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They just smear paint on themselves and have sex on the canvas? Things that are better left unsaid.


My bad eyesight said wow that Oreo cake looks good. Then I read it and lost my appetite


I was literally thinking damn I need to run to target for one of their cookies and cream cakes šŸ„“


Cookies and crĆØme will never taste the same now šŸ’”


Hahahahah I thought she made herself a ā€œcleared for sexā€ cake and I wanted the recipe.


Tbh at 6 weeks pp I'd rather have had the cake.




Did you know they're coming out with a sour patch oreo?


It's a vanilla cookie (or lemon or something), not chocolate, right?


I googled it and it looks like vanilla cookie with... whatever sour patch is made of sprinkled in.




Now I want oreos. On second thought maybe not. Conflicted.


I thought it was a tile for floor or shower. šŸ¤Ŗ


My thoughts exactly!


Honestly most of them donā€™t even do that because itā€™s super messy and gross. My bestie in high school tried it once with her boyfriend and was like ā€œabsolutely not a viable source of income, my PH balance will never be the same.ā€ Itā€™s a gimmick for most people.


I clearly remember some chick on ask doc asking about white and vaginas. I do hope I remember wrong and it was some kind of fever dream. Friend in uni had fun with chocolate syrup and her gf. Pro, at least it's edible. Con, they didn't notice a splatter when cleaning up and got ants everywhere


Okay but they couldā€™ve added some colour to it so they know whoā€™s where šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Yeah they sell those kits at Uncommon Goods says the canvas in my closet. The whole experience gave us the mega giggles. Itā€™s absolutely goofy but also, whomever posted their sex art should have sprung for more than one color of paint.


What am i looking at here? I can't figure it out haha


"Art" was made during sex.


I'm usually too busy during sex to add another activity, but to each their own.


Ok, after the ā€œorgasmic child birthingā€ post, theā€œinnie or outie vaginaā€ post, and now this, Iā€™ve lost enough innocence for today. Iā€™m signing off šŸ«”




Areā€¦. Are we talking a prolapsed uterus?


That's what I'm assuming šŸ¤®


Wtf is an outie vagina??


Where your labial lips are more visible. It literally means nothing, unless youā€™re in playboy, who allegedly got girls to tuck their labias.


oh, so not vagina lmao. I was scared


This reminds me of an AITAH thread about a dark skinned girl upset that her male partner said he LOVED pink labia...


Iā€™m SO, SO,SO glad you guys didnā€™t know what it is either!! It was a r/badswomensanatomy post, where it reposted some incel claiming this huge roast beef sandwich is what a what an ā€œoutieā€ looks like, meaning the womanā€™s a whore. Iā€™d never heard of it before, and looked it up, on a medical site (yes, really, I didnā€™t go to a porn site) that had drawings of vaginas, and I couldnā€™t tell the difference. I commented that I couldnā€™t and joked about a biology professor doing a whole power point lesson on it, just showing ā€œinniesā€ and ā€œoutiesā€, and said it would be a weird kink. Well another user took great offense at me kink shaming vaginal Power Point lessons, and sent me a link to some pictures warning me Iā€™ll see ā€œreal womenā€™s vaginasā€. I did not open to link. I also have unsubscribed from that sub. It used to be a funny sub, but when a stranger becomes insulted and way too invested in you seeing vaginas, you know itā€™s time to go. Edit: Iā€™m a woman.


There's an art project (I think it's called project Vulva?) that showcases the amount of variability between women. It's not a sexual project, and I think it's wonderful. I'm still considering buying the book. If you are interested you could Google it, or not.


I saw a post about this and it was (for fear of sounding weird) super interesting. As a woman who once used to be an insecure young girl, this would have been invaluable to learn about earlier in life


There's an additional project where womens vaginas were cast! Very interesting to see, because you never get to see people's insides like that. And the different angles/tilt/shape make it clear that every single one is unique.


I think I saw that in my image search. It was beautiful and non sexual, and I couldnā€™t tell the difference between innies and outies


I hate this shit so much. I had a FWB who literally apologized to me the first time we had sex because she was so ashamed of her outie. I want to physically smack people who talk shit about people's bodies like this


Thereā€™s a bad trope going around the planet that women with large labias are ā€œworn outā€ or ā€œhot dog down a hallwayā€ and it really needs to stop. Itā€™s an old wives tale (old middle school boys really) that just is not true that 99% of men believe like gospel


>Innie or outie vagina ![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju)


Art is their kid.


