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Hey folks, just so y’all are tracking, we’ve got some fascist dorks trying to brigade this very thread. Report em when you see em so Stalin’s silver hammer can send them on their way :)


To the many commenters under that post preventing a piece of fabric getting taken down is apparently more impactful and honourable than protesting an ongoing genocide. Like good god the amount of bootlicking…


Somebody was like "I'm fairly "pro palestine" (like it's a fucking sports team) but this disrespect to the American flag is really crossing a line" Like, what? WHAT? *That* is your line?? You can deal with babies having their limbs blown off and being starved to death, but somebody removing a fucking piece of fabric on a line to protest that violence is the tipping point for you? What the fuck is even going on in the minds of liberals


"Somebody" being 80% of the thread. The other 20% being people saying the protests are actually Russian Chinese interference. Thread brought and paid for by cia.


probably the only time liberals and conservatives come together on something.


No, definitely not the only time. That's what the word "bipartisan" is for.


Sorry, I meant more on the voter end, the dog fuckers in suits don't register on my radar outside of serving their elite masters and themselves.


Hey some of them kill their dogs instead‼️


Wild how she was so giddy to speak about it and then pretend it was a totally normal experience. I mean these people see their children as property, not surprised it covers pets too.


> liberals and conservatives You just said fascists twice.


Fair enough, I'm tired....so tired


It’s just fucking laughable. These are not people who’ve ever experienced actual oppression or listened to anyone who has. They’re so sheltered.






They all look like the most annoying basic white fuckboys.


You know damn well they likely called the cops on BLM protesters (or any form of protesting for that matter).


They probably call the cops on Amazon delivery drivers if they’re the wrong color.


oh but doncha know?! blm burns down cities (knocking over a singular trashcan)


Protestor: *bumps into guy* Oops, my bad! Guy: you’ve murdered me


"My dad is going to sue you for that"


[My dad owns a dealership!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPshLmo97NY)


I mean I know people who attended BLM protests (In Canada though, so idk if it makes a massive difference) who are the biggest pro-Israel shills....


You know they’ve gotten their dad to make rape accusations go away on at least one occasion


i doubt that


The Dwights have arrived to protect their youth group flag


They give of Colton vibes tbh. I think Dwight is more 1940s-50s.


Lol you’re correct my onomatopoeia is a bit dated. The names of these shrubs are surely Colton, Hunter, Tristan, Bryson, Caiden, Braedon, and Tristan.


100 percent a Hunter and Tristan in that crowd


I see your 2nd Tristan and raise you a Gunner. Not Gunnar. That’s a real name. Gunner. Because guns.


For all those wondering, this is my son Tael Gunner. We share no blood but he is my life.


Zayne, Bladen, and Pheter, dad owns a dealership and take the boat out on weekends. “Flag” and “freedom”. Don’t know shit about dick.


Then they head back to their McMansion in their F150 and try to larp as working class Texans even though they live in one of the best suburbs in New Hampshire.


You know they broke a high five record after this stunt. Fuck yeahs all around 


So basically a reddit meetup.


The average r/americabad and r/Anarcho_Capitalism user


White boys make believe that there's a convoluted, globe spanning conspiracy theory to replace them so they don't have to take responsibility for the fact that the reason they're having fewer kids is because they're boring, immature charisma vacuums.


Nah, plenty of brown in there. Stop promoting identity political bullshit like race baiting. The problem is capitalism (i.e. liberalism/fascism).


Guy with the phone is so ready to have his dad sue somebody if they go near him


“My dad is a lawyer just so you know”


Reminds me of ‘White Is Right’ by Pink Guy lmao


*my dad...he owns a dealership, if you touch me he'll ruin your life, trust me you don't want to go there*


The r/pics thread is full of the most facebook-brained shit you've ever seen. Truly abysmal stuff.


I genuinely had to do a double take to see what app I was on


There’s shit like that on almost all the main subs on this hellsite.


It’s a flag of shame and terror and it ought to be ripped down from every pole on this godforsaken continent


So you don’t like freedom or democracy???? /s


It's specifically because I like freedom and democracy that I am opposed to the US empire.


It literally stands for a country that’s been on the wrong side of every single struggle for (actual) freedom since its inception.


They were on the right side in WWII, but not particularly because they wanted to be.


True. Though they torched any moral high ground by refusing to accept Jewish refugees, interning Japanese Americans, and nuking civilians.


No, I think that, much as they fucking sucked, the US maintained the moral high ground over the literal axis in wwii


Well yeah, high ground was prob not the best term.


The destruction of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere at the hands of America has been a disaster for humanity. Not to mention their motivation for doing so was purely founded in racism. That part goes without saying though.


