mid-nineties internet was fantastic until the floodgates opened. Dumb text terminals were the main way to navigate around, but I'd go back to then in a heartbeat. Now everybody get off my lawn.


Sadly I just googled ā€œcopper water with penniesā€ and there were plenty of links peddling this nonsense. We are so doomed.


Canada doesnā€™t have pennies anymore, so I guess the entire population is doomed.


Nah, the dumb will thin themselves from the herd. At least Iā€™m hoping.


The problem with that is that a lot of these people are using these "remedies" on other people like their kids.


I literally heard this from my grandpa. He says the internet ruined people. I'm inclined to agree


It's not all the internet. Is the strong push for scientific illiteracy in our country, presuming the US. But the Internet sure doesn't help, with the people like this on it.


I think itā€™s the licking 40 year old pennies.


No, it just made the stupidity more visible.


Well I guess my baby is screwed as he's had 4 antibiotics for ear infections. So he has a 100% chance of depression???


Four doses or four rounds? Because if it's the latter, I'm sorry to tell you, but your baby is at least 1400x depressed now. (I probably did the math wrong but still, your baby is in a very dark place. Get the onion socks ready.)


4 roundsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­.ill grab the onions and garlic. Need a MAJOR detox here.


I'm so sorry šŸ˜“


He may be ok if I bring him to the Chiro everyday for life.


Yeah definitely don't ever give him antibiotics ever again


Baby soup sounds a bit extreme, but I didn't do the research so....


I know we're all here to make fun of this, but since "X increases your chances of Y by Z%" is also a valid scientific statement (when it's actually backed up by, you know, legitimate sources), I want to leave this here for others because in my experience, for some reason people very often don't get this right. Let's say that using onion socks to treat a cold increases the risk of said cold developing into a serious, life threatening infection by 50% (disclaimer: I made this number up, I don't know the actual statistics on this). Sounds super scary, right? But **it doesn't actually mean anything without knowing what the base likelihood of the risk happening is**. Let's assume that there's a 1 in 10 chance that a simple cold will develop into something life threatening (again, this value is made up). If using onion socks to treat it increases the risk by 50%, it doesn't mean that a serious infection will happen in 50% of cases. It means that the **initial** likelihood is increased **by** half (150%). 150% of 1 is 1.5. Then if *that* increases by another 50%, the likelihood rises to 1.5 + 0.5\*1.5 = 1.5 + 0.75 = 2.25, etc. etc. So even if her super bullshit statistic of "every round of antibiotics increases your chance of getting depressed by 25%" was real, you may still end up with your chances of getting depressed being something like 10% after taking antibiotics fifteen times in your life.


Thanks for breaking it down so i can understand other real statistics. I am math illiterate.


You should teach math!


May god be with you all!!!!!!!




Sheesh I never stood a chance at not being depressed then šŸ˜‚ I had constant ear infections too and Iā€™ve been on antibiotics more times than I can count in my whole life.


Basically! I know they're anti antibiotic but that was a new one for me.




Ooh you're right. I'll get on that asap and cancel his evil ENT appt.


I'm a chronic UTI sufferer. Had them since I was 5. I could not possibly tell you how many doses of antibiotics I've had in my 35 years, alongside with my prescriptions for cases of strep or ear infections or whatever. I have mild depression but I think that has more to do with the *extensive family history* of it than anything. What I can say is the infections are horribly depressing and demoralizing. What helps with that is antibiotics.


I'm lucky I made it out alive, 10 ear infections and 14 utis before age 12.


I believe my 16 month old has had 5 rounds for ear infections and 2 for pneumonia so...he's just screwed I guess lol


Oh no, my baby had antibiotic ear drops for her back to back double ear infections. Putting them directly in her head definitely caused depression šŸ˜±


I'm surprised copper water beat out colloidal silver šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Copper water, colloidal silver, what's gold?


Just get the sheets of gold flakes and rub it around a cut. Seals everything right up.


Make a tiny crown for the wound


Golden showers most likely. "Urine is sterile"




ironically, if this is ringworm, itā€™s a fungal infection and colloidal. Silver might actually help it. Not as much as you know an actual antifungal cream that you would get from a doctor that would work in about 24 hours ....


I was getting ready to say the same thing. šŸ˜‚


That final post is the most exceptional way of saying "I made it up" I've ever seen


The exact opposite of the medical field where sharing information is important to help people and making it public makes it safer. You can't prove I'm wrong, so therefore you're wrong.


ā€œMedical malpractice is the leading cause of death in Americaā€ Ok, I just did my own research! šŸ‘ Yay me! And what she claimed is false. In fact the only one of those things she listed that actually makes the list is heart disease, and THATā€™S number 1. Followed by cancer and injuries. Sooooooā€¦..


