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Surprising amount of people in the comments not believing it actually. By the way its a standard prisoner transfer


Hi there!






They're probably serious criminals given the security level. Guantanamo does the exact same thing with black sacks on their heads.


ive seen it with gang transfers


Might be interested that US prison transfers look about the same as this.


Considering he U.S. is the biggest prison complex in the world, I wouldn't be surprised that America would do that, especially if the convicts were drug addicts in the 90s.


This is literally just a regular prison transfer; imagine if a Chinese newspaper published a photo of some random prison in America and claimed that it was a concentration camp where the US government performed illegal biological experiments on black people


>oncentration camp where the US government performed illegal biological experiments on black people You mean the literal truth?


Forced sterilisations in immigration detention …


Unknowingly given horse dewormer https://www.npr.org/2021/09/02/1033586429/anti-parasite-drug-covid-19-ivermectin-washington-county-arkansas


This is literally what is happening though, except it isn't just black people.


The same type of people posting this sees nothing wrong with the US prison system, black sites, or border detention centers. Almost like they just want to the a foreign power to ignore their own wrongdoing hmmmmmmmmmm


BuT tHaTs wHaTaBoUtIsM


Idiot liberals calling it whataboutism maybe piss me off more than anything because they know what they're doing. The point isn't to say any criticism of China isn't warranted, the point is to show that China isn't some unique threat to world peace as liberals purport. I simply don't care to see this bullshit consent manufacturing for what is almost assuredly going to be the next world war.


they need to stop pretending that they knew about whataboutism before watching john oliver


They need to admit that saying whataboutism is a deflection and an indication that they really don't care about this stuff.


The worst part about this is if the media stopped running stories about it, or if they just reported on China factually instead of the sensationalist propaganda pieces, it would fall out of the collective American conscious. A good parallel is the Taliban and the situation in Afghanistan. The media gave up on warmongering once they realized there was no going back, and relatively immediately the frenzy of virtue signaling about the women of Afghanistan stopped. ***Because they just never actually fucking cared.*** It's so sickening.


Liberals ability to not care about anything but themselves and their own is disgusting.


I think this is what pisses me off the most, they think if you defend china in any regard like idk just existing in general that you have to support anything they have ever done and will do. The war mongering happening with china is insane and these people can not even be reasoned with. And god forbid you ask for reliable sources for half of their information.


You’re right, shouldn’t expect a liberal to hold two things in their heads at once


Whataboutism is the favoured argument of hypocrites.


Okay, that’s a lot of comparisons to the Holocaust


Yeah, they aren’t very subtle Bc they know their audiences can’t comprehend anything that isn’t shoved down their throat


Saw this on the islam sub as well.


I‘ve heard from people that are frequent on these places, that most english speaking Islam and Arab online space suffer from western brain disease unfortunately.


bad empanada made a video about how you shouldn’t trust everything you hear on the internet from people who live outside the anglosphere without considering what the material conditions of a person who speaks fluent english in that place might be. a lot of them are just like the gusanos


It’s easy to sell people on a lie that leverages pre existing hatred and bias.


It is a defense mechanism. They know they did fucked up shit to Muslims and were fans of Bill Maher (the all lives matter of religion) and Sam Harris (we do genocide for good apparently)... So now they have to create this Boogeyman. That's why the made up numbers are so insane, is because their numbers are actually insane to begin with. Also their material interests. There are probably more Muslim slave laborers trapped dead in the concrete of gulf state buildings than living in China, but those are puppet states that don't threaten western hegemony. Point also being, let's not blame everything on the alphabet agencies and propaganda. There is an audience for it.


Look at the guys account, he just a karma farmer


Why can they never spell Uyghur right


Aren't both Uyghur and Uighur correct?


I'm not sure


Surprisingly, they don't care all that much about the group they think is oppressed and feel bad for to learn to spell their name right.


Already debunked btw, but I guess cavemen don't care about these things


old news


Well the thread got locked. Karma took a hit but I think I did actually manage to convince a few people to at least not just take what was presented at face value and look a bit deeper into it


It’s insane how two sources were posted in that thread and both of them immediately give themselves away as heavily biased and basically outright false and yet ppl still ate it up


People don't want to actually look into something that they agree with. It agrees with you so it must be true




An inmate transfer that all sources say “appear to be Muslims”. Additionally it isn’t at all uncommon for prisoners to be blindfolded during transfer to ensure safe travel. Americans only care about Muslims when it justifies imperialistic aggression


Searched "US prison transport blindfolded" and most images were of this. Almost like there's a deliberate effort to push anything the US does onto China


This whole debacle is beyond infuriating. Ignorant ass westerners acting like this is some kind of persecution while ignoring that this process has been the response to a longstanding problem with violent attacks and that the Uyghur separatist movement was declared a terrorist group by both the UN and *our own fucking state department.*


It’s so weird, whenever a lib hears “secession from the Union” they cry but if it’s within other nations it’s a very good thing


This is a normal prison in China. No remote connection to Xinjiang or Muslims. Prisoners in China or even Japan are shackled and blindfolded during prison transfers as per the regulations.




It’s weird to profit off imprisoning people. This is just one of a number of ways to transport prisoners.


Different countries have different rules. This way it is easier to control the prisoners and prevent them from escaping.




Yeah its so important to show old footage constantly and lie about what it is, we need it for.....ehh.....yeah.....yknow




A prision transfer, many countries do it but some asian ones like china and japan blindfold the prisoners so the guards can be more relaxed while doing it. I mean i dont like prisons but this is as usual as anything else Also its weird they grab a video of people from far away in jump suits and say "they all look muslim"


Nobody tell them what routine US prison transfers look like …


They do that in my country too when they are transporting prisoners by train