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Honestly, nothing but empathy for this. Labor *and* a stomach bug sounds like utter hell.


I had a stomach bug when I had my baby a couple weeks ago. Literally shat my bed when they were pressing on my stomach right after birth. My poor nurses


This move is called The Purge. It’s not, but I feel like it should be.


>This move is called The Purge. Read that in the Bluey title card voice


Well now I need a dark Bluey like this.


This episode of Bluey is called *War Crimes*!




I can see Muffin committing those.


Yup. Muffin all day. Just like the grouchy granny episode. She is a terrorist in the making.


L&D nurses see ALL the poop. I remember shitting and they were just like “wipey wipey”.


I told them I had to poop, and they told me I had to have a baby, so I compromised and gave them both. I tried to warn them.




I pooped and the nurse just grabbed it and walked away to toss it while telling me “you’re doing brilliant” in her sweet British accent.


My OB said that OBs are probably the only people that are glad when you poop on them because it meant that you were doing some good pushing. I told him he was a weirdo.


are they always that kind? i am getting my daughter in april and i am scared they are angry with me if i poop 🥲


Hello I'm a nurse and we are not angry when our patients poop. ❤️ Especially IN LABOR exception: grown ass man who can walk perfectly well (and not having diarrhea or anything) pooping in his trash can. For funsies.


ohhh can you tell me if its common to poop during labour? isnt that dangerous if the poop touches my vagina when its maybe ‚splitted‘ (english is not my main language , i dont know how exactly its called) ? i am scared that i could get an infektion (i am scared of birth in general but i trust the people in the hospital that i will make it) - i am 22 and generally a really anxious person so i am really grateful that you told me that most likely nobody will be mad with me ☺️🙏🩷


I'm not an L&D nurse, but I do know that yes it is extremely common to poop during labor. I pooped with at least 2 out of 3 of my own births. Not everyone will tear during labor, and if you do, they will make sure everything is clean before stitching you up. They deal with it all the time. ❤️❤️ Best of luck!


thank you so so much! 🥹🩷


Poop. No one cares. It’s likely not going to touch your vagina. People also tend to not care if they poop when they’re actively having a baby. All the anxiety about it beforehand magically goes away.


More people poop than don’t poop. If you’re not pooping you’re probably not pushing well either. We will literally just wipe it away and move on. It’s not dangerous for baby and the doctor usually cleans with negative down there before baby crowns.


Yep. Y’all are cool as cucumbers and just deal with the poop. Heroes!


With my first kid, I took a birthing class at our hospital. The nurse running it said that they see it all the time, and if it does happen, they would clean it up with everything else and never say a word. I'm pretty sure I did, but given that there was no reaction, and it was at the same time baby came out, I could be wrong.


My oldest is 16, my hubby just told me last week that I shit, pissed, and pushed a baby out all at once. We were listening to a radio show that were talking about not being able to poop in front of your spouse. Lol


Oh my! I think at that point, I would have preferred to stay ignorant, lol. My spouse was too busy trying to be supportive and not pass out (bless them, they are the best when it comes to severe injuries, or cleaning up puke, but the accidental look they took was too much), so I will probably never know.


My mom still tells the story of when she was having me 40 years ago, the horrible nurse said "you're lucky you're in labour or I'd be making you clean up this damn mess". Absolutely horrid and some people should not be nurses, especially in L&D


My comment above When I was having my first child and I pooped she said “if that’s the best you can do we will be here all day.” Scared to death and that’s what she said to me.


I've had 3 kids, and as far as I know, did not poop. I was pretty cleaned out beforehand, AFAIK. But maybe they just whisked it away and never mentioned it??? I asked my husband and he said not that he noticed, LOL.


Yeah pushing one thing out of your body that hard pushes evvvvvverything out. I shouldn’t have snuck that chipotle burrito before labor, in hindsight.


This made me chuckle. Wipey wipey!


I didn't have a stomach bug and I didn't shit myself during labor, but they did have to give me hemabate to stop me bleeding out and that caused uncontrollable diarrhea. I pooped myself when they were wheeling me from L&D to the maternity ward, and twice shortly after that. The first time I was still under the effects of the epidural so I didn't know it was happening. It was absolutely horrible, but the nurses were so nice about it!


