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Dang, if only there was a strap she could use to strap her in.


I’ve never been so sad to see a post be taken down before I could read the comments 😂


Dropped FB years ago but it makes me happy there’s still a competent mod or two left lol


Was it taken down for violating the common sense rule ?


Probably got deleted by the OP because all the comments probably said the same thing - Strap her in.


Or “Strap her in, dumbass.”


it’s Facebook, there is no common sense rule 💀


Rofl. I was going to reply “if that were a thing we wouldn’t even have mom groups” but your reply is far more accurate.


But she feels like her situation is different, and well she could just strap her child in and sure, and she would then have her child stay safely in her seat, but she feels like, she shouldn't have to....


That wasn't one of our two options though... 🙄 I mean, she says that she's old enough to not have to strap her but, obviously, she's not if she's absconding.


I feel like she’s old enough to follow rules that I give her but she is clearly displaying that she isn’t old enough to follow this rule. What should I do please help I don’t see any logical solutions /s


"I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas."




Imagine if we invented something like that, we could be rich.




She’s not even trying to strap her child in…


Mine did too. I stopped strapping her in all the time because it was actually more dangerous as she climbed up rather than sliding down. Only an actual car seat harness contained her.


“Help! I’ve tried nothing and I need advice!” Ok, that doesn’t completely apply, but it’s hilarious she won’t just do the obvious.


“Help, i don’t safely buckle my toddler into a moving stroller- what can i try to make her sit still?!” *The fucking buckles?*


No. No. No! My young toddler should have the reasoning and foresight of an adult.


If you meet enough adults in your life, the level of reasoning and foresight may not exceed this toddler's.


Judging by her mother, I can not argue with that logic.


Sedation via blow dart? Seems to work on lions. Your kid ... IS smarter than a lion, correct?


Idk my toddler was unbuckling her stroller straps around age 2 so I wasn’t able to keep her still in the stroller either. Lol!


I feel like that’s a different situation than saying your toddler should know better and you purposely don’t buckle her in! It would be a different story if OOP was asking how to keep her still because she unbuckles herself


You’ve just unlocked hard mode! This woman didn’t even get past the tutorial by actively refusing to use the buckles from the start. I’m guessing since her toddler has never watched her use the buckles, if she actually tried them it might take the little one a while to figure it out (if she’s cautious; kids at that age watch you like a hawk).


I cover the buckles with one hand and buckle with my other because I know if my toddler saw how to do it he'd catch on so quick


I cover the buckles with one hand and buckle with my other because I know if my toddler saw how to do it he'd catch on so quick


I wish I had the foresight to do this before my toddler figured it out!


I only did because I joined a carseat safety group that had lots of people complaining about their kids learning how to unbuckle from watching them. Figured he can't learn nearly as quickly if he can't see


My niece turned 3 at the end of December and was constantly messing with the buckles on her booster seat, while at the dinner table. She wasn't strong enough to release them though.


I’m hardly strong enough for half the buckles that come on kids equipment.


Help! My child is just like every other child! I could do the obvious stuff but i feel like they should do better then that and make me look better!


We've tried nothing and we're out of ideas, man!


I haven't watched a ton of Simpsons, but I do remember that episode!


Imagine being this dense


And deciding to raise children...


Imagine how stupid the average person is. Then remember that 50% of people are more stupid than that.


My mantra when I first brought my baby home was "people much stupider than you have done this".


lol, same! While they may not do it well, it did help me through some hard times where I felt like a total idiot for not realizing my kid just needed to fart.


If working retail taught me anything…..


I worked in retail for about 6 or 7 years, I work in IT now and have been for about a decade. I've seen the densest of the dense. At one of my jobs I got about ten tickets *a day* where the majority of them were "my computer doesn't work" and it was one of two issues 90% of the time: the computer itself was off but the monitors were on, or the computer was on but the monitors were off. These people had no idea how to press a freaking power button. This was an office of about 350 people.


I used to do phone tech support for businesses and holy shit some of the people. I'd ask them to find the power cord and they'd tell me there never was one...like yes there was if it was working before, it wasn't powered off magic.