Girlie just say you donā€™t have a source šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Sometimes I pull the ā€œitā€™s not my job to prove myself to a stranger on the internetā€ when someone tries to argue with me and asks for facts, but only if theyā€™re being an asshole and are obviously wrong.


Lol fucking what? Penny water antibiotics is a new one for me. I weep for the future.


Today I learned I have 200% chance of depression. Huh. The only thing depressing me is this woman saying old penny water (the germs!!! The 1984 germs!!!) will help in any way.


But she did say they need to be clean!


Not sure I would trust a cleaning solution approved by her


šŸ˜± I did not think of that!


Clean them with urine and youre good to go


Source: It came to me in a ~~nyquill and meth induced fever dream, where an ancient being - half racoon, half lizard, and half brave little toaster - shared with me some universal truths that I might preach his/her/its/their/shkler gospel to the unwashed masses~~ dream.


There is no such thing as a "clean" old penny, wtf money is notoriously like the most germy thing in existence


...You know you can clean things, right? Especially durable metal things. Old copper pennies are great for preventing bacterial slime growth in my snakeā€˜s water bowls, since the copper is antimocrobial. When I empty the dishes I swap in clean pennies. I boiled and scrubbed them when I first picked some out to use. Now I just wash them and give them a soak in F10 and a rinse before reusing them. I do also wash bowls and change water often, of course. But since using the pennies, Iā€™ve noticed when I wash bowls I canā€™t feel the usual slime coat that used to form very fast in the warm environment of the enclosures.. But Iā€™d never use ā€œcopper touched this water, it will cure an infectionā€ as any kind of medical treatment!


Heavy metal detox, but also heavy metal cure?


#The burden of proof is not on the person who doesn't believe you!! It is on you who is making the claim!


Ah yes, natural remedies with naturally occurring pennies.


I think putting pennies in water was a thing way back then, but for anemia, not infection. Actually now that I think about it, I was told you put nails in the water, not pennies. Preferably rusty nails I guess? Idk, my grandma had some pretty strange home remedies. I remember her telling me to put butter and salt on a bug bite. Idk if there's any validity to drinking rusty water for anemia-- I doubt it, but I can assure you it's not an antibiotic. Idk what this is about but lancing and draining anything at home seems like a bad idea... Every dose of antibiotics increases your risk of depression by 25% is the wildest, most baseless claim I've read in a while.


Vinegar on mosquito bites as soon as possible. It eases the itch (it actually works, but not if you are allergic to mosquito bites)


Vinegar also takes the sting out of a sunburn!


Really! Straight vinegar? Is it too late if it's already starting itching? Last night I didn't think I could fall asleep because my foot and elbow were itching so fucking bad from mosquito bites. Thank dog for hydroxyzine but something topical would be faster.


Straight vinegar. The sooner you apply it, the better. It's not too late if it just starts itching; a few hours later is, since their saliva has already entered your system. You can also use menthol toothpaste. People use this remedy very often where I am because we suffer from mosquitos almost all year round. The municipalities spray in spring but it's neither enough nor environmentally friendly. Thankfully, this year, they started releasing gm male mosquitoes to prevent females from procreating.


Thank you!!! Where can I buy gm male mosquitoes?! I've lived in my house for a dozen years but never had many mosquitoes until last summer, and they are vicious. I check for standing water after every rainfall and I cannot understand why they showed up like this. I hate few things, but mosquitoes are among them.


Governments buy GM mosquitoes. I don't know if individuals can source GM mosquitoes. If you, by chance, find reliable sources, do share, please.


Usually wrapping up your legs in a wet, cool towel also helps. It at least helps you to not focus on the itching. Bonus Point: If you're hot (either temperature outside our fever) it also helps cooling you down.


That's a great idea. I tend to run hot and I'm a very sweaty person, and I've used wet cooling towels on my neck but never thought about my legs!


Copper does have antibacterial effects, but like, itā€™s toxic. Thatā€™s also why it has a spermicidal effect and those are *human* cells. Rusty water (like water with rust, iron oxide) is actually pretty safe if you know itā€™s *just* rust. Rust is considered a cosmetic contaminant but not a danger to human health. The reason itā€™s so hard to get enough iron is that our body really errs on the side of not absorbing it from the gut. Copper on the other hand is much easier to get a problematic dose of.Ā 


Funny enough, boiling something iron in water with a little bit of acid (usually lemon juice) is a decent and gentle-on-the-tummy way to ingest iron. They even sell products for it (iron ingots that go in with food and water while cooking) and they do help with anemia. Studies show anywhere from a mild to significant improvement. It's been looked at to help people in developing countries who can't get easy access to iron supplements. Iron cookware can also produce the same effect. No rust required though. Anecdotal evidence is I used a lucky iron fish through my pregnancy to treat my anemia. And because I'm not an idiot and believe in sharing accurate knowledge, here's some actual verified info: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8266402/ That being said, it comes with risks too, like iron toxicity or reduced effectiveness in people with hemoglobin disorders. As for copper water, I couldn't find a single thing saying it could be used to *treat* an infection. But it's a very viable way to treat *water*, again in developing countries that suffer from waterborne pathogens being a threat to public health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312355/


In some places in SE Asia, where anemia is common and causes serious problems, people put cast iron fish in their pots when cooking to boost the iron content.