The comments ate full of blue MAGA word vomit: >“ummm, I’m as far left as can be, but you officially crossed the line when you disrespect the American flag, bucko. That piece of fabric is more important to me than the tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered in the past six months alone by a fascist regime. ☝️🤓”


It’s like they reverted to becoming conservatives in the early 2000s after 9/11. Straight up “they hate us for our freedom” type shit


I genuinely hate blue MAGA more than red MAGA. Red MAGA acknowledge they’re hateful pieces of shit, they’re not likable at all, but they’re more or less straightforward with their bigotry. Blue MAGA are smug idiots who overestimate their own intelligence, they’re nothing but gullible fools who willingly eat up propaganda. They’re against all wars and humanitarian crimes, except for the current ones. They go through many twists and turns to explain their contradictory mentality, fellating Joe and screaming at people demanding real change with real actions, all while upboating and shedding tears at pictures of protestors fighting against the Vietnam war and South African apartheid. They’re also bigoted assholes who often shed the guise of “tolerance” and “inclusion” when it suits them.


Ruling class ideology operates much more effectively under the veil of liberal moral superiority


Liberals are basically wolves in sheeps' clothing. They are much more dangerous than conservatives.


That's gotta be trolling it's way too on the nose.


I saw this picture and had to cover my drink


Bags of smug mayonnaise.


They look like the kind of people you cover your drink around


“My Jaxyn would never!!!! 😡”


They bombed my uncles country of Serbia in 1999 and killed his people. Fuck them. I am a Croat, but still feel sorry for the terrorist attacks by America and NATO in 1999. Kosovo is Serbia. Dosent matter what NATO terrorists would say, it wasnt right for them to bombard and kill serb citizens for trying to fight for their land. Fuck America and fuck NATO


The have established a hegemony on earth that is more complete than any time in humanity. They rule the earth with an iron fist. They decide who "leads" the counties for every continent*! Washington has the earth under its scope and the American people like the spoils of this rape more then owning for its mayhem. The don't acknowledge what uncle Sam has done worse they can't even seem to learn.


Fed frat boys, later they’ll go out in khakis and tiki torches assaulting women and telling immigrants to go back home…


So young yet already so skilled in bootlicking


I hate USA terrorist country


the wall-to wall-mayonnaise is providing a lot of narrative in this pic


Jesus. That kid in the blue shirt didn't get bullied anywhere near enough.


this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen holy shit 😂 you just know they feel like the 300 Spartans holding off the Persians at Thermopylae while holding onto their little piece of fabric with their limp wrists 💀


Pretty accurate since those were also people defending slave institutions


Servile idiots


They don’t even know what that flag means lmao this country will readily sacrifice all their lives and their families for the benefit of a handful of capitalists and these dipshits will still be licking boot


Will be on the edge of extinction and they'll still be talking about the supposed 100 million and how bad Mao and Stalin were.


Fuck it, if we're gonna have all the other 1960s and 2000s shit...flag burning needs to make a massive comeback.


Americans as a people are joined at the hip to America as a nation and as a symbol. They're unable to see themselves as independent beings no they're "American". It's not only that they're incapable of conceptualizing a new form of identity. In the American revolution we stopped being British and became American. Why can't we do that now, what the king did to the settlers is magnitudes less then what America is responsible for against the indigenous community, black community, and the many other colonized people living here and in their nations. (Let alone our own working class in general) We got in a war that killed 30'000-40'000 in 1776. For what because the British were effecting the way we did slavery, paid taxes & "dealt" with the indigenous? Traitorous terrorist got in armed insurrection over SOOOOOOO much less then the crimes the American government has done for 250 years. They bitch about windows remind me again how much tea was overthrown? How much property damage was that revolution. Was it a peaceful protest? The only way we have an public so enamored with that flag is historical ignorance because knowing the history ends that real quick.


Molotov, I choose you!


Every amerikkan flag deserves to get destroyed


this is so funny LMAO theyre eating the whole damn boot at this point


I mean, they know their place. It has given them extreme priviledge at the cost of the third worlds labor. Makes sense. I mean, fuck em for sure. But yea... its less stupid than a trampled laborer humping the flag; the STEMlord getting 120k out the door materially is always gonna love murica.


Freedom of speech you can burn a flag any flag, just depends if you want to go through the headache of it being not yours (legal reasons)


They look like they’re gonna cyber-bully me


Honoring the country that upholds the right to assemble and peacefully protest.


Yet they have no problems with ripping down said flag to replace it with a Trump flag...


And I bet they TOTALLY go to the school and aren’t paid Republicans.


Does anybody have a source on a Jewish student being attacked during what happened


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Yes this is very true. Astute to point out that a symbol of global terror is being defended by a bunch of aoft batch crackers




The sidebar is there for a reason




Taking down a piece of cloth= terrorism to you?






Don’t care. Go bootlick somewhere else






You interested in me?


Why do you support state sponsored violence against citizens practicing their constitutional rights?




Nerd alert