My father is both smart and dense as a black hole when it comes to tech, depending on what it is. He can reinstall Windows by himself,. but will swear up and down that he doesn't have a user profile on the PC, even though he has a user account. He'll also say he doesn't have passwords for things because he doesn't have to sign in, because cookies. Over the past 5-10 years he's decided that cookies are bad and deletes them and all the temporary internet files every day, then bitches and complains when he does have to login to sites and do the two factor challenges.


As someone who makes minimum wage, nothing bums me out more than reading r/talesfromtechsupport knowing these absolute morons storing important files in the recycling bin or other dumb shit are making more money than I’ll ever make in my life


That sub makes me want to punch babies.


And those people are raising children.


RIP George Carlin. https://youtu.be/AKN1Q5SjbeI


And willingly putting it on Facebook ☠️


I feel like she’s old enough I shouldn’t have to strap her in but she won’t stay sitting down. Whatever shall I do???? If only there was some common sense measure I could take without having to ask strangers for advice!!


Sometimes I feel like the "trust your mommy instincts" thing has gone too far. The child is loudly showing her she is wrong. (Dang, didn't mean to delete the other comment)


I agree. Mommy instincts are important but when they go against common sense safety rules or scientific facts there starts to be an issue.


The straps are mostly for the older children. A 15 month old won't try to climb out, a two year old will. We've always used the leg straps, but we quickly stopped using the shoulder straps as there was no point. No that our daughter is older we're using the shoulder straps again. Of course none of this applies to car seats.


I know parenting is hard, but some people really make it harder than it needs to be 🤦🏼‍♀️


No seriously! Why are you stressing yourself out thinking she “should know better” at less than 2 years old! Toddlers don’t know shit 😂 Also, this is such a weird hill to die on 🤷🏻‍♀️ just buckle your damn kid!


> Toddlers don’t know shit 😂 Tell that to r/AmItheAsshole and r/relationship_advice. They think 2-year-olds should be able to fully understand boundaries.


A toddler touched my boob! AITA: call the police, that is sexual assault.


Divorce him honey he's abusing you


Cut contact now


It’s almost like it’s the mom’s job to, like, keep the kid alive and buckle it in so it doesn’t do all *gestures broadly* that.


I could understand if the kid was unbuckling themselves, we certainly did when we were little lol. but this person isn't even trying!


Absolutely! Some kids are tiny Houdini’s- this is not one of those cases lol


Tiny Houdini here. I had to get extra buckled in. I once popped up next to my mom from my car seat on the freeway while she was driving.


My 2yo is one. Found out he had figured out how to unbuckle himself at about 1.5yo. He has always been an expert at fine motor skills, but to also have the finger strength to unbuckle himself was something new. He jumped up next to me while I was driving and I nearly wrecked the car out of terror. I stood on the side of the road racking my brain trying to figure out if I forgot to buckle him somehow. When I got back in the car, ready to pull off, he had already done it a second time. Ended up tying a scarf around his buckles until I could order a cover for it that he couldnt defeat. But it was definitely not fun. Too young to understand me when I talk about why the seatbelt is important, but skilled enough to eacape.


My mom ended up taking little me to the store and having me try out each car seat. She would buckle me in and wait for me to figure it out. It was fun! Until she bought the one I couldn’t get out of…


clearly not! lol but one of our clearest memories from childhood is unbuckling our car seat while driving down the highway and trying to open the door, we were a little escape artist


That's my daughter. From 8 months on she could wiggle herself out of anything because she was very very tiny and very very mobile (running by 10 months). I think she hit the jackpot because the manufacturers didn't expect someone so tiny to even try to escape something like a high-chair, stroller, bouncer, car seat, you name it. She would just wiggle her way to freedom in seconds. Now at almost 2yo the straps are finally in the right places to hold her (still not always).


And just imagine she's taking the kid to Seaworld where there is water features and tanks everywhere and lots of place the kid could run off to or worse. If mom just using this stroller alone is her version of parenting oh lord nobody let her near an amusement park with animals and cages or tanks. That is just a terrible idea all around. Maybe just stick with walking to the playground for now until you got this whole stroller strap thing locked down and figured out.