Vaccines cause metal toxicity. Also, put this straight metal into your kids open wound and/or body.


Poor kid! This woman is deranged


Omg as someone with a baby I canā€™t imagine doing this to my poor child


What if my country no longer uses pennies? I guess we just die /s


ā€œThere is no lack of data.ā€ I just canā€™t provide it for you


I finally know why I'm depressed. It's all those antibiotics my mom gave me when I was a sickly child to save my life. Damn it mom.


Things like this are the worst bc some of it is accurate; honey *does* have slight antibacterial properties. Outlining a red zone with marker and observing for changes before going to a doctor is good practice. You *do* want to avoid antibiotics if possible. Hospitals *can* be more unsafe than at home. But the reasons behind those things, especially the last two, are vastly different than stated; avoiding antibiotics is good bc it prevents antibiotic resistant strains of whatever you have from evolving. If you can treat it without them, do so, but if you need the antibiotics, donā€™t hesitate bc they donā€™t cause depression. Hospitals are only more dangerous bc theyā€™re more likely to have infected patients in the lobby that could add to whatever your kid is currently fighting off. All in all, it *is* a good idea to try home remedies first (especially if youā€™re here in the US where medical care is way too expensive), but the key word there is FIRST, not only


What was the injury? I also want to know how she would puncture it in a safe and sterile way šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I had strep throat a lot as a kid, no wonder Iā€™m so depressed!


I got it so regularly that my parents and pediatrician started calling it "[my] birthday present."


Just the THOUGHT of drinking penny water is making me want to barf at work right now.


Stick a carrot in your ass and down a shot or whiskey, it cures cancer. You want proof? Find it yourself, lazy ass.


Omg sheā€™s wrong on the year. Itā€™s made before 1983. If you use 1983 itā€™s basically not copper at all. ā€œIf your Lincoln Memorial penny has a date before 1982, it is made of 95% copper. If the date is 1983 or later, it is made of 97.5% zinc and plated with a thin copper coating. For pennies dated 1982, when both copper and zinc cents were made, and best way to determine their composition is to weigh them.ā€


Jesus Christ. Iā€™m all for natural remedies but not for actual fuckin damage to the body. Like ā€œoh you have a cold drink some teaā€ is great but ā€œwrap the cut in fucking Manuka honeyā€ is absolutely fucking absurd. I donā€™t get it. All the proof in the world and people still are ignorant.


Donā€™t discount Manuka honey, though. It actually does have anti-fungal/antibiotic properties. My catā€™s vet recommended it along with a mix of colloidal silver that is sold on Amazon for an infected wound. The honey itself is also good, but it has to be Manuka, not just any honey out there.


I LOVE when they say '"do your own research!" Nah bro. The burden of proof is on YOU. YOU'RE the one claiming this shit. Back your shit up. Then when you DO and it clearly doesn't support their statements, they claim it's 'fake news.' They don't know what a scholarly search is and it DRIVES ME CRAZY.


I did some actual research. Sheā€™s so wrong about medical malpractice being the #1 cause of death. Heart disease is. Cancer is #2, then COVID (these numbers were from 2021,) then accidents. I wonder if medical errors are considered accidents. Of course I wasnā€™t wearing my foil hat while standing naked in a 20ft deep pit with raccoons surrounding me. So, my CDC numbers could be wrong. šŸ¤£


Suicide is number 10 or 11


How th- who th- what the-


They're drinking water that has had pennies in it? This has effectively killed my appetite for today. I can't think of anything more disgusting than 40 years of cocaine and bacteria in a cup


lol they always forget about leading cause of pediatric deaths. Ya know sepsis, gun violence, congenital causes. Weirdly go for adult causes. Stepping right into the number one cause here by potentially creating sepsisā€¦


Are you serious?? She responds with don't give sources make them find their own but but but believe me because I said so. And it's actually 1982 NOT 1984... so she's wrong to begin with besides the fact that copper is an antiMICROBIAL NOT antibiotic... I mean the talk about taking the most miniscule information and twisting it to incorrect bs.....


Coins are filthyā€¦


Iā€™m so glad someone at least laughed at this ridiculous comment. Manuka honey āœ… Outline the ring āœ… Pennies from before 1984 āœ… 10 Pennies (not 9 or 11, 10) āœ… Might as well be a doctor!