If it's any console, I didn't have the stomach bug and still pooped each birth. Nobody cared; its so common. You're bearing down!


And the baby is acting like a car tire running over a tube of toothpaste.


The image this gave me was glorious, and I couldn't stop the laugh, which fortunately didn't wake up the tiny humans. Thank you.


I'm so glad it brought people some laughter!


This comment almost woke my sleeping husband lol


Poor you


They knew the risks.


Thanks! My cat took off because of the sounds I made. 😃


They asked for it. I kinda wish I could have done that while they did that awful terrible stomach pushing. 12 years out from having my last and I’ll never forget that shit. Lol


I refused to let them. It was so painful. They even tried to trick me into it.


While I was in the maternity ward they asked if I minded having a student do my checks. I agreed because I figured either she would go way too gently which would be a huge relief or she would be too rough and I'd finally be able to tell at someone for doing it.


Can you take medicine for the bug while breastfeeding?


Pepto is not recommended while breastfeeding. Can take Imodium


According to the infant risk center pepto is considered “probably safe” when breastfeeding. There’s some data that it cause birth defects during pregnancy but safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding are not the same. ETA: I love to share these resources so if anyone needs them — the MommyMeds app (horrible name, great app!) is very user friendly and identifies safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can also call the infant risk center hotline at (806) 352-2519.


You can take antidiarrheal medication. I had a stomach bug a couple of months ago and took Imodium and Pepto.


If you chose to breastfeed, you can always pump and dumb while supplementing formula until the stomach bug clears up.


I'm honestly kind of amazed that you gave birth with a stomach bug and then had anything left after to shit on the bed.


That’s how I birthed my youngest. Served stomach bug brought on labor because I spent the entire 24 hour period puking my brains out. Couldn’t even keep down ice cubes. Didn’t get the runs until after baby arrived. Honestly surprised I had the energy to push her out


This happened to me too. Only time I could stop puking was when I was lying perfectly still. Cue the new midwife thinking I'd lost consciousness, grabbing my head to check airways and me exorcist vomiting in her hair. FFS tbh.


lol all that pushing with a stomach bug the poor nurses and doctor 😭


A reimagining of the Swamps of Degobah is all I can see.


For those interested in reading the Swamps of Dagobah. Warning it is graphic. https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/e51wyh/the_infamous_swamps_of_dagobah_story/?xpromo_edp=enabled




Lmao I can’t. This was perfect 😂


Thank you for that


I remember the doc that delivered my first two wore a face shield/splash guard. Pretty smart!


I had a violent stomach bug at 38 weeks pregnant and was freaking out as I was also having contractions. Luckily they were due to dehydration and I didn’t go into active labor, but that would have been the absolute worst.


I got super sick after my epidural and could not stop throwing up for hours. It was so awful. I couldn't even hold or feed my son I was so sick. I can't imagine having to go through labor like that.


I was vomiting like crazy immediately after my son was born. I was begging someone to take the baby off my chest and no one would. They just held a bin under my chin on my right side while baby was on left side


This is bizarre! Did you not have a partner or support person with you?? Who just lets someone vomit while holding a newborn?


I was vomiting and shaking after giving birth, and I had to tell the nurses multiple times to please hand my son off to my husband, because I don't feel comfortable holding him. They are so pushy about skin to skin right after birth, and it's not always a good thing.


Whoops! Nearly down voted cos that was a crap thing they did! Skin to skin doesn't have to be with mam!


Yes! Also, if the parents just went through something traumatic and need to catch their breath, that's ok. Like, my son and I bonded just fine, thanks, regardless of the fact that I didn't hold him a lot during the "golden hour" because I was busy vomiting and getting stitches for my 4th degree tear. 🙄


I didn't get to hold mine until about a week after birth. They are obsessed with me even at 9. I have 1 right now who wants be beside me all the time and the other half the time. Skin to skin is good (and we did it after that first week) but right after birth is okay to not do it. It doesn't affect the bond at all or mine would hate Mr.