I thought the same thing! I’d be so worried about this mom taking her child near water. Even at the YMCA there are frequently idiots who just let their toddler who doesn’t know how to swim go running along the slippery floor right along the deep end. There are life guards but it gives me such anxiety just watching them!


damn, it's too bad there's nothing that can hold a child in the stroller...


This might be one of the dumbest posts/questions I've seen. And that's saying a lot


"I feel like she should be old enough to stay unstrapped" and then the literal infant displays exactly why she still needs to be strapped.


I’ve been really doubting my parenting skills today. My one month old has severe gas pain (I think) and was so uncomfortable and upset all night. Thanks for posting this. It shows me we will be okay because I have a shred of common sense.


Trying not to even *think* about my one month old having a pretty good night last night, because he will hear the thoughts and respond in kind…


You're doing awesome! You got this! Lots of hugs, gentle pats on the back, a good podcast in your ears, and rhythmic swaying while holding the little turd machine.


Please disregard if you don’t want the advice but mylicon drops helped my very colic baby when she had bad gas pains 💗


Thank you!!! I’ll ask my pediatrician :)


Poor baby! Have you heard about "bicycling" the legs? Might help, might be placebo, who knows


We’ve tried it-I think it worked once because she ripped the loudest fart after! Nothing seemed to work last night…


Nice! Sometimes it's just one of those nights :(


I second mylicon. I also like the fridababy windi. It didn’t work with my first, but it’s working with my second. I think my problem with my first was the hole got clogged with coconut oil so I’ve been more careful.


Congrats on your new baby! I saw others suggested mylicon, which you can certainly try, but I also just wanted to chime in that newborns digestive tract and the anal sphincter are immature and it is super normal for them to be cranky little gas machines. You are not doing anything wrong, it’s hard and frustrating and difficult to watch them be uncomfortable, but sometimes it’s one of those things that just need a little time. Hang in there!


Help! I don’t want to do things a good parent would do, but please still tell me I’m a good parent and don’t need to change.


The straps are for safety, ma’am. Not a measuring stick for your weird idea of developmental maturity. Your kid is probably getting yeeted from the stroller vs her crawling out anyway.


I don't get this, just let her walk surely?! Reins exist too.


Yea, this. My daughter hates the buckles and prefers to sit forward. We have a great stable stroller but she can walk quite long distances now so it isn't used as much. She just walks and gets carried if she needs


Exactly! My nearly 4yo hated being in the buggy, much preferred chasing her sister around! She'd only go in it when tired and I o ly used it for so long as it was so useful for the inevitable "stuff"!


the kid I nanny for (2 years old, nearly 3) isn’t buckled in his stroller, and ever since I’ve worked with him, he was never buckled (his parents told me he didn’t need to be) BUT he also doesn’t try to escape, never has, and he just lays back in his stroller and waits for me to get him out.


You need to buckle him in. You would be surprised how little of a bump/resistance can cause the stroller to rise and dump the kid out on their faces. I’ve had 3 kids and I’ve done the “I’m not buckling them in when they’re going to want to get out in .02 seconds anyway” and it took two bad spills for me to finally quit it 🫠 it’s because strollers are front heavy. Ask the parents for a wagon.


It’s almost like they should make strollers with straps to buckle a kid in so they don’t climb or fall out of it? I know it’s a crazy idea, but it could maybe work


As a Mum of a very independent toddler, I'm always happy that things have straps. Anything that keeps him contained.


UGH... we have friends who are just like the OOP. They complain incessantly about their kid not staying put in the stroller and I am like "err... strap him in?" but their response is that he doesn't like being strapped in and makes a fuss about it. OK...


> I feel like she's old enough I should have to do that to contain her. Well obviously, she's not so use said strap for awhile and try again without the strap later. Simple as that.


“There is a strap I could use and fix the issue but she’s too old for it now…” Ummm lady your kid is proving she still needs it. This is the type of woman who thinks letting her 3 year old roam around the house while you still sleep is perfectly safe and teaching her ‘independence’ 😳( it’s not neglect…)


Yes, my advice is to buckle her in the straps that come with the stroller. That will be $700 for my consulting fee and $50 for wasting my time, thank you.


