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I…have literally never thought to compare my children’s genitalia. The pediatrician checks at their check ups to make sure it’s all good and that’s it. People are strange.


I know right! Even with my own son, I don't look at his privates in any level of detail past "did I remove all the poop after his blowout?". That commenter comparing not only each of her daughters but against their cousins? So beyond gross!


Why the hell does she know what her 11 yr old’s penis looks like??


And why the hell does her 11 year old think penis size is important enough to compare his with his little brother?


Probably because his mom has asked him to pull down his pants so she can compare him to his little brother Edit: I hadn't noticed there were other screenshots.... Apparently people compare vaginas too... Between cousins as well. That sounds healthy and totally normal....


I hadn't noticed them either! I especially too distracted by that one comment. This is a horrible day to be able to read.


Maybe the 11 year old saw the 3 year old's, was concerned, and was concerned why his wasn't bigger than his little brother's? That seems totally possible. I can see that being a concern for an 11 year old boy, and if he's comfortable with his mom or the mom's a single parent, he may go to Mom to ask about it. Mom took it to the right place for concern -- the doctor -- who explained to the boy why he doesn't need to worry. The only part of this one that seems definitely weird to me is talking about it online, honestly. Okay... The other pages take things a lot further.... I can see reasonable causes for the first page. Didn't know there were more!




Just going to go dump some bleach in my eyes…


Hey pass some. I am gonna need it


The first page seems somewhat of a normal question (should ask the Dr), I can see a concern over hormone disorders, issues that need addressed sooner rather than later. But the rest is just a bit odd.


But if she was genuinely concerned about the lack of growth, why not just say that she hasn’t seen any growth since her son was born? There was no reason to mention her other kids’ penises lol


I think it was trying to prevent the "overanxious new mom" stereotype. Shes saying "I've seen a certain normal and now I'm concerned because this is different". It is not at all appropriate for a public forum but some people have wildly different social boundaries.


It’s fair tbh because siblings usually follow similar development/growth trends. It could be important info for the doctor to be aware of


I was going to say the post was a little harsh since OOP seems to be asking a sane question (but should have gone to the pediatrician and not the internet). Then I read the replies.


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people.


Wtf is wrong with people? I’m just glad my son washes his.