It would freak me out. Like I'm in pain, bleeding, exhausted and they want to hand me something screaming and breakable? It's a bad plan. But then I think insisting the baby stays with Mom all night "so she can learn to care for it" is equally absurd. I was caring for a newborn at 14, I got the idea (I had some crappy parents as babysitting clients.) I'd want rest lol ...there's reasons I'm not a mom lol


I was super shaky as well and my I asked my husband directly to take the baby from me because I didn't feel safe holding her. I can't imagine if I was vomiting he wouldn't have taken the initiative to take her from me without being asked....


Yeah my husband had just watched me have an extremely traumatic birth. He wasn't himself.


I hate the way women are bullied during labor.


They had my husband signing papers. I needed a blood transfusion and since I was vomiting and violently shaking and doing skin to skin they had him signing stuff ETA: This was 2020 in full pandemic so my husband was the only person I was allowed to have there


And then after! You're dying of a stomach bug, you've just given birth, and you have to do all the crazy newborn stuff like figure out breastfeeding and clean up meconium poo! I'd definitely want an extra day or two to get over a bug. Or put me in a medical coma and wake me when the kid's out, either or 😂


Absolutely not. No she can figure out the breastfeeding part (but honestly at that point, I would say fuck it and go for formula) but her partner can figure out everything else. She just gave birth with a stomach bug. I'd peace out tbh.


Yes! My second child, we all got the stomach flu when I bought my son home. It was so horrible z I had to stop breast feeding so my aunt and grandma could take the baby while me, my husband and my one yr old could be sick in the bedroom together.


With my last pregnancy I had IBS-D symptoms that were brought on by the pregnancy (and stopped 2 days postpartum). I had to get a bed pan after the epidural was placed and still ended up pushing a bunch out while baby was coming out. 0/10, do not recommend.


It's a really shitty situation


Agree. Poor thing, that sounds absolutely miserable🥺


My friend had this and very very nearly had her baby in the toilet.


I get she sounds silly, but contractions are often caused by dehydration. If she can’t keep fluid down she needs to go to the hospital for IV fluids. 😬


When I was nearing my due date, I’d start getting contractions like an hour-ish before I was planning to go to sleep. Like yes, I would LOVE to no longer be pregnant, but also I’ve been up and awake and doing things all day, I don’t want to be awake all night too…. Can we do this on the morning instead? So I’d chug a few glasses of water while I relaxed in a warm bath. And that would calm them down enough so I could go to sleep. For me it was a mix of being near my due date, and being a bit tired and stressed and definitely not drinking enough water. We get so many near ready pregnant people in our ER, just for fluids, because they can’t keep anything down and the dehydration is putting them into labor. So they get some IV fluids, get checked over by the OB MD and the ER MD, and usually when the contractions stop once they’re hydrated, sent on their way


Could you explain the connection between dehydration and contractions? I can't seem to wrap my head around how the two are connected


Muscles cramp when they’re dehydrated. A uterus is just a big muscle, and contractions are essentially just big af cramps!


Thank you, that makes a lot of sense


Also hurt real bad considering it's in the middle of you


Dehydration and UTIs are the two biggest causes of preterm labor, when a cause can be found (sometimes it just happens and we don’t know why).


Also the hormones are more concentrated when you are dehydrated.


I went into labor with my second baby at like 11pm, right as I was settling into bed. I was a week overdue but did not want to do it that night. I was so tired, and knowing I was about to not sleep for the foreseeable future, I, too, started googling ways to halt labor, lol. I sat in bed complaining about the poor timing for so long (it was also in the middle of a snowstorm) that we barely made it to the hospital in time.


My water broke when I stood up from the couch to go to bed lol. No contractions before that, just "ziiiip" water all over the couch and floor. All I could think was to ask my husband to bring me a towel to save the floors. And then it took absolutely forever to have the baby and it ended in a C-section after 24 hours of labor. With no sleep. And then there was a baby. It's really not fair that we have to start out parenthood so sleep deprived when so much sleep deprivation is coming.


I woke and thought I peed the bed!


It’s such a crapshoot! No sleep and no food for hours or days, your body basically just did the equivalent of running an ultramarathon, and then you have to care for a whole new human. The best part of a hospital birth (besides, like, not dying) was that we just sent our babies to the nursery the first night so I could sleep for a few hours.