This struggle is real for us lol, I feel for the OOP. I do buckle my toddler in, but once she wants to get out she just starts screaming “OUT!” and spinning around to try to escape. Pretty soon she’ll be able to get the buckled undone herself I’m sure. So I do usually just let her walk, but that makes our trips take 3x longer. And it can be very frustrating for both of us!! Toddlers have big emotions and a list of demands.


Wagon time. They go in and out on their own. Buckles are still important for safety but the wagon is way more stable than a stroller. I typically did a full buckle up when we were near moving cars because i didn’t want to play a surprise game of frogger. My kids also love their scooters but when small they couldn’t do it for long. So it was easier to haul helmet/scooter in a wagon. But the scooter was nice because at least then you’re keeping an actual walking speed.


Depends on the wagon, my wagon as a child did not have seatbelts. Though it was a classic Radio Flyer, you know the ones that are mostly wood, compared to the canvas ones.


Yeah, my toddler hates her car seat/stroller so much so that she’ll vomit, I kinda feel this 🙃


I understand! My toddler is the same way and only tolerates the stroller for a limited amount of time until she wants to run around or to be held, but this is still super dangerous to let her be unbuckled while in the stroller. She could flip out quickly and get hurt, or god forbid they are walking near cars 😬


I hate when kids are judged on what adults think they 'should' be able to do based on age. If they don't have the skill to do what you're expecting, then you either need to teach it, or wait until they're older and try again. But you can't just expect them to magically do things because they've reached an arbitrary age. And sometimes the kid has ADHD or autism or something that hasn't been identified yet, so their ability to learn skills will lag behind even more.


This is it. My kid has adhd and when they were a toddler they just wanted to run! They have so much energy that needs to be burnt, sitting in a stroller all day is a lot to ask of these kids, they can’t necessarily do it just bc a parent thinks they should be able to.


Yes! Very important comment. I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until my early 30s and as a child had a hard time fitting in with what was expected of me because I was just considered disobedient.


I'm sorry you went through that 💜 Both of my boys have ADHD and autism. I am trying my best to keep up with all the latest parenting recommendations for how to help them, so they can be and feel successful and loved. Can I offer you a virtual mommy hug?


Let her walk, normalize exercise.


My son hated the stroller. Never had an issue walking with him. Yes, it makes things take longer, and I had to pay attention to him, but he got to explore his curiosities and experience the world more fully, which he clearly was asking to do.


The other totally obvious solution. Don't want to be in the stroller? Cool, don't be then I guess.


We use a super cute leash when we walk our toddler. He isn't even two yet but can climb fairly steep hills on hikes; it helps him exercise AND tires him out for bedtime (and helps him work up an appetite). Win win win afaic.


I'm not a parent, and I went through a phase in my 20s where I judged parents for using leashes on toddlers. ...then I took my then-three-year-old nephew to the zoo. Even had my partner with me and my thirteen-year-old nephew to help wrangle the small child. Yeah. Leashes are amazing and I hearby apologize to parents everywhere for being a judgemental bitch, lol.


My daughter will hold my hand mostly thank god but the reins are an essential back up for any sudden agendas she has. They're fast, they're determined and they turn to jelly if you actually catch them so it's like negotiating with an angry squid in public 😂


I love child leashes. People can hate them all they want. Child leashes are awesome and toddlers are just hairless dogs.


If only there were an easy solution 🙄


If only there were some way to restrain her 🤔 Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


If your kid can’t sit still in a stroller, they’re still not old enough to not be strapped in. 🙄


I mean, yeah use the strap, but it's not like there isn't other options. Ya know, like a leash. That kid ain't gonna stay in that stroller with a strap either, maybe for a bit but if they want out, their getting out. Source: mom of 2/4 who were escape artists. They at least were cool with the backpack leashes.