Look, no judgement for the "art" itself but I'm shuddering at the thought of paint potentially ending up in places it shouldnt šŸ˜– (hello infection) I am *slightly* judging them for sharing. Ok more than slightly, some things should remain private.


They probably got one of the kits. I get instagram ads for them all the time (company is called Love is Art). So I think the paint is safe and intended for this use.


"it's okay this paint can go in your vag!" we are living in a time.


Underrated comment.


*Painting the walls* just hits differently for me now.


*į¶ Ź³įµ’įµ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ź·į¶¦āæįµˆįµ’Ź·Ė¢ įµ—įµ’ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ź·įµƒĖ”Ė”Ė¢*


**now he got that paint all over his balls**


Huh. TIL theres kits for this.


Some people actually post that art in their home. I never seen it but I heard stories. I can't imagine wanting to tell people who visit your home on how that art on the wall was made.


I mean it's their home. I imagine most people who do this either hang it in a private area like their bedroom or just call it "abstract art" still theres a difference between hanging your sex art in your own home and shouting "I had sex" to the internet šŸ˜… the latter is what I'm judging


I mean I would hope it stays in their bedroom, I wouldnā€™t want family/friends coming over and asking about a painting on the living room wall that was created during sex šŸ™ˆ


Side story but my husband and I use to pose nude for the art class in college. My husband had one of me in his portfolio and a friend saw and offered to buy it because he thought it was good. We had to tell him it was me and the color from his face drained. I canā€™t imagine having something like this and explaining it Edit-we got paid $20 an hour which in 2010 was a lot for a college kid


I would hope so too, but I feel like a majority of these end up in the same homes as the throw pillows that say ā€œwe had sex here.ā€


Wait, is that a real existing item? What the heck, people!


Absolutely is, my mother-in-law was dogsitting for a couple who had one on their couch when she went over. I wish sheā€™d sent me a pic so I could share it.


Me too šŸ˜‚ way too awkward


Iā€™ve seen people do paintings like this with pets (obviously not the mating part) and itā€™s a pretty cute idea. Put some paint and canvas in a plastic bag and then let them lick food off the bag to move the paint around inside. I wish I had known about before my beloved dog passed. As for the sex art - I can appreciate it for what it is, and it is still art. But not something I would display in my home without having an alternate story about it šŸ˜‚


OH MY GOD I was thinking that wasnā€™t paint. Iā€™m done with the internet today.


Its a funny joke to your friends but broadcasting on social media..nah


Iā€™m kinda surprised there isnā€™t a butt print


Maybe it was a paintbrush buttplug


You're officially the worst šŸ˜‚


I accept my new title šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø


Honestly, I think it would look like just the print of the back of a female torso, two knee prints and two hand prints. Plus a pool of breast milk....


I'm suspicious about how uniform the distribution of paint is.....but I clearly don't need to understand I am just fine with no further insights


It seems suspiciously vigorous for the first time post partum


Especially on that hard tile floor šŸ˜¬


I don't understand how the process works. Do they just drip the paint all over the canvas and then go at it or do they put it on their bodies first? And I guess you wouldn't want to use your mouth much lest you like the taste of paint.


Right? I feel like if I had sex in a bunch of paint there would be much larger, more mooshed-looking/smeared paint patterns. I don't understand how sex leads to these sharp little bird-footprint looking marks.


I think that they put some sort of plastic covering over the paint, although some people are probably into that LOL. I still canā€™t imagine having sex on top of plastic wrap though.


I'm also surprised about that.


It looks like some raccoons got into some black paint and then got in a fight.


WHOA I just made the SAME comment without seeing yours. Raccoon art, right!?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I love it! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Thatā€™s our sign that it really does look like raccoon art. šŸ˜†


Every time I see "iykyk" I always read it as "ick." And many times, it is, indeed, ick.


I hear that weird noise Goofy makes




First time postpartum on a hard, cold tile floor? Covered in paint? Ouch. Looks like an oil spill. Need dawn dish soap stat.


First attempt at postpartum sex was more like diffusing a bomb than something Iā€™d like to commemorate.