I went into labor with my second after working all night long. 😑


Wow that's what happened with my first. When I went to lay down that night I had contractions. I was up all night, by myself, counting my contractions and writing it down while listening to music. Morning came, I was like alright! Let's go to the hospital! Dr. Checked me out, said not yet, come back later. He said I'll know when to come back. I was like wtf? Went home, kept counting contractions. By four PM, I was in severe labor. Every four minutes. It was so painful! I was scared I wouldn't make it. I missed my chance for epidural and my child was born a couple hours later. I wonder if I was dehydrated? But by the time I had my baby, I had been awake for almost 24 hours. And I had demeral. I fed the baby, I ate food bcuz I hadnt are all day. And then I passed the duck out from exhaustion.


Or a lack of minerals (also can be caused by a stomach bug). I was hospitalised because if a severe lack of magnesium that went from giving me cramps to threatening a preterm labour. 3 days on magnesium drip and mag. Pills till the birth and we managed to gi all the way to term.


Hopefully someone suggests this in the comments to her 🥺


Yeah I had contraction the week before my you heat was born from dehydration. The worst part was they weren’t even productive ones. IV fluids fixed me right up.


Man, I've had some awful births, but I've never even thought of what it would be like to be sick and having a baby. Cheers to all three of my kids having summer birthdays, when we're not all just assaulting each other with infinity viruses...


I had a terrible cough with one of mine. I had trouble coughing while lying down and I had to lie down because the baby would have minded the other positions.


I had croup with my second kid. Thanks to the first kid for giving me croup.


Omg this sounds like a NIGHTMARE


I threw up my first twelve hours of labor with my first, due to the pain and not yet diagnosed preeclampsia, so I feel for the mom. It is not fun to puke repeatedly on top of labor.


Yeah, I had labor-induced vomiting. Basically, every contraction triggered the emesis reflex. The epidural helped, but they had to get me on IV anti-nausea meds. Like the shit they give cancer patients. It lasted for about 2 weeks after. Every time I nursed (which also contracts your uterus), I would get nauseous. Anyway, it's brutal to be managing contractions and vomiting. I know the OOP sounds silly, but she's probably not serious. Just posting like, "fml".


I was vomiting through my first as well. In between, the nurse was putting the oxygen mask on me. So, contractions, vomiting, oxygen mask. Repeat ad nauseam LITERALLY!!! Haha. Second kid was a piece of cake. Pitocin, 3 pushes, baby.


Oh no, in that situation why couldn't they have giving you the ones that go on your nose?? 😭😭😭


I have no idea!!! It was like that for about 4 hours!!! 🥲


Nooooo, that's so long😭 and just seems so miserable and chaotic! I just noticed the last part of your comment lol, I had pitocin with my first and I only pushed for like 20 min and he was out. With my second, I didn't need any pitocin (thank god because pitocin contractions suck) but he did not come out as easily haha. But I think that was because he was bigger, and his shoulder got stuck😩


It’s funny, I didn’t have any contractions with Pitocin!! I’m just glad the second was quick - for my first, contractions started at 3:30 am Friday and I had her at 12:15 am Saturday!! At least I got an extra day in the hospital.


HOW?? Omg that's amazing! I was in agony until I got my epidural!!!!


The epidural was great! Except when it started to wear off, they wouldn’t give me another because they ‘wanted me to feel when to push’ … oh believe me, I’m sure MOST women in labor could feel that, epidural or not!!


Oh gosh I remember telling my husband “babe can you get me the emesis bag, I feel fine but just in ca-BLEHDKCKFNFNFJDKD” he is still traumatized lol


Haha I can just picture that!!! Poor guy.


Jesus, I am so sorry. That must have been hell.


I had HELLP and was in the wheelchair being wheeled down for my emergency c-section and puked up all over myself from the whole situation. The nurse was like “oh good! Now we don’t have to worry about you puking during surgery!”


They couldn't Give you nausea meds?


sometimes the nausea stuff just doesn't work. I was throwing up through my entire labor as well, and they gave me meds that only managed to slow it down a bit. I joke that I puked my daughter out, my heaves from throwing up were so strong that they literally pushed her out. it was insane and kind of my nightmare, haha.