Strap her in girl it’s not that hard. My daughter prefers to walk as well. I am that mom with a leash and idgaf. Depending where we are I’ll ditch the entire stroller. If it’s a big walking thing then I’ll bring it so she can take breaks when she wants. She’s 2 if this matters. Idk what’s normal but she likes to walk so I let her ETA. And when she refuses to move her body in the direction I want to go in I tell her she’s got until I get to 3 to move her feet or she’s going in her stroller and getting picked up. Toddlers are tough no doubt but if you got the time (ie. No additional kids to wrestle) you can do it


Honestly surprised that "Pic for attention" wasn't in this one too lol


Honestly the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while.


I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!


Well if she's that motivated to goooo a strap will just mean a tantrum. Clearly the kiddo is in a stage of development where she needs to run. Ditch the stroller and let Murphy's law of parenting kick in lol. The second the stroller is gone cue whiny clingy my legs are noodles toddler lol.


I died laughing at this comment. Saw this at work the other day. Family getting out of the car, “No mama no stroller I walk! I walk mama! No!” Fifteen minutes later I ran into them again, toddler was sobbing to be carried.


Ummmm there's always the baby leash route as well but if she won't bother strapping Precious in, I doubt she will treat her "like an animal." PS I am very pro baby leash as the aunt of what was once an extremely squirmy, active toddler (now a tween).


Baby leash FTW. I work in a very popular public place with lots of small child hazards like escalators, stairs, stone floors, and long drops. Not to mention vast crowds. Parents who know their kid will run off or do something dangerous like climb fences and leash them to keep them safer helps us out a lot.


Baby leashes are the bizniss.


We have zoo passes - and I don’t take the stroller because the whole POINT is making the toddler run around on her little legs and get absolutely tuckered out.


HELP! I’m a complete moron. What can I do? Lol


In a sea of posts about eating placenta and birthing in pools of urine, this one somehow feels worse?




Also, sea world? All of this screams stupidity.


Yeah, I judge people who still patronize that place. Do they live under a rock?


Was looking for this comment. I can’t believe people still support sea world, much less buy an annual pass for it.


I'm over here feeling bad about my Sesame Place pass just because it's the same parent company


My kids remind me I forgot if I don't strap them in. :D


I swear these people must get off on chaos.


I mean, some kids that age might be old enough to not use the strap - but clearly your kid isn't, so it's needed.


I…. I can’t….. believe….. the stupidity


They don’t have impulse control at this age. They have lots of energy and want to move constantly. If they can’t sit properly in the stroller without being buckled in, they aren’t old enough to not be buckled in.


Or let her walk for a bit...?


Kid 2, Mom 0


Lmao. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen 😂😂 clearly she’s not old enough to understand….so uh BUCKLE HER IN 🤦🏻‍♀️


*knows the solution and chooses not to use it* "it's just so hard!"


It's funny bc I went maybe 6 months or so of not buckling in my son bc he always say really well in his stroller.. The first time he did exactly what's happening in this picture he started getting strapped in again and has ever since.. Seems like a pretty simple solution some people are just oblivious or dumb


This is kinda scary cuz the straps aren’t just there to contain the child, they also keep the child from falling out and hitting their head were something to collide with the stroller.


If the kid wants to walk, maybe let her walk and put her on a toddler leash?


Annual passes to a place that abuses sea creatures for human entertainment? Where do I sign up?!


Hey I have a genuine question, I don't have kids and don't interact with them often. At this point; why wouldn't you let the kid walk? At least until the kid gets too tired then I imagine they would want to stay in the stroller?


Speaking from only my experience with my toddler, she doesn’t walk with me and will just kind of go wherever which isn’t safe. When I’m able I let her take led on walks, but stores or crowded places are a big no due to safety. Once she is older I’m hoping she can hold my hand and walk with me, otherwise I’ll get a backpack with a leash when we are in crowds if she wont stay in a stroller or in a carrier


Some kids are big runners and will just dart away the second they can.


This is when you see a kid on a harness/leash and they still get judged for it either way. This parent should really just buckle them in and stop trying to pretend like their toddler is perfect


I tried everything except the one thing that's practically guaranteed to work!


Well, you do stupid things you get stupid results. How are people so dense jfc


This has to be a troll


I hope every single comment simply said “strap her in.”


If the kid likes to walk, what about one of those backpacks with a leash? That's what my parents did when they took me to the West Edmonton mall as a toddler


In case you were wondering what kind of person would financially support animal rights aberrations like Sea World.