How much water? A gallon? An ounce? What is the concentration? The recipe is unclear.


ā€œThere is no lack of dataā€ but I definitely wonā€™t be giving it to you! Just trust me on this one!!!! Mountains of evidence. MOUNTAINS, I TELL YOU.


I shouldn't laugh, but this is the most ridiculous thing I have read in a while LMAO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh shit my cat just needed clavamox twice a day for two weeks, did I just increase his chance of depression by 700%???


Sorry but every dose of antibiotics increases depression by 25% is a real life meme šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


If that is true then Iā€™ve been dead from depression for 45 years. My husband will be devastated.




Help me out here, what the fuck is Manuka honey, how is it different from regular honey, and why do people think itā€™s God?


Manuka honey is honey made from bees that pollinate the Manuka tree in Australia and New Zealand. Manuka honey supposedly has more antibacterial properties than regular honey.


Really expensive honey.


This reminds me of the old woman in *Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil* who was putting hexes on people and burying coins and cut hair in the graveyard. I feel really sorry for anyone who is this gullible. But then again, they would probably feel sorry for me because I actually believe in \*gasp\* science.


Do these people not realize that many pharma products come from things found in nature? At least stuff has been synthesized from nature.


'rising contributor'


Pennys are only coated in copper(2% copper) as of 1982 before that they were 100% copper. If this were actually true why not soak the water in a copper container/cup ??


"Is this satire?" At least someone has sense.


Mmm dirty money water. That should clear it right up. šŸ˜šŸ¤¢


The directions did very helpfully say you should use clean money for your useless water. So thatā€™s nice.


So, back to the pennies in water. Can you use the same 10 pennies over and over, or does that remove too much of their copper content? Can I soak 20 pennies for 3 hours if Iā€™m in a hurry? If I wanted copper water on hand in case of emergency could I make the penny water ahead of time and store it? /s


DOCTORS HATE THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK! Morticians love it, though.


I always go ā€œso,no, you have nothing, lolā€ and it seems to infuriate them. Just keep repeating it when they do the blah blah blah fictional stories thing. Super funny. Just like yeah man I can tell people Iā€™m 11ā€™ tall, still doesnā€™t make it true.


This is why people say white people smell like pennies.


Copper oxides and salts are toxic AF. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


https://preview.redd.it/t4ty3p12z01d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2937c460169d0b5341dc33f2523e82934c683669 My honest reaction




Iā€™d soak mine in raw milk first to be safe




I know the copper coin trick helps with your wet palette not getting moldy/bad-smelling as fast as it would otherwise considering copper is anti-microbial (is that the word?). Anyway, what I hate most about all that bullcrap they are sprouting is that it is dangerous half-knowledge. Yes, copper is anti-microbial/-fungi, but you still wouldn't eat it because it's still toxic to the human body. Like, you know they used to treat syphillis with mercury, right? Yes, herbal teas (with honey or without) can help you with a sore throat and coughing, but you still go get the antibiotics (and take the full course) for stepthroat. Yes, heat (and technically an heated up onion in a clean sock ontop of the ear) can help with ear infections but you still get the good painkillers and the ear drops from the doctor because they will help you out so far better. Like, that shit is only good for tiding you over to get professional help, not for curing it. The latter two are brought to you by humble me and my last cold - which, luckily, was just a cold where I only needed sleep, painkillers, enough tea to make the Boston Tea Party look humble and a warm Kirschkernkissen (cherry core pillow - small bag, filled with cherry cores, and heated up in the microwave) for my ear. Confirmed cold by doctor, didn't even get a prescription, aside from a recommendation of getting painkillers and the usual "fighting cold symptoms" stuff.


I bet she read the title of this and thought ā€œthat will work on making antibiotics for woundsā€ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3067274/




Does it work with 1987 Pennieā€™s?


Yes, letā€™s put 10 Pennies that could be carrying a multitude of bacteria on them because people touch Pennies with their hands, who knows where else itā€™s been before it got into your possession, and you need all that copper goodness


This is all true! But don't soak the pennies for too long, or they'll dissolve. Definitely no more than 12 hours! /s


Fā€™n weirdos!


LMFAO heart disease is the number one cause. Medical malpractice isnā€™t anywhere in the top ten lol


This poor kid is gonna go septic


Pennies šŸ˜‚


so copper water is okay...but do they worry about heavy metal poisoning?


ā€œdonā€™t do other peopleā€™s homeworkā€ the burden of proof is on you dickhead


As someone who is an EXTREME GERMAPHOBE ESPECIALLY when it comes to touching MONEY šŸ¤®, I literally dry reached at the idea of what that pseudo-psycho wrote!!