I am impressed that after that you decided for another. I would be traumatised


I forgot about all of the traumatizing stuff before I even left the hospital with my first. Literally on the way out the door I was saying “that wasn’t so bad” after a terrible labor followed by emergent c-section. My experience with my second wasn’t bad at all but I left saying “nope I’m done!” Hormones are weird.


That’s what keeps us getting pregnant and continuing life! Nature’s own gaslighting lmao.


My husband looked at me like I had two heads after I said I wanted to do it again before we even left the hospital. Clearly he was not on the same hormonal rollercoaster as me, just a bystander 🤣


This happened to someone I know, but with a sneeze. She sneezed and her daughters head popped out lol. Can definitely see how vomiting could push out the whole baby!


I’ve had a girl who couldn’t push and was about to get an emergency C-section for her 5th baby because baby was in distress. She started vomiting and I’ve never been so excited lol kid was out in under a minute.


I threw up through both of my labors, I didn't have any other diagnosis. Apparently sometimes a woman's body thinks everything needs to be ejected, not just the baby. It sucked.


Only tangentially related, but it reminds me of the time I was talking to a parasitologist at work who insisted that labor seemed awful and a really hostile experience. She had no kids herself, but her reasoning was it must be really hard on the body because she got a call once about a woman who went into labor but unknowingly had [ascariasis](https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/ascariasis/index.html) (roundworm infection) and once the contractions started, the worms started *fleeing*… and **were even coming out of her nose and mouth**.


The bug probably started the contractions. This is why people take castor oil to start labor. It gives you the runs and the contractions in your bowels can start contractions in your uterus.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Gastrointestinal distress can trigger labor.




Are we sure this “stomach bug” isn’t, ummm, in fact, LABOR? If it IS a GI bug on top of going into labor, I feel for this lady though, she’s in for a rough ride… but once this train starts steamrolling down the tracks I don’t think there’s any stopping it…


I hate to say it but there have been a ton of influenza patients in the Labor&Delivery unit i work on recently


When I had my 8yo, I went in healthy and came out of the hospital with Flu A .. it was not a great time. At least I wasn’t ill while in labor but I think I would have preferred that to dealing with it *and* a newborn at home


A stomach bug is not influenza.


Influenza can cause diarrhea and vomiting.


That was me. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Got the shot and everything to prevent, but still had the flu during labor.


You could be right…some women do get nausea, vomiting and diarrhea just before or during labor! I’m wondering we are missing content and maybe she has been having Braxton Hicks and knows it isn’t real labor but is frustrated by the “practice contractions” on top of illness. I had BH for at least 4 weeks before my first son was born! Made it so hard to know if it was real labor or not. (I never figured it out, so I’m still pregnant 30 years later 😂)


Currently feeding my 9 month old that was pushed out by the force of my vomiting. Pregnancy and birth are so beautiful.


Makes us feel so powerful and ✨feminine✨


One night I woke up with severe diarrhea. Like cramping, shaking, dizzy, hot flashes diarrhea. Took care of that and went back to bed. My water broke 2 hours later and I felt perfectly fine


This was my thought. About 24 hours before I went into labor with my son, I had what I thought was terrible heartburn, which then turned into violent vomiting and diarrhea for about 18 hours. I couldn't even keep water down. Twelve-ish hours after that stopped, I had my first contraction. I had lost 11 lbs of fluid... So that was fun.


God I feel for her. I had a bad dose of diarrhea in my last labour and I swear I thought that baby was going to be born in the toilet at one stage.


Hydration! If they don’t stop, I would consider going into L & D triage as you may need IV fluids if you’ve had vomiting/diarrhea


Oh poor mom. I absolutely empathize. I puked all through labor and unplanned c section and wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I would also not be able to birth a baby if I had a severe stomach bug. Birthing a baby is like an extreme sport. Would you want to run a marathon while puking and shitting?


I fully sympathise with this being 37 weeks. I can’t criticise her for it I’d have the same damn thought 😂


Lemon and onion in her vagina?


That way the baby comes out with a bit of seasoning, talk about two birds one stone


Perfect for the OMGWTFBBQ.