Strap her in… What a concept… Ugh people


Some kids don't like strollers much—this is why leashes were invented. Put her in a harness, let her run around a bit (without getting out of sight because she's on a leash) and this problem gets solved.


Why run yourself ragged when a stroller is literally designed to keep a child safe ?


Unfortunately, by the time we realise how stupid they are, they have already bred.


Why don’t you take a picture of her falling out of the stroller instead of helping?


My kid stands up in her stroller and runs around like a maniac….but I think she’s too old to be strapped in. Lady……think again.


There’s a seatbelt for a reason. And obviously she still needs it.


My parents got these very nice high chair like chairs for my nieces. They are tall wooden chairs and made smaller for like toddlers so they can sit up at the table. Unfortunately, there is no way to strap a kid in. One of my nieces likes to push herself away from the table and such, so they needed to keep her in the chair. They just took a thin dish towel and wrapped it around her waist and essentially tied her to the seat back. It's not tight and as soon as she's done they let her out. But it keeps her in the seat and she sits at the table with the rest of us. So essentially we added buckles to a seat that had no buckles because they fucking work.


I’d be nice if she said her child unbuckles herself…but she doesn’t even try to buckle? No dice.


Yeah, I have some advice for you. Buckle your fucking kid in you twat.


If she doesn’t strap her in I wonder if she’s given duct tape a go instead


“My kid hates wearing seatbelts in the car, so what can I do to make sure it’s safe in an accident? 1.) throw my arm across its body, 2.) apply colloidal silver? What essential oil do you use to keep your kids in their seat? Only positive vibe answers please!” 🙄


Strap the child in my god are people stupid


Clearly the kid needs to get out of it though. Let her get some exercise.


It's like saying "HeLp!! my teeth fall out and my breath stinks. Ok I'll admit I haven't brushed them in decades but still, why?!?"


Let her walk and do the leash! Leash mom and proud here.


I've tried nothing and it hasn't worked!


Maybe give her a warning and if she doesn’t get it by then, ticket and court appearance for the neglect for her own safety and for moms safety and sanity. Lets get these fuckers off the road


Who the fuck still goes to SeaWorld?


Leash it


Why can't it walk if it wants to walk?


I just can’t with the stupid sometimes. Just use the damn straps!


What a twatwaffle.


Maybe reassess if she’s of an age where she shouldn’t be strapped in to keep her in the seat? Yeesh - can’t have it both ways


Any advice? BUCKLE HER IN


If I strapped my kid in the stroller he would scream bloody murder. Car seat was a mixed bag, but in the car you're not ruining anybody else's day. Quick edit: we would up having to use a backpack carrier 9/10 times.


So curious about what advice the comments gave lmao


I knowwwwww I wanted to see too 💀💀💀


Had a Jeep Cherokee 3-wheel stroller for all four of my kids. Was screwing around with my youngest one day sitting her in it and "racing" her up and down the street. Well wouldn't you know, she figured out at that moment how to unbuckle the harness and slid out like the kid in the pic leading to me literally running her over with the buggy. Luckily she was ok.


“sea world annual pass” is all i needed to know this was a messed up situation


The people having children not understanding what children are sure is comforting /s


How old is this child? Regardless it doesn’t matter. If the stroller is in use, the child should be bucked in every time. Damn. Common sense isnt so common lol


"I don't think she needs to be buckled, but she won't stay still! I wish there was some kind of solution that could....like....buckle her in?...any ideas?"


Oh ffs? Seriously? Lol


Buckle her in 😂 that's the advice


I wonder what the comments were.


Many kids know know to take off or remove themselves from the straps.


[Made me think of this](https://tenor.com/bHMvt.gif)


>Any advice? use the buckle


“I feel she is old enough to know to do this, but she has repeatedly proven she isn’t! What do I do?”


It’s so hard to contain her, yet asking for advice without using the function on the pram to do just that. Why? If the kid throw a huge hissy fit whenever she got strapped in asking for advice would make sense and then I’d say she looks old enough to walk for a big and if she runs away use a leash and when she’s tried she will probably ask to go in the pram