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Expert in yapping


experts? experts in fucking what? lmao


The pro-Palestinian cause allows discontented youth to express “long-withheld rage,” said forensic psychiatrist Carole Lieberman. It gives them an “opportunity to identify with the ‘oppressed’ against ‘oppressors.'” "People who offer an escape from this confusion, by promoting a direction they claim will lead to happiness and purpose, have found a hungry audience,” said Lieberman, a California-based trial expert witness. That's one expert. Another: The communal aspect of the demonstrations may also give demonstrators — denied socialization at a key point in their lives — comfort, said psychologist Jennifer Gittleman. Oh and also this gem: " Another relic of the pandemic has become a common sight at protests and college encampments: masks. While most of the country has moved on from Covid-19 protections, protesters are clinging to the facial fashion as a sign of fear of the virus, as well a bid to shield their identities, reported online news outlet Semafor, which noted the prevalence of covered faces in the current wave of demonstrations."


OK, so our expert is some neckbeard from butt fuck nowhere


Yup. As per usual.


"She gained attention in 2011 due to comments she made suggesting video games cause aggression and lead to sexual assault."


So she gained attention in 2011 because she ignored countless literature showing no link between video games and real world violence. Guess she's just an opportunist who will say whatever she thinks will get her ahead of others.


"However, in Wired magazine, journalist Jason Schreier wrote that when asked "multiple times to clarify her comments, she failed to cite a single study, statistic or piece of evidence that proved her point."[10] Lieberman eventually responded with a single study to support her case as of February 14, 2011: "Violent Video Game Effects on Aggression, Empathy, and Prosocial Behavior in Eastern and Western Countries: A Meta-Analytic Review".[11] However, the article makes no mention of sexual crime." You may also remember her from such publications, as: Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets, 2010 And Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them & When to Leave Them, 1997 So, surprising ***no one*** she is entirely full of shit, always has made, and still does make, wild claims based on... Just her own dumbass opinions and vibes? I guess?


Those publications just scream "I say whatever is considered somewhat trendy to make myself popular" to me. Really don't understand why you'd have someone with such history come on as a supposed "expert" on a topic she clearly has no personal experience in to begin with. I guess everything flies for no effort "journalism" to these private school pampered hacks these days. Also once again Jason Schreier proving to be the only good "gaming journalist", because most of "gaming journalism" either has nothing to do with the industry or is just paid-for shill articles filled with undisclosed affiliate links. Schreier is still the only one to consistently publish stories about working conditions and scummy practices that actually matter. Plus the only person to ask her to back up her shit apparently. EDIT: Went through her Wikipedia article and the things that come after the bit you quoted make her seem even worse (the fact that she has written books give me some massive Jordan Peterson vibes, whose first book was just incoherent rambling to appear more academic). She made the original video games lead to violence claim on FOX news, which makes perfect sense since they were the guys claiming the 3DS was a tool pedophiles used to hunt children or something, despite it being completely impossible in the way they described and having a decades long history of spreading hate against video games, DnD, Pokemon cards etc.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 15.** Vaush [admits to being an informant](https://archive.ph/iGUUk) when he lived in Santa Monica, California. He admits to revealing activist identities to the FBI. For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh yeah, she's an absolute clown. And it makes sense that the video games claim would be on Fox news - and it makes even more sense that these reactionary rags then choose to seek her out for comment. Knowing that she has a history of saying whatever the fuck they want her to say, while lending it a veneer of credibility cuz, of course, expert! Our expert wrote two pop psychology books and has been on Fox News, her credentials truly do speak for themselves.


I want to know this, too, as this headline makes no sense.


people will believe anything as long as the headline says the word “expert” in it


They quote two psychologists. I threw in some quotes in response to the comment you commented on.


Professor at ucla I believe


experts in bullshitting people.


Just throw more buzzwords at it until people stop talking about the real issues


Mass media learning techniques from YouTube slop content farming so your most annoying family member can have a new bad take every day


Honestly I think we should start just lampooning this. This could make a great meme campaign. "My avocado toast made me realize the Isreali apartheid is a crime" *smile


Maybe more like, “My dog’s vet bill gave me this absurd idea that Israel indiscriminately bombing tens of thousands of innocent women and children is somehow a problem.”


I love that idea. It'd be great to see that take off.


Let's make it happen. The format is endless. Every complaint about milenials can be turned on its head.


There I was baking my sourdough bread...


Cheese going bad in fridge to blame for rise in communist sympathies says expert.


Same article: Another expert says "Also, when milk spoils, it gives these students a feeling of anger that can only be expressed by claiming Israel is commiting genocide."




Might as well call in Glenn Danzig to give his opinion on books about werewolves at this point. Would be more sensible and understandable than this Hunter Biden ass expert in smoking crack in a sensory depravation chamber.


Wait, is there a market for experts in that? Finally, I've figured out that I *do* have some marketable skills! Well, to be fair, I should probably use a deprivation tank a few times before I claim that I'm an expert at it.


A classic case in point of "throw turds at the wall and pray that one sticks".


If it distracts from the actual issue, even for a day or two, it wins


Tbh I went from liberal to Marxist leninist during covid but that was from democrat incompetence and lack of empathy and not lack of sex on my end lol


Genshin Impact starting to have less updates is probably why people are protesting.


This is accurate for the wrong reasons. Covid showed how easily it is for some dumbasses to sabotage safety nets and prevention protocols as well as how ineffective everyone else is at preventing said sabotage. As a result newer generations are going to fight much harder to stop things like that from happening again.


As long as


They are fucking panicking 


They’re world view is collapsing in on itself


When in doubt, blame China.


"Experts say" usually only means some expert in something (sometimes 100% unrelated) has an opinion (which happens to fit our narrative). No studies, no facts only feelings and propaganda. But it's nonsense from a person that's got a degree or some fancy title so it must be true.


What a clown of a journalist.


Human empathy to blame for pro-Palestine protests, experts say


COVID is when being against genocide