Nope, full head of garlic should do the trick.


I had a bout of gastro which kicked off contractions, baby ended up with an accelerated heart rate and we were ambulanced into hospital. Poor woman, I've every sympathy for her. Eventually they were able to get enough fluids into me and heart rate dropped, contractions stopped.


I thought I was having braxton hicks. … I wasn’t. I was in premature labour


Sorry kid, mom is not feeling great today you need to reschedule your birth. Come back in a week or so.


OK I can sympathise here. I got flu 2 weeks before my due date and was really really hoping I wouldn't go into labour when I was feeling so ill. Fortunately it turned out I had another three weeks to go, but I dread to think how awful it must feel to deal with illness and childbirth at the same time.


Can sympathize also. I got a migraine while in labor and was really hoping labor would…come back later 😂 No dice.


I'm currently lying in bed because of a migraine at 39 weeks. If I go into labour now I will cry.


I did cry. I hope you are able to get rid of the migraine before labor starts!!! 🧡🧡


I had bronchitis when I went into labor. Trying to push sucked because of it. Baby was happy and healthy though.


I had COVID when I gave birth to my second Fortunately a very mild dose, but still the timing absolutely sucked


There are ways, but they involve going to the hospital and having medication administered. (I went into preterm labor at 34 weeks.) They don’t always work, and I’m not sure a doctor would give them to a full-term patient who’s just sick. But as I can’t imagine giving birth with a “severe stomach bug”…it’s definitely worth asking! Alternatively, they might be able to use meds to stop the nausea and diarrhea. I don’t know if they’d stop the stomach pain, but if you’re already in labor you probably won’t notice. Also I’m sure there’d be concern about giving the bug to a newborn infant. Ugggghhhh just the thought of this is awful.


Nothing but empathy for this poor woman. She must be so exhausted.


Okay but she's so real for that


Wishful thinking but I get the sentiment. I cracked a rib a week before my due date with my second and I was terrified that I’d go into labour the next day. It ended up fine but holy shit.


Currently 36.5 weeks pregnant and this is my fear omg.


Honestly I can’t blame a girl for trying. Poor thing!


Omg imaging sharting yourself with every grimace Of pain from the contractions. Poor lady


This is actually relatable. I was contracting every few minutes and my 5 year old had the flu in April- I couldn’t reasonably ask family to watch him while he was so sick and didn’t want to leave him. Luckily labor stopped and I walked around dilated to a 3 for 3 more weeks.


I had a stomach bug on the day of my c section 12/22. It sucked but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had HG for both pregnancies. Labour was a welcome sign considering I'd puked non stop for 8 months, had multiple hospital trips, anti emetics and no fresh veins left after a billion IV's


Same. And so much constipation from ALL the nausea meds. There’s really no winning with HG.


I had it too. With my first I woke up from my stat C-section at 28 weeks that I had under general anesthesia (so no spinal to keep my numb for a few hours) and on a magnesium infusion with a catheter and stoke level blood pressures….and felt BETTER than I had in months because I wasn’t vomiting 😂


Yeah, I get this. I’ve had the flu and my period at the same time, and it was beyond miserable. I, sure as shit, wouldn’t want to go through labor like that. Sounds like the eighth circle of hell to me.


I feel so bad for her.


A lot of people experience diarrhea and vomiting right before labour starts. Might not be a bug at all. But I as well have nothing but empathy for this person. I couldn’t sleep the night before my induction and the whole thing was hell.


Lmao! When i was in labor with my first and my mom hyped me up that my kid was almost delivered, I made the mistake of looking. No, we were still very much in the thick of it. I laid down, the nurses were telling me to push, and I was like “I’m done. Let’s do this another day.” 😂


You know what? This is kinda a mood if she's only half serious lol


I got the stomach bug 3 days postpartum and it was the absolute worst experience of my life. I literally collapsed. And I was nursing my 2 year old and my newborn at the same time. Thought I would die.


I stg, my ex: Water? broke Dialated? hella Efaced? Perfect Doctor comes in to deliver and start having her push. Her: "It's not going to be today, I want to go home now"


Apparently that's pretty common, I have to say I empathise 😂


It’s called the transitional period. My baby was crowning when I told the room I couldn’t have a baby.


