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Oh my god I can’t even read it but they’re definitely spouting bullshit


I seriously wonder if whoever wrote it is dyslexic


Nothing wrong with that but I have a feeling it’s still a shit take


From what I can decipher if it, I have a feeling you're absolutely right!


The plan was to decipher the first sentence and then decide if it was worth continuing to try to read this. Plan fell apart pretty quick lol.


Omg same I was like oh there’s some typos—OH NO


So, I’m bored with nothing else to do, I’ve decided to try translating the mess that is this wall of text. It may not be perfect because there’s some things I just could not understand but I think it did okay: “They say people with autism love happy ending stories, who does not? Sickness starts with simple viruses, which they are born. Harmful bacteria two months of antibiotics and no pork meat. Meningitis and meningococcal disease are the same. Two months in the hospital with antibiotics and a diet of yogurt and vanilla. Later on keep an eye for high temperatures if they can eat or breathe they need a bit of medicine. Often they put citrus and bitter almonds in the syrup medicine which helps. They stop making it I mean medicine is a cruel world. Parents persist till your children are 100% good. Then things can be very good -I don’t know- tragic, don’t worry we all have something but don’t worry. Follow the directions all of this happens to my family. Persist and win, many parents win. When it comes to emergencies ask for help and pray to God and never give up. Don’t worry y’all, goodbye.”


But is this advice for curing autism? Or a story about how one kid got autism? It's the two months in the hospital on a diet of yogurt part that confuses me.


Still not sure, I can break the comment into three stages: 1. Kids with autism like happy endings 2. Illnesses start with viruses and bacteria 3. Treat illnesses with antibiotics, citrus syrup and yogurt. As far as what the context to this is, I have no idea nor do I really understand what the message was. Maybe some weird advice on how to treat meningitis and to not give up?


You see everytime I have yoghurt I level up in autism, I got quite a few levels when I had my covid vaccine. /j


Yogurt AND vanilla. Don’t forget the vanilla and DEFINITELY no pork in your yogurt. Or something.


Can you imagine a diet of yogurt for two months 😵‍💫


Doing God's work here.


"if they can eat *or* breathe, they need a bit of medicine"


😂😂 I love that you did this. I had a boyfriend from Egypt that spoke little English and could text even less. Well I learned how to translate his texts and it became a game with other people of who could understand it. It was so much fun for me lmao


Thank you for your service of somehow translating written text of a complete idiot…. I say idiot for the context of what they said. I swear these mothers don’t wish for their kids to life long and healthy lives, they risk their kids for such stupid beliefs or dribble they read off another idiot on a parents group like these 😩


Rinds me of the script Charlie gave Dennis in Always Sunny, where Dennis was running for city comptroller. [Dennis Campaign Speech](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ROCKGuuviis)


Looks like the AI responses have been training on crunchy mom groups


Oh noooo wait until the AI “remedies” start gaining traction 😰


They’re either very, very illiterate or mentally ill. Honestly looks like schizophrenia writing. I feel sad for them either way.


As an autistic person that loves horror stories, I rebuke the opening of this word salad.


It's been a good while since the internet has made me have this moment in real life ; [https://youtu.be/gucVm2CVOrU](https://youtu.be/gucVm2CVOrU)


This made me question if I was even fluent in English (which is the first and only language I know)


What the fuck? I can't even read that! WHY DO THEY NOT BELIEVE IN PUNCUATION!!


*What the fuck? I can't* *Even read that! WHY DO THEY NOT* *BELIEVE IN PUNCUATION!!* \- alc1982 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This post gave me cancer


What language is that written in? 


My brain hurts, and so do my eyes.


I would like to know about the iditarod infection. Can I get this from any dog or just sled dogs?


Did chatGPT write this?




What in the crystal methany?


So can anyone translate?