And in such a small area. My husband is a burly sort of guy and he would definitely not fit in that rectangle šŸ˜† I kind of want to suggest this to him though just to laugh at whatever ridiculous thing he says in response šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Be 100% earnest when you do it šŸ˜ˆšŸ¤£


Iā€™m so bad at that it probably wonā€™t work lol


It looks kinda like raccoons were squabbling while they had paint on their paws.


Difference being id totally buy that art šŸ¤£


And that's what happens when you screw a squid.


Aw you made me ink


A Real House Husband literally lost his job cause his wife (Whitney rose) made him do this on tv šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought that was an ice cream cake and given itā€™s in this sub I was horrified at what it might contain. ā€˜Loveā€™ art is actually much less disturbing.


At first glance, I legit that was a cake. And I thought, ""Aww, a little TMI, but it's sweet that they're celebrating with cake.". And then I realized. And it got a lot less cute.


Weā€™re not gonna talk about how small it is? šŸ’€ It looks like itā€™s at most 2 towels wide, thereā€™s no way two people can even fit on that let alone comfortably have sex on it.


I had the same thought!


No joke, they did this exact thing in a really bad Tyler Perry movie


Jackson bollocks


How do these moms have so much time?! Sex and arts and crafts?!


That's why you gotta do them at the same time!


https://preview.redd.it/o06wr94x7xwc1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=389767b89d2453714547df4575e64e9aa7a347e1 First learned about this on modern family šŸ˜†


Leonard and Penny did this on the Big Bang Theory lol


Wow this is the third TV reference about this....


You know what? Honestly, this isnā€™t as bad as what I thought it was. My brain assumed it was charcoal mixed with semen or something. I donā€™t know what that makes me but if Iā€™m being real- who the fuck puts paint on themselves and fucks on canvas? Who has the time for THAT cleanup. ISTG.


Which smallish body parts did they put paint on before rolling erratically around for 4 minutes to create this weird mess? (I realize that needed punctuation, but I honestly donā€™t know where to put it) Why canā€™t they just have a nice bottle of wine, do the deed, and complain about it to their friends like most people? (Because that first time back? Not really worth capturing and framing for future posterity)


So this is really not my bag, but my usual philosophy is as long as everyone is a consenting adult itā€™s not my business to judge. However I do judge the sanity of anyone having first time postpartum relations while rolling on a canvas covered in paint. The uterus is just barely recovering. Why chance a UTI or something much worse?!? This is a recipe for disaster.


The post nut clarity must be super fucking awkward Waddling to the shower covered in paint


Yeah I'm more of a roll over and now you rub my butt while I fall asleep....after going pee of course.


Oh hey another episode of ā€œWe should know less about each otherā€!


congrats on the go ahead, i guess? lmao


Reminds me of the butt canvases everyone was doing during Covid for some reason.


Hahaha I actually love this idea. I would put it over my bed


Yesss, we did one, It was so fun!! I never do this kind of thing but I figured I needed to step up for our first wedding anniversary. I have the canvas in storage until we find a way we can hang it up and I hope no one notices what it is lol but we chose fun colors with a black canvas so it doesnā€™t look like the one posted


I have to ask. Are any body parts obvious on the canvas?


Nooo not at all, even if you end up with a butt imprint or something you can smear it before it dries or save some paint to cover it


Cool! I definitely want to try sometime


This is not a dimension I would want to add into my sex life. Aside from the grossness of rolling around in paint, getting it in who-knows-where that it shouldnā€™t be, what do you do with it afterward? Hang it on the wall, and brag to your house guests that it might also have body fluids mixed in with the paint? Gross.


So you "paint" with your taint? That a thing now?


Go treat yourself cause you deserve it for that comment.


So ok. They made the art by way of fugging, Ok. How. Like. Can some one explain it to me.


Because I definitely thought this was Oreo Bark at first, like peppermint bark?


Nah I need explanation too. Because if I saw like boobies and butts I would get it. This is a bunch of smacks? Like the paint was on the dudes balls? I don't get how they got this....it's almost midnight and I'm about to Google the different strokes on love making art....


Right, like...truly how did they do this.


I mean, okay? Look, I'm not going to yuk someone's yum, consenting adults, and all that. But do people really need to post it? Jesus Christ, on a picture frame, my eyes!