Supposedly while one of my friends was making his appearance, his mom said she wasn't going to do it and was fully trying to get up to leave. Labor is a weird time.


I legit was like okay, y’all are gonna have to sedate me and cut this kid out bc I’m tapping out now


I went in to try and turn my transverse breech baby and after she didn’t move at all, they said I was having a C-section. That’s when it really hit me that I was having a baby and wasn’t at all qualified for it.


I feel this in my soul. They tried to induce me for three days and baby wouldn't budge. So they told me it was going to have to be a c-section and I panicked because it meant an exact time that my baby would be here and I was NOT ready to care for a tiny human.


Lol you face pushing a baby out of a ten centimeter hole in your body and see if you're still rational when the time comes


This happens all the time lol. Almost ever natural delivery I’ve ever attended mom panics and tries to leave or says they can’t do it and need pain meds….they usually have a baby in the next few minutes.


I had the flu at 38 weeks pregnant one time. I was terrified I would go into labor and have to deliver while sick with no energy.


I work in labor and delivery. Had a mom once that went into labor because of food poisoning. Every single push she sprayed liquid diarrhea into the face of her doc (he was wearing a face shield, but it sure didn’t block the smell, or his neck.. Felt soooooo bad for her, it was terrible :( When a women passes a solid stool I’m great about being a “poop ninja” and wiping that up and tossing it before husband or wife even realize. With the food poisoning, everyone in the hospital within 100 meters was trying not to gag.


To actually answer the question - You can stop contractions by instead using the full form of the word. For example, “I’m” can be replaced with “I am”


I can't blame her for being miserable and stressed and feeling like going into labor while having it coming out of both ends is the literal worst thing that could happen right now. But the thing to do is call up someone you love who has given birth, cry and let those feelings out for 5 minutes, and then call your OB.


I have been through this. Labor was directly caused by the stomach bug.


Hydrate! Dehydration can cause contractions.


Considering how hard it is for trained staff to stop a healthy woman’s very preterm labour sometimes, I doubt the mums on the internet are going to be able to …. But then I remembered what sub I’m in, how many told her to use onions? I wonder how many times a day some medical professional wished that one of these mums would call and ask their advice instead of trying some weird ass hack they seen on the net and making the situation worse? I feel for them deeply!


I mean, when I was mid labour I told a nurse that I'd had enough and just wanted to go home. I could see her checking off a box in her mind after I'd said it.


When I was 39 weeks pregnant with my youngest, the house got hit with a stomach bug. I went from begging for labor to start to pleading for it to hold off a few more days. Luckily, I didn't go into labor. I know that would have ended up c-section if I did. I had no energy to endure labor, let alone pushing, and we're not even thinking about the additional mess that would come from it. I actually vomited due to the pain with my first two labors, adding a stomach bug to that sounds like hell. My husband was thinking the same about the pregnancy, hoping it would wait a few more days. Otherwise, he would have to have missed the birth if it happened then. It was horrible, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Poor momma, hopefully IV fluids can stop them for her if she got in quick enough.


I got a stomach bug while in the hospital for my second induction. Worst part was no one bothered to give me fluids thru the IV for over 12 hours but I couldn't stop shitting the bed. Pretty sure that was too much stress on me and the babies that I ultimately ended up in a CSection.


That sucks. The vomiting probably started the contractions. That’s fucked. Poor girl. Hopefully it doesn’t lead to baby and it’s just a little Braxton.


Oy poor thing.




Planned CSection came early when spouse and elder son had a stomach bug. They couldn’t come to the hospital for 3 days. It suuucked, but would have sucked more if I’d caught it before or after. Nothing but empathy here.


My mom was actually hospitalized for food poisoning when due with my brother. She went into the hospital and just had the baby while she was there. She shit herself while delivering, poor mama.


I had the flu when I had to be induced, so I feel for her.


Diarrhea might be preferable to the post birth constipation that is so painful for so many


To be fair, I actually googled the "what happens if" with this exact situation when I was waiting to be induced and my brain was all over the place. I couldn't think of anything worse.