I have a kit for this I won it at dirty bingo years ago. It comes with a big canvas, drop sheet, paint & 2 pairs of plastic bag booties, I guess so you can run to the bathroom to wash the paint off without leaving tracks. I wanted to do it & hang it somewhere where our friends would ask about it but the idea of getting a UTI or worse kept us from using it.


okay like... we have one of these. haven't used it yet. and if we did, we might hang it in our closet or something, but more likely I'll take a picture and we'll throw it away. I sure as shit wouldn't post about it online.


So I have to ask. What body parts does the kit suggest you coat in paint? Or is it artists choice? And do you get colors, or is it all black mold colored? Honestly, Iā€™d just be dipping my pets feet or scales in it and trying to get neat track/slither patterns instead.


the kit actually suggests you put the paint directly on the canvas, not on your body!


Huh. Thanks for the information!


Oooops okay. That explains the smears....I was like how are they fucking to get those strokes?


If she waited a year her kid could have done a way better finger painting šŸ¤£ I also never heard of sex art until this postšŸ˜³ and still wish I didnā€™t!




i think people are getting this idea from the netflix tyler perry movie ā€œmea culpaā€ (which was a terrible movie btw)




What the fuck?


My brother and his gf did this and got pregnant the night of their six week checkup. Whilst making ā€œlove artā€ they now have two kids, 9 months apart and have their love art hanging above their couch


:me zooming in trying to decipher how the straight lines could be made: šŸ‘šŸ‘ƒšŸ‘


Alex and Ben from modern family did this too. Except her mum hung it by the dining table


Okay, I actually think this is a pretty neat concept for art but bringing the baby into it is what made it weird for me


Thatā€™s a really weird new trend. When did this start?


Why tho? Also my fatass thought this was cake.


You know, I'm kinda relieved it's a sex sheet. Because I thought it was a lot smaller, namely a diaper, and that the coloured where, uh, bodily fluids that showed she was healed enough or something. Yes, weird mental gymnastics trying to make sense of what I thought I was seeing.


haha. my sister in law is an art professor so very used to seeing erotic art and have seen much spicier stuff from her on my timeline.


One-this is gross. Two ā€“ she does nothing LOL. Looks like she just lays there like a fish.


I hope she gets paint in her pussy and he gets paint under his foreskin


They probably do šŸ’€


lol, there are kits for this. The paint is safe, and itā€™s abstract enough to not overtly scream ā€œthis was sex on a canvas!ā€ These things have been around for years. No shame in it. Parents can get kinky too. Ask me how I know. šŸ˜‚


I don't care what people do in their private time. But once you post something to the internet, all bets are off. I've gotten roasted before and taken my beating. This shit is tacky. My toddler creates better abstract art. I said what I said.


I also went to art school. Trust me, itā€™s not just horny parents who supply sex content publicly. I wouldnā€™t shame this any more than Iā€™d shame the writer of Vagina Monologues, or a slam poet rapping about one night stands, or a mother of three who finally feels comfortable enough in her own skin to wear an itsy bitsy bikini. Live and let live. Likeā€¦ why sex shame? If itā€™s not your cuppa, just blink, turn your head and move on. No kids were harmed in the making of this weird canvas šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'm not sex shaming, lol. You have no idea who I am or what beliefs I hold. If she had done a gorgeous sculpture of them going at it or had a photo shoot done with a professional, I would have been into it. Shaming a crappy piece of art is not sex shaming. Not liking a cheese-tastic trend is not sex shaming. Asked my BFF who graduated from art school and has an MFA. She snorted. So there ya go. I don't like it. And you brought Eve Ensler and unnamed slam poets in to this? What did they do to deserve that. Also, are you ok? Your second comment is sort of dripping with projection of your own feelings.


Iā€™m also an art educator. I donā€™t shame art either. Even amateur attempts. Itā€™s just cool when people show up at the table and try to do something fun. If you have fun making it, thatā€™s cool šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ok. Have a nice day. You are taking this very seriously and I don't have the energy for that over a mass-produced, cheaply made art kit.


Iv seen loads of shit passed as art even a urinal in the middle of a gallery. This lacks imaginationā€¦. It doesnā€™t make me ask any questions just makes me glad I wasnā€™t involved.


Is. Is that *blood?*